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Like it or not, all 50 States must now recognize Gay Marriages!

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posted on Sep, 3 2009 @ 09:29 AM

Originally posted by GEORGETHEGREEK
reply to post by ninecrimes

Nice idea!
How much is the benefit in % per marriage?
Can it be donne the Arab way?

I mean if its 10% per marriege i could get Simba married with 25 chicks and actually turn out to bennefit from it.

Star for the idea!

If I marry my best friend, we can basically "take turns" being employed. While one is employed, the other will basically be a lazy slob all day every day, collecting the tax benefits of an unemployed dependent.

And if things are really good, we just might adopt some children just for even more benefits... we won't love the kid or anything, just the money!

Hypothetical situation, of course... but it won't be for long, should this crap be brought into my state!

posted on Sep, 3 2009 @ 09:35 AM
reply to post by Death_Kron

It DOES make a difference in reality.

A state sanctioned marriage is a financial arrangement above all else. For instance, your "legal spouse" is covered by community property laws and such, whereas a "live-in lover" is not in most states. Also, your "legal spouse" will be eligible for your health plan at work under family coverage, your "shackup" will not, in most cases.

There is a difference in personal commitment and legal marriage.

posted on Sep, 3 2009 @ 09:40 AM
reply to post by ninecrimes

I very much agree with you in all aspects of it.
Simba might buy into this.
After all he has to clean up after his own mess!
Benefits will work wonders for him.
Quite an incentive in being gay.
He will also be able to see Lily at the same time since he is in no way obliged to marry her and she prefferes a free relationship!

Matter of fact is that love doesn't strugle much when pure against economics.
If marriage has become an economic afair, then marriage is becoming gay.

I think of never marrying now tha you mention it!

My jets tires are all fine for the time after all so i won't need the money.

Take care!

posted on Sep, 3 2009 @ 09:45 AM

Originally posted by JaxonRoberts
reply to post by hotrodturbo7

Yes, at least once it's taken to the Supreme Court. I'm sure that it will have to go that route. States will hide behind DOMA until then.

According to the logic that one state doesn't have to recognize law of another state, if they have a law on the book for the same situation that directly conflicts it. (i.e. different speed limits, gun control laws, and such), if a state has a law that specifically denies gay marriage, that state would not have to recognize a same-sex marriage for legal purposes.

The more I consider it, I think my original analogy with weapons licensing stands. If I took my Vermont concealed carry license and weapon to Chicago, I would be arrested for carrying a firearm, because Illinois law SPECIFICALLY forbids it.

If Alabama SPECIFICALLY forbids same-sex marriage, by law, then they would not have to recognize a same-sex marriage from Vermont?

posted on Sep, 3 2009 @ 12:48 PM

Originally posted by JaxonRoberts

I would also bring up another point. Why is it perfectly legal for me to marry a dude if I have a sex change? My DNA still contains that pesky Y chromosome, and the plumbing is just for show and completely nonfunctional, so why the difference?

You make a great point that shows it's just the stigma that people can't put up with, but as long as you LOOK like a woman and can perform sexual acts as a woman would, it's suddenly okay to marry a guy. Suddenly the state is okay with it.

posted on Sep, 3 2009 @ 01:00 PM
reply to post by thedigirati

Wow! You really don't understand what equality really means do you? You really think that when people talk about wanting to be equal to everyone else they are implying that everyone should be the same height and make the same amount of money?

I mean, you were just being facetious rigth?

If not, I'll elaborate. Equality means having the same exact opportunities in life as everyone else does regardless of sex, race, HEIGHT, age, religion, lifestyle choice.

Yeah, you might make more money than someone but that doesn't mean they aren't still equal to you. But to be equal they DO have to have the same opportunities that you do in order to be able to make the same amount of money. If they are denied those opportunities because their not the right color, sex, HEIGHT, then they are not being treated as an equal are they?

They are being treated as if they are less of a person because of they weren't born the right way or decided to live their life in a way that another does not agree with.

