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The most obvious smoking gun often overlooked.

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posted on Sep, 1 2009 @ 09:46 PM
09-11-01 Was chosen for "war games" drills. Someone with this knowledge conspired with the masterminds of this plot, plain and simple.

If you can think of another scenario lets have it.

posted on Sep, 1 2009 @ 09:49 PM
reply to post by jprophet420

Except for the fact that there were no war games that morning.

posted on Sep, 1 2009 @ 09:50 PM

Originally posted by jprophet420
09-11-01 Was chosen for "war games" drills. Someone with this knowledge conspired with the masterminds of this plot, plain and simple.

If you can think of another scenario lets have it.

Uh... plans to invade Afghanistan on Bush's desk prior to 9/11?

Lol. OOPS. I could honestly write 200 things that are anomalous about that day, and still we would have ignorant morons here defending the OS. It's at a point where I think sterilization should be forced on them and their family. If something as blatant as 911 can be pulled over their eyes, then what couldn't be.

posted on Sep, 1 2009 @ 09:55 PM
reply to post by impressme

Right. And when the **** starts hitting the fan it looks like war games to people who have been expecting them.

On the very morning of 9/11/01, five war games and terror drills were being conducted by several U.S. defense agencies, including one "live fly" exercise using REAL planes. Then-Acting Head of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Air Force General Richard B. Myers, admitted to 4 of the war games in congressional testimony

posted on Sep, 1 2009 @ 10:48 PM
reply to post by jprophet420

There were NO war games being conducted on 911 the proof is this the media NEVER air anything about any war game being conducted in NY before 911.

Good. When you find the link to the evidence that lists every maneuver planned for the war games on 911 please post it. Remember, the link has to be well before 911 not something looking back.

I searched for the article that would have announced the training exercises that were in progress on 9/11

I guess you just proved my point, there wasn’t any. So much for debunking my two questions.

[edit on 18-6-2009 by impressme]

NORAD Maintains Northern Vigilance
Sept. 9, 2001

CHEYENNE MOUNTAIN AFS, Colo. – The North American Aerospace Defense Command shall deploy fighter aircraft as necessary to Forward Operating Locations (FOLS) in Alaska and Northern Canada to monitor a Russian air force exercise in the Russian arctic and North Pacific ocean.

“NORAD is the eyes and ears of North America and it is our mission to ensure that our air sovereignty is maintained,” said Lieutenant-General Ken Pennie, Deputy Commander-in-Chief of NORAD. “Although it is highly unlikely that Russian aircraft would purposely violate Canadian or American airspace, our mission of vigilance must be sustained.”

NORAD-allocated forces will remain in place until the end of the Russian exercise.

NORAD conducted operation Northern Denial from December 1 to 14, 2000 in response to a similar, but smaller scale, Russian deployment of long-range bombers at northern Russian air bases. NORAD-allocated forces were deployed to three FOLS, two in Alaska and one in Canada. More than 350 American and Canadian military men and women were in involved in the deployment.

If NORAD released information about war games over NYC in advance, were is it?
If YOU find the information about the supposed war games on 911 posted BEFORE 911 please present it.

BTW where were all the military planes if there were war games going on in NYC?

jprophet420, where is your link to your source that you posted in the above post? Your informations is no good without a credible source.

[edit on 2-9-2009 by impressme]

posted on Sep, 1 2009 @ 11:54 PM
I refuse to believe I just heard the words 'media' and 'proof' in the same sentence, let alone that this is where some get their evidence from, it's disturbing in that they can still pull the wool over so many eyes. Way to kill my interest.

Anyway, show me some GD black boxes, or any other formidable piece of a 757 (that has made it through every other plane crash in history), and I might lend an ear to the "Official" story. Other than that, I know no facts, I prepare for the worst, and I hope I'm wrong.

I believe this will be my last entry in ANY 9/11 thread. Why bother...

