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Stock Up, This is Not a Test, Ominous Signals

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posted on Sep, 11 2009 @ 10:34 AM
reply to post by IceHappy

This is somewhat off-topic, but I don't like to travel without a gun, and someone I trusted gave me great advice!!

FedEx your important stuff to your hotel the day before you leave!! FedEx has a much better track record and more reliability, you can ship your hand gun, hard drive, and whatever else you may need!!

It only costs $10-$20, so it is well worth it!

Then just take a small carry on with personal items, and your airport trip will go more smoothly!

posted on Sep, 11 2009 @ 11:08 AM
reply to post by getreadyalready

A Star to you my friend....

This still doesn't stop the unwanted attention I receive when I fly, but would make the extra searches easier and less time consuming. The cost of the lost hard drives could pay for Fedex charges depending on weight. I just shipped into the UK from Koolance Washington 49lbs of WaterKooling stuff at the cost of $214 for Fedex. Mind you this consignment also picked up £187 ($1.62 to the British Pound) Duty and Sales Tax (15% UK Sales Tax). But again this was from a manufacturer to a private citizen international I would hope from private citizen to a family member that US and UK customs agents would not charge Duty and Sales Tax from UK to say California or Washington State and back. I am only Kooling two computers.

Good idea. But needs to be tested as Custom Agents are a law to themselves and what they charge

By the way, did we who served did so to protect the freedom of speech. I know our group was heard by the Government and they recorded our protests which is the only reason my boarding card sports SSSS on it.

Never been arrested and have two honourable discharges from USArmy.

I wonder what those people which Homeland Security has set up since 911 to listen to the Internet, Cell Phones and land lines who are currently watching and reading our posts think of these threads!

I wish all those people who are protesting tomorrow 911 inside job, good luck and thank you for standing up for the cause. I just hope you guys are able to go home after the demostration without repercussions.

Its a very worrying time to be standing up against the State. My thoughts are with you.

Good Luck.

[edit on 9/11/2009 by IceHappy]

posted on Sep, 11 2009 @ 02:12 PM
I am right on board with those having that "feeling" I have had it for the past 7 years or so and it is peaking now.. Not sure if it is intuition or from being a student of history or from reading all those "crazy" economists, etc who are now proving to be geniuses, but I defiantly "feel" bad times are a coming.

That being said, as a few have already stated, there is NO WAY the government could control the citizens of this country with force. They can't even deliver mail with high efficiency. The military would be the one to fear but I am pretty certain the majority of the military would not follow those orders. Also we as armed citizens, I believe, out number ALL of worlds military's COMBINED. And take into account all the unregistered weapons and unknown weapons owners, the number is staggering. I always find it hilarious that there are those who would feel more safe without their neighbors being armed. I would take the relatively low number of accidental deaths and murders committed by people with guns any day over the absolute tyranny we would face without having an armed citizenry.

The only way "they" could defeat and control us is with technology, heavy weapons and/or nukes/bio but the amount of the latter needed would be immense as you would have majority of the national guard, etc on "our" side with their equipment. .

The nuke/bio thing and false flags, etc are another issue but putting all the armed population in FEMA camps, not gonna happen. Foreign troops here are a possibility but again, no way would they have enough to hold us down, no way.

The real reason, IMHO, to stay prepared, armed, etc, is for the possible break down of society. This could happen by many means,war, the dollar collapse, hyper-inflation, severe solar storm, asteroid, EMP attack, etc, etc. We are no longer a self-sustaining population. It wouldn't take a complete breakdown, just being without power for a month decreases the chances of survival for millions in todays society. Statistically speaking these things are unlikely to happen at any given time, but bad things DO happen. This "breakdown of society as we know it" has the highest probability of happening of all the reasons we can conjure up to be paranoid.

We (most anyways) rely on the logistic masters to survive. When services and supplies are gone, you will need to know how to fend for yourselves and you will need to have the tools to do it. 80% or more of the population will be clueless and desperate. Desperate people do desperate things.

A desperate government/leaders may also do desperate things but I really don't think they would succeed. They would definitely cause hardship and destruction but will always fail in the end.

[edit on 11-9-2009 by I_am_Spartacus]

[edit on 11-9-2009 by I_am_Spartacus]

[edit on 11-9-2009 by I_am_Spartacus]

posted on Sep, 11 2009 @ 02:49 PM
reply to post by I_am_Spartacus

I have had my feelings of "something going to happen", since 1974. However, I thought because I lived in the Bay Area that my reasons for having these feelings and a BOB was the real earthquake possibilities and the shelves of a store which go empty in 7 days under normal shopping conditions let alone being empty after a natural disaster. Hungry people will turn into mobs of violence.

Now since 911 I feel that American people will either suffer from our own government or another country government or terrorist that our government has upset with our government's behaviour.

