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Was Nicholas Berg Executed by the CIA?

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posted on May, 23 2004 @ 02:48 PM
Letter of a Non-American (french), non exhaustive summary of the strange facts,

Who ask himself the question why, Nick, was in American�s jails a few days before he died and for witch obscure reason did he become a �terrorist-prisoner� of Americans? Nothing is clear in his arrest by Iraqi police. The chef of the police in Iraq is the same for Iraqis and Americans their!

Why was he slackened (got free) by the army without reason, process or excuse, as he was said lost?

Why did the terrorists have strangely chosen internet to show it, when it doesn�t allow to verify any faking? Where is the tape?

Why is he set on a chair which �very exactly same� model was photographed at Abu-Ghraib prison?

Why do the yellow wall, the floor, his prisoner-clothes look all the same in Abu-Ghraib prison?

Why do we hear american�s spokes in back-sounds with English and Russian accents?

Why the terrorists do looks tall, fat, and white (hands), (someone called them the sStoogies) and wouldn�t have Arabic accent?

Why do a zoom cut the scene where he is projected on the floor, then menaced with a cut (4 or 5 frame only) posed on his neck (yes, only!), his hair pulled �zoom- and the barbarity begins?

Why doesn�t he struggle while yelling, once the sound is harmonised with the video (he moves a little because he is moved by the man in his back)?

Why do some doctors say blood doesn�t flow like that when a jugular is cut on a living man?

Why do CNN specialists of Zarkaoui say it is not his voice, not his prosthesis (no prosthesis at all), not his method, not his way of thinking, but CIA say so?

Why do the chef affirm he is Zarkaoui and tell it without any problem in front of polices of the world, but is completely masked?

Why do he read is letter with no real conviction, passion or anger and terrorists cries of believers to god (halla huakbah) seem more like tired but obedient foot ball supporter�s cry? I thought they were in a French church!!

Why do, since the body was found, nobody made autopsy?

Why do French don�t care about so strange things (we don�t want to die!!)?

The face of Nick is over contrasted, saturated, coloured. I first thought it was a montage (I've never believe in that movie) but I think only the colour of his face was change, so that, his face looks pinkie-orange and the skin of the terrorists, white-grey. The light on his face is not natural in order to show a difference between his skin and the bad ones.

Some people also claim that the terrorist wear bullet proof gillets of CIA members. I can�t verified this by my own.

An other strange thing is that the CIA or Pentagon hasn�t work on that video and dont comment it anymore and have stop to speak about even to know more about anything you want. It remains me the recent rocketing on Palestinian demonstrators that have definitely stoped all manifestation, demonstration in Palestinia against the final solution practiced on Palestinians for 60 years ago.

What terrorists say is too much a dialog of Satanists, of antichrist. It�s not normal for people who claim they act for Muslims and Arabs. Some ideas in the text the chef read are really not Muslim�s ones but Satanist ones that a Muslim don�t care! Why do that text glorifie America so much and discredit Islam fanatics so well?

What is that ring on a terrorist�s finger, isn�t it forbidden to wear jewels or expensive things for a fanatic Muslim.

I have to say I heard this : -How openly ba(tic), bad(tic)- sure- how we go..."
I heard also English words at 4:56 -hem� in- or -held him- and at 4:58 -over-. Do someone olso hear that? Please answer, thanks.

Someone should ask Stanley Kubrick about that movie. He'd say this is a big step for humanity! Do every one know he confessed, ten years ago, the movie of Armstrong walking on the moon was made on earth by himself and dead-friends in stupid accidents!!

