posted on Sep, 3 2009 @ 05:28 PM
It's funny, whenever I read people who are trying to debunk evolution, one of the most common things they point out is that 'If we evolved from
monkeys, why are they still here?'
Let me make this very clear...
The idea of evolution is not that you had one group of animals that magically changed into a new species. The idea is that you had a lot of animals,
all moving around, and evolving in ways that best assisted them. The monkeys that are monkeys now took a different evolutionary path then early man.
Man ended up evolving in his own way, with similar ANCESTORS to modern apes and monkeys. Similar ancestors, say it with me, similar ancestors...
Before you try to debunk a theory that a lot of scientists have devoted their entire career on, maybe you should take the time to figure out what
they're talking about. If you're going to say that Einstein was wrong about whether or not something could accelerate faster then the speed of
light, don't you think you should know about it and have actual reasons to back it up, rather then making vague statements following pseudo-logic?
gah..sorry, that topic just peeves me like none other...
Anyway, regardless....this topic is one I've thought about since I was a kid. My dad let me borrow the Chariots of the Gods to check it out, and it
blew my mind how obvious it was. However, I think it's wrong to think that, say, Jesus wasn't real, or that he was an alien hybrid. I mean, come on
Jesus was a real man. A lot of his story was changed to fit with a lot of the old pagan religions. However, it's pretty logical to conclude that he
was probably a 'prophet' who actually walked on this earth. now, I believe that the reason he was considered a prophet was that he did, in fact,
talk to 'God'. An alien more then likely spoke to him, using a 'form' or guise that would seem heavenly. There is a greater plan for humanity that
the aliens have been working at for a very, VERY long time, and to help tweak a lot of humans' perspectives, they needed big 'icons' that the
people would listen to, who were very much human.
I have no doubts that prophets like Jesus were real. I do, however, doubt that they were heavenly or anything like that. Methinks they were used to
spread the message that the aliens wanted them to spread.
I believe that heaven is actually a higher dimension, maybe the 4th, maybe the 11th. I haven't spent too much time thinking about it. However, I know
that these higher realms are difficult for humans to understand. The process of shifting from 3rd dimensional beings into higher dimensions is a
difficult one, but if you get everyone basically doing it at once, with things like worldwide communications, sciences, etc all sorta, coming to one
point, then its possible to utilize the power of all human consciousnesses and catapult our race into higher realms. In a sense, evolve. What's
likely coming in 2012 (though I obviously don't know the exact date when this might happen ha)
We are being taught by higher beings. We are experiencing first hand attributes of our consciousness. The aliens watch over us, and help us learn
important lessons. They hope that we will use their lessons, such as the importance and power of love, to wake ourselves up, open our eyes and see
reality for what it is. They can put obstacles that force us to consciously work out the problem, and they can be, what we would see as, an angel
whispering in our ears.
I don't know what my point of posting here was anymore. I'm still trying to understand it myself. I know that there are two emotional forces in the
universe, fear and love. I know that our consciousness is exceptionally powerful, and as long as we strive to spread love and good vibes, strive to
listen to our hearts, and be ourselves, we're basically home free. I don't know...its so hard to put in words because theres so much. heh... best of
luck friends