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Glenn Beck scores Top Cable Rating! 3,000,000 viewers!

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posted on Aug, 27 2009 @ 10:15 PM

Originally posted by ravenshadow13
Oh no... the intelligence quotient of the country must be lower than I thought.

Ouch, why so bitter? You should be thrilled that people still have choice in this country to watch what they want (for now).

At least there are no elitist attitudes here

posted on Aug, 27 2009 @ 10:23 PM
reply to post by RRconservative

My husband and I listened to him for a few years on the radio .

I don't know why but when we seen him on tv it just wasn't the same.

posted on Aug, 27 2009 @ 10:26 PM

Originally posted by huntergatherer

Two morons for the price of one

Yippie! great ratings

shut the damn thing off

I'm really glad 3,000,000 people disagree with you.

+1 more 
posted on Aug, 27 2009 @ 10:29 PM
To the Back bashers out there: if you haven't watched this week's programs, then you don't know what you are talking about. He's asking the hard questions, the ones the administration doesn't seem to want to answer, the ones your congressmen don't want to answer.
I though the motto of ATS was "Deny Ignorance."
Seems to me a lot of you would rather remain ignorant!

posted on Aug, 27 2009 @ 10:30 PM
reply to post by MissysWorld

I'm telling you one thing that Van Jones Czar really scares me ........this is not good people....I've never seen anything in my life like this going on in this country.

Sometimes it's very hard to listen to the TRUTH but if we don't we're all going to wake up one morning and nothing will ever be the same again. This is all happening too fast.
I can feel this so strongly.

posted on Aug, 27 2009 @ 10:41 PM
reply to post by MagicaRose

The sleeping giant is awake.
We now have our eagle eye on all those bogus czars.
I guess Obama should get rid of his cabinet . The czars
undermine them all. Not approved by congress.

posted on Aug, 27 2009 @ 10:45 PM
reply to post by kettlebellysmith

No,i simply realise there is an agenda to it.Keep watching,just remember you are being played like a fiddle.Even if Glen Beck doesn't know it himself MSM always knows what it is doing and has a purpose to everything it does...they understand psychology very well.

posted on Aug, 27 2009 @ 11:07 PM
Glenn Beck - Ted Nugent Is Patriot 1/4

Glenn Beck And Ted Nugent At The Alamo

Ted Nugent - Vietnam War Draft Dodger - defecated/urinated in pants 10 days - "I did not want to get my a*s blown off in Vietnam"

Some info on Ted.

"Since we've been discussing Ted Nugent lately, this seemed a good time to bring up Nugent's draft dodging. It's well known that Nugent claims to have gone to great lengths to flunk his Draft Board physical. What's not so well-known is that he got a student deferment at the same time he was touring with his rock band, putting in an average of 300 shows a year More... How was he going to school and touring that much at the same time?

One of our readers sent me a copy of an extract of Nugent's Selective Service records, obtained via a FOIA request (copy below). As you can see, Nugent received student deferments in 1967 (1-S) and 1968 (2-S). But according to the Internet Movie Data Base website, Nugent has been "performing professionally since 1958, non-stop yearly touring since 1967, averaging more than 300 shows per year '67-73." Hmm, that would include the two years he was supposedly too wrapped up in his studies to be serving his country.

But that hasn't stopped Nugent from insisting that if he HAD served, he would have been one big mofo soldier. As the Rutland Herald reported, Here's what Nugent said he would have done if he went to Vietnam:

"... if I would have gone over there, I'd have been killed, or I'd have killed, or I'd kill all the hippies in the foxholes ... I would have killed everybody," he told the Detroit Free Press in an interview published July 15, 1990."

The Herald also noted that Nugent's efforts to avoid the draft make President Bush look like a war hero.

(Nugent claims) that 30 days before his Draft Board Physical, he stopped all forms of personal hygiene. The last 10 days he ingested nothing but junk food and Pepsi, and a week before his physical, he stopped using the bathroom altogether, virtually living inside his pants caked with excrement and urine. That spectacle won Nugent a deferment.