Currently I have a very bad feeling about 912 (tomorrow) as there will be many people protesting 911 as an inside job. G20 meeting in London a few months ago we saw a London Police man kill a non protester who was where the protesters had moved to. Hands in his pockets and not even looking at the protesters. Video released by Channel 4 news team from the many security cameras around the square where this happened edited together showed the victim was innocent of protesting but the well armed riot police hit him from behind to which he fell and hit his head and died minutes later. As if one is guilty for peaceful protest. The mood of the American people IMHO doesn't need a spark like that G20 incident to set off peaceful protesters against well armed police into a messy situation.

Why else is there so many FEMA Camps?????

[edit on 9/11/2009 by IceHappy]

posted on Sep, 11 2009 @ 04:16 PM

Originally posted by IceHappy
reply to post by I_am_Spartacus

I have had my feelings of "something going to happen", since 1974. However, I thought because I lived in the Bay Area that my reasons for having these feelings and a BOB was the real earthquake possibilities and the shelves of a store which go empty in 7 days under normal shopping conditions let alone being empty after a natural disaster. Hungry people will turn into mobs of violence.

Now since 911 I feel that American people will either suffer from our own government or another country government or terrorist that our government has upset with our government's behaviour.

Currently I have a very bad feeling about 912 (tomorrow) as there will be many people protesting 911 as an inside job. G20 meeting in London a few months ago we saw a London Police man kill a non protester who was where the protesters had moved to. Hands in his pockets and not even looking at the protesters. Video released by Channel 4 news team from the many security cameras around the square where this happened edited together showed the victim was innocent of protesting but the well armed riot police hit him from behind to which he fell and hit his head and died minutes later. As if one is guilty for peaceful protest. The mood of the American people IMHO doesn't need a spark like that G20 incident to set off peaceful protesters against well armed police into a messy situation.

Why else is there so many FEMA Camps?????

[edit on 9/11/2009 by IceHappy]

My opinion are there aren't FEMA camps, at least not for internment . But I never said "they" don't have the motive, they just would never be able to pull it off. I don't doubt they aren't stupid or desperate enough to try.

posted on Sep, 11 2009 @ 04:23 PM
Can I stop stocking up now? My house is full, the wife and kids left me, and all my credit cards are maxed out.....

posted on Sep, 11 2009 @ 04:47 PM
This thread should offer more proof as to why mobility is key, rather than hunkering down.

Targets will be specific.

"Taking Out the Truthers"

posted on Sep, 11 2009 @ 05:59 PM

Originally posted by American_Soviets
Can I stop stocking up now? My house is full, the wife and kids left me, and all my credit cards are maxed out.....

Wot you wanna quit whilst still have organ and blood to sell?????

I am sure with the right kind of dedication you could add another couple of Drain pipe vaults in your back yard. After all you don't want to be lonely and will eventually replace those missing relatives and those replacement will need to eat

posted on Sep, 11 2009 @ 09:04 PM
Thanks for the post, interesting and let me tell you "U R Not Alone"
these events collapse fast, like the fall of Siagon, Marcos over throw...
etc... it brews for a climax, and its over within 30days.
back up and functioning with new management, its the same management but dont tell anyone, for it to be legal its called a hostile take over, in the corporate world.

posted on Sep, 12 2009 @ 03:34 PM

Originally posted by mopusvindictus
reply to post by reticledc


I would relate this to the actual day of 9-11


there is no reason... many like to spew about inside knowledge, but a 6 figure number of people chose to show up late or not at all in Manhattan that day, myself included

My best friends mother quit a very lucrative job just 2-3 weeks earlier citing premonitions, no one was on time, almost no one the Bridge was packed with pedestrians strolling along... LONG after they should have already been on the job


and I wont site any foreboding, something inside just told me to not give a damn about it that day

absolutely, absolutely we can sense these things

I completely understand what you're saying. I was working in an electronics store that day. I noticed a lot of traffic and a general sense of confusion among people that morning.

Even living many states away I just had this feeling. I woke up late, I had trouble getting in gear, and I knew that something important was occuring or about to occur. When I got to work people were huddled around the tvs watching the news.

On the way to work traffic was lighter than usual. People were driving eratticly, things just seemed out of balance. Other people even commented on it before the actual events. I remember the cashier at the gas station said "things just don't feel right today."

I get the same feeling looking around me these days. Things just aren't meshing like they should. There are a lot of outwards signs. More importantly though people feel it in their gut. Even people that never before believed in CTs. They are coming up to me and talking about FEMA Camps, forced vacinations, economic colapse and so on.

Nobody can put their finger on what is about to happen, but - across all demographic segments - tension, frustration, and feelings of unbalance are growing.

