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My first month on ATS,what I've learned.

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posted on Aug, 17 2009 @ 01:15 PM
I have wondered,should passing an aptitude test be required for ATS
membership? I know several members would agree to a test in order
to screen applicants for membership. I have found,the highly educated
and superior thinking members on this board,have problems with members
who have had a mediocre education and questionable debating skills.

Some,have problems accepting members with less than perfect grammar,
spelling and other basic language skills. Even forgetting that english may
not be another members' primary language.This often times leads to hurt
feelings and emotional posts being spread through out threads,disrupting
the flow.

Several members have serious problems with members who have religious
convictions.These religious members are not always welcomed in their
secular world.I feel,if some had their way,religious people would not be
allowed on board. They just want religious topics because of the fuel these
threads spread.The more volatile the topic,the more posts you receive,the
more posts,the more points.

I have learned to READ THE RULES!
I have learned to proof read my replies before they are posted.
I have learned not to respond emotionally to any thread.
I have learned to ignore obvious digs against my faith,education,logic and debating
I have learned to be understanding of others mistakes,who has perfect spelling
at 2:a.m.?
I have learned not to be too quick in making friends or foes.
I would like to help other members enjoy their time on ATS,not avoid it!

posted on Aug, 17 2009 @ 01:22 PM
welcome to ATS.

hope threw all of what you listed you still enjoy the site.

i do

have a nice stay.

posted on Aug, 17 2009 @ 01:23 PM

Originally posted by mamabeth
I have wondered,should passing an aptitude test be required for ATS

No. Scholarship doesn't equate to 'smarts'.

Anyways, welcome to ATS.
Enjoy yourself. Sounds like you are off to a good start.

posted on Aug, 17 2009 @ 01:40 PM
Excellent. I haven't been on ATS that long and I've had to adjust to the "ATS Politic". I appreciate what you've learned, and will take it to heart. I'm getting much, much better about the "emotional" posts, which for me amounts to "don't respond when angry".

Once in while I slip up, and I have gotten a couple of those "off topic" thingies, which I deserved, I readily confess.

I like to come here for fun, to be inspired, to learn, and to keep company with the friends I've made. Not to get angry or argue, so I am learning there are just certain topics I need to avoid, and generally do.

Thanks for your input!

edit to add: In the short time I've been here, I've noticed the really nasty people eventually get banned, and the really not-so-bright sorta get bored and stop posting. (Or the school librarian catches them using the computer for personal use) lol. So no, I don't want a test either. I like to read what everybody thinks, even if they disagree, as long as they are not nasty and cruel. I kinda miss the "This One Is No More" tag. lol.

[edit on 8/17/0909 by ladyinwaiting]

posted on Aug, 17 2009 @ 02:00 PM

Originally posted by Alaskan Man
welcome to ATS.

hope threw all of what you listed you still enjoy the site.

i do

have a nice stay.

I have already become addicted to ATS, I really enjoy this website.

posted on Aug, 17 2009 @ 02:06 PM
reply to post by ladyinwaiting

I'm glad what I have learned on this website was helpful to you.
Good luck!

posted on Aug, 17 2009 @ 02:18 PM
You get an A+ for your report.

Welcome to ATS.

I learn something new every time I visit this site.

There are subjects that push my buttons so I Usually avoid joining those discussions.

I hope you continue to enjoy yourself here.

If I can be of any help just give me a shout ( U2U ). If I can't help you then I know who can.

It's not always what you know but that you know where to find the answers.

posted on Aug, 17 2009 @ 02:33 PM
You'll do well here mate
I've had a couple of my posts deleted for disagreeing in an insulting manner .
The hardest thing to deal with at first is the folks who have long ago (in some cases) given up their ability for any and all rational thought .
It is unfortunate in a way , that some of these folks will let themselves be manipulated and influenced so easily ,and sadder still that they don't even realize it.
But all the same , there is a lot to learn here , just have to decipher the bs from the truth , enjoy your stay

posted on Aug, 17 2009 @ 02:44 PM
Excellent summary of the realities of the interwebs...

The staff works hard to keep this place as civil as possible and we APPRECIATE the heck out of people who are mature enough to realize certain topics/members/attitudes just piss them off so they ignore them.

I had to learn that lesson too, many years ago. You will never see me posting in certain forums unless it's in an "Official" capacity as one of the owners.

I've also learned that certain people will never, ever change their mind or, worse yet, even consider the alternative perspective. That's really a sad state of being IMHO since the first thing one should do is seek disprove his own theories/beliefs.

Take note of my signature it's helped me tremendously when I remember to take my own advice...


posted on Aug, 17 2009 @ 02:52 PM
reply to post by mamabeth

Well, you surely have learned mere than meez.

And now you know how handsome and smart and funny and kool Springer is.

But that's part of another lesson.

Now go learn how to put up an avy so we can see ya you lazy mama.

Edit to add: Did I mention thin, he's very thin.

I should really learn when to shut up.

[edit on 17 Aug 2009 by schrodingers dog]

posted on Aug, 17 2009 @ 03:31 PM

My first month on ATS,what I've learned.

