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New Threat: Hizbullah Chemical War on Israel

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posted on Sep, 8 2009 @ 10:28 PM

New Threat: Hizbullah Chemical War on Israel

New Threat: Hizbullah Chemical War on Israel


A Kuwaiti report said that a mysterious explosion in a Hizbullah weapons warehouse six weeks ago involved chemical weapons, adding to the mounting evidence that the terrorist organization is preparing for chemical warfare against Israel.

Eight Hizbullah terrorists were killed in the blast, and the Kuwaiti al-Siyasa newspaper now reports that three others inside the warehouse died from the chemicals that were stored th
(visit the link for the full news article)

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posted on Sep, 8 2009 @ 10:28 PM
I am going to give my personal 'insight' on this article, but I hope it does not receive a censored warning.

I am warning the reader that I believe this article could be fulfillment of Isaiah 14: 29 and 31. Here it is:

"Rejoice not thou, whole Palestina, because the rod of him that smote thee is broken: for out of the serpent's root shall come forth a cockatrice (adder - poisonous, deadly snake), and his fruit shall be a fiery flying serpent."

I take this as an artillery shell or rocket that is loaded with a poisonous gas. It will be launched because Israel is perceived as being beaten or weakened somehow, perhaps as a result of an attack on Iran.

v.31 "Howl, O gate; cry o city; thou whole Palestina art dissolved: for there shall come from the north a smoke, and none shall be alone in his appointed times."

It could be that the poison launched against Israel will be blown back on those who launched it.

All I ask is that some of you save or archive this, so that when it happens, you will know the accuracy of God's word.
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Sep, 8 2009 @ 10:51 PM
Well I won't be surprised if there is a large scale war to climb us out of this depression/recession, whatever the BLEEP we're in. The fuel is already there, now all they need is the spark to start the fire.

posted on Sep, 8 2009 @ 11:01 PM
reply to post by skycopilot

I'm sorry, but you're grasping at straws, the texts you interpreted can be interpreted in so many ways that even if it happens, you aren't really going to prove a direct link to the bible.

There will almost certainly be a war though.

It says Hezbollah are in Europe on the ground. Holy crap there's imminent attacks in germany as well reported.

80,000 rockets is an unbelievable amount. If all this can be confirmed, Israel should carpet bomb that area today where the chemical weapons are stored.

[edit on 8-9-2009 by john124]

posted on Sep, 8 2009 @ 11:54 PM
Looks like the set is stage for the Gog an Magog War

posted on Sep, 9 2009 @ 12:10 AM
Sounds like a lot of propoganda nonsense to me. Hizbollah has never used chemical weapons against anyone, nor would they because their own population is to interdispersed and to close to the areas they would be targeting.

Neither can it even remotely be confirmed that Hizbollah has Chemical Weapons.

This is just more Israeli nonsense trying to foolishly fight a so called preemptive war on one front, while attempting a so called preemptive strike against a sovereign nation that has never attacked them on another one ALL BASED ON PROPOGANDA.

For you biblical types this is not Israel, this is McIsrael, some silly warmonging Zionist franchise.

I can't believe anyone falls for this unadultarated nonsense and lies.

posted on Sep, 9 2009 @ 08:34 AM
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

Once again, your propensity to dismiss any news reports that come out of Israel as "unadulterated lies" whilst accepting as fact every crazy accusation made against Israel by every extremist Jihadi website and Jew-hating journalist in the world never fails to amaze me.

I do wonder what your agenda is sometimes.

Meanwhile, back in the real world, this is Israel's dilemma as I see it:

1) A pre-emptive strike will further harm Israel's international relations and garner more sympathy for terrorists
2) Doing nothing will undoubtedly mean the death of many civilians and make Israel appear weak to its enemies, encouraging further attacks
3) Waiting for Hezb/Iran/Syria to make the first move and then launching a retaliatory incursion will have the same effect as 2 and 3 combined. Israeli civilians will die, and Israel will still be the bad guy to people like Proto.

I really wouldn't want to be in the Israeli government's position right now. It's a no-win situation.

I guess option 1 is the lesser of the evils, unless Israel can persuade other countries or the UN to help, which won't happen.

