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1 million sq. ft. UNDERGROUND FACILITY

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posted on Aug, 25 2009 @ 05:27 PM
This is not nonsense.

What: One million sq. ft. underground facility
Where: Anacostia, Washington D.C.
When: Construction early 2010-early/mid 2012
Why: "Coast Guard Headquarters", yeah right
Who: Dept. of Homeland Security
How: Excavation from side of mound

Satellite locating is simple. Go to Rt. 295/Suitland Pkwy. intersection (overpass). With N pointing up, the woodline under the apartment complex (south of the overpass) is one side of the mound. Structures on top of facility and entire apartment complex are likely to be demolished. Not certain this side will be construction entrance but am assuming. Recently told our local shopping mall is close to that square footage so I'm convinced it's purpose is of a massive scale. Obviously not the typical off-the-beaten-path area for a facility, but nowhere in D.C. is. Multiple levels with top level not far from surface. Entrance visible will not exceed two stories. Inside will be split into corrodores, that large of a wide open space would not support the weight above. The budget for concrete alone is approximately eighty million dollars, while total cost is estimated to be between six and seven hundred million dollars. One company recommended a more efficient excavation from above, government rejected and want it from the side, assuming satellite photograph leaks to be the reason.

This is all I know thus far. I do not presume to know it's real purpose. We've had plenty of places for years for continuity of government (probably many more we still don't know about), so future "civilian" detainment is my best guess for the moment. Not a 12-21-12 "freak", but do think the elite know something we don't. Whether it's astronomical, spiritual, environmental, or economical-something is happening. In my opinion, the timing of the facility's completion is not a coincedence. I do have many things I could be doing with my time, this is not nonsense. Comments and questions very welcome.

If this is my only post, I was paid a visit. Long live liberty and our republic. Long live truth.

posted on Aug, 25 2009 @ 06:00 PM
where did u get this information if i may ask?

posted on Aug, 25 2009 @ 06:04 PM
They have to put all the BS somewhere, Landfills ant takin it anymore!

posted on Aug, 25 2009 @ 06:44 PM

Originally posted by 2Unknown
where did u get this information if i may ask?
Sure you may ask. Really don't wanna divulge too much, but there's already one person calling b.s. so what the heck, I really can't blame him though. I know someone fairly high in a construction company. Known him for years. He didn't just come out blabbing about it. I was beating around the bush about some things that are going on under our noses and he felt he should tell me. Everyone privy to the plans had to sign secrecy forms but he didn't question it until our conversation.

posted on Aug, 25 2009 @ 06:52 PM

Originally posted by SharkBait
They have to put all the BS somewhere, Landfills ant takin it anymore!
lol. Your skepticism is understood and appreciated as it's not personal. I have the same outlook toward many threads, actually most of them. I changed my initial decision to be vague and included specifics like it's exact location so that my thread would appeal to those interested in only things worth investigating. I can assure you it's not in my character to post BS. There's no gain for me to do so and it underminds the purpose of this site, which is to expose truth.

[edit on 25-8-2009 by rygi23]

posted on Aug, 25 2009 @ 07:04 PM
Not being skeptical... or wearing a tinfoil hat... but strange data can be derived from construction permits and tax rolls. Some one who knows that system can look for oddities there. I did when FEMA went nuts with the trailers down here. It was most enlightening.

Just fodder for those wanting to snoop.


[edit on 25-8-2009 by RoofMonkey]

posted on Aug, 25 2009 @ 07:13 PM
What about the internal compartments? How are they devided up.
You say top level wasn't far from surface, would that mean that it isn't a likely shelter to protect anything from something?
1 million sq. ft. doesn't seem like too much.

In comparison, here's 1mill sq foot building in London:

This building is housing 7000 workers, so it probably couldn't fit in too many "decidents"?

posted on Aug, 26 2009 @ 02:10 AM
If this is an announced project, then eh, whatever. If you expect us to believe this will be done in secret, read on....

Well, lets do the math. Assume the underground structure is 12ft tall. Not very tall mind you, but it's a starting point. That is 4 yards tall. One million square feet is 111111 square yards. Multiply by 4 and you get 444444. Since the construction is completely underground, you have to haul all the dirt off site. Using a 100 yard trailer, you get 4444 trips. Think anyone would notice? I do.

Every time someone dreams up these mysterious underground bases, they never consider the scale of the project. We haven't even begun to talk about the concrete pumpers need, steel beams, etc.

Glenn Campbell's blog covered a tunneling project in DC. Closer to reality than this million square foot underground secret base.

