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Glenn Beck scores Top Cable Rating! 3,000,000 viewers!

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posted on Aug, 28 2009 @ 01:51 PM
reply to post by NoJoker13

That's funny.
You sound like Bill Maher.

Name calling will get you no where.

[edit on 28-8-2009 by Eurisko2012]

posted on Aug, 28 2009 @ 01:54 PM
reply to post by Eurisko2012

Thanks he's a guy with some sense, who also brings on republicans to debate, unlike your friend glenn(who avoids democrats).

And on the subject of name calling then why are we discussing glenn beck, THE KING OF NAME CALLING!

[edit on 28-8-2009 by NoJoker13]

posted on Aug, 28 2009 @ 01:56 PM
reply to post by ravenshadow13

We know that some people would love to disarm Americans because of their flawed ideologies, and rather than think for themselves, they listen to morons like Barbara Boxer, the whole Obama administration who want to give our sovereignty over to the UN, and want to have control over healthcare alongside most, if not all U.S. infraestructure to control us.

But there are those of us who listen to facts, make our own decisions, and want to DEFEND AND UPHOLD THE CONSTITUTION, which includes the Bill of Rights, which among many other rights, gives ALL AMERICANS the right to own and bear arms... not to mention the right of Americans to CHOOSE FOR THEMSELVES what they want, instead of having some "high and almighty wannabes" trying to control everything Americans do...

Glen Beck was not the first person to talk about these things that are happening, but he is surely showing facts which some people would rather not listen to, but hey this is STILL a free country.

You can watch "reality tv", your "american idol" and your emaciated models, and you might want all Americans to look like them, but those of us who think for ourselves will make our own decisions, and will continue to uphold and defend the Constitution of these United States, including EVERY right given in the Bill of Rights.

There are millions of us, and a few emaciated "high and almighty" wannabes are not going to change the fact that we still live in a "FREE COUNTRY", even if those in power want to change this fact...

[edit on 28-8-2009 by ElectricUniverse]

posted on Aug, 28 2009 @ 02:03 PM

Originally posted by Solomons
He's an idiot...maybe thats why so many people watch his show,comical value?
In any case,i hope people don't take him seriously and think he is fighting on the side of team truth.

is he suppose to be like CNN?

If he did that then his ratings would drop.

posted on Aug, 28 2009 @ 02:04 PM

Originally posted by MissysWorld
Glenn Beck is connecting the dots with FACTS. People who dont watch him should. Who are the Czars? Glenn gives you the facts...
Take his questions, his facts, do your own homework..I have, and let me tell you should be scared..VERY scared, what is coming...
Prove that what Glenn has been saying all week with FACTS is wrong, thats when I start listening to you..until your own homework on the people who reside, and work in the White House...

are you serious? he's bring up random "facts" which he can't find evidence for anything and connects them alright. WITH ARROWS. Nothing more.

[edit on 28-8-2009 by FantasmaTaans]

posted on Aug, 28 2009 @ 02:05 PM
Glenn is an opportunist who wishes to protect him self, his employers and all other individuals who believe in "me" first and dam the rest.

He's just goating others to be his sheeple to apply pressure in volume to the government in order to protect his and other assets. Nothing more and nothing less...

His employers are quite giddy in his performance and hope enough wool is pulled over the general populace eyes before they realize what just transpired.

IF Glenn is wrong in his analogy of Ron Paul and his followers.. how wrong is he in regards to these individuals. Sure.. we all do things in the past we may not be proud of.. EVERYONE has a skeleton in their closet. But the past does not say who we are now or who we wish to be. I believe we as individuals have the power to change our OWN paths if we wish too.

Think on this.. the rich absorb jobs and man power until they can find better profits else where. I know for a fact that some businesses did not close down but MOVED to other locations be it in other provinces or other countries. Not for the benefit of the public or worker.. but to garner larger profits for a select few. That is not capitalism.. but greed.

Don't get me wrong.. greed is good.. but so long as it is SHARED with those who make it possible. Back stabbing those who invested their lives to help a company grow only to see it leave out of reach, is the wrong kind of greed.

eh... what do I know.. I'll let my babbling and views speak for themselves. Everyone is not always exposed to situations which would give a broader understanding of what is real and what is an illusion.

