A: how about the beginning of major economic collapse?
FG: Sure. During the postwar cleanup (2017) the economy was in terrible shape, and the GBI legislation was opposed on those grounds. It placed an
additional tax burden on American corporations that the remaining political right argued would make them uncompetitive internationally. It did, too.
It was nearly repealed until autolabor saved it. GBI didn't really work without autolabor.
Living in them is one of the few things that the average person can't afford. It's mostly hab management types. Beautiful weather, clean air and
traditional city streets where collectors drive their vintage manual autos. I've only visited (field trips) but I don't know anyone who wouldn't
pick up and move there if they could afford to.
A: you still didn't explain your debunking
FG: I'm not limited to thise page and I never suggested I was. I'm limited to posting within a single, contiguous 8 hour stretch.
Don't mistake your misunderstandings for debunkings.
A: You know, I think I remember you mentioning in a previous thread that the rapid warming effect is showing signs of ending. Is that true or is it
completely permanent?
FG: It'll take centuries for the atmopshere to heal, but yeah, the good word is that the RWE has begun to plateau.
A: proto-CNPA riots at political meetings nationwide
Are these called town halls in our time?
FG: I don't know. Sounds about right. A town hall is like a local political forum, right?
A: What of Antarctica? Does it finally get colonized? Under UN Jurisdiction?
FG: Russian, actually. I suppose they knew nobody would make good on their threats to intervene.
A: Hey Futureguy, I used to be in Boy Scouts when I was a kid, is that still around? Or has that ended since you can't camp outside anymore?
FG: Formative ed students often go on field trips, hiking through approved stretches of jungle. They always take coldsuits and breathers though.
A: Does this Bill Gates plan work or fail
(if you cant read the article down to space/time errors heres the tl;dr version)
Bill gates with someone else plan on lining ships up in the ocean to pump cool water up and warm water down, in return weakening hurricanes.
FG: That sounds exactly like some of the geoengineering that resulted in the RWE. If it's up for a vote, do your part to prevent it. It's beyond my
comprehension that nobody pointed out how retarded that program was before the damage had already been done.
A: Is there a lot of open-air cities in northern Canada due to RWE?
FG: Yup. Ontario's one of the bigger, ritzier ones. That's where I visited when I was little.
A: What is the average life expectancy for an American in your time?
FG: Well over 100, although supposedly with all of the best treatments and tabs that could be nearly tripled.
A: What is a coldsuit like?
FG: Comfy. The standard issue habsec one is nicer than any I've worn before but there isn't that much of a feature gap, it's mainly the materials.
A decent coldsuit is usually white, made of a fabric that looks a bit quilted due to the crisscrossing coolant tubes sewn into it. The entire thing is
liquid cooled/heated (yes, they can keep you warm as well. I've only ever used one that way on lunarhab though) and the one I've got now pretty much
washes you....as you wear it. Seriously. It secretes cleaning agent and water in small amounts, microfibers rub it into your skin and then it sucks up
all of the dirty water/cleanser and "sweats" it out through the soles.