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National Geographic - 9/11 Science and Conspiracy Special 8/31/09

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posted on Sep, 1 2009 @ 05:12 PM

Originally posted by Aggie Man
I missed the last 10 minutes of that show. Can anyone tell me if Tower 7 was discussed? If so, what was said?

I also noticed that they did not discuss the "explosions" jetting out the side of the towers as they were collapsing. As shown in this photograph:


they only discussed what they had, with a cover story that was believeable by the masses.

posted on Sep, 1 2009 @ 05:14 PM

Originally posted by jimmyx
why don't you answer your own question and google "super thermite"

look it's really simple for the government...answer the questions with reasonable answers and you won't have anymore "truthers"
questions i have not seen answered

1. why won't the government release the passenger manifests?, every other civilian plane crash has released these
2. why won't the government release the scores of video from security cameras around the pentagon, including from private property?.
3. why did the BBC broadcast 23 minutes early the collapse of building #7?

The government has released much of it's collected information to the public. More will be coming as limitations expire. Things are withheld due to security issues, privacy, etc. No government is required to release information on the basis someone out there want to see it.

The BBC thing has been answered repeatedly. On the most frantic day in media history there were many reporting errors. Reuters was informed the already crumbling WTC 7 was about to come down half an hour before it finally did. BBC picked it up from them. The reporter had no idea which buildings were which on the screen behind her. In fact most New Yorkers who had been in it weren't even aware of it's name or that it was considered WTC 7.


[edit on 1-9-2009 by mmiichael]

posted on Sep, 1 2009 @ 05:18 PM

Originally posted by guitarhero4rox
I'm mad at this. You know why?

Because now ALL the people that watched it, are going to believe that 9/11 was real, and not an inside job, and they are making "9/11 truthers" Look crazy.

They didnt even say anything about WTC 7 or about the bombs going off ahead of where the WTC was falling.

Now people are going to support the government more and believe everything they say.

that was their job, their mission...Nat Geo is corporate owned. why else would one expect anything more? this is a corporate controlled government, as well as a corporate controlled media.

posted on Sep, 1 2009 @ 05:40 PM
So typical.....

Of course Nat Geo has to be "in on it" "they" are part of the conspiracy.

What a joke.

You know I've said this 100 times, Bill Clinton couldn't get a "BJ" in the oval office without the whole damn world finding out about it - and that was just 2 people involved.....

How many people were involved in 911???????? Give me a number....

How come all of them can keep a secret?

posted on Sep, 1 2009 @ 05:59 PM

Originally posted by jimmyx
that was their job, their mission...Nat Geo is corporate owned. why else would one expect anything more? this is a corporate controlled government, as well as a corporate controlled media.

Hundreds of books have been published by major publishers damning the US government for decades. That includes dozens that try to show 9/11 was a coverup? Publishers owned by multinational conglomerates like Time-Warner, Gulf & Western, etc.

So you're saying those books are lies?


[edit on 1-9-2009 by mmiichael]

posted on Sep, 1 2009 @ 06:04 PM
Can you watch it online somewhere? I missed it last night.

posted on Sep, 1 2009 @ 06:40 PM

Click and look, watch the top of the building, the center, the core of it go first, and ask yourself why or better yet, how that is possible in a fire related collapse even with Mayor Ghouliani's fire code violating fuel tanks. In order for this to happen, at the speed it happens, ALL the load bearing supports have to fail simultaneously. Fire doesn't account for this, neither does the official story, nor do they account for the molten steel that Loizaeux confirmed at the WTC 7 site either.
I think Dan Rather, who was later run through the ringer and retired, said it best when he said... " it’s reminiscent of those pictures we’ve all seen too much on television before, where a building was deliberately destroyed by well placed dynamite to knock it down.”

You can see the squibs (demolition charges) progressing upwards towards the point of collapse...

To mention WTC 7, they would have to explain things like this footage the otherwise meticulous BBC has since 'lost'...

Here's four pages of some interesting information about WTC 7... 1, 2, 3, 4.

