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The EU conspiracy. Wake up ATS!

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posted on Aug, 22 2009 @ 07:19 AM
I continue to be amazed about the lack of interrest for the EU here on ATS, the worlds biggest conspiracy forum. I understand that alot of you members are from the US, and that the most obvious conspiracies take place there.
But for crying out loud, take a look at what's happening over here. The whole of Europe have slowly been transformed from beeing a simple trade agreement to beeing an united nation, with common laws and soon a giant army, which can be controlled by only one man (Javier Solana.. Do some research!!).

I always try and remember that "history repeats it self". Germany and France are still world powers, as they have been for centuries. The power structure has not changed, simply because all eyes are on the US.

Do watch all 4 videos. Very enlightning if you do not know much about the EU.

I just watched this 4 part video from youtube (seen from the perspective of the UK) about the rotten apple EU.
In part two an MEP explains that sometimes when they vote about laws that affect the whole of Europe, they vote up to 140 laws in 17 minutes. No one has the time to do the research and reading for all these laws, so the paper with the law simply has the answer written on them. The law says "yes" or "no", and the MEP's vote accordingly. IS THAT DEMOCRACY. Is that what we voted for when we said yes to when we votes yes to the common marked? A facist state controlled by a non elected parlement, that can not be sacked? What is going on..? The worlds biggest and most powerful nation is rising!

I don't know what my point is, other than people got to recognize the significans that The United Nations of Europe has and the great power we leave in the hands of a few unelected people. The EU is the new US, so pay attention!

ps. Sorry for the spelling, had to get this of my chest fast!

[edit on 22-8-2009 by Alternative Thinker]

posted on Aug, 22 2009 @ 07:39 AM
I've been thinking for a while that the USA, although the worlds 'biggest' power, 'greatest' nation, with all the hoo-hah thats been going on there the last 30-40 years, is nothing but a big distraction.

Europe ruled the world through its Empires over the last 500 years - and they still do. Just hidden.
The British Empire, for example - its now the Commonwealth. OK, each nation still has their own government, but the Queen of England is still their Queen, and although most people don't know it, she still wields an enormous amount of power behind the scenes. She's in bed with all the Eurocrats, and probably uses her influence over the former Empire to help sway things.

Then remember how many people in the US power positions are related to all these bankers, and royals - they're all in on it together, and the strings are being pulled by the same EUROPEANS as they have been for centuries.
Now they're slowly tightening their grip on power under the illusion of democracy - and its already too late.

Short of literally blowing up every EU institution and either killing or imprisoning its 'leaders' and 'MEPs' and all their overlords, we're all screwed big time.

posted on Aug, 22 2009 @ 07:42 AM
reply to post by Alternative Thinker

As a former member of the UK, I agree. Looks like the 4th reich won without firing a shot. If more people were aware of the machinations
that have occured/ are occuring in the EU then the world may seem a bit smaller, scarier.


posted on Aug, 22 2009 @ 07:49 AM
The EU right now is focusing on economic power,which as it stands is the greatest economic power in the world right now and still expanding.After that is finished no doubt they will combine military power...probably under the guise of peace keeping first of all then expand over the years into a single military.Many people think the EU countries are always at logger heads with each other and could never achieve this,i think that's just a facade for the most part.

posted on Aug, 22 2009 @ 07:51 AM
reply to post by mikerussellus

Exacly. They planned the peace after the great world war perfectly as you imply. But it funny how so few people recognize it, even though they are open minded.

As you said Selfisolated, they did a great job using the US (in varuíous ways) as a distraction, while "they" quietly ruled everythhing from Europe

posted on Aug, 22 2009 @ 07:53 AM
reply to post by Solomons

All it takes Soloman is that the Lisabon treaty will pass, which it will eventually. Then we will have the united army of europe. It's gonna be interresting to see the conflicts between that army and NATO

posted on Aug, 22 2009 @ 08:58 AM
I can't imagine the burden of living under not only local and national laws but also the extra layer of multi-national laws imposed by the EU.

It has to be stifling.

What has happened to common sense? What maniacal power is so in charge that otherwise intelligent people are willing to vote on laws without reading them??

posted on Aug, 22 2009 @ 09:11 AM
reply to post by wayno

It's tough. 80% of all laws are passed in the EU now. 80%!!
And it's like nothing happend, when you talk to people and watch the news.. Amazing how people can be so blind

posted on Aug, 22 2009 @ 09:21 AM
Well it is The New WORLD Order - not the New US Order - right.

Isn't the Builderburg Group's main headquarters in The Netherlands?

I think 'we' react to different threads here on ATS depending on where we live and information we have gleaned from having more access to the info pertaining to that area.

posted on Aug, 22 2009 @ 09:33 AM
Ireland will be voting on the Lisbon Treaty this October 2nd. This will be the SECOND referendum on the Lisbon Treaty put to the Irish voters in a year. The first time around, the result was a resounding NO. This upset the applecart as ALL member states must pass the treaty for it to be ratified. The Government have returned to the Irish people and are asking them to vote YES. They make out that they have addressed the concerns of the public when NOT ONE LINE OF THE TREATY HAS BEEN AMENDED.

