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[HOAX] Message from the future on Italian forum [HOAX]

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posted on Sep, 1 2009 @ 07:22 PM
"I'm sorry I didn't came earlier, but Net-Time Travel Syste, NTTS is in a testing mode. It has just been invented."


Why not just set the clock a few years earlier, or is this the mistake of someone from the present thinking of a reason why a time traveller from the future didn't show up earlier & making a mess of it???

posted on Sep, 1 2009 @ 07:45 PM
reply to post by zooplancton

No. I meant the link to this guy's original posts in Italian.

I'd like to read the untranslated version.

[edit on 1-9-2009 by loam]

posted on Sep, 1 2009 @ 08:12 PM
Sorry, I only had time to read a pages, but the funniest part to me was the big secret at the Federal Reserve. Ummm..if you are coming from the future, spit it out please!! What is the Big secret?

posted on Sep, 1 2009 @ 08:18 PM
this is obviously a bad fake. as has been posted before the so called time traveler claims he is sorry for being late??? how can he be late? since when do time travelers get late for anything.

posted on Sep, 1 2009 @ 08:33 PM
reply to post by TiM3LoRd

Italians are notorious for complicated and unnecessary rules. Maybe he didn't have sufficient "gettone" to dial that far in the past.

posted on Sep, 1 2009 @ 08:39 PM
Testo non tradotto:

Test per il NTTS Net Time-Travel System- annuncio

E' importante avvisare le giovani generazioni. E' possibile e altamente probabile che molti di voi siano in contatto con gli Stati Uniti. Facebook ormai dovrebbe permettere questo.
2009 è sull' orlo della guerra nella vostra time-line. Ci sono persone su Internet che hanno comnciato a studiare la Timewave Zero Theory in modo abbastanza professionale.
Vi leggerò dal mio libro di storia i prossimi eventi che affronterete:

Non potete fermare la guerra, perchè il suo inizio è stato completamente pianificato. Non sono potuto venire prima, il sistema NTTS è nella fase di testing. E' appena stato inventato.
So che c'è un enorme segreto riguardante la Federal Reserve, proprio nel vostro periodo, negli Stati Uniti.
Credetemi, è così grande che causerà caos e scandalo in ogni parte del mondo durante settembre e ottobre 2009.
Il vostro periodo è pieno di così tanto scetticismo, ma l' avvertimento avvenuto di una bomba atomica posizionata sotto alla città di Washington DC è vero. Le persone che hanno detto che era stato pianificato avevano ragione. Avevano proprio ragione.
Se conoscete qualcuno da quella città, ditegli di scappare più presto possibile.

E' quell attacco nucleare che farà scoppiare la Guerra Mondiale. La Nord Corea riceverà successivamente un attacco nucleare.
Israele e Iran si faranno battaglia nuovamente.
Questo ve lo devo dire, non vi preoccupate di riscaldamento globale negli anni a venire.
Il vostro clima sta per diventare estremamente freddo, seppure lentamente.
2010 è conosciuto anche come un " anno senza estate ".
Nel vostro periodo ci sono tante minacce riguardanti il raffreddamento globale e il clima.

Questo poytrebbe preoccuparvi, ma ci sono cose vere riguardo al 2012, anchese accadrà in date differenti.
21 Dicembre 2012 è un buon giorno per tutti quelli che sono usciti dal peggio.
So che c'è un film su questo anno venente nel 2009. Bey, si rivelerà come un film abbastanza profetico per il futuro. Anchese nessun terremoto in ogni parte del mondo ci sarà.
Obama non è un one term. Finirà come Kennedy. E' venente un grande cambiamento in Inghilterra, Charles diventerà re.
Devo avvertirvi, questo per certo. Non abiate fede nel vaccino per la febbre suina. Si rivelerà un disastro.
Cina e Giappone diveranno posti caotici, dove la gente combatte così intensamente da provocare notizia.
Gli Americani non saranno entusiasti di sapere che nei mesi venenti, la circoncisione diverrà obbligatoria per ogni nuovo nato. E' per combattere l' Aids. Ma è una cosa scomoda da fare. La gente non sarà entusiasta.

Nano-tecnologia, una parte di quello che è stato inventato sarà una grande distrazione per la gente ricca durante la Terza Guerra Mondiale.
Presto patenteranno un nano-engine per lo sviluppo di automobili.
Cina diventerà famosa per un grande mercato della droga, così grande da dover essere interrotto. La gente laggiù vuole evadere dalla triste realtà che devono vivere.