And just what the hell do we pay UNIFIL for again?

posted on Sep, 9 2009 @ 08:53 AM
reply to post by mattpryor

One problem Matt where is the News Story against Israel I am citing or quoting from anything let alone a website.

I am basing this on how often Western Intelligence Agencies, including Israel's are right when it comes to so called Weapons of Mass destruction.

It's historically a number between 0-0, but you Matt I will give as many guesses as you need to guess it not just 3 with the first 2 not counting.

Do you know how many lives both American and Iraqi have been lost, how many human beings will live as cripples for the rest of their lives both American and Iraqi and the trillions of dollars spent to pay the Military Industrial Complex to unleash their own weapons of mass destruction on innocent men, women and children...

Because someone thought, and someone said, and someone wrote A BUNCH OF UNFOUNDED AND UNSUBSTANTIATED LIES?

Believe me Matt if there was really biological weapons in Hizbollahs hands the Mossad would know it a lot better than a Kuwaiti newspaper.

Do you understand people die in these sadistic and evil little war games you champion while sitting around your nice clean, safe home, detached from the war and poverty and famine, and hardship you would visit on others with the callous push of a button because it makes you feel good and 'sleep easier at night'.

I don't know how people who advocate this warrantless violence sleep better at night for advocating it so strenously and virulently off of ABSOLUTELY NO REAL FACTS, but somehow they do.

Go figure.

The truth isn't an online battle of ego and vanity between people Matt Pryor.

The truth is what it is, good, bad, ugly or indifferent and as usual the truth escapes you for convenience's sake.

posted on Sep, 9 2009 @ 09:07 AM
reply to post by mattpryor

You know Matt Pryor ATS is full of a broad range of topics and forums from the metaphysical, to the religious, to phillosophy, UFO's and extra terrastrial beings, to politics and government conspiracies.

I know you don't read them or post on them because I never see you there but a lot of people are very interested in human evolution from a metaphysical standpoint.

A lot of people are very interested in tapping into pshycic powers and the supernatural. Many people believe we all have that inherent power.

Many people will start posts and say, I know, some people can actually do these things, and I believe we were created with this potential, why can't I do these things, what can I do to tap into these powers.

I always tell them the same thing...what would you do with such powers...would you use them for greed, and vanity, vengence and power, riches and glory, to get girls, to avoid your tax bill. Could you use those powers tempered with love and wisdom that would actually make using those powers a contribution to the good and positive or furthering humanity or would you use them selfishly and impulsively to other's detriment for your own self enrichment?

I tell them the truth, more humans will be able to have that kind of metaphysical power when more humans learn to live and think in a way that they could use them not to cause chaos and destruction and to unfairly tilt the playing field but because they are wise enough, and loving enough, and compassionate enough to use them for a force for progress and good.

Simply put they are too immature, and too lacking in self discipline to safely have such power as an individual human being.

Israel abuses it's own nationhood in ways that are all to prophetically similiar.

Lets not wait around for this country to attack and this country to attack.


Lets bomb and kill them first, because we are sure that they are going to bomb and kill us first.


You make bombs instead and have little school girls write messages on them in colored chalk.



Even then they don't attack, they just hope and pray THAT ISRAEL DOESN'T.

But the little children who can't even pay for their own nation can't run it with love and compassion and wisdom towards their neighbors can they Matt Pryor?

All they can do is sit on their collective guilt for their past crimes, sure that because they lack the maturity and wisdom, love and compassion to do and be better so do their neighbors.

So you plot their destruction by hook or by crook even if you have to manufacture the reasons to do it.

It's the most pitiful and counterproductive, destructive, and warped logic and thinking I have ever witnessed, and I have witnessed a lot.

My agenda is peace.

Peace requires no convoluted warped logic that suggests it's only path is through preemptive war by first attacking the people WHO AREN'T ATTACKING YOU.

For shame Matt Pryor, for shame.

posted on Sep, 9 2009 @ 09:28 AM
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

At what point did I advocate war? At what point did I suggest that Israel should attack Hezbollah? Stop twisting my words. I said no such thing. I was speculating on how the Israeli government should handle the situation with Hezbollah.