[edit on 22/8/09 by Yossarian]

posted on Aug, 22 2009 @ 09:46 AM
from a california, USA view, it appears you people in europe have to worry more about the growing muslim populations in your countries. when a particular orthodoxy tends to worship at the "MY WAY OR THE HIGHWAY" alter of social living, which is completely different from the way most europeans live now, the "threat of a unified europe" seems to take a back seat...

posted on Aug, 22 2009 @ 10:25 AM
reply to post by Yossarian

The first time around, the result was a resounding NO.

If I recall the Irsh are the only EU nation where the PEOPLE have a direct vote. Thanl goodness for that.

And yes the US citizens need to pay more attention to the EU especially since Bush signed an agreement to "harmonize" (make the same as ) US laws with the EU. Also the FDA sent out a memo about how it was necessary to "harmonize" US laws.

I really hate these quiet agreements to setup a world government behind the backs of the citizens of each country

posted on Aug, 22 2009 @ 11:11 AM

Originally posted by crimvelvet
reply to post by Yossarian

The first time around, the result was a resounding NO.

If I recall the Irsh are the only EU nation where the PEOPLE have a direct vote. Thanl goodness for that.

And yes the US citizens need to pay more attention to the EU especially since Bush signed an agreement to "harmonize" (make the same as ) US laws with the EU. Also the FDA sent out a memo about how it was necessary to "harmonize" US laws.

I really hate these quiet agreements to setup a world government behind the backs of the citizens of each country

Of course, but what do you think of a repeat referendum (without any change in the content of the treaty) as the first result was not what the EU or the Irish government wanted?

posted on Aug, 22 2009 @ 11:31 AM
Can it be any more clear that the power is not in the hands of the individual anymore, and that the corporate elite are totally in charge?

Way to go Ireland for being the exception and actually letting the people vote. Of course they are going to keep bringing it back until they wear the people out and get what they want anyway, but what if ....
What if the people just kept saying NO!

posted on Aug, 22 2009 @ 11:39 AM

Originally posted by wayno
What if the people just kept saying NO!

That's the thing. If the Irish say no for a second time then I'm sure the Treaty will be passed in some form or another. Like you said, it will be passed eventually and if Ireland are causing a stir they'll just be tossed aside while the elite carry on with their plans.

posted on Aug, 22 2009 @ 11:40 AM
reply to post by Yossarian

Of course, but what do you think of a repeat referendum (without any change in the content of the treaty) as the first result was not what the EU or the Irish government wanted?

It happens all the time here in the USA. An unpopular bill is repeatedly introduced until they manage to slip it through. That is how we got saddled with the Federal Reserve Banks. Slipped in a second time just before Christmas and signed December 23 "Merry Christmas" bankers!!

I hope the Irish people are smarter than the Congressmen who went home for Christmas and changed the course of US history as a result. Since a defeated bill can be presented again and again vigilance is a must. The opposition hopes people will have a short attention span. It is a major problem in many countries.

posted on Aug, 22 2009 @ 11:44 AM
I actually had a thread about what the EU is becoming here -

When each country joined the EU, it was pretty much an unwritten agreement that they would eventually become a part of the EU country so most politicians will not disagree with EU policy as most see it as the greater good and the unstoppable evolution of the European continent.

Pretty soon the EU will have a constitution (Lisbon treaty), a foreign office and a president to go along with its common currency, common market and economy, army, flag, anthem, freedom of movement and employment policy, central bank, elected parliament, 500 million people etc etc..

So in a bureaucratic and political sense, it will be a country as soon as the Irish pass the Lisbon treaty and everyone ratifies it. But it will take another 20-30 years before people from member states will start viewing themselves as Europeans and not Irish, English, French etc.

Also the plan for the 2.2 million high tech soldier EU army to be created by 2030/40 means that the EU will be a pretty serious force for the west.. but not for another 20 years. This should not be worrying for the US or any other western country as pretty soon it will be West vs BRIC with a common economic policy between all western countries.

While I am both for and against many aspects of the EU, I cant help but be marveled at the overall scope of the project and how quickly and fluidly it is progressing. I don't mind being a part of a larger power as long as it doesn't take too much sovereignty from my own country.. even though at the moment the EU makes 50% of our laws.. after the Lisbon treaty is passed, that will begin to look more like 75% pretty soon.

Also, when people begin to give out about how many big things regarding progression in the EU are done behind closed doors, the only non bias answer I can give is that big things like this, similar to the creation of the USA back in the day, are never created through democratic means.. Usually these kinds of empires are created through war. The fact that the EU politicians are capable of creating this through these means while converting the whole thing to a democratic country with a free market economy based on socially democratic capitalism.

Its unstoppable, hopefully it won't be crippled with corruption.

[edit on 22/8/09 by Dermo]

posted on Aug, 22 2009 @ 11:44 AM
reply to post by Yossarian

And the only reason Ireland is being asked to vote again??

They got it wrong the last time. So much for respecting the right of the Irish people and I have the suspicion that Ireland will vote as the EU want so do not be surprised if the result is YES.

posted on Aug, 22 2009 @ 11:50 AM
reply to post by Freedom ERP

Its a definite Yes vote this time.

The Irish economy is in bits, the opposition are being suppressed in the media and almost every political party is pushing for the Yes vote and using fear tactics to sell the YES vote to the masses.

posted on Aug, 22 2009 @ 11:51 AM
reply to post by crimvelvet

It's an absolute joke. The No group, Libertas have all but disappeared this time around so it will be interesting to see how much of an influence they had on voters overall.

The Czechs are digging their heels in now while Poland and Germany have also yet to endorse the Treaty.

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