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Concluding that 9/11 is a Government Conspiracy is Grotesque

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posted on Sep, 6 2009 @ 08:39 PM
Im not insulting anybody, simply observing the reactions of the "truthers' to those that don't share their beliefs. Read my previous posts. the anger and insults seem to come from the "truthers", I'm not angry, just amused by how blind they are to their own behaviour and mental state.

posted on Sep, 6 2009 @ 08:41 PM

Originally posted by OldDragger
reply to post by Stylez

So if you dont accept Jesus, uh the TRUTH, you are evil!You are on Satans, er uh, the
perps' side, are a disinfo agent for the Devil, uh I mean THE GOVERNMENT.
Your thinking is skewed, to put it politley. Obbsess much?

You just can't debate without looking like an antagonistic child can you .
what are you 6? This the best most mature most intelligent side of you I'm gonna get? Mmmm I hate it when children are at play in the grown up section but that's what it's starting to look like

posted on Sep, 6 2009 @ 08:41 PM
reply to post by OldDragger

Well, I am just saying it is good to stick on the subject matter than move into asking questions on whether people obsess or not. I'm obsessive compulsive , and although i've no inhibitions, others could find that hurtful


posted on Sep, 6 2009 @ 08:43 PM

Originally posted by OldDragger

Im not insulting anybody, simply observing the reactions of the "truthers' to those that don't share their beliefs. Read my previous posts. the anger and insults seem to come from the "truthers", I'm not angry, just amused by how blind they are to their own behaviour and mental state.

No you aren't observing anything you are MOCKING them and acting in the same manner you have ridiculed without seeing the monumental hypocrisy in that .

just amused by how blind they are to their own behaviour and mental state

ironic isn't it

posted on Sep, 6 2009 @ 08:47 PM

Originally posted by Stylez

Originally posted by CaptainObviousNIN11
are because both mean you're out of touch with reality and no better than the perps themselves.

EXACTLY and ya know, maybe its about time we started looking at them as the perps because they sure don't have a problem calling us a lot of things. Maybe it's time we start blaming them for the reason our questions aren't answered because the answer we get is always ridicule or the scripted lies given and approved by the Government ALL of which any 7th grader in general math could exploit the flaws in their arguments

Ya know, start asking them "why'd you do it dude" "why are you part of the cover up" etc.
[edit on 6-9-2009 by Stylez]

Yeah, seriously right? Time to start calling out these subhumans for what they are... They don't have any problem ridiculing truthers, talking smack, and insulting truther seekers and truth seeking.

Time to call a spade a spade.

Those who deny evidence, argue facts, refuse to support their accusations and claims with any intelligent arguments etc, are no better than the PERPS of 911 since in essence they ARE defending them for all intents and purposes. These TOOLS perpetuate ignorance and disinfo, add confusion, steer away real truth seekers, and ultimately do a disservice to those who died on 911 and due to 911. They're cowards who hide like cockaroaches behind the false logic they're just correcting disinfo, when in reality all they're doing is blatantly defending the PERPS, obstructing justice and ensuring the perps are never held accountable.

Anyone who participates in this type of EVIL are one and the same with the PERPS if they aren't already connected.

Its beyond OBVIOUS.

posted on Sep, 6 2009 @ 08:59 PM
reply to post by CaptainObviousNIN11

Yeah, seriously right? Time to start calling out these subhumans for what they are... They don't have any problem ridiculing truthers, talking smack, and insulting truther seekers and truth seeking.

Time to call a spade a spade.

Those who deny evidence, argue facts, refuse to support their accusations and claims with any intelligent arguments etc, are no better than the PERPS of 911 since in essence they ARE defending them for all intents and purposes. These TOOLS perpetuate ignorance and disinfo, add confusion, steer away real truth seekers, and ultimately do a disservice to those who died on 911 and due to 911. They're cowards who hide like cockaroaches behind the false logic they're just correcting disinfo, when in reality all they're doing is blatantly defending the PERPS, obstructing justice and ensuring the perps are never held accountable.

Anyone who participates in this type of EVIL are one and the same with the PERPS if they aren't already connected.

Its beyond OBVIOUS.

Well well. Maybe we should start "truth squads". YOU in your infinite wisdom and self righteous anger can wreak vengance on the unbelievers! You know, a 9/11 "perp" revenge squad! Exciting eh!
As for "debating", THE OP WAS STATING AN OPINION ON THE PYSCHOLOGY OF "TRUTHERS"> THATS WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT AS WELL! What you want to "debate" is "was 9/11 a government conspiracy. You want me to discuss your videos, your "theories, your "evidence".I'm not interested in that "debate", you have 1000 other threads to do that, bUT NOOO! You people are so obsessed that every time anything remotley connected to 9/11 come up to immeadiatly feel compelled to "inform, educate" and CONVERT anyone that disagrees with you.
That is grotesque!

posted on Sep, 6 2009 @ 09:08 PM
reply to post by OldDragger

Posts like your last one are a hundred times worse than debating the science surrounding 9/11. You don't have to do either. But you choose to intentionally post such miserable things anyway.

