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Government ADMITS to ALIEN Presence!!!

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posted on Sep, 1 2009 @ 09:13 PM
I think that the American Government will not disclose everything because they have funded black projects with drug money and other immoral means. They have killed, harmed and threatened people that did not follow their demands. They may have also struck some deals with aliens to do cruel or immoral experiments on their own people. The other countries (most of them) in the world never partook in these actions. I think more so then people panicing over religious reasons, which I believe people would especially in the extreme right wing crazy bible thumping America. I think the people in power as far as the ufos go only care about themselves and saving their own skins and having all the power to themselves. It's sad but true. I do however think we are drawing close to a awakening. The humans that use greed, hate, to gain their goals are coming to a end. When this happens all the secrets of this planet and beyond will be there for all to access because there will no longer be hidden agendas. I do believe it'll be in my life time.

posted on Sep, 2 2009 @ 06:25 AM
If any form of disclosure was to occur I believe it would take some pretty damning evidence that's exposed mainstream to force the governments hand to reveal anything, let alone full disclosure. I could only imagine the amount of spin they would put on it to deflect criticism of their motives for keeping a lid on this for so long. I don't believe disclosure of any kind would occur voluntarily, it would take something explosive exposed by a whistleblower/insider with balls, or average Joe who happens to stumble across some dynamite evidence.

This is my opinion anyway.

posted on Sep, 4 2009 @ 02:42 AM
I feel the world should have know the truth a hundred years ago with the work Nicola Tesla.

We should have been off this planet by then. But then power mongers have taken control of the tech and keep you here as there slaves. I feel the planet is like a parent just hope-ing that the kids will finally grow up and move out!

But the whole people of this planet seem to be acting out in violent reaction because it can't take it's proper place in the galaxy like it was suppose too. We are the generation Q of the Galaxy stuck at home with mom and dad.

posted on Sep, 4 2009 @ 02:51 AM

Originally posted by helen670
Government ADMITS to ALIEN Presence!!!

So what if the whole ALIEN and UFO thing was really a big HOAX played by the government or the HIGHER Up powers of the ELITE-Known only to a select few!
But Why ?
Well, it would mean that people will refuse to see the OTHER true hidden agenda of what the Higher ups are doing and refuse all other happenings in the world ....
Eg/blame the outer space aliens for wierd happenings!
Is it not Perfect?
By having people fixated on ALIENS - U.F.O's and their EXISTENCE...........
All abductions,molestations-(human and animal),crop circles, pyramids and the like and all that goes with the ALIEN agenda of supernatural means is a great way to have people in...
''FEAR of the ALIENS''
You can't convict an alien as the alien is too shy to show themselves!

Some Aliens have been portrayed as evil in many movies,some kinda funny and some friendly,confused?
The great DECEPTION!
An Alien attack would leave people helpless and look toward a comfort of some sort!
To whom would the people go to ?
FEAR is a scary scenario-it would mean that many would be trapped,deceived into being used for whatever purpose began all of this....
Hidden for a purpose,by means of deception, to serve a purpose?
What would be a perfect plan for 'reducing population'?
An ATTACK of ALIENS world wide would leave the population fearing for their lives and looking at the first 'help' available to them...
Which would be, ( ? )...Church officials,Kings, Queens, Presidents, Prime ministers,the Military etc......
Could there be a 'Secret Behind The U.F.O Phenomenon' but not as we know it....could it not serve the perfect end,which began as a perfect deceit ''A message that will unite all of mankind'' after an alleged attack of alien baddies?
Whether ALL U.F.O'S are man made or simply unidentified is yet to be seen.
The question should be asked, what purpose, what real true purpose does it serve alien beings to visit earth and now for so many years lay low?
I mean,
What is the logic, if there truly is any logic at all?
Could it be a DECEPTION?
I wonder who it is, that is doing the DECEPTION?
Ill give the devil(although he may have came up with it originally) a rest from this, and see what other means people can come up with!
Surely man has free will,man has a choice...the MIND is really powerfull, and 'THEY', be it who THEY are,surely know this!