Wait until you've been on here a year or more! ATS is a GREAT environment for learning all kinds of things while having fun.

posted on Aug, 17 2009 @ 03:59 PM
So you have learned the rules and how to avoid upsetting people (still working on that last one personally).

But have you learned any REALLY useful info, you know - Cheney masterminded 9/11, Obama doesn't have a birth certificate, the underground alien base in Dulce, chemicals in aircraft contrails, the giant lizard queen of the UK etc etc?

posted on Aug, 17 2009 @ 04:14 PM
reply to post by mamabeth

That's a good post!
You learn fast.

I've been here one day less than you (but not every day) and I have learned that there are more ignorant people around than I thought. I also learned those people generally speaking do *NOT* like being "enlightened", if that means coming up with a natural explanation for events, even when t is the most likely one.

I guess many people join during the summer, like I did. I wonder how many of those will be left when fall comes...?

[edit on 17-8-2009 by Ethereal Gargoyle]

posted on Aug, 17 2009 @ 04:21 PM

Originally posted by Retseh
So you have learned the rules and how to avoid upsetting people (still working on that last one personally).

But have you learned any REALLY useful info, you know - Cheney masterminded 9/11, Obama doesn't have a birth certificate, the underground alien base in Dulce, chemicals in aircraft contrails, the giant lizard queen of the UK etc etc?

We all know 9/11 was an inside job.I don't care where Obama was born.
I did research on UFO's for over twenty years. I have never heard of
this lizard queen of the uk. The chemtrails are everywhere and I live
close to a military base.
Have a nice day!

posted on Aug, 17 2009 @ 08:57 PM
Congratulations, you passed the ATS Entry Exam with flying colors! You now have unlimited access to the Cool Person Room, the Smoothie machine, and the "I believe in Harvey Dent" discussion forum! Congratualtions on your acceptance in this secret society!

Haha, I kid. Your going to grow up to have a platinum flag level, and I have the upmost confidence that you are going to be a great member of our community.

posted on Aug, 17 2009 @ 09:12 PM
Welcome,hope you have many memorable and informative days/nights on ATS

posted on Aug, 18 2009 @ 01:20 AM
I'm also pretty new to ATS. I've discovered that people can be very rude when you challenge their belief systems - I mean in a general sense (not religion). One really good thing about ATS is the moderation, though. People can be rude, but this forum is a lot more polite than some others.

posted on Aug, 18 2009 @ 02:46 AM
Hi Mamabeth!
Great post and great idea! I've been here a bit longer but probably only have a month's worth of days I've been able to read and post. Awesome place, huh?=) I lurked for a looong time before I joined.
I've learned it's a lot harder to not join in the fray and argue than I would have suspected. I've had to literally force myself to step away, and had to make the choice not to view some topics for a time. I hated doing it. My blood pressure, however, is grateful. =)
I've learned that what is perfectly rational and 'well of course that's how it is' to me may be absolutely off the wall to others. "How can she even consider believing that???" And vice versa...
I've learned that it IS ok to use the alert button based on my perception of what is ok and isn't. The mods will check things out. Thanks Mods!
Related: I've learned that users do get mod smack downs and banned when it's really called for, much to my relief on a thread last week!
I've learned no matter how mild the post, someone can find a way to take offense. But if you respond politely or not at all, they usually go away. PTL.
I've learned there are amazing amounts of information here for me to learn from and I'm grateful. That said, I've learned that, for me, sometimes I have to go with my gut on conspiracy theories after reading the factual data. I'm just never going to have the intellect to figure out the scientific detail for some of these theories. For example, if X says (sounding all scientific) that metal infrastructures melt and 4zillion degrees, and Y says (also sounding scientifical) No, it melts at 4thousand degrees and you have to add in the burn rate of poly-wood-paper variations, I am -not- going to be able to decipher the science every time. Unfortunately.
I've also learned there are a lot of amazing people here and I'm glad I found it. I hope you enjoy it as much as I have been.
edited to add:
I agree with FF that aptitude tests do not equal smarts. I suggest a compromise (LoL), how bout an aptitude test designed to rate if a user can listen to other viewpoints without having the muscles in their knees spontaneously convulse?? =) Or an aptitude test to see if a person can avoid the desire to go to a thread they know will tweak them? =)
Never mind on the last one, that's part of the ats learning curve! Heaven knows I had to learn it!
Oh yeah, I've also learned that sometimes I really wish there was a way to thumbs-down a post. Not in a way that would affect points, etc, perhaps. Just as a way to state, "Ya know, I can't believe anyone would post that..." or some such. I'd use it, way to often! Maybe that's why we don't have one!
Oh, I also wish the 'foes' didn't say respected foes. Because a respected foe I disagree with but admire how they present their views. Some users I have no respect for, neither in views or how they 'talk' to other users....

I've also learned I love the edit function!

[edit on 8/18/09 by preparanoid]

posted on Aug, 19 2009 @ 08:54 PM
reply to post by dizziedame

Do you think people should pass an aptitude test for ATS membership?

posted on Aug, 19 2009 @ 08:57 PM
reply to post by Takka

I think only one person answered my question.Do you think passing
an aptitude test should be required for ATS membership?

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