As to what firefighters were saying about WTC 7, oddly enough, they were told to back off by someone who knew it was going to collapse...
Reports of Foreknowledge of the Collapse of Building 7 in the Oral Histories
These collapses are unprecedented in the history of modern steel framed construction, yet they were able to predict the collapses sufficiently enough to tell key personell to evacuate the building 7 and measure the safe distances? They were so sure it was going to collapse, they released it to the media before it happened for crying out loud.

This stupid on so many levels ...

Every part has to fail before a building can fall down? All it takes is one
critical piece to fail to cause global collapse.

Here is picture of Ronan point in UK - gas explosion blew out one wall on 18th floor triggering progressive collapse of entire wing of building

In WTC 7 single column under high stress buckled from heat which pulled
down adjacent columns resulting in a cascade collapse of entire structure

“Our study found that the fires in WTC 7, which were uncontrolled but otherwise similar to fires experienced in other tall buildings, caused an extraordinary event,” said NIST WTC Lead Investigator Shyam Sunder. “Heating of floor beams and girders caused a critical support column to fail, initiating a fire-induced progressive collapse that brought the building down.”

According to the report, a key factor leading to the eventual collapse of WTC 7 was thermal expansion of long-span floor systems at temperatures “hundreds of degrees below those typically considered in current practice for fire resistance ratings." WTC 7 used a structural system design in widespread use.

Dan Rather ? Now he is he a structural engineer or demolition expert?
As shown later he is not much of a journalist either...

The so called squibs are windows breaking as the building twisted during
collapse - the windows were shattered as they were poped out of the frames.

Check out video 10 and 11

As for BBC screwup - turned out were repeating report from Reuters who
in turn was repeating a report from local news outlet. Would you
expect a BBC reporter to know where WTC 7 was? Considering people
in NY had no idea either.

Oh the missing tape - found it later. Was misfiled on wrong shelf under 2002....

The FDNY men witnessing WTC7 reported the building was out of plumb and creaking and making noises - from their reports FDNY commanders
cleared all men out of it around noon. Focused a surveyors transit
on corner which was bulging - when it started to move or "creep" ordered
collapse zone set up.

6 months after 9/11 went to fire seminar and listened to the FDNY chief
in charge of operations at WTC 7 explain what was done and why.

Maybe should TV back on and stop reading idiotic garbage

posted on Sep, 1 2009 @ 07:03 PM

Originally posted by mmiichael

Originally posted by KommonKnowledge
why are you sceptics even here??? your not going to change our minds and were probably not gonna change yours, so just drop the whole name calling and condescending language and use your brains, think for yourself, or are you just to scared to think for yourself and come to your own conclusions. this is a conspiracy site so if you dont believe in conspiracies like this than you probably shouldnt be here.

Because a conspiracy sub-culture and it's own marketing have evolved
does not mean the impressionable and kids need to be fed disinformation.

Willfully malicious propaganda comes from many fronts, not just governments and MSM. It needs to be exposed at every opportunity.

Who or what would you expose M?
Have something or some one in mind. (911 type stuff)
Love to hear it.

[edit on 1-9-2009 by Donny 4 million]

posted on Sep, 1 2009 @ 08:04 PM

Originally posted by thedman

Click and look, watch the top of the building, the center, the core of it go first, and ask yourself why or better yet, how that is possible in a fire related collapse even with Mayor Ghouliani's fire code violating fuel tanks. In order for this to happen, at the speed it happens, ALL the load bearing supports have to fail simultaneously. Fire doesn't account for this, neither does the official story, nor do they account for the molten steel that Loizaeux confirmed at the WTC 7 site either.
I think Dan Rather, who was later run through the ringer and retired, said it best when he said... " it’s reminiscent of those pictures we’ve all seen too much on television before, where a building was deliberately destroyed by well placed dynamite to knock it down.”

You can see the squibs (demolition charges) progressing upwards towards the point of collapse...

To mention WTC 7, they would have to explain things like this footage the otherwise meticulous BBC has since 'lost'...

Here's four pages of some interesting information about WTC 7... 1, 2, 3, 4.

As to what firefighters were saying about WTC 7, oddly enough, they were told to back off by someone who knew it was going to collapse...
Reports of Foreknowledge of the Collapse of Building 7 in the Oral Histories
These collapses are unprecedented in the history of modern steel framed construction, yet they were able to predict the collapses sufficiently enough to tell key personell to evacuate the building 7 and measure the safe distances? They were so sure it was going to collapse, they released it to the media before it happened for crying out loud.