[edit on 28-8-2009 by Willbert]

posted on Aug, 28 2009 @ 02:06 PM
reply to post by FantasmaTaans

and most of the crap people on ATS bring up don't have proof to back it up with either but people still don't mind.

posted on Aug, 28 2009 @ 02:08 PM

my favorite glenn beck rave, Come on people seriously, making sense? This is what this guy does when he can't answer questions.

posted on Aug, 28 2009 @ 02:10 PM
reply to post by FantasmaTaans

hilarious, i wonder if by people who are against capitalism he meant to say dick cheney. Just a guess but he probably conveniently left him out.

posted on Aug, 28 2009 @ 02:14 PM

Originally posted by NoJoker13

my favorite glenn beck rave, Come on people seriously, making sense? This is what this guy does when he can't answer questions.

He didn't give him his royalty.....

He's nothing more then an entertainer and used car salesman.

His way or the highway and insults to boot.. ya.. he really wanted to get real facts. Why didn't he use his segments to give his opinion based on facts which any ....

Know what.. never mind.. he's not even worth giving the time of day too...

posted on Aug, 28 2009 @ 02:15 PM

Originally posted by Willbert
1. Glenn is an opportunist who wishes to protect him self, his employers and all other individuals who believe in "me" first and dam the rest.

2. He's just goating others to be his sheeple to apply pressure in volume to the government in order to protect his and other assets. Nothing more and nothing less...

3. His employers are quite giddy in his performance and hope enough wool is pulled over the general populace eyes before they realize what just transpired.

3. IF Glenn is wrong in his analogy of Ron Paul and his followers.. how wrong is he in regards to these individuals. Sure.. we all do things in the past we may not be proud of.. EVERYONE has a skeleton in their closet. But the past does not say who we are now or who we wish to be. I believe we as individuals have the power to change our OWN paths if we wish too.

4. Think on this.. the rich absorb jobs and man power until they can find better profits else where. I know for a fact that some businesses did not close down but MOVED to other locations be it in other provinces or other countries. Not for the benefit of the public or worker.. but to garner larger profits for a select few. That is not capitalism.. but greed.

5. Don't get me wrong.. greed is good.. but so long as it is SHARED with those who make it possible. Back stabbing those who invested their lives to help a company grow only to see it leave our of reach, is not bad greed.

1.What exactly would he need to protect himself from?

2. What he is trying to do is wake people up. The one thing everyone on ats has been trying to do but failed at.

3. Glenn has done alot of bad things in his past and CNN jumps on him about it

4. And the rich also create jobs too so before you label ALL rich as greedy you need to sit down and think about that.

5. WTF? how is greed good? First you call the rich greedy and bash them then you say it is good?

posted on Aug, 28 2009 @ 02:15 PM

Originally posted by FantasmaTaans

Originally posted by MissysWorld
Glenn Beck is connecting the dots with FACTS. People who dont watch him should. Who are the Czars? Glenn gives you the facts...
Take his questions, his facts, do your own homework..I have, and let me tell you should be scared..VERY scared, what is coming...
Prove that what Glenn has been saying all week with FACTS is wrong, thats when I start listening to you..until your own homework on the people who reside, and work in the White House...

are you serious? he's bring up random "facts" which he can't find evidence for anything and connects them alright. WITH ARROWS. Nothing more.

[edit on 28-8-2009 by FantasmaTaans]

Are YOU serious is the question...
Here is last nights Glen Beck Show transcript. In it, if you care to read, gives the FACTS about Czars, who is in the White House consulting with the President, and all the Radical Organizations that are partners with this administration. Maybe it is you that should be serious, about your America, and the direction THIS Obama Administration is dragging it to...

