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Government ADMITS to ALIEN Presence!!!

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posted on Aug, 28 2009 @ 04:11 AM
problem is,wih the new prototype planes, the gov can say its just a prototype,but then again they dont want the people to know about prototypes.
but still its harder to know if its ufo or a plane now.
i mean we even have ufos probably

posted on Aug, 28 2009 @ 04:19 AM
I think we are dealing with some really rich and sick people who are trying to make their dream of owning the world come true. But they are getting ridiculous old and have to hurry before themselves are history.

So, i dont think anyone except a little group of rich, sick and mentally disturbed people know whats coming. If these people are human or non-human is a good question, cause they surtenly are missing many emotions we normal humans have. But than again, psychopaths are missing alot to.

But to own the world, wouldnt it be a clever thing to make the economy collapse and make a global war.

And when all these horrible things are happening - an UFO appears. The kind aliens dont want to see us kill ourselves, they tell us a nice story of our "real" history and help us get together in peace and harmony.

Offcourse, and for our best interest they will demand
1 world economy.
1 world government.

And offcourse, we all change our religion to a new one. 1 world religion, and before the aliens leave us, they wish us god luck and probably inform all the people that the **** will be their messenger. And probably the **** introduce some kind global leader on 21 dec 2012.

And we all enter the new happy era of the golden age in 2013.

Offcourse as slaves, due to the cashless global economy. And with no chance whatsoever to make a revolution due to the global government.

Thats what I think.
But whatever happens, be really skeptical!


posted on Aug, 28 2009 @ 07:43 AM
Humans trying to beat off an Alien attack. Would that be like a Neanderthal tribe from 20,000BC trying to fight off stealth bombers and tanks with flint arrows?

posted on Aug, 28 2009 @ 08:46 AM
In fact, debunkers and that sort of people forgot to shout against the newest edition of Newsweek magazine, where they took the front in prepare american people to the obvious; there`s life out there and we`re not talking about mexicans.

The most conservative publication of the world admits the existence of alien intelligent life on the magazine COVER!!

Debunkers, the play is all yours, now!

Good look trying to hide the truth.

posted on Aug, 28 2009 @ 08:59 AM

Originally posted by felipeb
In fact, debunkers and that sort of people forgot to shout against the newest edition of Newsweek magazine, where they took the front in prepare american people to the obvious; there`s life out there and we`re not talking about mexicans.

The most conservative publication of the world admits the existence of alien intelligent life on the magazine COVER!!

Debunkers, the play is all yours, now!

Good look trying to hide the truth.

I don't know of too many "debunkers" who don't believe aliens life exists somewhere else in the universe (or even galaxy)...

...most of the debunkers/skeptics simply say that they don't have any good evidence that those ETs are visiting the Earth.

I think most "Alien visitation skeptics" believe that because of the very large number of stars in the universe, and the purportedly large number of rocky planets, that there is a good chance that extraterrestrial life exists.

A person saying "I don't believe that UFOs are alien-controlled craft" is not the same as a person saying "I don't believe life exists elsewhere in the universe."

[edit on 8/28/2009 by Soylent Green Is People]

posted on Aug, 28 2009 @ 09:43 AM

If you ask me there is something to all of this 2012 talk....I truely believe! I think they will only disclose when its absolutely necessary but it might be to late by then?? WHO KNOWS!!

Can you tell me why you think this is all linked to 2012? I personally do not believe that this 2012 thing is anything to worry about.

Although I am convinced that in time we will destro ourselves, or be destroyed anyway.

I am confident that in the next 50- 100 years there will be some form of disclosure, however, wether the public takes it up or not I dont know. We have already proven that we wont beleive astronauts, we wont believe heads of military, we wont believe ministry of defense personnel. Why would we believe a government?

posted on Aug, 28 2009 @ 10:28 AM
Wasn't this video released in 2004?

posted on Aug, 28 2009 @ 04:03 PM
reply to post by Jesus H Christ

._. Not everything on TV is meant to be believed, especially if it's coming from the government. Even though disclosure is likely to happen,one can't assume that they would be telling us the truth.

