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Like it or not, all 50 States must now recognize Gay Marriages!

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posted on Sep, 1 2009 @ 09:24 PM
reply to post by stevegmu

Point made, but also moot:

Amendment 10 - Powers of the States and People.

The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.

Since regulation of marriage is not delegated to the Fed by the Constitution, it is granted to the States.

+8 more 
posted on Sep, 1 2009 @ 09:25 PM

Originally posted by Xtrozero

I just hope the Polygamist get to have as many partners as they want now, and the pedophiles get to lower the legal age of consent to 13, and let’s not leave out those who practice beastality.

Its all normal rght?

How is any of this a logical extension? If marriage is between a man and a woman does it make it legal for a fifty year old man to marry a thirteen year old girl in the United States? No.

What does pedophilia have to do with homosexuality? What does bestiality have to do with homosexuality? You could have man on girl pedophilia, you can have man on female chicken bestiality.

Two tax paying adults who both understand what they are getting into is vastly different than an adult and someone who thinks Spongebob lives in the TV. What's more it is really an insult to even compare the two! Pedophilia is the most disgusting abhorrent act that defies the larger Natural Law that the adult must protect the young. Having dealt with people who have been harmed in that manner I can tell you that it is vastly, vastly different. A child doesn't have a choice when a bigger person tries to force themselves upon them, nor do a lot of the animals that get wrangled into sickness.

Let's keep the debate fair, and not demonize people. If you don't like the idea of homosexuality, fine. Don't practice it.

FYI, I was a hospice worker at one time and I had a evangelical client who thought gays were going straight to hell in the first available handcart. When her church wasn't able to heal her the first time they prayed, suddenly it was her fault for not having a strong enough faith and they abandoned her. Hence me being the "support" when she couldn't get it from her church. Me, a Catholic, another one to burn in hell.

I drove her all over, made her life as fun as possible for the last months, and I took her to a salon where my gay friend shaved her head for her, fitted her with a free wig, did her makeup, got her a massage, and at the end of her life two of her closest friends were people that she thought were going to burn at one point.

She grabbed me by the hand and looked at me one day as I sat with her through chemo and she said: You are my angel! My angel. To the gay man she once feared...he wasn't a gay man, he was a kind man.

Righteousness isn't about the things we do that are wrong, but what we do that is right. Gays should be judged like everyone else. Were they there when someone was hungry and needed food? Were they there when someone was sick? When someone needed help, did they give it?

Sorry, but this whole argument just saddens me. It just does.

posted on Sep, 1 2009 @ 09:29 PM
I can't wait till they find out what a disadvantage legal marriage is.

If they adopt children, the court will have the say of which partner has custody, and hwo much the other must pay for suport.

And of course there will be in some cases Alimony.

They will come to appreciate how free they were before.

posted on Sep, 1 2009 @ 09:35 PM
reply to post by OhZone

These things you talk of are already in play with civil unions. the right to marriage will not change any of that.

I for one can't wait to put this archaic thinking behind us. In many ways, or at least to hear friends of mine discuss it, many feel it has been a great distraction to the gay and lesbian community (insofar as the degree of energy expended to achieve it) at the expense of many other worthy and pressing issues that need to be addressed.

Baby steps I guess ...

[edit on 1 Sep 2009 by schrodingers dog]

posted on Sep, 1 2009 @ 09:42 PM
reply to post by schrodingers dog

It's too bad that the internet and ATS weren't around during the Civil Rights Movement in the '60s. It would be soooooooooo interesting to go back to the 'hate on darky' (not intended to be a racial putdown, but rather an example of the mindset of the time by the majority) threads and compare them to the 'hate on the homos' threads of today! I'll bet the arguments would be quite similar!!!

posted on Sep, 1 2009 @ 09:46 PM
reply to post by Xtrozero

Ignorance at it's finest my friend, I salute you.

Now if you wish, you can explain yourself instead of making derailing and rude comments about things you know nothing about.

This is the mentality that keeps us back as a human race. I'm sorry but Polygamy, Beastiality and Pedophilia have nothing to do with gays, at all.

I understand that you probably don't understand, so it's scary for you. Perhaps you are inclined towards one or more of these things and feel a need to demonize them in order to keep yourself grounded.

Actually on second thought, it's wrong of me to make an assesment based on nothing, so I take that back.

Perhaps you should follow this sort of logic in the future, you won't be putting your foot in your mouth so often that way.

Yours Truly,


posted on Sep, 1 2009 @ 09:49 PM
reply to post by SevenThunders

Japan is still standing.