The theory is that it was made to make the world vomit and vomit again cursing Iraqis for their anti-Christianity (antichrist symbol) and barbary. The text is suspect, too sharpened to be free (frank), too demonstrative of insanity, of antichristy, of greatness of Freedom and America, but not passionate) Nick Berg knew something that gave him the first part he didn�t suspect, as he was asked to take part to that �show� to get free. It is his head witch is taken off and exhibited, but on his dead body. He was filmed on his own free in front false-terrorists, if it�s not a montage, witch change nothing. We see the cut cutting him for the first time after the zoom (4:39 to 4:43). Look well, it�s the first real cutting of his throat, not before at all! At 4:43, he is in another position, dead, yelling, moving only because of the man behind him and his head is cut off. The army needed an �exemplary�, �confident�, victim. There are still some 40 persons who have disappeared like him in Iraq.

I don�t believe George Bush Administration is not in the secret. It is impossible. Even the French president in 1984 or 5 or 3, Mitterrand, knew about the 2 French secret agents that destroyed the Rainbow Warrior of Green peace, killing 2 persons.
He knows it and does with, it's a strategy of disinformation to war more and win the petrol Iraqis have no more... that make America have a big economic development. Iraq was much more a democracy, a developed country under saddam. It wasn�t a real democracy of course, but was it more than today, now that they are starving in their rusted and destroyed country.
I have to say that American people looks �stupid� in the mind of the world. Every one is against the method of that war, make it know, but Bush's administration sit on it and make money. Really, the world thinks America is mistaken by its government and dont understand how, because it is so huge and visible...

Good luck America! Stop the bicycle-man strategy! He�s destroying the planet with his lies, pollution and murders (of war), for so many reasons every body sees but you, American people we like to know uncensored!! Wake up! Please! For humans! And you!!!!

[Edited on 28/5/2004 by Alchy]

posted on May, 23 2004 @ 10:23 PM

Originally posted by Alchy
Who ask himself the question why, Nick, was in American�s jails a few days before he died and for witch dark reason did he become a �terrorist-prisoner� of Americans? Nothing is clear in his arrest by Iraqi police. The chef of the police in Iraq is the same for Iraqis or Americans their!

He was supposedly arrested for one of two reasons (depending on whom you listen to): (a) he was a suspect because he allowed a compatriot of Zarkoui (sp) to use his laptop/internet acct. which Zarkoui eventually used again some time later. (b) special forces ran into him somewhere, and determined he was in great danger, and held him 'for his own safety'.

Why was he slackened (got free) by the army without reason, process or excuse, as he was said lost?

I saw a report on Headline News that said Berg's parents had pressed charges against the gov't for holding their son without good reason. Eventually because of this he was released.

Why did the terrorists have strangely chosen internet to show it, when it doesn�t allow to verify any faking? Where is the tape?

If it was made by terrorists, they would post it on the internet to ensure that the public would see it, without the buffer and possible containment of the U.S. gov't.

Why doesn�t he struggle while yelling, once the sound is harmonised with the video (he moves a little because he is moved by the man in his back)?

That is an excellent question, one of the few troubling things about the tape that don't make sense.

Why do some doctors say blood doesn�t flow like that when a jugular is cut on a living man?

That makes sense as well. I'd imagine blood would rush (spray, even) from the neck, immediately during and after the cutting. It would have gotten everywhere and on everything.

Why do CNN specialists of Zarkaoui say it is not his voice, not his prosthesis (no prosthesis at all) but CIA say so?

I am not sure how CNN's equipment compares to that of the CIA, but I'm fairly certain that the CIA is better equipped to handle such a determination.

Why do, since the body was found, nobody made autopsy?

Why is the body still in Iraq?

Of course, the reason for there not being an autopsy, was that the cause of death was apparently obvious-- Army medics have far more business to take care of.

The body is no longer in Iraq, it was shipped back to Pennsylvania to be returned to the parents.

The face of Nick is over contrasted, saturated. I first thought it was a montage (I've never believe in that movie) but i think only the colour of his face was change, so that, his face looks pinkie-orange and the skin of the terrorists, white-grey. The light on his face is not natural in order to show a difference between his skin and the bad ones.