Glenn's blog

Glenn, unlike all the armchair investigators, goes to the scene and takes a look. Oh, what a novel idea!

posted on Aug, 26 2009 @ 02:27 PM

Originally posted by RoofMonkey
Not being skeptical... or wearing a tinfoil hat... but strange data can be derived from construction permits and tax rolls. Some one who knows that system can look for oddities there. I did when FEMA went nuts with the trailers down here. It was most enlightening.

Just fodder for those wanting to snoop.


[edit on 25-8-2009 by RoofMonkey]
Cool to be skeptical about anything and everything, I am myself. I'm going on the actual plans and construction estimates given, not the permits and tax rolls.

posted on Aug, 26 2009 @ 02:38 PM

Originally posted by flice
What about the internal compartments? How are they devided up.
You say top level wasn't far from surface, would that mean that it isn't a likely shelter to protect anything from something?
1 million sq. ft. doesn't seem like too much.

In comparison, here's 1mill sq foot building in London:

This building is housing 7000 workers, so it probably couldn't fit in too many "decidents"?
There are from 3 to 5 corrodores. By being not far from the surface I meant not a mile down or anything, like a D.U.M.B. 50'-75' was the depth given. 1 million sq. ft. not being much...I worked in a warehouse that was 200K sq. ft. and it was huge. 5 times that underground is hard to imagine. I don't want to nail myself down with specifics and I'm not trying to sound like I know everything about it because I don't. I'm not used to being personally let in on something like this. I'm going what I was told by someone I really trust and has no reason to lie.

posted on Aug, 26 2009 @ 03:42 PM

Originally posted by gariac
If this is an announced project, then eh, whatever. If you expect us to believe this will be done in secret, read on....

Well, lets do the math. Assume the underground structure is 12ft tall. Not very tall mind you, but it's a starting point. That is 4 yards tall. One million square feet is 111111 square yards. Multiply by 4 and you get 444444. Since the construction is completely underground, you have to haul all the dirt off site. Using a 100 yard trailer, you get 4444 trips. Think anyone would notice? I do.

Every time someone dreams up these mysterious underground bases, they never consider the scale of the project. We haven't even begun to talk about the concrete pumpers need, steel beams, etc.

Glenn Campbell's blog covered a tunneling project in DC. Closer to reality than this million square foot underground secret base.

Glenn's blog

Glenn, unlike all the armchair investigators, goes to the scene and takes a look. Oh, what a novel idea!
Per my initial post...
1. I never said it's a base.
2. Not secret, military has already given the explanation of "new coast guard headquarters".
3. It's a 2 yr. project with 1 1/2 for excavation, not 1 mo. So even if we use your remedial math, 8 truck loads a day is no problem.
4. I am well aware of the scale of the project, which tells me it's not anything like what it's supposedly being built for. It's scale is dwarfed easily by many similar structures in place for many years.
5. Going to the scene won't show much as construction starts early 2010.
6. I respect your remarks as I'm the type that has to be shown proof. All I can do is truthfully tell what I'm being told by someone whom I hold in the highest regard.

posted on Aug, 30 2009 @ 05:29 PM
reply to post by rygi23

Nothing remedial about my math. Actually it is generous to your cause since I didn't leave any earth between the so-called underground base and the surface. Increase the dirt by 4 or 5 fold.

The underground base crowd is like the UFO crowd. They want to believe, so they believe. No amount of logic ever convinces them otherwise, hence the big underground base at the Denver airport rumor, Dulce, etc.

Incidentally, it's not a big deal to put part of a building underground when you do construction at the surface. I have plans for building on bases that indicate where the underground portion is located. Or simple tunnels. It is the construction of massive underground facilities that is always suspect. There is always the problem of getting rid of the dirt and of course the structural engineering of expansive areas. If you look at underground mines, they leave some areas uncut to support the ground above.

It makes much more sense to use existing caves or at least construct in the side of a mountain. For one thing, the soil is more suitable.

posted on Aug, 30 2009 @ 06:00 PM
1 million sq. feet is mind blowing but lets remember...there are already plenty of underground facilities. I'm sure by now they've perfected a way to dig either by laser or whatever....Something this big though I can only assume would easily surpass 80 million dollars though...I'd say 500 million -1 billion. This is underground, not above...

Even if its not true- we know these facilities exist. We're just supposed to not know.

posted on Aug, 30 2009 @ 06:40 PM

Originally posted by gariac
reply to post by rygi23

Nothing remedial about my math. Actually it is generous to your cause since I didn't leave any earth between the so-called underground base and the surface. Increase the dirt by 4 or 5 fold.

The underground base crowd is like the UFO crowd. They want to believe, so they believe. No amount of logic ever convinces them otherwise, hence the big underground base at the Denver airport rumor, Dulce, etc.