But, I'll keep it in my mind that you were just being facetious because I'd honestly rather think that then think you really think that someone isn't equal to you because you might be 5'9" and they are only 5'4".

posted on Sep, 3 2009 @ 01:01 PM

Originally posted by SevenThunders
Every civilization that has embraced homosexuality has been destroyed. I fear that we are next. We may decide right or wrong based on our flawed human wisdom, but there is a higher moral standard laid down by the hand of God. I sure wouldn't want to flaunt my disregard of that standard.

and of course you can prove that these "civilizations" have been "destroyed" by homosexuality. plus, i don't want a god that kills people out of vengence...your god likes to use violence too much for me.
anyone that says:..."believe in me or you will suffer forever", sounds like a deranged human to me.

posted on Sep, 3 2009 @ 02:32 PM

Originally posted by Xtrozero

Originally posted by habfan1968
Skin color and homosexuality are inherently different in that one is a choice and one is not. Being gay is a choice.

Well actually I disagree...

Being gay is not a choice, just as being heterosexual is not a choice. Well also being a pedophile, or sociopath, or psychopath etc are all not choices either, but behaviors. Choosing to practice those behaviors are choices though, but homosexuals are the one minority group from all these other minority groups that have been pushing their behavior to the equality of the majority. Marriage is just a further attempt to normalize their behavior in mirroring heterosexuals. As many have posted, a partnership does not need the marriage stamp to be successful and happy.

[edit on 3-9-2009 by Xtrozero]

Wouldn't being a heterosexual be a behavior also? So why do I get to get married? Just because my sexual orientation is in the majority? Just because it's viewed by some to be normal compared to homosexuality?

Homosexuality being an abnormal behavior is only an opinion anyway. Yes, the behavior itself is in the minority but "minority" doesn't entail "abnormal".

So since when does "minority" mean "not deserving of being equal". Isn't that the real issue here? That a group of minorities are being treated as being unequal to everyone in the majority group?

posted on Sep, 3 2009 @ 03:38 PM

Originally posted by SevenThunders
Every civilization that has embraced homosexuality has been destroyed. I fear that we are next. We may decide right or wrong based on our flawed human wisdom, but there is a higher moral standard laid down by the hand of God. I sure wouldn't want to flaunt my disregard of that standard.

The way I see it; Christians should not be against this. After all it is the will of God. Yes I said it... the will of God. Apparently for the Son of God to return for his people this, among other things, should happen. Is it then that we as Christians are so afraid to leave this planet that we dont want the prophecies to happen?

I believe in God, although sometimes the things I see and hear cause me to question his existence. But then I say to myself that a being of such higher intellect, power, grace, and mercy could not be ruled by such basic human feelings as are described in the Bible. All I can do is wonder and hope I'm not mistaken.

posted on Sep, 3 2009 @ 03:56 PM
If there is a god,it isn't homosexuality that gives him/her heartburn,it is useless acts which are a total waste of time,and contrary to their purpose.

Whats love got to do with it?.

Who really knows what that is?.

I love to ride my bike,I love my dog,I love my brother.

My bike is excercise,My dog is a responsibility I took on willfully,My brother is my brother.

This whole argument about gay rights and all is just a waste of time and resources.

Y'all been DUPED.

Argue on,it is what you do best.

Thank you for viewing another episode of "The Jerry Springer Show".

See you next time,...............

posted on Sep, 3 2009 @ 04:09 PM
reply to post by SevenThunders

They were disytroyed by christians.... murdered.... savagely.

That was the down side to accepting homosexuality.... being killed by christians, jews, and muslims.

posted on Sep, 3 2009 @ 04:16 PM
Equal opportunity is the stupidest idea ever thought of. While I applaud the generous sentimentality, there's no place for it in the workforce or anywhere that involves money. There should be no college scholarships based on race. If whites had a white-only scholarship (where it is an actual REQUIREMENT to be white), then the entire black community would freak out, there would be disorder and chaos everywhere. Where is the NAAWP? They don't exist because it would be RACIST. Reverse racism there.