Mainstream media's lame now. All they show is retarded stuff. Alot of BS, little to no proof. ._.

posted on Aug, 28 2009 @ 04:03 PM

Originally posted by felipeb
In fact, debunkers and that sort of people forgot to shout against the newest edition of Newsweek magazine, where they took the front in prepare american people to the obvious; there`s life out there and we`re not talking about mexicans.

The most conservative publication of the world admits the existence of alien intelligent life on the magazine COVER!!

Debunkers, the play is all yours, now!

Good look trying to hide the truth.

Dude, all I can say is WHATEVER with that misdirection crap.
I think you'd be hard pressed to find anyone on this site that is saying outright that aliens do not exist anywhere in the universe.

The "debunkers" that you refer to focus mainly attempt to debunk threads like this one, which claim to show proof of a current ET presence on Earth.

The Newsweek you refer to only says it is likely there are ETs in the universe, something almost any educated person would conclude, they don't support the notion of an ET presence on Earth, you imply they do.

posted on Aug, 28 2009 @ 05:33 PM
reply to post by kilas

Humans trying to beat off an Alien

No wait a minute there.

That is a whole new thread - stay on topic mister!

posted on Aug, 29 2009 @ 08:59 AM
......"And may the Truth be thy shield of brass"

I prefer to be viewed as a 'messenger' of sorts though make no claim to Divinity in any Form. I can focus more at night, Connect at a certain level and am constantly improving my Being as I progress in 'Motion'.

Should we not All be in the same Chariot?

Our Neighbor.
To Launch One's Spear tipped with the substance of Cu(3)pid unto thee.
When I form 'thought' it is just that, Forms put to print.
Rely-gion is a 'very' delicate' topic in itself.
One's 'world' may be dependent on it....for without a 'foundation' of Truth, one is depending on Another's interpretation thereof.

I try to avoid the term Religion since organized religion itself has often Divided and Conquered the Brethren form One another though I should include the Benefit it provides by bringing the 'community' together to rejoice in One another. This is a Positive.

Honestly 'folks', I just speak from the Heart and Soul while doing my best to maintain an 'Even' mind with all I See going on today.
I'm going to work on focusing on the 'trends' from here forth.
I have the aangRR of an October 'surprise' though the Compassion as to "Butterflyyy" (written from 'within').
You know, Within.

I suppose that is Natural? is it Not?
I believed I've 'contributed' enough for now.

I Do Mean Well.
Thanks ATS for the opportunity to 'express' My-self.
At some point in time, I would like to express the Guitar with Self and Sing along, sing alooong))))))))))))))))
Where would One be without Music?
The threads of the Soul.
May we Spring our Harps in 'collective' Unity.

Aaahh the 'beautiful' female Form.
I'm addicted to Positive E-nergy.
It is what It is.

Everyone has a 'gift' though it is not always Seen for what it is.
Even the blind, deaf and dumb can 'experience' the 'world about' them with Unique interpretation. Creativity is the result of 'Being' Creative and just perhaps Seeing 'a' Form for......what it Is; E=?.....Pure Love.
Good buy or Good bye?

Ahhh a Tear of Life.
Feels 'Gooood'!
We Rest our Case?

[edit on 29-8-2009 by Perseus Apex]

posted on Aug, 30 2009 @ 06:17 PM
I think there is a load of evidence that UFOs and ETs exist.
There is a lot of information on the net, but it's not all in one place.
I posted this to digg, it has 17 links to set people thinking:
scroll past the headlines to read the post and give the page time to load first

[edit on 30-8-2009 by ufohq]

[edit on 30-8-2009 by ufohq]

posted on Aug, 30 2009 @ 06:26 PM

Originally posted by Soylent Green Is People
A person saying "I don't believe that UFOs are alien-controlled craft" is not the same as a person saying "I don't believe life exists elsewhere in the universe."

