posted on Feb, 9 2010 @ 06:57 PM
I just finished reading all the posts up to this point, and since it seems there havent been too many willing to do so, and since for the sake of a
good discussion I absolutely love playing the Devil's Advocate..... lemme say that once more: *I am going to play devils advocate*, here goes:
Let us take for a moment and assume that "Future Guy" is indeed telling the truth.
I highly doubt that his reality will become our future, as all time is more or less a fluid.
I would like to point out that (s)he states that communication is possible due to entangled electrons i believe. This phenomenon is something we have
only recently discovered and hardly understand. The principle roughly states that all electrons either come in pairs, or can be made into pairs and
that by affecting one, you effect the other regardless of time/space. Now science can tell you where an electron is, and how fast its moving....but
cannot tell both at the same time. Meaning that from our limited perspective, electrons pop in and out of existence seemingly at will. I would
rationalize that it would indeed be possible that electrons are not limited by our linear perception and that to them past, present, and future as
well as dimensions are all the same.
He states that he cannot provide a picture not because of a deficiency in hardware, but because of a military restriction in place at a remote site.
He states that in fact, he has no way of accessing his future counterpart to our Google because of this.
He was "debunked" by someone stating he had said no longer do people "see action" and that all front line efforts are carried out by drones, but
somehow he took one in the leg. I would like to point out that "Future Guy" states he works out of a blimp if i recall and that when said action
took place he was in fact in his bunk and went out to investigate.
And now for the truly paranoid: I propose that His future is our worst nightmare. He lives unwittingly in a true Orwellian Society, and the only
remaining opposition has reduced themselves to nomads living "outside" while at the same time having already imploded from their own
All in all Future Guy you get two thumbs up, for one heck of a read!