Sean Hannity went to ridiculous lengths Friday night (8/24/07) to defend Nugent's threatening rants against Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama. FOX & Friends whitewashed Nugent's comments the next day. Apparently, this "patriot" can do no wrong on the "We like America" network."
(News Hounds, Aug.26, 2007)



"Renegade right-winger Ted Nugent recently went on a vicious onstage rant in which he threatened the lives of Democratic presidential candidates Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton. Decked out in full-on camouflage hunting gear, Nugent wielded two machine guns while raging, "Obama, he's a piece of #. I told him to suck on my machine gun. Hey Hillary," he continued. "You might want to ride one of these into the sunset, you worthless b*tch." Nugent summed up his eloquent speech by screaming "freedom!"

This isn't the first time Nugent has been caught spewing hatred. Last January, the guitarist caused a scandal for Republican Texas governor Rick Perry when he wore a Confederate flag shirt and insulted immigrants at Perry's inauguration event. In July, Nugent was quoted in a Wall Street Journal story blaming "stoned, dirty, stinky hippies" for "rising rates of divorce, high school drop-outs, drug use, abortion, sexual diseases and crime, not to mention the exponential expansion of government and taxes."
(Rolling Stone, Aug.24, 2007)< br /> /yplkyz



"In that 1990 interview with the Free Press and from information collected from the Chickenhawk Web site, Nugent told about how he avoided the draft: "He claims that 30 days before his Draft Board Physical, he stopped all forms of personal hygiene. The last 10 days he ingested nothing but junk food and Pepsi, and a week before his physical, he stopped using the bathroom altogether, virtually living inside his pants caked with excrement and urine. That spectacle won Nugent a deferment."

It says volumes about the character of a man who calls himself the Motor City Madman. The Detroit native went out of his way to avoid the defining experience of his generation, then has the gall to talk about how eagerly he would have killed, "if" he had served."
(Rutland Herald, May 28, 2006)

And you trust Glenn Becks opinion on this guy or how about Shawn Hannity he likes this guy to. Just more hypocritical b.s.
Draft Dodger=Patriot ?

[edit on 27-8-2009 by JBA2848]

posted on Aug, 27 2009 @ 11:15 PM

Originally posted by MissysWorld
Glenn Beck is connecting the dots with FACTS. People who dont watch him should. Who are the Czars? Glenn gives you the facts...
Take his questions, his facts, do your own homework..I have, and let me tell you should be scared..VERY scared, what is coming...
Prove that what Glenn has been saying all week with FACTS is wrong, thats when I start listening to you..until your own homework on the people who reside, and work in the White House...

Here ya go, a whole thread on it with tons of information.

posted on Aug, 27 2009 @ 11:30 PM
YA and McDonalds has over 10099900997788999 trillion hamburgers sold

posted on Aug, 27 2009 @ 11:33 PM
reply to post by Eurisko2012

Sad day in America if you ask me. For all you Glenn Beck fans, riddle me this...Glenn had on a Rep for AARP on his show and he told the AARP guy that he should be ashamed of himself for supporting the healthcare bill. Now ask your grandparents what they think of AARP. Then ask yourself why would AARP support a bill that includes a so called death panel for seniors. THEY WOULDN'T!!!!!!!! So common sense should tell you that there is no death panel!! I don't think AARP would go for the killing of their consumer base. If you can't see through his bs antics then your hopeless. Who is more credible, AARP or Glenn Beck???????????

posted on Aug, 27 2009 @ 11:36 PM
Glenn Beck takes 10 minutes to say what most folks could say in a single sentence.

posted on Aug, 27 2009 @ 11:36 PM

Originally posted by canihavemyvoteback
reply to post by Eurisko2012

Sad day in America if you ask me. For all you Glenn Beck fans, riddle me this...Glenn had on a Rep for AARP on his show and he told the AARP guy that he should be ashamed of himself for supporting the healthcare bill. Now ask your grandparents what they think of AARP. Then ask yourself why would AARP support a bill that includes a so called death panel for seniors. THEY WOULDN'T!!!!!!!! So common sense should tell you that there is no death panel!! I don't think AARP would go for the killing of their consumer base. If you can't see through his bs antics then your hopeless. Who is more credible, AARP or Glenn Beck???????????

Why Glen Beck of course...