Personally I'm looking for something between Thanksgiving and New Years Day. I don't know what but I feel it.

posted on Sep, 13 2009 @ 06:07 AM
reply to post by mopusvindictus

"Come My people, go in your rooms and shut your doors behind you" (Isaiah 26) alludes to Noah's escape from the flood. Jesus himself used the same analogy when he described the days before he would come again in Luke 21. It would be just as it was in the times of Noah, that is, Noah went into the ark, the door was shut up after, and then the rains came.

Jesus Christ described the End Times: "The days before the coming of the son of man shall be exactly as in the days before Noah entered the ark". Taken literally, this would seem to point to certain circumstances that will exist beforehand. In the days of Noah, there was a very small group of people saying "prepare for the coming disaster". The main characteristic of the days before Noah entered the ark is the interaction between rebel angels and humans, Genesis 6. If these are the End Times as Jesus described, then we should look for the rebel angels to once again publicly manifest upon the earth, in the form of superior beings giving technology. In the End Times, as in the "days of Noah", the rebel angels will oversee a "breeding" campaign involving humans, resulting in supernatural offspring. Indeed, this is exactly what we are seeing in the "alien abduction scenario". The contact with the rebel angels, in the days of Noah, also contributed to rampant paganism, rebellion, violence and occultism. It is not hard to find the parallels in today's culture -- it would seem our times are just as the days of Noah.

Ok, I know this reaks of preaching and all churchy. But I'm just saying! Something wicked this way comes!

posted on Sep, 13 2009 @ 10:23 AM

Originally posted by mopusvindictus
reply to post by getreadyalready

The "survivalist types" that don't see your value are the same guys that will die first lol

All full of piss and vinegar and loaded up with guns...

I don't even keep a gun nor do I see the need to...

You know why?

Because if it gets that ugly, I will stay under the bed for the first 60 minutes walk outside and pick some up off the bodies of those that started shooting first

Not to nitpick, but I don't think that would work too well for you... Yeah, most people have a general idea of how to operate a weapon, but there's a BIG difference between someone who "knows how to shoot" and someone who's owned and practiced with the same gun for several years... Also, what do you do when your (possibly unfamiliar) weapon breaks, malfunctions, or runs out of ammo?
To each their own I guess, but I'd rather have a few reliable guns that I'm intimately familiar with (and a few extras to loan to good buddies!) than pick up a random weapon.
BUT, it's like "The General" says

THESE aren't my best weapons *points at guns*
This is *points at head*

Obviously you don't want to get into gunfights unless absolutely necessary. LOOKING for a fight is NOT a good tactical decision. (Props to the guy who originally linked this... GOOD video!)

posted on Sep, 15 2009 @ 06:17 PM
reply to post by MikeNice81

There is also at work what I see happening most

Self fulfilling prophecy

People have been made top FEAR as a method of control and financial theft from them, so now they hold a set of Fear driven beliefs....

Fear of course always inevitably leads to violence.

It infects like a Virus...

This thread is not intended to Cause fear but rather to recognize that it has not only affected us, but the upper reaches of our government, I say stock up because bad decision making as a result of perpetuated fear, deeper methods of control further conflict seems to now be inevitable.

posted on Sep, 17 2009 @ 11:28 PM
Today, the news was alive with two major releases;
1; the US will not deploy a missile defense system in Europe, much to the joy of Russia, and Iran.
2; that IRAN now has the ability to produce a Nuclear Bomb, and is actively working on a long range delivery system. ( note, that the Russians have technicians working with the Iranians on their missile programs. )

Get ready for Israel to hit Iran. It's coming!

Meanwhile back at the Rotten Ranch...the Congress is bubbling over about how it has a workable and passable "OBAMANATION" of a health care bill ready to submit to the floor for ratification. More misdirection Hocus-Pocus!

As far as stocking up? My advice is this...keep it low profile, quiet, and spread it around. Don't just pile it up in one place. I wouldn't go nuts with it.
Keep it simple. Keep it affordable. Pay cash. Credit Card histories are a direct line/ spot light to what you have been up to. PAY CASH!!!

The risk of loosing it all to "Goon Squad sweeps, Martial Law crack downs on movement, and buying, Imposed rationing, Robbery, Fire, etc." should give you pause about buying out the local stores...

Have enough of the basic's to get by for three to six months, on a minimum diet. Rice and Beans, and Pasta go a long way. In an emergency situation, you NEVER want to draw attention to yourself, that your living high on the hog, while everyone else is angry and worried about where their next meal is going to come from. People with hungry and crying kids, will get mightily damned ugly and mean, if they discover you have a stash of tasty groceries in your basement/pantry.

Once that cat is out of the bag, no amount of bullets fired will fend off those intent on your demise...

During dire straights, you should appear you are suffering too...not gaining weight, or at not loosing any...people will notice after a while and think; "What the HELL???"