Personally, that was the first thing I'd noticed when I watched the tape. When I watched it, I noticed that it looked almost like Berg's head was superimposed (for lack of a better description), as if it had been tampered with or otherwise edited.

Someone should ask Stanley Kubrick about that movie. He'd say this is a big step for humanity! Do every one know he confessed, ten years ago, the movie of Armstrong walking on the moon was made on earth by himself and dead-friends in stupid accidents!!

Hell no I had never heard that! I did hear the rumor that the moon landing was staged, but never that Kubrick had anything to do with it, or that he'd admitted to such a thing. Please elaborate, and if you have some sort of proof, that'd help as well...

[Edited on 2004523 by Cappa]

posted on May, 24 2004 @ 10:50 AM

Originally posted by Cappa

Originally posted by Alchy

Of course I might be wrong.

For Kubrick, it is known all over the world. I saw him speaking on tv last day about it (in france) and his answer is that it doesn't mean Armstrong wasn't on the moon.

This is only a summary of the reasons it would be a false video.

I have the same bright clean chair at home!

I do think that Chalabi is gonna be accuse of having done it to discretit Ameria. But it would be strange.
Making no autopsy isn't normal. It doesn't exist in democracy. Now, we can't say when he died!

I say : Warn

I hope the censorship is not in all America. This is not a proof of democraty. This is also the feeling of other countries. I have to tell it, this is information and friendship. But I might not understand everything of it as it's not done in the old europ. Strange feeling, that american cencorship...

A lot of contries also think american people is mistaken by its gouvernement. Why? Can someone explain me?

[Edited on 28/5/2004 by Alchy]

posted on May, 24 2004 @ 11:59 AM

Originally posted by Alchy
For Kubrick, it is known all over the world. I saw him speaking on tv last day about it (in france) and his answer is that it doesn't mean Armstrong wasn't on the moon.

Yeah, thats the first time I'd heard about it. For Kubrick to simply go on French TV and claim that he directed/created the video would be a stunning revelation-- I'm sure it would be posted somewhere on the internet if it were, in fact, true.

Making no autopsy isn't normal. It doesn't exist in democracy. Now, we can't say when he died!

Friend, I'm telling you that, under Berg's circumstance, the lack of an autopsy would not be regarded as that strange. It would be explained away in much the same way I'd explained it before-- with the same reasoning; "our Army Medics don't have the time," "We can all see how he died," "the time of death, in lieu of the circumstances is not necessary enough to cause further pain and anguish to the Berg family," yadda yadda yadda...

I'm not saying its right, but this is how it would be explained away.

What does warn mean, that I'm open mind?

I'm sorry but I don't know what you're referring to. Please explain.

I hope the sensorship is not in all America. This is not a proof of democraty. This is also the feeling of other countries. I have to tell it, this is information and friendship. But I might not understand everything of it as it's not done in the old europ. Strange feeling.

As has been said before, in other threads, there are many other countries with more freedoms than America. There are many things you can do in other countries that you cannot do here, which don't weigh that heavily on those countries' aspects of crime and moral ethics.

It appears that underneath the surface (on the surface being the idea of an open society, freedom of speach and non censorship), there is the lingering ability the gov't holds to silence those who seem to threaten the foundations of our American society. So many assassinations have been rumored to be linked to their supposed threat to society here, like Martin Luther King, Malcom X, John F. Kennedy, and people who aren't nearly as popular though they attempted to reveal something they deemed as 'the truth' about the gov't and operations.

And this doesn't even include the uncountable times that some gov't official has placed a call to a newspaper, or news channel and requested that a story not be run or reported. This has been done, perhaps many more times than we know, and for what reasons, that we do not know either.

A lot of contries also think american people is mistaken by its gouvernement. Why? Can someone explain me?

A lot of Americans think we're 'mistaken' by our government. The problem lies in two factors: the evidence, and the ability to regain power back from the gov't. Even if a lot of people didn't believe the 'magic bullet theory' or a myriad of other things that defy basic logic and knowledge, what would we do then? How would we go about taking our power back? It would take revolution-- and most people aren't prepared for such a thing.