Grandi disastri? Settembre 2009, Washington DC, Dicembre 2011, Novembre 2012.
Coltivazioni saranno danneggiate in Europa e Irlanda. Irlanda diverrà un posto di combattenti, ribelli. Il fungo tossico rovinerà il loro duro lavoro per il cibo.
Guerra Civile negli Stati Uniti? Primavera 2010.
Prossimi presidenti? Biden, Michelle Obama, Miss Clinton.
Colera è una malattia venente, ma è una vergogna, dato che proviene dai laboratori.
Sfortunatamente, insieme alla malaria, colpirà l' Europa per errore.

Carta artificiale digitale è una invenzione venente. La cura per il cancro. Fattorie costruite verticalmente.
L' inizio dell' Era Claytronics Technology. Sono sicuro che molti di voi non sanno di cosa si tratta.
Bey, è una fantastica buona cosa per tutti.

Gli Stati Uniti avranno due grandi terremoti, uno a Seattle e uno a Los Angeles. Saranno intorno al grado 9.
Novembre 2010, una sorprendente scoperta cambierà molte cose.
Sarà una cosa che rivelerà parte di quello che ci sarà nel 2012. Non preoccupatevi, la apprezzerete.

posted on Sep, 1 2009 @ 08:42 PM
I noticed " Venente " and " Bey " words to be weird things, kinda like new stuff from Italian...

posted on Sep, 1 2009 @ 08:47 PM
reply to post by Matteo

Where is the source for these posts? I'd like to know where these come from please.

Originally posted by Matteo
I noticed " Venente " and " Bey " words to be weird things, kinda like new stuff from Italian...

"Venente" comes from the verb venire. I'm not sure why you find that strange.

"Bey" seems like 'va bene' in the context. Probably just bad spelling. Notice "poytrebbe" is spelled incorrectly too, as another example. Or he could be Friulano. Friulani say it like that all of the time. They might even write it that way. Who knows? Just a guess.

Any who, don't forget the linky please.

[edit on 1-9-2009 by loam]

posted on Sep, 1 2009 @ 10:12 PM

Originally posted by tauristercus
MY BS meter just went right off scale !!!

This guy has simply scoured the various conspiracy forums and linked all the major threads together into this BS story of his


the new Nostradamus is speaking!

let him speak!.. I'm enjoying reading this now

[edit on 1-9-2009 by 2Unknown]

posted on Sep, 2 2009 @ 12:33 AM
After having read through all 11 pages of this thread, I find considerable reason for concern. If, as some have stated (and apparently believe), we are soon to be inundated by internet activity from future persons, how will this affect my Spam Filter?

Will advertisements from the future fill my inbox 10-fold, perhaps 100- or 1000-fold? And, if so, will they be time-stamped at the time sent, or time of receipt. I'm pretty gullible - what if an ad for a miniaturized personal teleportation tube should induce immediate desire to purchase? What then? Is the U.S. $ still acceptable? Do they accept PayPal?

And what about eBay? I buy a lot of books and videos there. Will they start listing there? Shipping costs may go up. Receiving the items - will I have to settle for digital downloads from the future, or will they be able to use the Postal Service and mail the items from 2091? Maybe. So many problems of logistics to consider.

Is no one else as concerned as I?

posted on Sep, 2 2009 @ 12:54 AM
reply to post by tauristercus

or they finally dubbed Terminator in Italian.

posted on Sep, 2 2009 @ 01:09 AM
Why the heck are there 61 FLAGS for this rubbish ????

What's wrong with so many people that they have such a hard time differentiating between REALITY and BS ???

How can any person with an average amount of intelligence and common sense not see what a load of twaddle this "future (BS) message" is ? Instead, so many get sucked in big time !

Makes we really wonder as to the general level of IQ here on ATS

C'mon all you ATS'ers being sucked into this rubbish post, try kick starting more grey cells than the 2 you're currently running on !

posted on Sep, 2 2009 @ 02:47 AM

we finished South Africa- Argentina

Hahahaha! Really?

It seems that he either doesn't know geography too well or people in the future really like digging 4.000+ miles tunnels trough the Atlantic ocean.

I also don't get why they discover time travel by 2012 and yet in 2098 it's still a new, recently invented technology with a 20 posts limit. Just laughable!

Not to mention that he doesn't seem to know anything about war treats between countries of North, Central and South americas.

Pure non-sense of lunatic!

posted on Sep, 2 2009 @ 02:50 AM
reply to post by loam

The letter Y is not even part of the Italian alphabet, maybe in the future

posted on Sep, 2 2009 @ 03:08 AM
I'm always entertained at threads like this. Here, on a conspiracy theory website, with entire forums dedicated to Aliens, Government Conspiracy, and even real Magic - people flock to condescend and mock posts of others who may feel that their ideas are absolutely true.