Yeah this is exactly what i'm thinking. Aliens are an excuse for everything from government spy planes to abductions and who knows what else. I guarantee you every unidentified object or abduction by "aliens" is all controlled by the government. Even the x-files makes a mention of this.

posted on Sep, 5 2009 @ 04:13 PM
Let me pose a question to all of you on this subject. "IF", a news release comes out telling the population that UFO's and Alien contact with Earth has and is taking place, then what difference to your daily life would it make?

Other than maybe knowing that you could never trust what the US Federal Gov't spews...what else would be new or different in the long run?

I have long embraced the fact that we are not alone. Humans are insignificant, and will never be very important to the grand scale of things within the cosmos.

I still had to work, pay taxes, fight in a war I didn't want to, and struggle to survive the daily grind, just as every human on the globe has to.

E.T's existence revealed or not, hasn't change a damned thing! E.T will never be the long awaited savior so many hope for.

I wouldn't be at all surprised if, in the future mankind is eradicated from the globe, and the earth is then colonized by a replacement species that will be much more appreciative of the Earth. Or maybe not! They might just mine the living hell out of the place until it is a lifeless rock, and then move on.

I really don't days are numbered anyway. So, piss on it!

posted on Sep, 6 2009 @ 08:33 AM


posted on Sep, 6 2009 @ 09:29 AM

Originally posted by Confused and Dazed!
Let me pose a question to all of you on this subject. "IF", a news release comes out telling the population that UFO's and Alien contact with Earth has and is taking place, then what difference to your daily life would it make?

Other than maybe knowing that you could never trust what the US Federal Gov't spews...what else would be new or different in the long run?

I have long embraced the fact that we are not alone. Humans are insignificant, and will never be very important to the grand scale of things within the cosmos.

I still had to work, pay taxes, fight in a war I didn't want to, and struggle to survive the daily grind, just as every human on the globe has to.

E.T's existence revealed or not, hasn't change a damned thing! E.T will never be the long awaited savior so many hope for.

I wouldn't be at all surprised if, in the future mankind is eradicated from the globe, and the earth is then colonized by a replacement species that will be much more appreciative of the Earth. Or maybe not! They might just mine the living hell out of the place until it is a lifeless rock, and then move on.

I really don't days are numbered anyway. So, piss on it!

Wow, you sound negative. But I agree with your post.
I just think that it would make life a little more interesting to know that there's another life form out there that finds us interesting enough to visit.
For many people their view of reality would be radically altered, so news of this nature, perhaps not for you but many others, has the potential to change their lives, some for the better, others not.

One thing I am certain of, it would create another religion, which is a bad thing.

posted on Sep, 7 2009 @ 12:27 PM
reply to post by StarrGazer25

Ok guys I am the OP of this thread. I've done a little background and I was slightly wrong on the once a month shuttle launches. Secondly, I dont believe that the header is misleading. I wrote "Government admits to alien presence" I didnt write US GOVERNMENT, I didnt write CHINA GOVERNMENT....I just wrote GOVERNMENT because that was a direct quote from the video. It was the Mexicain government that admit to the alien presence, and the man being interviewed said that the whole world knows and they are waiting for the united states to give the ok to disclose and the U.S hasnt and the rest of the world is getting impatient, and rightfully so. Thirdly, I am new to ATS, So I didnt know that they have been posted or debunked, I saw it, thought it was intersting so I posted it. I hope disclosure comes in my lifetime and I am 23, My father was a firm believer in aliens, UFO's, Government cover ups, and I would like to see it come to light before my time is up. Id like to thank my dad for my intrest in these topics,and hes been gone for 5 years now. We havent had any thing intresting happen in a long time!! We need more whistle blowers!!! LOL

posted on Sep, 7 2009 @ 01:35 PM
reply to post by Confused and Dazed!

Not at all.

I live in Portugal, across the Atlantic from the USA. I saw on live television the attacks on 9/11. We are not talking about aliens and all the implications in humanity philosophies and religions, we are talking about a human hurting another human, and that single event changed the world completly, emotionaly or beyond that.