Beyond race, you wouldn't give a man with no dexterity a job as a typesetter, you wouldn't pick the shortest of five applicant to work in a warehouse, you wouldn't give a blind man a job as a sharpshooter, and you certainly wouldn't give a liar and thief a job handling money (and yet there are THOUSANDS of politicians...)

The idea that we are all the same is lunacy. We are all born equal, but from that very fist breath, we improve ourselves. By the time we reach adulthood, some of us have become BETTER than others. It is not our similarities which make us great. It is our differences. Those difference, sexual preference, beleif systems, desires, dislikes... they are the strength of humanity because they force us to question ourselves and our way of life on a daily basis. They prevent us from becoming mindless robots. There is no change without conflict, and that conflict will forever be buried in our DNA.

The debate over same-sex marriage will rage on for awhile. I can see both sides of the argument on religious, moral, and technical grounds. But in the end, the way you live your life is a PERSONAL choice. If you want to worship the Great Red Gumball, that is your decision. If you can't help but fall in love with a member of the same sex, I really don't think you can help it. Having SEX with that person is a personal decision. How you act on it... only the participant can decide that. This is where 'being gay' becomes a decision. You may not be able to help your attractions, but you can decide what to do with your impulses and desires.

posted on Sep, 3 2009 @ 04:52 PM
being edited

[edit on 3-9-2009 by Stylez]

posted on Sep, 3 2009 @ 05:05 PM
Any gays here?

I know gays who are embarrassed to be gay

posted on Sep, 3 2009 @ 07:18 PM
reply to post by missed_gear

Go reread Article IV, Section 1 again. It is quite clear on the issue of State's obligations in situations such as this.

posted on Sep, 3 2009 @ 07:24 PM

Originally posted by Xtrozero

Originally posted by KarlG

Homosexuals are a MINORITY. Like skin color.

Well no... homosexuality is a behavior... A behavior practice by a small minority... rather big difference.

You countered then reaffirmed the minority status in the same sentence! A minority is any group that is outnumbered by the majority. In this case, 90% vs. 10%. No one is claiming that homosexuals are a racial minority, just a social minority. Apples (racial) and oranges (social) are both fruits (minorities).

posted on Sep, 3 2009 @ 07:32 PM

Originally posted by ninecrimes
The day it's legalized in Massachusetts, I'll marry my best friend purely for the legal benefits of being married and cost as much money to the taxpayers as possible.

That's MY way of demonstrating why I disagree with gay marriages. It has nothing to do with being gay, to me, it's all about how easily the system will be abused. And trust me, I'll be abusing it from day 1 until it's banned again.

So, it's OK for me, as a taxpayer, to pay for benefits for straight married couples, but I'm forbidden to come to the trough myself??? WOW! Need I say more about such weak logic???

posted on Sep, 3 2009 @ 07:38 PM

Originally posted by ninecrimes
If I marry my best friend, we can basically "take turns" being employed. While one is employed, the other will basically be a lazy slob all day every day, collecting the tax benefits of an unemployed dependent.

And if things are really good, we just might adopt some children just for even more benefits... we won't love the kid or anything, just the money!

Hypothetical situation, of course... but it won't be for long, should this crap be brought into my state!

One thing that refutes your "logic".

The same happens with "straight" marriage.

posted on Sep, 3 2009 @ 07:54 PM

Originally posted by die_another_day
Any gays here?

I know gays who are embarrassed to be gay

posted on Sep, 3 2009 @ 08:19 PM
while i personally am in favor of this... the state of idaho does not and has stated clearly that it will not now nor in the near future accept it....

so that leaves idaho out of your 50 states argument...

this state has recently threatened to walk away from the annointed one as well.... very red state that is not to lilely to accept much of anything from the government telling us what to do...

a few years back this state took a state wide poll and over 90 % said no way.... so the voice of the people won out (or lost out)...

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