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David Wilcock's ascension theory on 2012

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posted on Aug, 19 2009 @ 02:53 PM
I am starting this thread here at ATS because I tried to start this thread on David Wilcock's site but was denied by the moderator because what I posted 'did not agree' with David's views. I couldn't believe it. I was respectful in my post. All I did was express doubt about what David thinks will happen on 2012 basically saying that I didn't see a strong enough link between his research, which I said was very well done, and the conclusions he draws from that research. I was trying to spark his loyal followers into action and give me more evidence found in David's data to more strongly back up his claims. I even said it in a more polite manner than I posted here. It seems the mod only wants 'YES' men to post on that site, unlike ATS where we are all free to express differing opinions. I mean isn't that what its all about!

Anyway David foresee's 2012 as a time of ascension/evolution for the human species. A time when things will be '100 times more harmonious than what they currently are'. (I stated in my post that I don't think anything in particular would happen on Dec 21st 2012 or around that time, that it would be the status quo, but I was hoping that I was wrong and that David was right)

Some of the background data David gives for this are lab experiments where DNA information was exchanged between developing embryos using a laser to transmit the DNA information. So for instance he claims something along the lines of a salamander's DNA info was sent using a laser to a frog's developing embryo, and the frog embryo grew up as a salamander. he gave other examples similar to this.

he also stated how our solar system is changing due to the fact we are entering a more energetic part of space. (all of the planets heating up, becoming more energetic) which I also believe is true. he also points out that evolution happens in huge leaps, not a slow process.

so putting these data points together. David thinks we are due around 2012 for the next step in human evolution. this will be triggered by us receiving some energy burst (similar to the laser/from/salamander experiment) from the center of the galaxy. the energy burst will upgrade/turn on/mutate our DNA for the next step in human evolution. the energy burst is that will due this from the center of the galaxy is due to the fact that our galaxy is a conscious being named Logos and that we and the planet will cross from 3 density to 4th density, whatever that means.

so you see, this sounds amazing and I hope he is right. But I just think the link between his circumstantial evidence that I presented above and all these great things happening to us and the planet is a very weak link. I think David Wilcock jumps to some pretty big conclusions, based on these tidbits of scientific fact (although I have never heard about transmitting DNA info with a laser except from DW) but accepting that that is true, i think they are just interesting data points at best.

I think we are definitely at the cusp between ages, Pisces and Aquarius. And I due believe we are due for some big changes. (Not necessarily linked to 2012, but anytime in the next 5 - 50 years) I just don't buy into David's logic though I really do hope he is correct.

So what do you all think about DW and his theories?

[edit on 19-8-2009 by insideNSA]

posted on Aug, 19 2009 @ 03:13 PM
reply to post by insideNSA

I guess we will see in 2012.... If he is wrong he will be laughed at... an ridculed. I never under stood making predictions or Numerology being that II have never seen a Prediction or Numerology come true ever. But yet people still get suckered into it... Am I wrong?? Or have there predictions come true....

posted on Aug, 19 2009 @ 03:16 PM
reply to post by insideNSA

Hi Inside NSA,

David Wilcox doesn't know squat, he's just looking for followers to give him notoriety, money and fleeting fame before he gets flamed at the end of 2012 when his Theories don't appear to be facts after all.

The Mayan calendar is very exacting. The Mayans state that December 21, 2012 is a date when we enter the dark hole, and then a Golden Age starts there after.

The dark hole on that date more than likely means that it will be a day of total darkness (possibly lasting 3-7 days total) over the entire world where all natural light will be gone.

I believe that the Golden Age will start as stated. I believe that the darkness will have put the right kind of fear into people and that people all over the world will want to end thoughts of war and "Peace to All" will be a global thought.

posted on Aug, 19 2009 @ 03:17 PM
As close as it is, I'm still not going to hold my breath. If any so-called biblical prophecies are a clue, there will be signs in the heavens etc. I kinda have my doubts this event would happen in seconds, but I guess that's not what he meant, unless we were; " Evicted from our bodies" as I've recalled; Rev. Wright put it.

