This is fun. Some of you think I actually care if it's true or not. Nope. Not an issue with me. I am approaching this as philosophic play.
Skunk Works should be a place to explore ideas off the main roads. A bit of cross country trekking. Don't you think?
I could tell there would be no proof after the first page. What interested me was the theoretical possibilities we could explore.
A way to enhance your conceptual perceptive in such cases try explaining how it could be true. By doing that you can pull out the stops in bringing to
the fore your own understanding of the universe. Its an exercise.
First establish the facts. Usually there are few to none. Then, like an investigator of an airliner crash, put it together to see if the pieces fit.
Most of us do this naturally. Figuring out why the black box was a mile from the impact is a challenge. You have to pull out your creative muse and
use it. All else comes to play. Like physics, meteorology, cognition and perception errors, psychology and even knowledge of anomalous phenomena. All
the mental muscles need be used.
Then fit the pieces that do fit together. After that, think of how the other pieces that don't fit could have been modified or another unknown factor
was involved. By doing this sometimes you can find things that do fit when approached from an objective angle. The fun begins when you start to find
such explanations in other originally mis-fit parts work too. Then you can start to see how it could actually be possible, irregardless of the
subjective limited perceptions we always assume we should start with.
It is so boring to just label fakes. Any 5 year old can do that. The real fun is figuring out how it could be true.
My first post on this thread no one seemed to 'get'. It was an ironic modality where subjective perception was obviously invalid. But from the
context of the statement the truth looked to all the world to be debunked. The truth was debunked! Get it? (nudge, nudge)
Study that for a mental moment and then tell me we, any of us, knows enough about the universe to have the gall to say anything about anything.
Here is why I say anything.
D.T. Suzuki, a Taoist scholar once made a statement when questioned about seeming contradictions in his lecture where he said that discussing the
deeper aspects of some spiritual subjects was wrong. He stated yes, I will surely burn in Hell for this. But then stated;
"It is incorrect to speak of it, yet misleading not to."