[Edited on 2004524 by Cappa]

posted on May, 25 2004 @ 03:51 AM
"He was supposedly arrested for one of two reasons (depending on whom you listen to): (a) he was a suspect because he allowed a compatriot of Zarkoui (sp) to use his laptop/internet acct. which Zarkoui eventually used again some time later. (b) special forces ran into him somewhere, and determined he was in great danger, and held him 'for his own safety'."

This is simple, the compatriot of Zarkaoui is Zakarias Moussaoui (cool!!). He�s Marocan. He was said to be implicate in the 11-9 but was relaxed and have a normal life I don�t know where. I just say strange. I will translate of French articles what is said on.

"I saw a report on Headline News that said Berg's parents had pressed charges against the gov't for holding their son without good reason. Eventually because of this he was released."

I will translate other articles and send the links (in French, but google can translate).

"If it was made by terrorists, they would post it on the internet to ensure that the public would see it, without the buffer and possible containment of the U.S. gov't."

It�s said that the .mov was first edited on a terrorist (of Alqaida) web site that have closed (or only the move). The chef on the video who speak well arab might be of both parts if the video is false. Will surch more.

"That is an excellent question, one of the few troubling things about the tape that don't make sense."

I trust what is seen.

"I am not sure how CNN's equipment compares to that of the CIA, but I'm fairly certain that the CIA is better equipped to handle such a determination."

Not only CNN. Other specialists said so. I don�t think CNN and other medias want to lie, they are journalists and well informed as well. I�ll surch more about.

"Of course, the reason for there not being an autopsy, was that the cause of death was apparently obvious-- Army medics have far more business to take care of.
The body is no longer in Iraq, it was shipped back to Pennsylvania to be returned to the parents."

I saw it arrived on a Wednesday (witch one?). But is it a proof for one to tell the day of death, in france autopsies can be verified on demand and many things must be tell to journalists, like the day, hour, drugs, DNA find on sometimes, traces of anything find on�

"Personally, that was the first thing I'd noticed when I watched the tape. When I watched it, I noticed that it looked almost like Berg's head was superimposed (for lack of a better description), as if it had been tampered with or otherwise edited."

But nobody talk about it??? Too subversive?

"Hell no I had never heard that! I did hear the rumor that the moon landing was staged, but never that Kubrick had anything to do with it, or that he'd admitted to such a thing. Please elaborate, and if you have some sort of proof, that'd help as well..."

The debate still exist. What would the world think about? It�s too dangerous for America. Now we �officially� know it in france, I�ll surch for the summary of the documentary (we see cuts of the movie with normaly walking people on the moon, the matter of shadows explained, and Kubrick that say friends of him working on that film died (we learn how) and that many things should seem strange to anyone). He doesn�t say his movie was projected at the time Armstrong walked on the moon, but don�t deny because his montages are protected by authors rights and are the same used one the movie and on 2001 and others. His real and final answer is that it doesn�t mean man wasn�t on the moon. American censorship is very intelligent, but doesn�t resist to men such as Kubrick or Mickael Moore that talks and protects them-selves.


[Edited on 25/5/2004 by Alchy]

posted on May, 25 2004 @ 08:18 PM
Could one say that if the text the terrorist read was made by CIA or Pentagon?

The praise of Allah for all Muslims with his support and the humiliating of those who attempt to defeat Islam and who attack it and who entice the unbelievers with their cunning.

The one that appreciated the days countries with its justice and the prayer and the greeting on from above the Islam lighthouse by its sword as for after :

The Islamic nation (not going to like Islam or hate terrorist at first!!)

You rejoice at the first signs of the dawn that have started that have granted the wind of triumph. Allah was benevolent to us in Al Fallujah, granting us victory (1 victory that means! No fear!)