What I will say is that as I see it, and as the Israeli authorities probably see it, Hezbollah are re-arming under the noses of UNIFIL. And they're not doing it for a Jewish new year fireworks display.

Israeli intelligence points to 40,000 (or was it 80,000?) rockets amassed at the border, ready and waiting to be fired on Israeli villages and homes. So my question is, what should a government that is responsible for the safety of its citizens do in such a situation?

Why don't you answer the question and indulge me by putting yourself in the place of the Israelis, instead of trying to portray me as some kind of inhuman war monger?

posted on Sep, 9 2009 @ 09:29 AM
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

And will you stop caps bullying me?

posted on Sep, 9 2009 @ 09:33 AM
reply to post by mattpryor

Remember matt,

When a person can not argue the facts, they move to personal attacks.

This explains why you post links and facts and "other" post personal attacks on you.

Consider it an honor, you have debated to the point that they know themselves that they can not discuss logically,so personal attacks away.

posted on Sep, 9 2009 @ 09:36 AM

Originally posted by mrmonsoon
reply to post by mattpryor

Remember matt,

When a person can not argue the facts, they move to personal attacks.

This explains why you post links and facts and "other" post personal attacks on you.

Consider it an honor, you have debated to the point that they know themselves that they can not discuss logically,so personal attacks away.

I haven't seen any facts presented in this thread regarding Hizbollah actually having any Chemical weapons...

Have you?

What I have seen is a biblical related attempt to tie propoganda in to prophecy...

Have any concrete evidence Hizbollah has Chemical Weapons, care to share...

Or are you still looking for the proof to back up your claims that Black September came from Jordan and founded Hizbollah?

posted on Sep, 9 2009 @ 09:42 AM
See matt, this is a perfect example.

Don't worry about people like that.

Just keep posting facts and link's, as well as your very clear placement of your opinion VS linkable fact.

posted on Sep, 9 2009 @ 09:44 AM
reply to post by mattpryor

At what point did I advocate war? At what point did I suggest that Israel should attack Hezbollah? Stop twisting my words. I said no such thing. I was speculating on how the Israeli government should handle the situation with Hezbollah.

You were speculating on how the Israeli government should handle the situation with Hizbollah.

That sounds like an advocacy of the strongest form to me Matt Pryor.

You should stop twisting your words to try to convince people they don't in fact mean precisely what you write them to mean.

Blessed are the peace makers Matt Pryor.

Maybe one day you will figure out violence begets violence, hate begets hate, destruction begets destruction.

Someone has to stop the cycle and you are advocating Israel continue the cycle when in reality there is a lull in the cycle when no one is attacking Israel.

While we are on the subject Matt Pryor how many International Atomic Energy Agency inspectors have ever been invited in to inspect Diomona?

I bet that's another 0-0 number isn't it Matt Pryor.

[edit on 9/9/09 by ProtoplasmicTraveler]

posted on Sep, 9 2009 @ 09:49 AM

Originally posted by mrmonsoon
See matt, this is a perfect example.

Don't worry about people like that.

Just keep posting facts and link's, as well as your very clear placement of your opinion VS linkable fact.

So in other words you don't have any proof that Hizbollah has any Chemical Weapons do you?

I guess you failed to notice at well no one including Matt Pryor has actually posted a link to proof that Hizbollah has any chemical weapons either.

The reality is Hizbollah has no chemical weapons so there are no links to post that prove that they do so I guess the next best thing is patting each other on the back for the pretend links you are pretending have been posted?

Why not give peace a chance for once?

No one is attacking you or Matt Pryor, I am questioning the thinking of people who advocate a poorly sourced decision to fight a 'preemptive war' of aggression, where of course the people who get to die and suffer and pay for it, aren't the people advocating it.

How convenient huh.

posted on Sep, 9 2009 @ 10:03 AM
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

Why don't we just cut the personal attacks and debate the issue that I raised?

Imagine for a moment (I know this will be difficult for you to do) that you are Prime Minister of Israel.

You are directly responsible for the safety and well-being of approximately 12,000,000 people.