This stupid on so many levels ...

Every part has to fail before a building can fall down? All it takes is one
critical piece to fail to cause global collapse.

Here is picture of Ronan point in UK - gas explosion blew out one wall on 18th floor triggering progressive collapse of entire wing of building

In WTC 7 single column under high stress buckled from heat which pulled
down adjacent columns resulting in a cascade collapse of entire structure

“Our study found that the fires in WTC 7, which were uncontrolled but otherwise similar to fires experienced in other tall buildings, caused an extraordinary event,” said NIST WTC Lead Investigator Shyam Sunder. “Heating of floor beams and girders caused a critical support column to fail, initiating a fire-induced progressive collapse that brought the building down.”

According to the report, a key factor leading to the eventual collapse of WTC 7 was thermal expansion of long-span floor systems at temperatures “hundreds of degrees below those typically considered in current practice for fire resistance ratings." WTC 7 used a structural system design in widespread use.

Dan Rather ? Now he is he a structural engineer or demolition expert?
As shown later he is not much of a journalist either...

The so called squibs are windows breaking as the building twisted during
collapse - the windows were shattered as they were poped out of the frames.

Check out video 10 and 11

As for BBC screwup - turned out were repeating report from Reuters who
in turn was repeating a report from local news outlet. Would you
expect a BBC reporter to know where WTC 7 was? Considering people
in NY had no idea either.

Oh the missing tape - found it later. Was misfiled on wrong shelf under 2002....

The FDNY men witnessing WTC7 reported the building was out of plumb and creaking and making noises - from their reports FDNY commanders
cleared all men out of it around noon. Focused a surveyors transit
on corner which was bulging - when it started to move or "creep" ordered
collapse zone set up.

6 months after 9/11 went to fire seminar and listened to the FDNY chief
in charge of operations at WTC 7 explain what was done and why.

Maybe should TV back on and stop reading idiotic garbage

This stupid on so many levels ...
You can find a treasure trove of extraordinary bull crap on lots of other threads. Like an extraordinary UFO spotted near tower one. Or something kept pulling on my foot while I was trying to sleep so I went to the couch so I wouldn't wake up my husband during this extraordinary experience.
Your links are riddled with para phrasing and orchestrated spin.
I'll go toe to toe with you on those links and make you look sillier than your extraordinary post here (above)
PS I left out the is like you did.

posted on Sep, 1 2009 @ 08:10 PM

Originally posted by Donny 4 million
Who or what would you expose M?
Have something or some one in mind. (911 type stuff)
Love to hear it.

I don't have to expose the fraud in the 9/11 conspiracy business. Members are already doing it to each other. Interesting is the number of White Supremacists who have joined the movement to push their agendas to new audiences.

Sofia Shafquat, director of the 9/11 Mysteries video. She created and narrated the film 9-11 Mysteries Part 1: Demolitions with Brad Waddell. The film was based on a play that she and Brad performed in Los Angeles. Brad appears briefly at the beginning of the movie and Sofia appears briefly at the end. The film is controversial because it credits Eric Hufschmid, a Holocaust Denier, as introducing "Brad" to 9/11 Denial.

In addition, Rick Siegel, maker of 9-11 Eyewitness, is taking legal action against Sofia for using his footage in what he says is disinformation.


posted on Sep, 1 2009 @ 08:27 PM

Originally posted by mmiichael

Originally posted by Donny 4 million
Who or what would you expose M?
Have something or some one in mind. (911 type stuff)
Love to hear it.

I don't have to expose the fraud in the 9/11 conspiracy business. Members are already doing it to each other. Interesting is the number of White Supremacists who have joined the movement to push their agendas to new audiences.

Sofia Shafquat, director of the 9/11 Mysteries video. She created and narrated the film 9-11 Mysteries Part 1: Demolitions with Brad Waddell. The film was based on a play that she and Brad performed in Los Angeles. Brad appears briefly at the beginning of the movie and Sofia appears briefly at the end. The film is controversial because it credits Eric Hufschmid, a Holocaust Denier, as introducing "Brad" to 9/11 Denial.

