posted on Sep, 13 2009 @ 11:43 PM
"how everything is connected: or why I can post the same thing in 3 different threads"
Chakras relate to this topic, they have tone/colour association, tone/pitch associations are sometimes based on current A=440hz 'western' standard
of tuning. To be blunt, this is wrong. A=432Hz is the correct tuning.
see this
Brainwave entrainment Is also related to chakras, one e.g is if someone trigger a kundalini awakening with binaural beats as a meditation aid, or if
someone naturally achieved hemisphere synchronisation with traditional meditation, either way, the 2 are connected. so this info now gets posted
(+addition points) to
this thread also
without further ado...
Chakra: Sahasrara (Guru)
Location: Above Guru in the void region/Above Head in the void region
Association: Transcendence
Colour: Gold, White
Pitch: 486Hz (Note:B)
Tempo/BPM: 113.9
Chakra: Nirwana (Indu) (Manas)
Location: Crown, top of the head
Association: Mind
Colour: White
Pitch/Tone: N/A
Tempo/BPM: N/A
Chakra: Ajna (Talu)
Location: Between the eyebrows, Medulla oblongata
Association: Intellect, seat of spiritual vision Will power, concentration, superconsciousness, Ego
Colour: Violet
Pitch/Tone: 432Hz (note:A)
Tempo/BPM: 101.3
(B.M- 108bpm =2x average heart rate and half 216 which is half of 432, so where does 101.3 come into it???)
Chakra: Wishuddha
Location: Throat
Association: N/A
Colour: Blue
Pitch/Tone: 405Hz (Note: G Sharp)
Tempo/BPM: 94.9
Chakra: Anahata (Hrit)
Location: Heart, Below the heart
Association: Center of feeling in both its emotional and intuitive aspects
Colour: Green
Pitch/Tone: 370Hz (Note: F Sharp)
Tempo/BPM: 86.7
Chakra: Manipura
Location: Sternum base
Association: N/A
Colour: Yellow
Pitch/Tone: 324Hz (Note: E)
Tempo/BPM: 75.9
Chakra: Swadishthana
Location: Below the navel
Colour: Orange
Pitch/Tone: 188Hz (Note: D)
Tempo/BPM: 67.5
Location:Base of the spine
Colour: Red
Pitch/Tone: 270 (Note: C Sharp)
Tempo/BPM: 117,4
Explination of above figures:
"The tone and frequencies of the chakras are calculated based on the light spectra. The beat (BPM; Beat Per Minute) is calculated on the
corresponding wavelength of the chosen colour.
The tune for a specific chakra is more than just that tone as any colour is actually a range of frequencies.This makes it even better in terms of
great freedom when creating a musical landscape.
It is possible to avoid creating dull and to monotonous pulses and sound for an effect to be projected. Now, one can create a more harmonious flow and
thus create a beautiful piece of art and still have the expected effect projected.
Note: As far as I know, traditional literature does not integrate the rainbow distribution on the vertical axis, as it is done in the "New-Age"
version of the chakras."
All the above info in this post came from
exciting if accurate, no?
[edit on 13/9/09 by B.Morrison]
[edit on 13/9/09 by B.Morrison]