On one of the days of Allah and that was known to Allah alone

The Islamic nation

Does any excuse for waiting remain? How the free Muslim sleeps, with his eyelids closed.

And he sees that Islam is slaughtered and can be seen bleeding its dignity

And the shameful pictures and the news of the evil humiliation of the Islam people men and women in Ghareb 's father prison then where the jealousy and where the zeal and where the anger about the Allah's religion and where the jealousy for the Muslims sanctities and where the revenge for the honours of Muslims and Muslims is in the crosses prisons . (Absurd! who ever talk about jealousy, nobody since the beginning, not understanding or not liking may be, but no jealousy! It is clear for every body : can�t understand this at all. We�re also said the only saints are in prisons, great! thank you Geoge! What would happened without you?!!)

As for you are the Islam clerics then to Allah we complain about you, you see that Allah have founded the argument on you by the Islam young man who humiliated the strongest force in the date (he was hoaxed!) then broke its nose and destroyed its pride (an other good reason not to be a terrorist, if clerk has to break an helicopter too! I understand the new indignation of Jordan and others, it makes new agrees with America thank to that sentence)

We came to you that you learn from them the reliance meanings and derive from their doing the lessons of sacrifice and redemption to when you remain as the women you master only the slapping language and know only the way of wail and weeping (Yes he do say women are inferiors, he attacks every one and Nick was also Jewish!)

Then this appeals the world freemen and this it begs Kofi Annan and a third begs Amr Moussa and fourth he demands peaceful demonstrations and as if they did not hear to his saying - O you the prophet incited the believers to the fight- (still attacking every body and nice people, what a big anger!!!!)

You were fed up with the fight of the conferences and the oratorical battles ohm came to you that you take the jihad way and carry the sword that sent by it the prophets master (Building peace is well attacked too and he says all peace argues get to his war : no peace argue, no terrorism, no war!)

And we beg from you that you do not be involved as usual in the denial of what will do it satisfaction of the Americans (Understand you have to be with the coalition to be not a terrorist)

He has ordered the prophet - peace be upon him - and he is master the merciful are with the slitting of the necks of some prisoners and their slow killing (Mercifull is : being killed by American. We will forgive the death with that affirmation!...)

And for us it is an example and a good example (they don�t know what to say in that CIA!)

As for you, the Roman dog Bush (very basic but bad insult in Arabic countries, that�s a real signature!), I hope you are displeased and we wait for you with God's Help tough days (tough days� so it is only the fault of terrorist as he says) and you and your soldiers today who tred Iraq's land will regret it. (We�re still waiting for you, masked man!)

And she dared in it to the Muslims fever (that�s it, all Muslims are the same and all behind Iraq!?!?)

And another message to traitor Pervez Musharraf then we say to him that we in wait for your meeting with your soldiers (Who is he? An other Chalabi?)

We demand of the American and will take revenge for the blood of our brothers in and Iraq and elsewhere (not too late!)

And as for you and the Americans soldiers wife then we say that we offered to the American administration this prisoner (Nick Berg, arrested by Iraqi police, prisoner of American and beheaded by terrorists) in exchange for some of the prisoners in Abu Ghareb prison but they refused (1 dead for 10 very bad prisoners is the quota of the army? I thought they had no scruple at all in the army. So this refuse of exchange is democratic. We understand better strange things that are made to protect us!!)

Then we say but if the dignity of Muslims and Muslims in Abu Ghareb prison and others is worth their blood and souls we tell you to know that the coffins will arrive to you one coffin after another, as your people are slaughtered in this way......... (Much more known tortures and no coffin! He is a nice boy finally!)

Then you kill the polytheists where you find them and you take them and count them and place them where they can be seen. (Liar, we don�t see your prisoner at all, George! We are hoaxed!)