Same goes for gasoline. If they impose strict limits on gassing up, people will be really pissed off about it. They will be limited to bare bones allocations to get by. If your running all over unabated, eyes will notice...expect your gasoline reserves to be taken away from you. ( have at least 45 gallons stored safely outside of your home someplace. Preferably buried below the frost line, or in an out building/barn/shed ) Never in your basement.

Driving a gas guzzling vehicle? Your going to be in hurting status with that albatross...

For your own survival, get used to staying put for long periods. If your a long distance commuter for work, your screwed. Sorry! Hope you have your stores and extra bargaining items already...if not, and SHTF, it'll be too late.

Guns and Ammo; Got `em? YES? GOOD... NOT YET? What the heck are you waiting for? Haven't you had enough warning signs in the last 9+ years?

If you think for one minute that you can "out smart, out last, out play" the rest without being armed, you have been watching too much "reality TV".

If you haven't, then you had better sort it out now, and get it right between you and your god, that you very well may have to eliminate a human threat.
Never a pleasant proposition, but one that you must think about, nonetheless. What and how far are you willing to go, in order to survive?

If nuclear weapons are deployed in the Middle East, and a subsequent war breaks out, expect an immediate, severe lock down here in the USA. Your civil liberties are hanging on thread now as it is...once the POO starts flying,all bets are off. Your daily living paradigm will be contingent upon how well you have prepared.

I think most, who are not Polly Anna's, feel darkening horizons are a brewing. It would then therefore behoove you, to get ready to hunker down.

BE smart, quiet, safe, and stay the hell off the radar.

John Wayne's and Rambo's will all be dead within two weeks after it all goes will be these types, that the Jack Boots will be looking for.

Nuff said; get ready...

[edit on 17-9-2009 by Confused and Dazed!]

posted on Sep, 18 2009 @ 08:08 AM

Originally posted by WeSbO
I do have a theory about this swine flu pandemic stuff, and pushing to mass vaccination.

Maybe the US have set loose another virus (on purpose or by accident don't know) which could be very leathal. This more leathal virus that could kill an enormous amount of people, by 10 of millions.
So to control this other virus, vaccinate everyone to let the virus attack only a selected amount of people, and just say oh it's the swine flu, kill people off but not to many.
Or they let this virus out by accident, and just don't want to admit it a creat a mass world panic, just keep people scared enough but not too much, so bring in a vaccine to clean up the mess they have created.

Anyway just food for thought.

the only problem with the killer virus is that it causes mild flu reactions I think they are after us

posted on Sep, 18 2009 @ 07:47 PM
reply to post by mopusvindictus

I think you might be right about self fulfilling prophecy. Fear and tension make everything unstable. People react in ways that they normally wouldn't and in extremes that they never would.

This has become my view of the things that are happening in our world.

posted on Sep, 18 2009 @ 08:09 PM
Recently, I got a call from the opposite end of the country, and it was about cryogenically cleaning scores of empty, heavy concrete bunkers so that they could be used for "other purposes."

Nothing was wrong with these bunkers, and if you're going to store materials - they don't need to be FDA clean.

Unless they're to be used to house people.

I asked why they would want us to cryogenically clean and sanitize these bunkers for interior "recoating," and they blew it off as "just housekeeping."

You don't spend that kind of money for just upgrading heavy concrete bunkers for materials storage.

Just found it odd.

And now with all the uncertainties - it's even more odd.

posted on Sep, 21 2009 @ 11:01 AM
reply to post by dooper

The term that caught my attention cryogenically.

Ok, clean, sanitize........, but why super-cooled cleaning???

Can that be used to clean/neutralize a room/bunker that had held nuclear materials???

posted on Oct, 4 2009 @ 01:44 PM
reply to post by mopusvindictus

Great post but I have to utterly disagree with you in regards to Alex Jones and your estimation of Obama. Question...Have you ever even listened to the Alex Jones Show? Not tidbits or soundbites but day after day broadcasts? If you did you would see that he's his own man. Who gives a cr*p if he sells dvds and t-shirts, how else is he supposed to stay on the air??

"Obama is a good person"??????????? So this lying front-man for the NWO that was groomed since college is a good person? How Orwellian is that! This smooth talking piece of sh&t gives Wall St. billions of dollars of our money and sends more troops to the Middle East, but, he's a good person. He rekindled talks with Mexico and Canada for the NAU...but he's a good person. Sorry but that statement is bewildering to me.

posted on Oct, 4 2009 @ 02:03 PM
reply to post by mopusvindictus

You forgot to mention the alleged conspiracy that all US presidents are only puppets . Why would TPTB risk pushing a candidate into office that would be doomed to fail? Wouldn't have been easier for McCain to carry on the previous administrations policies rather than have Obama promise change then flip 180 degrees?

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