posted on Sep, 2 2009 @ 01:28 AM
reply to post by jprophet420

Chronology of Significant Military Maneuvers
by Dr. Nikolai Sokov, CNS Senior Research Associate, (August 2004)
Maneuvers to simulate defense against a large-scale airspace attack began on 10 September 2001. According to Air Force chief Anatoliy Kornukov, they were intended to cover the whole Arctic, as well as northern parts of the Pacific and the Atlantic oceans, including the vicinity of Norway, Iceland, the United States, Canada, and Great Britain. The main task was reportedly to penetrate the air defense of NATO and North America (NORAD). As part of the exercise, long-range bombers were moved to auxiliary bases in Anadyr, Tiksi, and Vorkuta. A new element of these maneuvers was, according to newspaper reports, training for the use of long-range ALCMs outside the reach of NORAD (since Russia has had long-range nuclear ALCMs since the 1980s, apparently these reports meant conventional ALCMs, which began to appear in the Russian Armed Forces only in the late 1990s). The only real launches planned in these regions involved short-range missiles launched from Tu-22M3 over the Kamchatka Peninsula in a simulated attack against an aircraft carrier group.
The plan was abruptly changed immediately after news of terrorist attacks in New York and Washington, DC on 11 September 2001 reached Moscow. To avoid possible complications and misperceptions, the Air Force terminated all "practical activities" planned for the ongoing maneuvers following a request from the United States. This included a termination of flights not only toward U.S. territory, but also "around the corner" toward Norway and Iceland. Launches of short-range ALCMs from five Tu-22M3 bombers (three belonging to the Naval Air Command and two from the Air Force) over Kamchatka against seaborne targets were still conducted, but only within Russian territorial waters. Also, both heavy and medium bombers practiced missile launches at an internal Russian test range near the Caspian sea.
[1] Yuriy Golotyuk, "Bombardirovshchiki letyat na vraga," Vremya novostey, 11 September 2001.
[2] Yuriy Golotyuk, "Yaderniy konflikt otstavit," Vremya novostey, 12 September 2001.
[3] "Pod Saratovom nachalis ucheniya dalney aviatsii," RIA Novosti, 13 September 2001.
[4] Ivan Safronov, "Rossiyskaya dalnyaya aviatsiya uletela nedaleko," Kommersant-Daily, 15 September 2001.
[5] "Na Kamchatke zavershilis komandno-shtabnyye ucheniya Tikhookeanskogo Flota," Kommersant-Daily, 19 September 2001.

There were no war games being done in NYC!

[edit on 2-9-2009 by impressme]

posted on Sep, 2 2009 @ 01:54 AM
reply to post by jprophet420

posted on 19-6-2009 @ 01:50 AM

Originally posted by Sanity
Remember the topic of the actual OP...

Originally posted by impressme

If our global intelligence and national security is so great, how in the world did this little group of Arab terrorists know, in advance, that our military would be engaged in war games in the skies above NYC, and in these war games, one of the operations was to simulate planes crashing into skyscrapers?

The fact is, it would have taken either the terrorists infiltrating our military, our security and intel agencies, the FAA, NORAD, the office of the vice president and numerous other agencies, to pull off 911 or all the above named agencies had to have supplied Al-Qaeda with all this information. So, if you have to believe Al-Qaeda was responsible for 911, I’ll let you choose which of the above you want to go with.

NOPE! Not one pre-911 post to prove anything about the o called war game schedule in New York. In fact, there was only writing about the Russian war games. You can’t plan a small dinner party without a certain amount of detailed information so kids, don’t try to sell me some song and dance about these Bin Laden workers, as educated as they might have been, planning and carrying out 911 in less than a day. You don’t really think they were able to outsmart the STRONGEST, RICHEST, MOST TECHNICALLY ADVANCED, and by far, THE MOST INTELLIGENT MILITARY POWER IN THE WORLD, do you?

So far, nobody has been able prove anything contrary to what impressme said in the OP. Sorry Jenna, sorry jerico65, NORAD was not playing war games with the Russian Air Force in New York City! In fact, I never saw anything about any war games in New York, DC or Shanksville, PA! You all need to stop believing lies and misinformation. I used to believe the OS in the beginning but a little time and a lot of logic made it clear that the OS was physically impossible. I wasn’t alone in my confusion about answers I was getting regarding 911, looks like some other people were confused about the whole 911 thing too… please read on…

Posted 4/18/2004 10:22 PM Updated 4/19/2004 3:08 PM

NORAD, in a written statement, confirmed that such hijacking exercises occurred. It said the scenarios outlined were regional drills, not regularly scheduled continent-wide exercises

On April 8, the commission investigating the Sept. 11 attacks heard testimony from national security adviser Condoleezza Rice that the White House didn't anticipate hijacked planes being used as weapons.

On April 12, a watchdog group, the Project on Government Oversight, released a copy of an e-mail written by a former NORAD official referring to the proposed exercise targeting the Pentagon. The e-mail said the simulation was not held because the Pentagon considered it "too unrealistic."

President Bush said at a news conference Tuesday, "Nobody in our government, at least, and I don't think the prior government, could envision flying airplanes into buildings on such a massive scale." .

The time has come for the OS believers to hear the wake-up call. How the Hell could Osama Bin Laden have known anything, even general information, let alone exact details necessary to pull off 911, about the training exercises including flying airliners into the both WTC towers and the Pentagon when the PRESIDENT OF THE UNTED STATES DID NOT!

I think this poster has made it logically clear the government is lying.

[edit on 2-9-2009 by impressme]

posted on Sep, 2 2009 @ 03:11 PM
reply to post by impressme

"Threats of killing hostages or crashing were left to the scriptwriters to invoke creativity and broaden the required response," Maj. Gen. Craig McKinley, a NORAD official, told the 9/11 commission. No exercise matched the specific events of Sept. 11, NORAD said.

"We have planned and executed numerous scenarios over the years to include aircraft originating from foreign airports penetrating our sovereign airspace," Gen. Ralph Eberhart, NORAD commander, told USA TODAY. "Regrettably, the tragic events of 9/11 were never anticipated or exercised."