Allah is the greatest and the honour to Allah and to its messenger and to the militants

And our last claim is that the praise of Allah is the Lord of the Worlds (It means to get away Muslims that are not formatted??!! Or just terrorists!?! Huuum!!)


posted on May, 25 2004 @ 10:30 PM
was he working for the cia and trying to infiltrate the terrorists?

i saw that chair in all ther mid east when i was there in the 80's

posted on May, 25 2004 @ 10:47 PM
Has no one here seen the movie "Point of No Return"? This would be so easy for the gov't to do (the "assasination"). UGH! I wish there were people who lived closer to me so I could debate this in "real time"! (I HATE having only dial-up access to the internet!)

Originally posted by AD5673
I REALLY doubt the CIA killed Berg. I do not see a reson for them to, or do I......


posted on May, 25 2004 @ 11:06 PM
I think that Berg was exicuted by the feds. It makes sence, I mean, he knew things the government didn't want him to know in fear of secrets getting out about Iraq and the whole USA-shaped New World Order thing.

posted on May, 25 2004 @ 11:36 PM
I think Alchy is on to something! It is defininetly just as likely to have been filmed by Stanley Kubrick, as it is to be a fake.
Oh wait, Kubrick died in 1999. Well, I guess that, and the fact that other than the English voices (which sound suspiciously like arabic) there is no real evidence, means it must be real.

posted on May, 26 2004 @ 01:01 AM
Treachery and Treason--check out the capability of CIA mentality

At the bottom of the latest post is a URL for unknown news. Click on and observe a sequence of documents (links) that will guide the reader through criminal capability and treason on the part of the Intelligence Community in war time.

John McCarthy
Chairman of The Board of VERPA
Veterans Equal Rights Protection Advocacy
Email: [email protected]

posted on May, 27 2004 @ 09:56 AM
Strange idea to say Kubrick would have made the movie of Nick. I saw the dates of his interviews and they were 10 years old at least (some were more than 20) and had already been diffused, so it might be on the net.

It can be very interesting to imagine the story that might happened if supposed facts were right. Of course, no conclusions can be made by anyone, only suppositions. American friends of mine do not understand such a method of thinking. It seems to them that it�s not respectful to Administrations works. But after all, nothing proves that obscure things Pentagon don�t tell (and they really don�t talk about it or don�t evocate a fake at all!) are not hoaxes. Can we trust things that are not evocated by Powers in any countries, especially in democracies? Common sense only!!!
In France, nobody would be surprised if that video was a fake, but in fact, nobody cares about or don�t know the polemic about it. But in Spain, much people doubt (see their Blogs). But, journalists are more and more convinced there is something very strange about the war itself and what is said or proved to legitimate it.

So, my supposition is :
Nick was told to take part in a fake movie, and did it to get free, or was he not really in jail as the army says, actually? That movie and what the chef says really legitimates the war, give a very bad opinion about terrorism and evocate the greatness of America and Freedom. In a war we know that people are to be killed, and as for the d�barquement of 44 in Normandie where many people (soldiers and civilians) have been killed (by English and French) to mistaken the nazis about the place of the d�barquement, he might have been killed too, may be because of a tragedy that happened or because of a secret he knew about Abu Gha�b or anything else to protect some isolated-people-acts or military acts, and so, the war. Was he to say things about Abu-Gra�b or about something he saw? We will never know� That beheaded might have served as pretexts of warring more against the terror and have protected that war from a secret.
But I still say that everything was made not to discover the people under the masks, and we really can�t affirm the chef is Zarkaoui, but seems only Arab. We also can�t affirm the movie is not voice-dubbing. We can�t affirm nothing about those terrorists that journalists didn�t know or ever seen, even if masked (height, shape, skin, clothes, voices�). And specialised journalists of Zarkaoui also say this is not his method. There are too many doubts that can�t be answered about that movie and still no answer from Pentagon�s investigation and no investigation about a fake. Where is that rabbit?