If alien contact was confirmed and their contact was shown to everyone, the most mundane thing about your life would change. One thing is to believe in your opinion, another thing is having their existance in your face.

People would start to think differently, would start to think beyond their mundane life, would start to wonder what goes on around our galaxy and universe. They would start to feel small, and special at the same time.

And lets not forget the technology factor.

(sorry for the pub) Apple releases the iPod in the US. A month later we have it in Europe, and Asia, and Africa, and everywhere else.

...If aliens came to Earth and gave some gifts, many of our problems provably would be solved almost immediatly or on a short run.

Energy, food, health, economy... Many of this things would change in ways we can't predict, at all.

And if the governaments already have the technology...well...Now they can't, or won't, keep it a secret. Amazing airplanes would be available to all humans, and so on...

The microwave that you have on your kitchen was "invented" by someone that had a chocolate bar on his pocket and it melted while inside a radar...

Can you imagine what would have happened if we saw a light source in a alien ship that doesn't spend energy? Right there, our energy consumption would drop in a wild way... And we are talking about a light.

[edit on 7/9/09 by Tifozi]

[edit on 7/9/09 by Tifozi]

posted on Sep, 7 2009 @ 01:49 PM
reply to post by Tifozi

Your right but I already think those things, I already wonder whats going on in our galaxy, I believe we all do once in a while. Im hoping disclosure comes soon!!

posted on Sep, 7 2009 @ 01:56 PM
reply to post by Confused and Dazed!

I like the analogy.

Who knows, what will happen. We can only speculate at this point and time. Irregardless of how many witnesses bring forth any evidence, it will probably not have a major affection until the government makes a firm confirmation.

posted on Sep, 7 2009 @ 03:05 PM
reply to post by StarrGazer25

The Illuminati rule the UFO and all governments and don't share
with the ETs they invented to hide the science of Tesla.

Bush will allow us to go to the Moon.
Space, Moon and Mars is an Illuminati sham to sucker more money from us.
Get real America.
People want to survive on the Earth and not see elite time and money wasters.
Learn the nature of electric energy as Tesla did and live to the fullest.

posted on Sep, 7 2009 @ 03:39 PM
Unless the government is being run by Aliens, as goes the popular conspiracy theory. I don't really believe it because the aliens are gaining nothing.

posted on Sep, 7 2009 @ 06:01 PM
Yeah, I don't see the Alien in any of this.
I like the puppets that look like Tesla before he died.
Its like they photographed him and made him the alien cause he invented
all this hidden technology any way.

And having people talk about a nothing (the ET) is the best
way to avoid talking about something.

posted on Sep, 12 2009 @ 04:01 AM

Originally posted by TeslaandLyne...having people talk about a nothing (the ET) is the best way to avoid talking about something.

Wow! Sometimes you come out and say the best damned things, a * for you!

posted on Sep, 12 2009 @ 08:44 PM
Jeezus People, come on.
There are a few possibilities to ponder, all well known to most I think.
1; most of the top current human practiced religions today, are SKY BASED...
I.e. something exists/dwells within the Heavens. The Heavens being the vault of the ether.

2:something is said to have visited mankind in antiquity, and was beyond the comprehension of the witness. Thus, the emanations that appeared out of the
"firmament" and " appeared out of nowhere ", were miracles to the ignorant schnooks of the day. Whatever these entities were, they had an impact upon the overall Psyche of mankind.

3: there is sufficient evidence throughout the ancient written chronicles of early religious prophesying, that indeed something other mankind was here on the earth.

4:there is the very real possibility, that "enlightened man" was a deliberate attempt at hybridized colonizing of the human species. Whether or not any of the offspring of the "GODS" survives today, is up to speculation. Some say they do, others think they died off, or were killed. There are no answers.

5:in certain circles, the belief is that the birth of Jesus was the results of an abduction and implantation.

6:UFO's and EBE's are well within the same parameters of description as those of the ancients. Are we witnessing the same things? Who knows? maybe!