If you are going to make an "argument" against us in the form of a blanket character attack, do you think you might want to do as everyone else is suggesting and take a look in the mirror first? Why are you even posting such emotional things here? Why are you so attached?

posted on Sep, 6 2009 @ 09:10 PM
no offense intended to anyone, but reading threads like these reminds me how we let something like 911 happen.


posted on Sep, 6 2009 @ 09:11 PM

Originally posted by OldDragger
You people are so obsessed that every time anything remotley connected to 9/11 come up to immeadiatly feel compelled to "inform, educate" and CONVERT anyone that disagrees with you.
That is grotesque!

Yeah? Doesn't seem to stop YOU from joining the fray and encouraging others by raising the temperature in here. If ou're so grossed out by us all, for doing what you explained "always happens" then you expected it. You aren't grossed out by it. You are attracted to it because it gives you the self indulgent opportunity to exascerbate the situation with your innuendos your childish diggs etc. Then, when people finally have had enough of this crap and get temperamental, you think they don't have a right do even complain about it but if you don't like the reflection you see in the mirror as you are the mirror reflection of all you find grotesque, in us you won't correct yourself, you'll blame the mirror

posted on Sep, 6 2009 @ 09:17 PM
reply to post by Stylez

i like you style, stylez. well met.

posted on Sep, 6 2009 @ 09:19 PM
OP, the investigation doesn't begin with 9/11.

The investigation begins with the Bush family history/connection to Nazi germany, Kennedy's assasination, and the infiltration of the CIA by this group.

If you can understand that, then you can believe this group can carry out 9/11.

posted on Sep, 6 2009 @ 09:19 PM
reply to post by zorgon

Um, no, it doesnt show the south face of the building. And the rest of the video is full of the same old discredited lies about WTC7.

posted on Sep, 6 2009 @ 09:20 PM
reply to post by bsbray11

Posting such emotional things! You MUST be kidding! LOL!
Commenting on the general psycholigical state of any given group would neccessarily require an "emotional" component. Have I called anyone subhuman? Why am I so attatched to what? The OFFICIAL STORY? I'm not!
I spent months reading the 9/11 threads and you know what? Nobody posted ANYTHING that convinced me. I no longer waste my time on them. What caught my eye was this thread that DARES to bring up and question the psychological state of the "truther" movement, something that the "truthers' cannot tolerate for an instant! HOW DARE THE OP!
In my view the "movement' has become a cult, a parody of itself.
It has put forth so many silly "theories', changed it's tune so many times, so much of it is based on cherished lies and misinformation that it no longer holds and credibility, nor do the "truthers' involved. Your refrences, your terminolgy, your very state of mind has become a bad cliche.
It's adherants behave like cult members, like religious fanatics, that hardly lends any substance. It has jumped the shark a long time ago.
But of course, I'm just a subhuman, just as bad as a mass murderer.

Look in the mirror "truthers'.

[edit on 6-9-2009 by OldDragger]

[edit on 6-9-2009 by OldDragger]

posted on Sep, 6 2009 @ 09:27 PM

Originally posted by OldDragger

Im not insulting anybody, simply observing the reactions of the "truthers' to those that don't share their beliefs. Read my previous posts. the anger and insults seem to come from the "truthers", I'm not angry, just amused by how blind they are to their own behaviour and mental state.

ironic that you should post this in a thread titled, "Concluding that 9/11 is a Government Conspiracy is Grotesque". would you not say that is angry and insulting to those of us (more than 75% of the population, according to numerous polls) that don't take the official story hook, line and sinker?

this whole thread is merely a huge troll. a good one, too! got me. i'm here.
how are we supposed to show that it is not "grotesque" to not believe the official tripe without explaining why?

perhaps we should just admit we're grotesque, and carry on, eh fellow truthers?

or, perhaps we should continue to bitch slap these lost, illogical, ignoramuses for the sake of the innocent fence sitters in lurker world.

[edit on 6-9-2009 by billybob]

posted on Sep, 6 2009 @ 09:35 PM
reply to post by OldDragger

You are emotional in the tone of your posts. Because you are so emphatic and get so wrapped up in things you shouldn't really care about, if we are all so plainly stupid and the exact same as each other, and have been infinitely debunked, etc.

So we're a cult, and all our theories are silly and we're all so stupid, yet you've spent months arguing with people and continue to do so. I really have to say I do not understand what in the hell you are doing here.

I don't want to hear crying about how little sense you've been able to make of any given information. I have first hand experience with people downplaying and denying information intentionally, as I'm sure you do as well, so it really doesn't matter to me what your personal opinion is. You don't want to even debate the science or facts, like you say yourself, so your posts are worthless here. Like I said, I really don't understand why you feel such a need, such an attachment, to gripe at us for wasting so much of your time as you continue to engage us.

Are you trying to teach us something or are you really that much of a crybaby? Because science and facts are good for learning things; crying and whining is good for just about nothing.

posted on Sep, 6 2009 @ 10:05 PM
reply to post by 7redorbs

Ehh..its part and parcel with quite a few posters on the "truther" side of the house. I cannot begin to remember how many times I have been accused of being a government agent, a shill, a toady....been threatened with execution because of my "treason". It tends to be the major thrust of their posts, like the individual in this thread who thinks im a disinfo agent.