Incidentally, it's not a big deal to put part of a building underground when you do construction at the surface. I have plans for building on bases that indicate where the underground portion is located. Or simple tunnels. It is the construction of massive underground facilities that is always suspect. There is always the problem of getting rid of the dirt and of course the structural engineering of expansive areas. If you look at underground mines, they leave some areas uncut to support the ground above.

It makes much more sense to use existing caves or at least construct in the side of a mountain. For one thing, the soil is more suitable.
I don't believe in theories around the Denver Airport or Dulce and am not part of a "crowd". I do believe there are underground facilities we don't know about because their are so many that we do know about. I'm not speculating about something, I am telling you that, whatever it's for, it is being built starting sometime early 2010. I started this thread knowing full well that some would call me a liar because in my opinion the majority of info. on any site like this is questionable to say the least. I think it's best the two of us just left this alone until I post pics .

posted on Aug, 30 2009 @ 06:52 PM

Originally posted by AceOfAces
1 million sq. feet is mind blowing but lets remember...there are already plenty of underground facilities. I'm sure by now they've perfected a way to dig either by laser or whatever....Something this big though I can only assume would easily surpass 80 million dollars though...I'd say 500 million -1 billion. This is underground, not above...

Even if its not true- we know these facilities exist. We're just supposed to not know.
Correct, digging/using explosives for projects this scale is outdated. Now, newer and fairly secretive technology that yields much less soil to remove is used. One example is "Subterranean" been around since the 70s that I know of. Per my initial post, the concrete alone is 80 million. The total cost is no less than 600 million.

posted on Aug, 30 2009 @ 07:00 PM
Uuuuh, yeh? Alex jones told me this is the new headquarters for the hamburger joint called the Bilderbergers. Oh, David Icke said it is the new portal that aliens from planet snoopy poop come from to dominate the earth.
How can people possibly believe this kind of stuff? It's a psychologist's playground.

posted on Aug, 31 2009 @ 12:04 AM

Originally posted by RyanLA123
Uuuuh, yeh? Alex jones told me this is the new headquarters for the hamburger joint called the Bilderbergers. Oh, David Icke said it is the new portal that aliens from planet snoopy poop come from to dominate the earth.
How can people possibly believe this kind of stuff? It's a psychologist's playground.
Not sure what you mean by "this kind of stuff". I would think putting a military installation under a mountain or a continuity of government bunker directly under a well known and prestigious hotel would sound more unbelievable. Though I couldn't care less, I respect and understand your not believing me. Unfortunately, the information I've been given by my very trustworthy friend has proven to be spot on. I live in the D.C. area and, since my initial post, have been made aware that it's not even exactly a secret project. As it turns out, many people already know about it and they were all told the same story as me about it supposedly being a new coast guard headquarters. What I'm saying isn't an alien humanoid base or something stupid and I wouldn't waste my time posting if I didn't know it to be fact.

posted on Aug, 31 2009 @ 12:16 AM
reply to post by rygi23

But placing these bunkers in mountains or under facilities is exactly how it is done. [Would you seriously build a facility under land you can't control? Your enemies can drill down and spy on you.] Better to run for the basement than to wait for the chopper to take you to the remote location. For off site security, Raven Rock is the classic government bunker.

Raven Rock

What makes this million square foot underground complex even less likely is the Coast Guard is under DHS, and DHS really can't get it's act together. It would be a miracle if DHS could make their phones work, let alone pull off such an operation as this new facility.

posted on Aug, 31 2009 @ 02:04 AM

Originally posted by gariac
reply to post by rygi23

But placing these bunkers in mountains or under facilities is exactly how it is done. [Would you seriously build a facility under land you can't control? Your enemies can drill down and spy on you.] Better to run for the basement than to wait for the chopper to take you to the remote location. For off site security, Raven Rock is the classic government bunker.

Raven Rock

What makes this million square foot underground complex even less likely is the Coast Guard is under DHS, and DHS really can't get it's act together. It would be a miracle if DHS could make their phones work, let alone pull off such an operation as this new facility.
Man, I here ya. The location isn't the off-the-beaten-path type. The topography of the land thier is ideal and kind of rare in or around D.C. but other than that I'm stumped. The coast guard argument doesn't make the complex less likely, it makes it less likely that it's for anything having to do with the coast guard, which is really my whole point behind this thread. Finding out now that other people know about it as well has made it almost a certainty to me that this thing is being built. The only question for me is what the heck for. In 5 mos. or so if the surrounding area isn't secured I'll be able to get some pics of whatever, if anything, is going on.

posted on Aug, 31 2009 @ 08:22 AM
I have heard of the Greenbriar bunker and Mount Weather. They are all very real sites an d I am not attacking or making fun of you in any way. Just something I read in a after reply to your post.

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