7:Belief systems are subjective to variables. Seems no one believes in one thing or the other the exact same way. Your perception of what is the "truth" or the "way" is not the same as the guy sitting next to you in church. To the chagrin of the preacher, who wants you to all think alike.

8: is ET real? Does something else exist within our sphere of influences? Very possibly. So what? Maybe Jesus was a hybrid extra biological enity in the form of a humanoid. Or maybe he was just an ordinary man, who was well instructed in arts of mysticism. Changes nothing.

9: the idiotic early pagan/Catholic leaders were self righteous monotheists, who wanted total power of the lands and the people who dwelt there. Out of fear, and stupidity, much of what had been handed down from the early chroniclers, was considered blasphemous, and then quashed. Mankind lost critical knowledge, and information due to abject arrogance.

10:If we are being visited currently, by the same things that were here thousands of years ago, they have chosen not to openly invite us to wine, cheese and crackers! Perhaps there's a reason for it. Like our propensity for violence. " Scramble the jets, and go DefCon 4 !"

11:should we fear E.T.'s possible existence? Nope! The likelihood that they are real is quite high. To believe for instance, that in our Milky Way galaxy alone, that we are the only one's, is very arrogant, and self deluding. Only mankind is smug enough to think that he might be the only one..Because he is special!

12:So, if ET is real, how long have they been coming here? That's the Million Dollar question. My guess would be, that they have been a part of the cosmic family of entities for millions and millions of years.

13: What are they? What do they want? I am of the mind they are pure highly evolved life forms, that have no need for a planet to live on. They are some sort of care taker or watchers for something even higher than themselves. I liken them to the what are called, Angels, Cherubim, Seraphim's. The heavenly hosts!

14: has anything changed now? NO! your right back where you began with this discourse.

It is all open to endless speculation and debate.

One last thing. I doubt very much that something as advanced and supra intelligent as an EBE would be, would have anything to do with an evil willed and absolutely corrupted human government. They would not be open to giving man Crypto-Sophisticated Sciences or Magnum Opus Engineering Technologies. Man cannot be trusted. He has proven that to be true by his history alone.

15: Now go back to your normal lives, and get on with it!


posted on Sep, 12 2009 @ 09:14 PM
I always had a theory that NASA was shooting off rockets all the time as distractions so people wouldn't question why we aren't going to space and maybe the moon...Meanwhile we're already up there doing who knows what via our Air Force and possibly Navy. Think about it...theres water, land, and air patrolled all the time...Why not space?

NASA is and will continue to be a front. Now whether they are working in conjunction with another government agency would be interesting to see. I feel NASA is just stalling for time...and distracting people.

I agree though that Bush certainly was making plans (if not already in place) to do something up there. Knowing him, he may have accomplished it already.

posted on Sep, 14 2009 @ 12:45 AM
reply to post by TeslaandLyne

There's a surprise, finding a way to reference Tesla in yet another post

I thought this was about disclosure?

Anyhoo, It will never happen. It would be giving up power. Knowledge is power. Or at least the proper application of knowledge is power. They have the knowledge therefore they have the power.

One thing I know is that people who have power don't give it up without a fight. Now, i'm sure there is a way to parley what I just said into a dissertation about Tesla but it really is just that simple.

People with power don't just Give IT UP!!!!!!

posted on Sep, 14 2009 @ 09:52 AM

Originally posted by AceOfAces
I always had a theory that NASA was shooting off rockets all the time as distractions so people wouldn't question why we aren't going to space and maybe the moon...Meanwhile we're already up there doing who knows what via our Air Force and possibly Navy. Think about it...theres water, land, and air patrolled all the time...Why not space?

NASA is and will continue to be a front. Now whether they are working in conjunction with another government agency would be interesting to see. I feel NASA is just stalling for time...and distracting people.

I agree though that Bush certainly was making plans (if not already in place) to do something up there. Knowing him, he may have accomplished it already.

Hi Ace/
Good answer!

You may want to read up on 'Project blue beam'..I think this is what it was called?


posted on Oct, 24 2009 @ 09:42 PM
reply to post by stonespiral

I agree

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