In addition, Rick Siegel, maker of 9-11 Eyewitness, is taking legal action against Sofia for using his footage in what he says is disinformation.


Are they survivors of Ruby Ridge, Waco, or other groups that were murdered unjustly?
How do you know that they are white supremists?
And I hope you are not saying the LA movie troop caused the 911 tragedies.
Is Rick Seigel a holocost surviver?

posted on Sep, 1 2009 @ 09:38 PM
reply to post by Donny 4 million

Donny don’t waste your time on people like that, they are not interested in talking about 911 truths with you. These guys are full of hate and their posts reflect it. I don’t believe anyone has taught them any manners its one thing to disagree but, it is another to constantly ridicule and insult the poster for no reason. I have put most of them on ignore for that reason. I realized that I was wasting my time. Most of these guys do not even know how to debate a topic and they think their opinions are facts unbelievable.

posted on Sep, 1 2009 @ 09:50 PM

Originally posted by impressme
Donny don’t waste your time on people like that, they are not interested in talking about 911 truths with you. These guys are full of hate and their posts reflect it. I don’t believe anyone has taught them any manners its one thing to disagree but, it is another to constantly ridicule and insult the poster for no reason. I have put most of them on ignore for that reason. I realized that I was wasting my time. Most of these guys do not even know how to debate a topic and they think their opinions are facts unbelievable.

Interesting you find pointing out how a Truther site is being sued for disinformation and their affiliaitions with White Supremacists to be hateful and bad mannered. Fact not Fiction.

And then claim to be interest in truth.

Real Truth hurts sometimes.


posted on Sep, 1 2009 @ 10:41 PM

Originally posted by mmiichael
White Supremacists

I took you off ignore long enough to realize why I had added you to my ignore list to begin with. What a load of ceaseless condescending and completely unrelated tripe.
I'm glad you posted that though, now at least folks can see what kind of people 9-11 truth is up against and the pathetic tactics now being used to demonize us. If we don't go along with the fairy tale NIST cooked up to explain the collapses, then we are obviously nazis... that begs the question though, comerade, which side of the Reichstag Fire do you think you're standing on?

posted on Sep, 2 2009 @ 02:27 AM

Originally posted by twitchy
I'm glad you posted that though, now at least folks can see what kind of people 9-11 truth is up against and the pathetic tactics now being used to demonize us. If we don't go along with the fairy tale NIST cooked up to explain the collapses, then we are obviously nazis... that begs the question though, comerade, which side of the Reichstag Fire do you think you're standing on?

Great speech.

As the old saying goes: "Be careful who you lie down with."

For the record a quick list of "Jews did 9/11" advocates quoted and linked to on this site.

Recently arrested White Supremacist radio host Hal Turner

The American Free Press, part of an organization that includes the Hitler-praising Barnes Review

Christopher Bollyn, American Free Press contributor - blend of 9/11 and anti-semitism

Eric Hufschmid, specialty lunatic fringe racial theories, author of books and videos about 9/11 - highlights 9/11 issues while promoting neo-Nazi websites

the list goes on


[edit on 2-9-2009 by mmiichael]

posted on Sep, 2 2009 @ 03:23 AM
reply to post by CameronFox

Now for all you debunkers who lapped up the National Geographic ridiculous fraudulent experiments of how Thermite can NOT melt steel beams lets show what lairs they really are shell we!

They want you all to believe that normal Thermite is really not that dangerous that children play with it on forth of July with sparklers. Well that is true to some degree, but normal Thermite is used to melt and weld steel beams, what do you think the Rail road co used to repair and replace RR tracks eh?

This video is what National Geographic didn’t want you all to see because you will all realize that Thermite is and can be used to melt heavy steel. Remember while you are watching these two videos remember what Professor Steven Jones said in his report the Thermite we found was of such a high grade that we are talking military sciences. The Thermite you are watching in these videos is just normal Thermite. What was used to bring down the WTC had to be what Jones found, a very high military grade that only the military has access to.

Thermite welding Railway Tech Switzerland

Thermite weld used%2520to%2520weld%2520railroad%2520track%26um%3D1%26ie%3DUTF%2D8%26sa&feature=player_embedded

posted on Sep, 2 2009 @ 03:37 AM

Originally posted by CameronFox
reply to post by SPreston

By the way, do you know who Joe Ferguson is? He was killed on 911 when the plane he was a passenger in struck the Pentagon.

no plane hit the pentagon, so that's impossible.