I think your logic is flawed.

posted on Sep, 1 2009 @ 09:50 PM
reply to post by stevegmu

Your whole argument is moot because state law can not supersede federal law.


Federal law states marijuana is illegal, and yet we have states legalizing marijuana.

Federal law states people crossing the international border into the U.S. without permission is illegal, and yet we have sanctuary cities.

posted on Sep, 1 2009 @ 09:51 PM
I don't understand why people get upset with other people who make a choice concerning who they love, who they want to make a commitment to, whether in private, in a church, or in a civil agreement. But I must add here, if two women agree to marry a man, or two men agree to marry a woman (Paint Your Wagon, anyone?) what is it to me? And I go so far as to say, perhaps 300 men marry a woman. So what? If all are inclined to do this, then what does it matter to me? Oh, God will destroy my nation? So be it. But as long as my wife and I abide by a rule that we are married and all is well, then so what? We get destroyed too? Oh, but that is okay. We will have everlasting life with God. And the rest will burn in hell.

posted on Sep, 1 2009 @ 09:51 PM
"Like it or not"............ I like it just fine. It's none of my business, any more than it is any of your business whom I chose to wed.

It's really just that simple.

posted on Sep, 1 2009 @ 09:51 PM
reply to post by Ferris.Bueller.II

Yup that's right.

He meant that Federal Law cannot supercede State Law, since they have more power than the fed.

At least that's how it's suppose to be.


posted on Sep, 1 2009 @ 09:52 PM

Originally posted by Nutter
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

I like this post actually. Being a gay man who agrees one hundred percent with you, I say go ahead and keep your headaches.

You know friend there is some sad truth in that. I am married (seperated for 10 years no divorce) with 5 kids (that I pay through the nose for and never get to physically see) and married my wife while we were living in West Hollywood CA (the nation's first officially gay city) and today live in South Beach Miami (another place it's hard to find a heavier concentration of gays) and for years my favorite lamentation in life and one I oft love to tease my gay friends with is "Had only I been born gay!"

A whole lot of obligations come along with legal partnerships whether they be business, pleasure, romantic, or personal.

Once you have that 'legal' badge then the 'legal system' get's to leach on to you too, and well nothing will suck the life and money out of you like the Law and Attorneys!

I honestly think gays in many ways are the luckiest people alive. They can have all the benefits of a fantastic committed relationship if they want to, and none of the legal obligations that come along with a union sanctioned by law.

I know some very happy gay couples who have been together for years and of course I know a lot of gay people who have had as many ups and downs in their love life as I have, but at least you get to walk away and not look back if you don't want to.

Legal unions come with legal seperations and that is one legal pain in the behind and not even Doc Johnson's Cinamon Lubricant can take the sting out of that!

posted on Sep, 1 2009 @ 09:56 PM
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

Maybe this is off-topic, and I take my bones if so.

My Grandma said to me ... "look backward fondly, but don't stare."

I guess I never really knew what she meant until I crossed 50.

I believe marriage belongs to those who want it, need it, are committed to it. For me, those are the only variables.

cheers, friend

posted on Sep, 1 2009 @ 09:58 PM

Originally posted by A Fortiori
How is any of this a logical extension? If marriage is between a man and a woman does it make it legal for a fifty year old man to marry a thirteen year old girl in the United States? No.

Well since in America, marriage has been defined, for oh 200 plus years, as a union between one man and one woman and if we decide it no longer is just that then all should get their way. There are arguments for any of these behaviors that are just as valid as homosexuals arguing for marriage.

What does pedophilia have to do with homosexuality? What does bestiality have to do with homosexuality? You could have man on girl pedophilia, you can have man on female chicken bestiality.

They all are behaviors that are not the norm as to what the majority of society practice, so why lift one above the other?

"Pedophilia" is the most disgusting abhorrent act that defies the larger Natural Law...

Where you write "pedophilia" above replace it with "homosexuality", would not that have been the tipical view of America 30 years ago?

Also if I wanted to argue the point as homosexuals have relentlessly done for decades, does not nature provide the typical 13 year old (give or take a year)the ability to procreate? So natural law suggests that puberity is adulthood.

Let's keep the debate fair, and not demonize people. If you don't like the idea of homosexuality, fine. Don't practice it.

Once again you can replace your word "homosexuality" with anyone of my suggestions too. Don't demonize them.....

FYI, I was a hospice worker.....