From the same article.

posted on Sep, 2 2009 @ 04:21 PM
No, here's the most obvious smoking gun that 911 was an inside job and was orchestrated. They had their lies prepared, but someone got trigger happy, and spouted out a lie before the lie had actually even happened:

The evidence is there, plain as day, as the nose on your face, right there, on video, NO DENYING IT. So how are these criminals still getting away with this?

posted on Sep, 4 2009 @ 09:39 PM
I don't believe any of these 9/11 conspiracy theories. A plane hit the towers and they fell. Plain and simple.

posted on Sep, 4 2009 @ 09:59 PM
what about WTC 7? No planes hit it. Yes, you are plain and simple.

posted on Sep, 4 2009 @ 10:21 PM
reply to post by Game_Over

You are right, no airplanes hit WTC7. However, WTC1 did.

posted on Sep, 5 2009 @ 02:46 AM
[edit on 5-9-2009 by johnwayne]

posted on Sep, 5 2009 @ 03:21 AM
reply to post by Swampfox46_1999

---On 9/11---
And I suppose the few office fires melted the point of implosion and caused 7 to fall on it's footprint. Hours later. At free fall. After- as has been said- it was said it already fell, just before 'connection loss'.

And jet fuel melts steel.

And "a plane hit the Pentagon" too.

And buildings fall when they burn from cold office flames. At free fall speed.

---As a result of 9/11---
And military industrial complex didn't make a penny. Neither did Halliburton or KBR(or whatever - kill, bag, repeat).

No one in high places had contact to any of these places, either.

Civilian rebuilders, contracted by KBR, didn't drive, and die, in military vehicles in a war zone.

Soldiers didn't have to wait in a line in the open for 'terrorists' and food for hours.

Soldier's water was treated.

Soldiers got flak jackets too.

You're unpatriotic if you don't follow the Patriot Act or the Wolfowitz doctrine, aka NS act.

You're unAmerican if you don't give up your rights.

You're a luncatic if you question government.

That's all, too. Nothing else. No sarcasm either, none.

No, I believe that terrorists did everything... honestly - cept they didnt use box-cutters, they used pens. Terrorists treated our soldiers like trash. Terrorists banked off US civilian lives, pre- and post-9/11. Terrorists 'lost' over $2 trillion of my moneys.

Common sense is also a prevalent trait in humans... always.

[edit on 5-9-2009 by shanerz]

posted on Sep, 5 2009 @ 06:59 AM

Originally posted by Oreyeon
No, here's the most obvious smoking gun that 911 was an inside job and was orchestrated. They had their lies prepared, but someone got trigger happy, and spouted out a lie before the lie had actually even happened:

The evidence is there, plain as day, as the nose on your face, right there, on video, NO DENYING IT. So how are these criminals still getting away with this?

because people that post thoughts like this,
exist and are the majority

and just read posts by self-proclaimed intellects here like jthomas who defend the perps and twist words and logic.

Doesn't take too much to confuse people... the perps are laughing their heads off right now, mostly because with all the evidence of their screw-ups, people are still too dumbed down to see whats right in front of their eyes. 911 is the largest most blatant heinous conspiracy of all time and the sheople are too braindead to see it.

so its really not a surprise they've so far gotten away with it.

the irony of our generation is that we're in the information age and its the most ignorant age ever.

posted on Sep, 6 2009 @ 10:30 AM
On the very morning of 9/11/01, five war games and terror drills were being conducted by several U.S. defense agencies, including one "live fly" exercise using REAL planes. Then-Acting Head of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Air Force General Richard B. Myers, admitted to 4 of the war games in congressional testimony"

This would explain why it wasnt stopped because the people that are in charge to stop such an attack were staging the attacks simulation or real-world.

Maybe the wargames were hijacked.

Look into P-tech and 911, then you will know who might of been responsible.

posted on Sep, 6 2009 @ 02:32 PM
reply to post by shanerz

Well, after reading your post, I can say that if you honestly believed the whole thing, then I understand why you are confused about what happened that day.

Do some honest, open-minded research.

posted on Sep, 7 2009 @ 06:35 AM

Originally posted by Swampfox46_1999
reply to post by shanerz

Well, after reading your post, I can say that if you honestly believed the whole thing, then I understand why you are confused about what happened that day.

Do some honest, open-minded research.

don't you mean, "no minded research" in BELIEVE the OS...or else

and FEMA arrived in NY at the WTC complex on get ready for....?????...the next day

[edit on 7-9-2009 by hgfbob]

posted on Sep, 7 2009 @ 12:04 PM
reply to post by hgfbob

Fema shows up on September 10th to practice the Bio-Terror exercise scheduled for September 11th. They were to operate out of pier 92 which ended being the command center after the towers fell. Coincidence? Not at all.

Some people chose to live in ignorance either by accident or on purpose. Some people actually are paid to come here and make sure the truth doesn't get shared without ignorant comments.

We know the truth. The truth can never be hidden.

[edit on 7-9-2009 by CaptainAmerica2012]

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