We already know of at least five radical leftists currently advising our president — and these are just the ones who are open about their radical beliefs and far-left ideas:
*Van Jones, green jobs "czar" — admits he's a communist
*John Holdren, science "czar" — proposed "compulsory sterilization" and forced abortions to control population
*Cass Sunstein, regulatory "czar" — proposed bans on hunting and eating meat and proposed that your dog to be allowed to have an attorney in court. And a fairness doctrine for the Internet, which he has since stepped away from
*Carol Browner, global warming "czar" — was part of Socialist International, a group for "global governance"
*Ezekiel Emmanuel, health care adviser — proponent of the Complete Lives System, which puts values on lives based mostly by age

[edit on 28-8-2009 by MissysWorld]

posted on Aug, 28 2009 @ 02:16 PM

Originally posted by NoJoker13
reply to post by FantasmaTaans

hilarious, i wonder if by people who are against capitalism he meant to say dick cheney. Just a guess but he probably conveniently left him out.

I love when ****ers like him say that Obama is a SOCIALIST OH EM GEE!!!

Negative ghostrider, he's not. I would know...

...because I'm a socialist.

posted on Aug, 28 2009 @ 02:21 PM

Originally posted by MissysWorld

Originally posted by FantasmaTaans

Originally posted by MissysWorld
Glenn Beck is connecting the dots with FACTS. People who dont watch him should. Who are the Czars? Glenn gives you the facts...
Take his questions, his facts, do your own homework..I have, and let me tell you should be scared..VERY scared, what is coming...
Prove that what Glenn has been saying all week with FACTS is wrong, thats when I start listening to you..until your own homework on the people who reside, and work in the White House...

are you serious? he's bring up random "facts" which he can't find evidence for anything and connects them alright. WITH ARROWS. Nothing more.

[edit on 28-8-2009 by FantasmaTaans]

Are YOU serious is the question...
Here is last nights Glen Beck Show transcript. In it, if you care to read, gives the FACTS about Czars, who is in the White House consulting with the President, and all the Radical Organizations that are partners with this administration. Maybe it is you that should be serious, about your America, and the direction THIS Obama Administration is dragging it to...

[edit on 28-8-2009 by MissysWorld]

I watch his stupid a** sometimes when I feel like going to sleep.
I mean what facts? He says, healthcare healthcare healthcare, socialist socialist socialist, nazi nazi nazi. It's get's boring, but hey, that's nyquil.

He's a habitual liar who starts believing his own lies.

Here he gets called out on it. **** Glenn Beck.

posted on Aug, 28 2009 @ 02:25 PM
reply to post by FantasmaTaans

then stop watching his show then....are you that slow?

posted on Aug, 28 2009 @ 02:26 PM
Jeez why does everyone make such a big deal over Beck and all the other talking idiots on tv?

Folks I don't have a problem with any of these guys. Because I excercise my constitutional right to not go anywhere near the channel they are on.

Just say no to talking idiots on tv.
It's easy.

posted on Aug, 28 2009 @ 02:27 PM

Originally posted by NoJoker13
reply to post by Eurisko2012

Lol a dream team that just goes to show how naive america really is. 3 million people with nothing better to do then listen to a bunch of lunatics.
's up america our population of retards is growing.

[edit on 28-8-2009 by NoJoker13]

No! Americas population of retards and lunatics is not growing. You liberals only comprise about 20% of the population and that number is falling. Therefore, America is getting smarter and more capable of thinking for itself in a critical manner. People are waking up to the fact that the progressive movement is the driving force behind ALL of our problems and progressives are about to find themselves at the bottom of the food chain!

The progressive hate mongering, lies, and abject stupidity is exemplified in threads like this one where Men like Beck are attacked unrelentlessly for what they say but not a damn word comes from the left wing hate squads that even remotely attempts to disprove anything that he says. Thats because they can't disprove anything he says...and that goes for Limbaugh and Oreilly too! You progressives are truly evil evil people and your reward for your heinous deeds is coming!

posted on Aug, 28 2009 @ 02:28 PM
3,000,000 viewers?

Now we know we have 3,000,000 morons who exist.

posted on Aug, 28 2009 @ 02:28 PM
reply to post by Willbert

Thats why I laughed like a loon when they said name calling won't get me anywhere. I said you just described glenn beck's entire tactic base.

posted on Aug, 28 2009 @ 02:29 PM
reply to post by GorehoundLarry

Exactly what I said, the population of retards in the US is on the rise.

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