I really hope this was not a fake. I told what it would mean for some people, especially in france. But so many things are so strange and obscure about that story, and still no real answer or interest (for a Fake) from Pentagon� A feeling of disgust of the world can�t explain there is no investigation because of a �don�t want people to think about and be chocked anymore�. No? This is no respect for the truth we all deserve.

The silence of the Pentagon can be explained so, if the army made it. Politic of silence is something we hate in France, we never trust in it and it can�t be trust at all, anywhere, particularly in a democratic-like war for democracy!!

posted on May, 27 2004 @ 10:46 AM
Bonjour Alchy,

I have a quick question for you.

If the Berg beheading video is a fake, then why hasn't there been an official inquiry by the French government? It is obvious that Chirac and Raffarin do not believe in the war in Iraq and are no friends of the Bush administration, so I wouldn't think that they would pass up such a great opportunity to embarrass the Americans.

Now granted, the U.S. was one of the only countries to remain quiet during the whole Rainbow Warrior fiasco, but that was a long time ago, and I can't imagine that France is repaying that favor.

If the berg beheading video is a fake, the only reason I could possibly think there would be for France to keep quiet about it, would be in return for the Americans not pursuing French complicity in the Oil for Food scandal.

What do you think?


posted on May, 27 2004 @ 07:30 PM
This beheaded is a matter of American people, not of Spain, England, Morocco, Italia, Poland, Israel, Monaco, Saint-p�teux du trou du cul du monde� or France. It is a national mater. Some journalists work on it (I know it now, just today), but about the French or other inteligecia inquiry, we can�t know (logic of demagogy). If ever the real proof was found, it would be said. Nowadays nothing can be affirmed, so, it is not to other countries to tell about a rumour that could kill the relationship and be very dangerous to anybody and make a big crisis.

It appeared that US government was not so unhappy to know that Greenpeace was attacked. They are enemies of all polluting and killing poor little animals countries and maybe America first because of its big industry that use 1/3 of the world oil (of course, America products for many countries but still sit on the Kyoto �consent�). Green peace attacks more America than other countries.
Super-liar, heu!, Jack Chirac and the sleepy nothing doing ejected but slill here bear, oups!, John-Peter Raffarin are against the method used to do that war and think it is made for mister-bicycle oil lobby that is the biger on earth (Ben Laden was a big �member-like�). United Nation have been put away from Iraq (by who, I wonder) and there is nothing to do their but humanitarian relieves that can�t be well done due to the situation that is still an embargo with no one able to work if not accepted by the coalition (the army actually) and we can�t say a lot of people were able to work their (Yes, Nick! Who tried hardly to be accepted to reconstruct Iraq like many others).

I don�t know what you mean by �French complicity� in the Oil for Food �scandal�. If you can explain me! In France it appeared more like a steal of Iraqi petrol by only one country that gives it to friends, but not to china (because communist?) There may be something I and French don�t know as it, but in other words or idea, I don�t know. Sometime politic translations are stupid and wrong: yesterday I heard George Bush (we call him W) saying he and Chirac founded an agree to continue the war but Chichi said they have find a base on beginning to talk about the future of Iraq... This is not the same at all. Did Bush say that so to America? Politics!!!!

[Edited on 28/5/2004 by Alchy]

posted on May, 28 2004 @ 04:00 PM
See What I�ve discover!

13 :45 :59 During that second exactly, he is pulled back by the man who hold his harms, and the one who hold his legs, hold his legs under his knees wich are maintained on the floor in order not to move. This give an impression of a �pelvis-move�. Some pictures are missing in that second and have been put forward to give an impression of a natural quick �pelvis move� of struggle. Look at the number 9 in the hour. It also have a change I don�t know why.
14:46:00 We can hear in a non American accent : �Ok!�. Because the shot was good and the scene could continue.

Could you verify it also?

I am sure you can ear other English words from the cameramen. Try!