Captain Obvious, you think its a CD, so what crew of supermen ran into a burning building and managed to wire the whole thing in less than eight hours?

(oops...its captain obvious...not captain apologies......)

[edit on 6-9-2009 by Swampfox46_1999]

posted on Sep, 6 2009 @ 10:06 PM

Originally posted by OldDragger
reply to post by bsbray11

Posting such emotional things! You MUST be kidding! LOL!
Commenting on the general psycholigical state of any given group would neccessarily require an "emotional" component. Have I called anyone subhuman? Why am I so attatched to what? The OFFICIAL STORY? I'm not!
I spent months reading the 9/11 threads and you know what? Nobody posted ANYTHING that convinced me. I no longer waste my time on them. What caught my eye was this thread that DARES to bring up and question the psychological state of the "truther" movement, something that the "truthers' cannot tolerate for an instant! HOW DARE THE OP!
In my view the "movement' has become a cult, a parody of itself.
It has put forth so many silly "theories', changed it's tune so many times, so much of it is based on cherished lies and misinformation that it no longer holds and credibility, nor do the "truthers' involved. Your refrences, your terminolgy, your very state of mind has become a bad cliche.
It's adherants behave like cult members, like religious fanatics, that hardly lends any substance. It has jumped the shark a long time ago.
But of course, I'm just a subhuman, just as bad as a mass murderer.

Look in the mirror "truthers'.

[edit on 6-9-2009 by OldDragger]

[edit on 6-9-2009 by OldDragger]

For you to deny that this

is NOT an OBVIOUS CONTROLLED DEMO, demonstrates at the least you have no common sense whatsoever and most you're a shill.

Anyone with a brain can see thats a CD.

Even EXPERTS agree it is.

If you don't you're not a logical or rational human being.

Sorry, but its time to start calling you deniers and perp defenders for what you are... which is just that.

To deny the above clip is a CD, shows something deeper than mere denial imo and even borderline evil.

No one can be that stupid... If you're that blind and can't see such an obvious cd, you should do yourself a favor as well as others who might be dumb enough to listen to you, and jump off a cliff before your ignorance becomes an epidemic.

ooops, too late.

posted on Sep, 6 2009 @ 10:20 PM
reply to post by CaptainObviousNIN11

There is no end to the back-and-forth insults as long as you perpetuate it.

You guys throw the ball back and forth, first one side is called ignorant and then the other.

Every time someone throws me that ball, I hold it and ask them why they threw it at me. And none of you ever freaking knows why! You make excuses and withdraw away with nothing else to talk about. Why are there never any shadows when the sun is shining?

posted on Sep, 6 2009 @ 10:22 PM
link By PI(R2) at 4:22 AM ON 09/06/09 The heat from the burning fuel was increased by the twyre effect , that is the center elevator shaft supplied a powerful blast of air like a smelting furnace , I can melt cast iron in my home made casting furnace using natural gas and a shop vac blowing air into the bottom . The elevators are made with a lot of aluminum and when it mixes with rust ( iron oxide ) it would react like thermite . If you don't think steel can burn , get some steel wool ( the type used for sanding ) and put a match to it ! The proper heat/fuel/air ratio is all thats needed . There are easy to prove reasons for all of the things that happened in the WTC disaster .


If a nano-chemist says that it took a military lab to create the nano-thermite that brought down the WTC buildings, then I do not believe that you could produce nano-thermite in your home.

Perhaps you're thinking of thermite. Nano-thermite is engineered at the molecular level with great precision. It can not be created haphazardly by different elements just happening to come together in a certain way through a series of random fires and explosions in a building. Nano-thermite is not naturally occurring.

So if what was found at the WTC en masse was an identical match to what is known to be nano-thermite, then we know that nano-thermite was used. Therefore we know a great deal of preparation was required in advance to get this nano-thermite into the building. The Danish scientist Niels Harris states that it would have taken many palletes of nano-thermite to pull this off.
So there must have been many people collaborating to get it in the buildings. Clearly, this is irrefutable proof that 9/11 was an inside job. Therefore we have found through forensic science the physical evidence that proves that 9/11 was a false flag event.

posted on Sep, 6 2009 @ 10:30 PM
Here is my last post on this thread.
I haven't called anyone stupid, ignorant etc.
This thread is, I think the only 9/11 thread I've ever posted on.
I stand by every comment I've made on this thread.
As I said, I gave up on the 9'11 posts years ago. It HAS become a cult, an obsessive game. One thing I will not do is get caught up in is the "evidence" game, anymore than I would talk Diantetics with a Scientologist or The Bible with a fundamentalist.
The responses of the 'believers' IS identical to religious fundamentalists.
If playing the role of "truther" is what you want, I couldn't care less. But I do think its a shame that so many people waste their time thusly. I know YOU BELIEVE that you are right, just as all cult members do, but I believe you are irrelevant to the world.
Have fun boys with your hobby.

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