Joe Ferguson was the director of geography education outreach at the National Geographic Society. He was on flight 77 with 3 elementary children on a National Geographic sponsored field trip.

Was the God damn National Geographic controlled media in on it too?
well, ALL the mainstream media WAS and IS in on it. Since Net-geo, is mainstream, then the logical answer is yes.

HAd elementary children killed?

who said they're dead???

[edit on 9/2/2009 by JPhish]

posted on Sep, 2 2009 @ 07:23 AM

Originally posted by impressme
reply to post by Donny 4 million

Donny don’t waste your time on people like that, they are not interested in talking about 911 truths with you. These guys are full of hate and their posts reflect it. I don’t believe anyone has taught them any manners its one thing to disagree but, it is another to constantly ridicule and insult the poster for no reason. I have put most of them on ignore for that reason. I realized that I was wasting my time. Most of these guys do not even know how to debate a topic and they think their opinions are facts unbelievable.

I agree. Not only that. I guess he must come from a commie country where he can't speak out. Takes out his personal agenda attacking here. And now is threatening the members here and telling them to BEWARE who you lie with.
His attempts to interject his mindless bias is horrific. He is easy to expose. So I don't put him on ignore. He could at least stay on topic and get back to the facts of 911 and why there is no REINVESTIGATION.
Why does the thought of a 911 trial by jury scare the dog poo out of folks like M and his comrades

posted on Sep, 2 2009 @ 10:37 AM

Originally posted by impressme
Professor Steven Jones said in his report the Thermite we found was of such a high grade that we are talking military sciences. The Thermite you are watching in these videos is just normal Thermite. What was used to bring down the WTC had to be what Jones found, a very high military grade that only the military has access to.

Jones's experiments and conclusions have been shown to be bad science with an apparent agenda. They have been outed by a number of experts in related fields including forensic ballistics expert Enrico Manieri in Italy. The so-called thermite is actually fire-retardant primer paint, explaining why it was only found in millimeter thin flakes. Detailed explanation at this link

Abstract: A recent paper claiming "active thermitic material" in dust collected in the vicinity of the Twin Towers after their collapse is found to have shortcomings in its methodology.

The paper also fails to explore adequately alternative, non-thermitic explanations for its findings.

•Specifically, the paper's use of methyl-ethyl-ketone (MEK) to demonstrate the presence of elemental aluminum is known to yield inconsistent results because MEK could react with aluminum;

•alleged elemental aluminum nanoparticles are claimed to remain unreacted after 55 hours of MEK bath, but also contradictorily to react violently already at 430°C;

•photographic and spectral comparisons between commercial thermite and spheroidal particles in Ground Zero dust omit any other comparison with possible alternative sources of such findings;

•DSC analysis was conducted in air, but should have been conducted in an inert gas environment in order to obtain reliable results for thermite, which does not require an external oxidizer.

The paper also does not consider the chemical composition of the corrosion-proofing paints and of the vermiculite used as thermal insulation and soundproofing at the World Trade Center and extensively documented by NIST.

These products contain exactly the same elements and exhibit the same structural characteristics as the allegedly thermitic material found by the paper's researchers in their samples.

The researchers therefore appear to have been somewhat hasty in reaching their conclusions.


[edit on 2-9-2009 by mmiichael]

posted on Sep, 2 2009 @ 01:42 PM
It was suggested by some one that I Google "super-thermite" since I don't know what it is and I would find the answers.

Well, I was able to do that and here's what I found.

"Super-thermite" - was the staple product used in dylithiam matrix chambers for the production of warp speed. It was later abandoned with the development of "super duper thermite" was created at the Vulcan Science Academy by the young but brilliant Dr. Daystrom (also the Dr. Daystrom that was responsible for duel-o-tronics - which we all know is what makes warp speed possible).

Dr. Daystrom could not be reached for comment. He has since retired and his last known address is somewhere in the Alfa-centauri system.

I am so relieved that I now have a full understanding of "Super-Thermite" I can sleep easier at night....

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