However, to Felipeb and others like him, they are one in the same. To many in the UFO community, there if extraterrestrials exist they must be coming here.

posted on Aug, 30 2009 @ 09:48 PM

Originally posted by wmd_2008

Originally posted by StarrGazer25
Check out this CNN interview!! It amazed me, DISCLOSURE IS NEAR!! The whole world is tired of waiting for the U.S to disclose this information..... Watch this video!

This video talks about BUSH PLANNING A MOON STATION FOR ALIEN DEFFENSE! Has anyone noticed how there has been a shuttle launch every month since September 2008?? Hmmm I have because I live in Florida and can see the shuttle everytime it launches!

If you ask me there is something to all of this 2012 talk....I truely believe! I think they will only disclose when its absolutely necessary but it might be to late by then?? WHO KNOWS!!

Funny my friend has 3 holiday homes in Florida he was over last october for 3 weeks, Christmas/new year for 3 weeks and last week of June and whole of July 2009 he NEVER saw one launch care to explain!!!!
You said they lauched a shuttle every month from september 2008 so how come he did not see any also I was at one of his house during October 2008 the shuttle due to lauch then was cancelled so quit the BS!!

Or do you just tell lies for the sake of it!

Shuttle lauches

Shuttle and other lauches

What part of florida does he live in ?? HMMM?? Maybe he couldnt see it but I CAN!...Why dont you look it up on NASA?? I aint got no reason to lie! So....Have a nice day!

posted on Aug, 31 2009 @ 08:55 AM


posted on Aug, 31 2009 @ 10:16 AM
Even if your government says "aliens exist" I won't believe it until I see a real alien.

All governments are such liars that we must not believe anything they say, even if this thing has been known by many for a long time.

Your government will not disclose anything because many americans (44%) believe that "god created man in its present form"... (source: )
It means there are too many stupid people who won't be able to handle the truth. I bet they are even able to deny the existance of aliens in front of a landed spaceship and a strange lifeform.

Conclusion: there will be no disclosure because too many people are stupid.

posted on Sep, 1 2009 @ 12:04 PM

Originally posted by Solomons
There will not be disclosure unless it is forced by people in the know.Knowledge is power and the great powers of the world don't want us to have such knowledge for they would lose their grip on the world.That's assuming ET's are visiting us of course,which i don't think they are.

[edit on 27-8-2009 by Solomons]

Hi Solomons/

I quite agree with your statement to quote///''Knowledge is power and the great powers of the world don't want us to have such knowledge for they would lose their grip on the world.''
Of-Course Knowledge is power and power without knowledge, is useless!
How many men would make it to the top without some sort of knowledge or respect for their wise words?
People in power need to gain the trust of the people first,without this,they have no real power!
Powerfull people know this and use it to their advantage, probably have been doing this for a very long does not matter where this knowledge comes from!
There is good powers and bad powers...each use it to their advantage!
Knowledge and Power....
If THEY could keep the people guessing for longer, it is them who will have the power to be in control and do the controlling...well, for as long as they are able to do this.

What happens when people start to ask the What's, and the When's and the Why's(W.W.W)what then?
They will disclose nothing as this would ruin things for whatever it is the reason they would cause world anarchy, and this is not what they would want to see happen!
People would be upset as this was hidden from them and so on...all sorts of calamaties would then arise!
If somehow THEY could make the Disclosure a little more palatable?
Think about it!
Technology has gone a long way in a short period of time....does it not seem odd that it all began rather quickly and then all of a sudden everything around us moved in a fast forward motion?
Rather like lightning speed flashes!
There isn't solid proof of visitations from outer space...ghost's and the supernatural are more likely(in my opinion)!
What exacly does an unedentified flying object prove?
Light and shapes in the skies prove nothing more then a flying object in the skies!
U.F.O's are ''UNDEDENTIFIED'' which is exactly what is seen in the skies, everyone knows that!
Outer space alien crafts and alien beings looking frightengly anorexic(described by witnesses) and scary looking that would bring nightmares to children and adults alike!
This again proves no such visitations from outer space!
If, and that's a big 'IF' ALIEN beings were attacking earth,what could humans possibly do to protect themselves from these advanced 'Alien' visitors?
What weapons could possible send them back to oblivion(sp)?
would you seek those in power to help you?
Would you trust your life, body and soul to those in power?