At your northern border there is a group of armed and fanatical militia, loyal to Islam and fiercely opposed to your country's existence. Your intelligence tells you that they are stockpiling weapons, many thousands of Katyusha rockets, which have in the past 3 years been used to target your civilian populations. Now there are also reports from Kuwait (of all places) of warheads containing chemicals, which may or may not be true.

Of course this intelligence may be wrong. Hezbollah may just be misunderstood. They may not hate Jews and Israel after all, they may just be honest and devout farmers who collect rockets as a hobby and have no ill intentions whatsoever.

So, Prime Minister, these are the options - what are you going to do?

1) Pre-emptive attack
2) Do nothing and trust UNIFIL with the protection of your citizens
3) Wait for them to attack first and respond

Which one?

posted on Sep, 9 2009 @ 10:14 AM
reply to post by mattpryor

Once again Matt Pryor assuming I was a responsible leader of a responsible nation that wasn't just a chip on the war board of the military industrial complex I would...

Try to negotiate a peace, by seeking to open a dialogue with all parties, understanding negotiations are negotiations not simply a platform to dictate to others in confrontational and self defeating ways.

You don't even list the peace envoy, negotiating option, or any hint of a credible attempt to try to resolve the differences with your so called enemies and make friends.

You make it seem like it's war or do nothing, and slant the words to make it look like doing nothing makes you vulnerable and is a certain invitation to something bad happen. That's just rediculous paranoia Matt. Where does it stop? Eventually you have to eliminate everyone who disagrees with Israel's politics or looks at it's crosswise to be 'safe' with that kind of perverse thinking.

Why? Because it doesn't fuel the military industrial complex with outrageous profits off the backs of enslaved taxpayers?

Or? Because of some sadistic love of violence and visiting suffering on others for the glory of ego?

You don't protect your citizens by engaging in unsolicited attacks, you endanger them by engaging in that kind of aggressive behavior.

You protect your citizens by making peace, by making friends, not trying to cower your so called enemies into submission.

That's just logic Matt Pryor, and it seems to be something that constantly escapes people...

And Matt before you start with the tired old in 1948, and in 1967, and in 1972, and in 1984, and in 2003 nonsense how about recognizing it's 2009 and a brand new day.

I chose D. none of the above and
E. Work legitimately towards peace.

Kuwait by the way is nothing but a Oligarch created protectorate of Western Oil Wealth Matt Pryor and they have no credible Intelligence Network of Investigative Journalists, this is all planted hearsay and innuendo designed to embolden the war mongerers.

The reality is just like with Black September or Entebe if the Mossad knows where a credible threat really exists they go after it with a vengence.

This is all propoganda to gain broad support and justify another broad Middle East War and you know it and I know it.

Look around Matt all you are doing is preaching to the choir and to a religious zealot who posted the original article that wants to see Armegeddon come about so they can get trumped up to make their day.

Make peace Matt Pryor, that's the thing that protects people, not war.

[edit on 9/9/09 by ProtoplasmicTraveler]

posted on Sep, 9 2009 @ 10:44 AM

This is all propoganda to gain broad support and justify another broad Middle East War and you know it and I know it.

No you don't, and no he doesn't, and no I don't either.

posted on Sep, 9 2009 @ 10:46 AM
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

You're right, I missed off Option D which is to plead mercy to people that have sworn themselves to your destruction and have, numerous times in recent history, attacked your people.

The same people that agreed to a prisoner swap a few years ago, and in exchange for hundreds of terrorists you got three battered and decomposed corpses. Nice people.

So let's consider the possible responses that your overtures of peace receive, from best to worst:

1) Assuming that Hezbollah have radically changed since 2006, and are now the "peaceful" type, they will respond well to your cordial and good natured requests. They may agree to lay down their weapons and have a group hug. We can all live happily ever after.

2) They may agree to peace, but on their terms. Their demands may involve you giving up land, wealth, or setting prisoners free.

3) They may laugh in your face, call you Zionist scum, and fire rockets at your villages anyway.

In all likelihood 2 is the most likely option, wouldn't you agree? Shall we explore the consequences of that a bit?

[edit on 9-9-2009 by mattpryor]

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