Biblical prophecy, Cayce and Wilcock prophecy etc. etc. Has yet to finally reveal itself until it actually happens. So, that rapture and salvation can be just as immortal as words written on a page, a song by a dead song writer and a movie of a long dead actor. Sorta reminds me of the Wishmaster movies.

David Wilcock might just be half right.

posted on Aug, 19 2009 @ 03:17 PM
I think david wilcock loves money.

Cayce backed it up with numerous other predictions and didn't charge.

[edit on 19-8-2009 by jvm222]

posted on Aug, 19 2009 @ 03:26 PM
Hi, 2012 fans.

Originally posted by insideNSA
So what do you all think about DW and his theories?

All he says is positve and comes from the second line of my signature.
Soooooo, **IF** you trust the ways Edgar Cayce did his communications,
and the ways he got all his knowledge, DO read the "Ra material" !

It will answer MANY questions about our past and future !

Blue skies.

posted on Aug, 19 2009 @ 03:30 PM
reply to post by insideNSA

Reguardless of what David thinks, I have my own theory which is similar but I have witnessed it first hand in a dream over ten years ago that spoke to me in a way enough to make sense.

There is a point in time in which our physical dimension will cross paths with as spiritual dimension in which there are beings made of light, (like hummingbirds) guide those of us who are ready.

This is done through a constant humming sound, a vibration, a frequency, a pitch.

Those who are within it's wavelengths would be physically lifted from the ground for a period of time.

[edit on 19-8-2009 by 12.21.12]

posted on Aug, 19 2009 @ 03:35 PM
you know if people didnt start up the whole 2012 planet x thing. People wouldnt even look towards the future as bleak or scary. Im starting to think that maybe somebody started all this propaganda to bring fear into our hearts. Maybe nothing will happen. But I think if something does happen. It will be the government using our fear against us so they can control us and manipulate us.

posted on Aug, 19 2009 @ 03:38 PM
reply to post by truthseeker718

Well problem is, most people think of it as the end of the world and it is not.

posted on Aug, 19 2009 @ 03:41 PM
I respect the man for his positive outlook.

If you can read between the lines, you'll see the intelligence of this. David knows that thought controls matter. Collective thought is even more powerful.

If enough people believe in a positive future, that raises the vibration of the planet and effects the outcome of the future.

I wouldn't take your ban from his site personally, OP. I think David's whole plan is a positive belief to spread. If you are being negative, it is going against his goal, whether you are right or not.

It is more than just being 'right'. It is about influencing the thoughts of the masses towards the positive. Keep that in mind when you hear other light workers only focusing on positive outcomes. It is not that they don't know about the negative predictions, rather it is they are trying to prevent those negative thoughts from manifesting.

posted on Aug, 19 2009 @ 03:41 PM
i hate aquarius and its groupthink, collective consciounchesss.
collektive consciounchness is what sheep do when they all stampede off a cliff.
may there never be an ageof aquarius!
individual consciousness ftw!

[edit on 19-8-2009 by Spiritfilled]

posted on Aug, 19 2009 @ 03:50 PM
reply to post by Spiritfilled

Why do you hate it? Cause people should cling to a messianic figure, to help keep them in line and in order with the likening of international law as a god fearing society of uneducated dogma?

posted on Aug, 19 2009 @ 03:51 PM
I never said anything negative would happen. Read the OP. I gave his 3 main scientific data points and how they relate to what he predicts. I'm talking about a logical connection between the two and how I think his 'guess' about what will happen based on his own data points is a big stretch. the correlation is weak. Go back and read my post then tell me what you think.

Originally posted by Violet Sky
I respect the man for his positive outlook.

If you can read between the lines, you'll see the intelligence of this. David knows that thought controls matter. Collective thought is even more powerful.

If enough people believe in a positive future, that raises the vibration of the planet and effects the outcome of the future.

I wouldn't take your ban from his site personally, OP. I think David's whole plan is a positive belief to spread. If you are being negative, it is going against his goal, whether you are right or not.