W.W.W....'when'-'why'-'what'...(I added the three WWW's...just an interesting concept to 666)
IF an alien attack happens,or 'When' an alien attack happens,what then?
What excuse would be given as to the 'why' it was not DISCLOSED?
What answer would they give to the people?

''We did it for your safety and did it for the safety of the people first,as the bad alien beings from outer space had previously been aggressive,and we know this because you see, we have been in contact with these beings and they could not be trusted and disclosing it might have caused further catastrophic attacks''...
So they only did it for us,they did it out of love for us,because they put the little people first, and this is why 'disclosure' never happened!
Sound's good, does it not?
So, they saved our lives, 'what' do we OWE them?
When someone is grateful and thankful,one only want's to show their appreciation by doing their best and to please those that helped in some way, dont they?

But what IF all this was THEIR idea...
What IF this Idea was so carefully thought out and mastered to perfection by those we TRUSTED,with their knowledge of good and bad...
What IF the people of this WORLD fell at the feet of him who wanted to be worshipped...
What then?

(hope this makes sense,re-written a few times and it's late-poor excuse, I know!)


posted on Sep, 1 2009 @ 12:22 PM
reply to post by Annav

Hi Annav/

I think I know what you may be talking about!
If indeed what you are refering to is what I'm thinking about, then yes, they are deluded and only have their own misguided eyes and power hungry greedy selves to blame for all that will,if it happens as they planned!
Just remember that all that is 'HIDDEN' does not always saty hidden forever!
For every POWER, there is always another Bigger power and mightier then those that think they have power!
It has been said...The TRUTH always comes out!

As for the 2012 connection?
At one time I saw this as prophecy, but yet have met in person or online claims from the mayans themselves that this indeed is a prophecy of their own or their people!

Take care,


posted on Sep, 1 2009 @ 12:57 PM

Originally posted by Jesus H Christ
reply to post by StarrGazer25

Nobody said anything about not liking a post. I simply said we will never get full disclosure and this topic/videos has been posted before. It appears I am hurting somebodys widdle feewings so I shall bow out. Sorry to have denied ignorance, I shall now embrace it.

Ahemm, We will, I repeat WILL get full disclosure and live happily ever after.\\Good day.

I still think it's amusing that many think that humans control disclosure. Full disclosure may indeed come, whether the PTB wants it or not. But even if that doesn't happen, other governments may decide to let the cat out of the bag, so it may come, but from other sources.

posted on Sep, 1 2009 @ 07:24 PM
I’ll put my 2 cents in here.
I have no fancy avatar, nor clever signature (I am thinking of one though).
Up front, I’m not concerned nor coerced by the secular/anti-Christian movement.
Their feckless comments are mute to me.
The Father chooses who’s eyes to open and not open.
That being said, I refer to the Bible. In part, but not excluded by, the book of Enoch, Genesis, and Revelations. So I have drawn my own conclusion to disclosure.
The Evil one (Prince of the Air) and his minions, lost their wings, and they took on physical bodies. They became mortal to experience the pleasures of the flesh. They copulated with women that resulted in the “men of Renown” (Genesis ch 6). Enslaving man, they rebuilt their “wings”, their ships of the air. They have been around for a long, long time.
It seems to reason, that if they did publicly disclose themselves, their evil would be self-evident. People would see, negating faith, and understand this, perhaps, even concluding that, if there is evil, then there must be good. If there is good, then there must be G_D. If there is G_D, then the history of the Bible, must be true. If the Bible is true, then there must be our Lord Jesus Christ. And this is disclosure.
Yes. I have seen them. NO. I don’t want to see them again. If I do, and they approach me, I know that they are mortal( a clue). Full disclosure is coming, soon. Are you ready?
How is this for a signature, “ Maintain angels, lest the Earth rise up to smite thee. Always check your 6.”

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