Its not like he is a celebrity or anything and it is not like he reinforces the ideas that his
network pumps out 24 hours a day...

The spokespeople of the IRAQ war want to save you money!

no no

posted on Aug, 27 2009 @ 11:39 PM

Originally posted by muggl3z
Glenn Beck takes 10 minutes to say what most folks could say in a single sentence.

Yes he does know how to lead and lead on some more.

posted on Aug, 27 2009 @ 11:44 PM
reply to post by mental modulator

So you think AARP would support senior death panels?? Why? Because Glenn told you so.

Im so glad that I use my own brain. Sheesh.

posted on Aug, 27 2009 @ 11:47 PM
He is one more example of news sans objectivity.

I can't remember the last time I watched a news program on any channel -CNN, FOX, MSNBC - the wasn't spewing biased rhetoric. Push the masses this way, push 'em that way.

In fact, every time I see some poster boy or girl regurgitating the network position, I flash on Good Morning Vietnam - when Robin Williams was censored behind the scenes.

Art imitates life, and for good reason.

posted on Aug, 27 2009 @ 11:51 PM

Originally posted by canihavemyvoteback
reply to post by mental modulator

So you think AARP would support senior death panels?? Why? Because Glenn told you so.

Im so glad that I use my own brain. Sheesh.

Sorry if my extreme sarcasm was not obvious...

No actually I agree with you 200%, he is a snake oil salesman...
In fact he is also an actor and he is the most manipulative man on TV IMO.

He is great at what he does and I would likely punch him just for pleasure, which I cannot say about anyone else.

DEATH PANELS is targeted at the yes men, angry and the mentally declined seniors.

IT is what is wrong with the America political system.

The man couldn't just take a stand and fight on merits, this point proves he is a wanton manipulator.

posted on Aug, 27 2009 @ 11:56 PM
Reply to post by Anjin

My dear- it is not unbiased news and it is being portrayed as such. Instead it is well rehearsed soliloquy that plays on human emotion. I'm sorry but it does not seem the right place for three million to get their facts. Independent news is the way to go, I'm not suggesting any major news works as an alternative. But Beck is not the place for pure unpasturized facts.

Posted Via ATS Mobile:

posted on Aug, 28 2009 @ 12:00 AM

Originally posted by 5 oClock
I guess this thread just turned into (if you like Beck your blind)
Let me tell yunz (I said it) anybody that puts forth information and leaves it up to you to research and find out what you can about the info. to be true or false has got something right.
I listen to Beck, Alex Jones and frequent many websites on these topics and come to my own conclusions. I do have weapons, ammo, metals, food and a semi-plan (still working on)
to hopefully ride out any storm that may or may not come. So please go easy on those who you think have it all wrong, unless you have all the answers and a master scheme.
If you do then please do share

I'm with You there buddy I started preparing when I seen how the elite rigged the election in Obama's favor by ignoring all the other candidates that actually had the answer. I seen first hand how the political parties operate and how they NEVER look out for our interest but only their interest and the corporations interest. I listened unlike the majority of brain washed liberals here to a very smart man that educated me to how money is created. Now I know the money bubble will collapse one day and that day is getting sooner and sooner..... So now I am sitting on quite a nice cache of supplies and tools to get me through the future changes....

It really takes a liberal though to call someone like Beck stupid ... I mean seriously He had a special the other day just going over the numbers. I guess Liberals just assume money is free and the country can continue running up the charge card. What they fail to realize is one day servicing the debt will take priority over their special pet projects such as tax funded abortions and welfare. I can't wait for it too happen because this society needs a serious reboot....

The left haven't quite figured out that someone pays for those services whether through taxes or through inflation. I want them to learn a lesson first hand. Hey I want them to see first hand what hyper inflation really is. The best part when the bomb finally does go off it will happen when a socialist is in office and they will get 100% of the blame...

I am not in this false left right crap I just consider the left to be communists and traitors while I find the republican party to be thieving idiots. At least republican idiots know when the line has been crossed and possibly how much taxes people will put up with.

posted on Aug, 28 2009 @ 12:01 AM
BTW, didn't this guy call Ron Paul followers and such terrorists?

[edit on 28-8-2009 by muggl3z]

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