It is more than just being 'right'. It is about influencing the thoughts of the masses towards the positive. Keep that in mind when you hear other light workers only focusing on positive outcomes. It is not that they don't know about the negative predictions, rather it is they are trying to prevent those negative thoughts from manifesting.

posted on Aug, 19 2009 @ 03:51 PM
reply to post by 12.21.12

almost correct, except that the dogma is educated.

posted on Aug, 19 2009 @ 03:54 PM
Yes, having a positive outlook, which I do have, is all well and good, but you are missing the point to my original post. did you read it.

i gave his 3 main data points and how he extrapolates what will happen based on those data points. its a huge interpretation and stretch. the correlation between his data and his predicted outcome is weak and logically not sound. so all positive thinking aside. if you want to inspire people and you put out a theory. at least make the theory sound.

Originally posted by Violet Sky
I respect the man for his positive outlook.

If you can read between the lines, you'll see the intelligence of this. David knows that thought controls matter. Collective thought is even more powerful.

If enough people believe in a positive future, that raises the vibration of the planet and effects the outcome of the future.

I wouldn't take your ban from his site personally, OP. I think David's whole plan is a positive belief to spread. If you are being negative, it is going against his goal, whether you are right or not.

It is more than just being 'right'. It is about influencing the thoughts of the masses towards the positive. Keep that in mind when you hear other light workers only focusing on positive outcomes. It is not that they don't know about the negative predictions, rather it is they are trying to prevent those negative thoughts from manifesting.

posted on Aug, 19 2009 @ 04:06 PM
reply to post by insideNSA

Good thread. I believe also, that having a positve outlook is important. That doesn't mean that I'll COUNT on that to cure the world's woes, but I think it's good for our personal energies.

You mentioned a possible energy coming from the galactic center. I hope that isn't a gamma ray burst, or 4th dimension might mean being burnt to a cinder. Well, we'll cross that all when it comes. In the meantime, it does me no harm to be prepared for whatever I can imagine. That line of thinking has saved us gobs of money, and caused us to become far more self-sufficient, grow our own foods, and utilize alternative energies for power. It's a win-win, regardless of what happens in the future.

I've watched a few of David's videos, and while I think he ties things together somewhat loosely and sometimes makes what I think are tenuous connections between various events, I think he believes in what he's saying, and I have no reason to find fault with it. Like you, I'm not certain what ascention truly means, but I feel open to the idea of it.

If it means leaving this form and moving to another place, it isn't something I'd choose, but primarily because I think somebody has to be left behind to mop up afterward -- to help others. yep. Galactic janitor, that's me.

posted on Aug, 19 2009 @ 04:15 PM
reply to post by insideNSA

Yes, I read your orginal post. You asked what we thought of David's theories and I gave my general outlook without getting into the specifics of each belief he has.

I didn't mean to imply that you are a negative person. I'm only saying that disagreement and pointing out the holes in a person's theory can be construed as negative if it gets people to begin to doubt him and what he says. Not that we shouldn't question everything - that's the intelligent thing to do, I agree. But to do it publically may be taken as trying to 'show him up' .

posted on Aug, 19 2009 @ 04:39 PM
Ahh 2012...the new date for our demise...
. Where was this date five years ago, it is just now the new popular date that paranoid have clung to. I wonder what the new date will be after this and how many times do people have to be wrong to realize that nothing or no one can predict the end times. It could happen at any moment or centuries from now, people should stop being paranoid and live thier lives.

posted on Aug, 20 2009 @ 02:33 AM
AWESOME THREAD!! i love david wilcox...he puts the info RIGHT in your face to see, where you cant really "debate"
ya the mods here are a little touchy lol
great post though

posted on Aug, 20 2009 @ 02:35 AM

Originally posted by RussianScientists
reply to post by insideNSA

Hi Inside NSA,

David Wilcox doesn't know squat, he's just looking for followers to give him notoriety, money and fleeting fame before he gets flamed at the end of 2012 when his Theories don't appear to be facts after all.

The Mayan calendar is very exacting. The Mayans state that December 21, 2012 is a date when we enter the dark hole, and then a Golden Age starts there after.

The dark hole on that date more than likely means that it will be a day of total darkness (possibly lasting 3-7 days total) over the entire world where all natural light will be gone.

I believe that the Golden Age will start as stated. I believe that the darkness will have put the right kind of fear into people and that people all over the world will want to end thoughts of war and "Peace to All" will be a global thought.

well just think about being in complete dark for 7 days..
that suuuure would change the world lol

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