Great story, but explain why again that a person shouldn't be able to have 5, 10, 15 wives/husbands, or marry a person past puberty, or have an open government recognized relationship with their pet chicken?
My point is that homosexuality was at one point in our past part of the abnormal, but today it is considered a normal behavior.

I do not agree with it or disagree, but I do find it all hypocritical in after a huge multi decade propaganda campaign to put it into the “normal” category that all the other abnormal behaviors are still abnormal…..

[edit on 1-9-2009 by Xtrozero]

posted on Sep, 1 2009 @ 10:00 PM
reply to post by Xtrozero

Look if one man and ten women wanted to get married and consented why would that be looked down upon?

The reason beastiality will never occur is because animals CANNOT consent, the point is moot.

I understand where you are coming from, but Homosexuality has been around and has been the norm in many societies. Only in this ridiculously prudish and ignorant society is it not.

How does it affect non homosexuals?

This is the question of the hour. If it does NOT affect you, then why should you care?


posted on Sep, 1 2009 @ 10:02 PM

Originally posted by Xtrozero

They all are behaviors that are not the norm as to what the majority of society practice, so why lift one above the other?

Mmm, women driving is illegal in SA ...

In other countries women are put to death for getting gang raped ...

Prostitution is legal in Thailand ...

Are human rights to be subject to the whim of a particular society?
Should one's rights depend on the "luck of the draw" of where they happen to be born?

Sorry, but this is a tired, failed, and disingenuous argument.

[edit on 1 Sep 2009 by schrodingers dog]

posted on Sep, 1 2009 @ 10:03 PM

Originally posted by argentus
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

Maybe this is off-topic, and I take my bones if so.

My Grandma said to me ... "look backward fondly, but don't stare."

I guess I never really knew what she meant until I crossed 50.

I believe marriage belongs to those who want it, need it, are committed to it. For me, those are the only variables.

cheers, friend

In my humble opinion wisdom is never off topic, especially the grandmotherly kind! May she rest in peace always and thank you for sharing her wisdom here with me and us all, it is much appreciated on my part.

Cheers to you!

posted on Sep, 1 2009 @ 10:03 PM

Originally posted by NoJoker13
When gays can get married everywhere that will be a happy day, I'm all for equal rights. As far as I'm concerned we're not equal toward the homo-sexual race (cleary) and I'm a hetero-sexual male.

There is no homosexual race. They are not a special race or special breed of humans. They are humans with a sexual paraphilia (a deviant sexual fetish). They are males that prefer sex with other males rather than with females.

How males have sex with males should be discussed so everyone knows what goes on. They can't procreate (reproduce), so they recruit....and it's all about building a lifestyle around getting off with their fetish partner.

I could care less if they want to get married. If they want to be that stupid then let them get married. Their marriages will inadvertently provide more work to lawyers and the courts. I can't wait to start hearing about gays in divorce court....ha...ha..ha..haaaaa!
Oh, I forgot to add all the extra work Gays provide for surgeons that do hemorrhoid surgeries. OUCH!!

[edit on 1/9/09 by John Matrix]

posted on Sep, 1 2009 @ 10:05 PM

Originally posted by John Matrix

Originally posted by NoJoker13
When gays can get married everywhere that will be a happy day, I'm all for equal rights. As far as I'm concerned we're not equal toward the homo-sexual race (cleary) and I'm a hetero-sexual male.

There is no homosexual race. They are not a special race or special breed of humans. They are humans with a sexual paraphilia (a deviant sexual fetish). They are males that prefer sex with other males rather than with females.

How males have sex with males should be discussed so everyone knows what goes on. They can't procreate (reproduce), so they recruit....and it's all about building a lifestyle around getting off with their fetish partner.

Strange I did not know I suffered from a Fetish? And I'm a little confused as to why you only spoke about males? Do lesbians not exist in your closed minded little world?

And no we do not recruit. Only a simpleton things that the gays are out to change everybody to gay. We are who we are, we only ask that you folks unti the knot in your panties and learn to live with it.


posted on Sep, 1 2009 @ 10:08 PM
What I find entirely funny is that marriage, a religious ceremony is so political. Personally I think it should be taken out of the political realm and left back where it got started and that was with the churches.
I also thought that as a country we were beyond the fear of change, but we are not. Is marriage and monogomy such a bad thing? Would it mean that the people that are protrayed to be perverted or just weird, are actually normal.
Personally I would also think that if people stop fearing about 2 people of the same sex getting married, they may see the benifits, to the tune of millions of dollars, as those wanting to get married would mean that they would have to pay the same things that would go into a marriage.

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