Please can you tell me if English worlds are also said and what they are, at :
13 : 46 : 11 �Hell him�
13 : 46 : 12 �over�
13 : 46 : 13 strange relaxed words of the a cameraman �com� on ��.�, Do you ear those English masked worlds?
13:46:02-03 ; 13:46:04-05 ; 13:46:06-07 �Allha Oakbah� in a strange �may be�English�� accent, the last may be not Allha Oakbah�

[Edited on 29/5/2004 by Alchy]


posted on Jan, 12 2006 @ 01:06 PM
Ok here goes.. and please wait until the end before you start debunking my opinion..
1. Fact - CIA agents are trained to speak alternate languages.
2. Fact - The CIA has been known to kill their own nationality before.
3. The hooded men are white and over weight.. not conclusive but, how many white over weight iraqi's are there?
4. The bullet proof vests, ok, some militants have kevlar vests.. not unheard of, but not common..
5. Fact - CIA agents are trained in many different types of weaponry.. like AK-47's?...
One more thing.. the orange jumpsuit that Nick Berg is wearing looks like disposable hospital scrubs..

Possibly the best way to see.. is.. look at the shoes.. shoes tell the me on that much..
you may now debunk my opinion

[edit on 12-1-2006 by Ox]

posted on Jan, 12 2006 @ 01:26 PM

Originally posted by Ox
3. The hooded men are white and over weight.. not conclusive but, how many white over weight iraqi's are there?

Are Arabs Muslims only, have you ever thought of foreign fighters from Europe or Australia, etc? And even then one of Saddam's loyalists looks white.

4. The bullet proof vests, ok, some militants have kevlar vests.. not unheard of, but not common..

These days when insurgents and terrorists kill thousands of Iraqi police and military personnel, body armor seems to be more common on the enemy side.

Possibly the best way to see.. is.. look at the shoes.. shoes tell the me on that much..
you may now debunk my opinion

What about their shoes?
Be more specific.


posted on Jan, 13 2006 @ 07:46 AM
Hey Delta.. I appreciate your reply I did take some offense to your comment on "foreign fighters" being Australian myself I will say that Aussie's are not terrorists.. but this is your opinion and I respect it, no big deal..
As for your question on shoes.. Shoes tell the truth.. for example.. you'll never see a career waitress wearing high heels.... or a CEO in running shoes at work... shoes are the give away.. what kind of shoes are the masked men wearing? U.S. issue boots? I have not seen the video so I don't know... are they wearing U.S. issue DDU'S (desert dress uniform?)

posted on Jan, 13 2006 @ 01:58 PM

Originally posted by Ox
Hey Delta.. I appreciate your reply I did take some offense to your comment on "foreign fighters" being Australian myself I will say that Aussie's are not terrorists.. but this is your opinion and I respect it, no big deal..
As for your question on shoes.. Shoes tell the truth.. for example.. you'll never see a career waitress wearing high heels.... or a CEO in running shoes at work... shoes are the give away.. what kind of shoes are the masked men wearing? U.S. issue boots? I have not seen the video so I don't know... are they wearing U.S. issue DDU'S (desert dress uniform?)

I never say that Aussies are all terrorists, but its known that there are Australians who have become Islamic terrorists themselves. Even we have Americans who join the Islamic side. I have seen the video and they are wearing all black. Thats not desert BDUs. If you have not seen the video, then don't bring up about so called facts that the CIA killed him based on their shoes.
Look at the video yourself.


posted on Jan, 14 2006 @ 05:56 PM
I didnt say that they were wearing BDU's.. I asked.. NOR.. did I say that they were CIA because of their shoes.. NO.. Read my post again.. I said.. It all lays in their shoes.. Shoes tell the truth.. No I have not seen the video nor will I watch something like that... An innocent being killed.. for what?...

And yeah... People have joined the other side.. Fighting for what they belive in... And that's all they are doing.. All of them.. Is it wrong.. Probably.. Am I condoning it? Not at all.. It's a disgrace.. But its as common to them as robberies are to us..period.

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