How, then, are any of you different from those who don't question anything? Perhaps you have become exactly what you hoped to escape.

posted on Sep, 2 2009 @ 03:08 AM
there is a lot of bad spelling in the italian text. I'm Italian and the word "venente" is not used in current and normal speaking or writing.
Of course everything is a bogus. I think is something invented from Matteo, that want only some attention here.
He cant provide original link because there is no original link. The OP is the original link.
As you can see in other Matteo's thread, he like write fiction prediction, future timelines, alternative history...

I'll suggest to Matteo to try this forum:

Is a very good comunity where member collaborate in writing fiction alternative history, different timeline of famous subject (like star wars, star trek i.e.), and speculate to the future world.
I suggest this forum to everything like this kind of thing. There is a lot of good sci-fi writer inside.

[edit on 2-9-2009 by ImShrike]

posted on Sep, 2 2009 @ 03:08 AM
you know before i used to belive this stuff,but not GIVE ME A BRAKE,if a nuke dosnt hit washington this month im going to write a 3 list letter to this guy about his mother and me!

posted on Sep, 2 2009 @ 05:06 AM
If only ATS offered gas and matches as an option to go with the flag system, I would burn this thread to ash.

Hello fellow inhabitants of Earth. I have just become an active tester of a newly developed technology we, in the future, know as NTTS. There will be a nuclear apocalypse and much suffering in your near future. I won't bother going into details of who is responsible, where and when in D.C. the attacks will occur and details that could possibly help prevent the extinguishing of millions of lives. There will also be great discoveries regarding your need to tell you what they are as being vague is how we operate in the future. Furthermore, I am happy to share this information on a random-ass Italian youth-oriented website. So, that's all, hello from the future, a marvelous place filled with idiots who have no respect for the value of human life in your present time. Oh, and timewave is important, and stuff.

Forgive me if there really is an NTTS, but go fudge yourselves future people, and thanks for the heads up on how to preserve human life! I would also be interested, as I'm sure many have (hopefully) noted, as to why the recent invention of NTTS would not allow you to post in a forum say, oh, 5 years ago instead of now....or is it one of those prototype NTTS' that only allow you to post 200 years in the past, and not before...the logic of the author is as solid as jello.

Amazing that in our search for the truth we really give crap like this more than 1.5 seconds of serious thought.

[edit on 2-9-2009 by VirginiaGreen]

[edit on 2-9-2009 by VirginiaGreen]

posted on Sep, 2 2009 @ 05:16 AM
I'm going to go all crazy with this insane concept of self-determination that I have and request that all of you wannabe-debunkers, nay-sayers, and besserwissers please feel free to leave the thread with no further ado. Thank you kindly and close the door quietly as you go. There are people here who are interested in what is thoughtfully being brought to our attention.

To Matteo, I want to thank you for your work translating this information for the interested souls here who are quite enjoying this thread, and who are eagerly looking forward to further updates.

Honestly, when are people going to learn that there is no need to censor every post. Let us decide for ourselves what we like. You don't need to "protect" us.

By the way, since time travel hasn't been invented yet, you all sitting here in 2009 can only give your "educated guess" about what is and isn't possible. It isn't even theory, so little info have you. You just have to hope that what you "know" is still right by the time it is invented. Things are seldom as they seem to be.

posted on Sep, 2 2009 @ 05:22 AM
reply to post by CosmicEgg

I love you brother, and if you like this stuff or want to believe or follow it further no one will ever stop you. If you can't deal with people calling stuff like this out as bullsquat then ATS might not be the best place for you to gather information. I rarely pipe up and crack on posts, but on some level many of us feel the drive to air our opinions, so that people can evaluate their peers' assessment of posted information. I love reading this type of stuff, but my opinion is that it is 99.9 percent probable that this is fictional garbage. It would be easier to let slide if there was a single source cited or anything credible about it. Look past the posts that you don't agree with or want to read, but don't try to tell your peers to pipe down so you can live in your own little version of ATS. If you do not possess the ability to ignore posts or follow this "story" with dissenting opinions then again, ATS may not be the place for you. After all, with a motto like "deny ignorance" don't you expect people to speak up when they view this as ignorant? Sure no one can validate whether or not this is infallible truth, but neither can is a two-way street. Peace be with you my dude.

[edit on 2-9-2009 by VirginiaGreen]

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