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Lord Lucan: The Case Reviewed

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posted on Aug, 14 2009 @ 08:18 PM
reply to post by ladyinwaiting

I'm not sure That sounds rude, but its not..
But I cannot sing with, because I am listening and blowing out my candles.
Also maybe the Lord didn't leave, maybe he hid in plain sight, also as far as the basement goes, I have no idea. But I have seen some strange coincidences.

As a delivery driver at the Lowe’s in Grand Rapids, Mich., Steve Flaig knew that you could find a lot of things you need in the superstore, but he never dreamed that one of them would be his birth mother.
Odd Coincidence

The lick-on label was unmistakable. Paul Campfield was reading his mother's name and the address of his childhood San Lorenzo home.

And it meant the old records he picked up for $2 at a Sutter Creek antique shop had once belonged to her, although she died in Redding in 1979.

What are the chances?

The 68-year-old Sacramento man never knew what came of his record collection owned by his mother, May O. Rainey. He simply remembered how they fit into slots in a compartment beneath the oak RCA Victor console with the automatic turntable.
Sacramentan buys old vinyl 45s, finds out they were his mom's

The footprint is considered by most to be Lucans. Lord Lucan was not considered to be injuried, but when you are fighting an attacker off your going to hurt them. Lord Lucan stated that the judge who was in charge of his and his wife's divorce case was not going to believe him and any judge who got the case wouldn't believe him either.

I'm not sure he left his children, he made sure they were safe, but you do bring up good questions, but still, in my opinion, do not clear the overlooked suspect... Veronica.

posted on Aug, 14 2009 @ 08:19 PM
reply to post by lifecitizen

Been recieving a LOT of requests for her. So I will defiantely do one on her. Added her to the list

Thanks for the kind words

posted on Aug, 14 2009 @ 08:21 PM
Always remember and never forget:

I didn't read this as comprehensively as I sometimes do.

I could be completely wrong.
(Probably am).

But in any case, I think it is fantastically interesting, and I had never heard of this case. I very much enjoyed it, and appreciate how comprehensive you are.

posted on Aug, 14 2009 @ 08:30 PM
reply to post by ladyinwaiting

Nah, your pretty good and know your stuff and as always you know I appreciate your fantastic input! Who knows the truth will never be known just speculated upon. And thank you for the kind words lady!

posted on Aug, 14 2009 @ 08:35 PM
reply to post by TheMythLives

Hm. I don't know. You're the one with simply stunning insight.
I can get away with all these little comments because


(Did you make a wish?)

posted on Aug, 14 2009 @ 09:07 PM
46 Lower Belgrave Street

Nice part of town - lived right near it for a while..

posted on Aug, 14 2009 @ 10:28 PM
I knew there was another bit of intrigue about this story that was missing and it bothered me......

I have spent the last few hours trying to remember and searching to find out who supposedly owned/flew the plane Lord Lucan used in his escape.

Allegedly he was flown to either Portugal or France by the racing driver Graham Hill.

I feel a lot better now that I have remembered, although it is not directly related to the murder, but the mystery of what happened to Lord Lucan.

posted on Aug, 14 2009 @ 10:28 PM

Originally posted by TheMythLives
reply to post by lifecitizen

Been recieving a LOT of requests for her. So I will defiantely do one on her. Added her to the list

Thanks for the kind words

No probs

I studied that case for 2 years- and think it comes down to one of three people, look forward to your take on it.

posted on Aug, 14 2009 @ 11:54 PM
Hi TheMythLives,
Thanks for another great investigation! I love when you post these!
I read about this somewhere a couple years back. I think it was at crimelibrary before that turned into courttv. I thought at the time the wife was pretty well passed over in the investigation. Your resources shed more light on that aspect, thanks for that.=)
At the time I thought, and still do (based on zero evidence and 100% opinion) that the Nanny must have been about to testified against Veronica in regards to her care of the children, or must have confronted her about her treatment of the kids. Lord Lucan's intense concern for the children's safety and protection is part of why I think that is a probable scenario. That, and the fact that basically the first thing he did was call his Mom to go get his kids out of there.
Great, great presentation! Thanks again!

posted on Aug, 14 2009 @ 11:57 PM
MYTH another fantastic case review!!!

I had'nt heard of this case before though, but indeed a good read.

Always look forward to your reviews, they surely get us thinking. We at

ATS really appreciate your terrific work, Thanks So Much!!!


posted on Aug, 15 2009 @ 01:15 AM
reply to post by TheMythLives


I dont know you very well but first let me start out by saying Happy Birthday and a great post.

I have come to a couple of conclusions myself. I too thought that maybe that was a little too coincidental at first. Then i thought of all the murder cases ive ever heard this might be the actual first true coincidence. So my theory maybe that Lady Lucan may have had already planned out the death of the nanny and was going to throw the blame on lord lucan. When he suprisingly showed up at the scene she must have been startled and thought maybe it was the nanny still struggling. Then when she realized it was Lord Lucan she thought maybe to kill him but thought better of it in the form that what better way to frame him than him being at the scene of the crime. She must have lucked out on that aspect of it.

i believe another poster replied that maybe the nanny was going to testify against her but i believe she already got custody of the kids.

i do have some other questions"

If he came inside the basement and slipped on the pool of blood, then walked up stairs wouldnt there have been more than just one foot print of blood and a little trail of footprints?

what other psychological profile do you have on Lady Lucan, if any?

why was he so all over the place with his words when writing his letters and on his phone call with his mother? This would lead one to believe that maybe he was preoccupied thinking of ways to get out of things but his story stayed true but that also could only mean that he thought it out very well and knew what exactly he wanted.

i dont believe he did it. He could have just been a victim of circumstance and coincidence. oh well, Talk about being at the wrong place at the wrong time.

posted on Aug, 15 2009 @ 01:26 AM
Awesome!!!! I love reading these. Keep up the good work, Myth.

posted on Aug, 15 2009 @ 09:05 AM
reply to post by preparanoid

Thank you my friend and that is an excellent take on this case. I really liked that. Maybe the Nanny didn't want to confront Lady Lucan upstairs infront of the children and decided to do it down stairs in which it happened. I like your way of thinking and thank you for the kind words

reply to post by Alphadog

Yet another interesting scenario..

If he came inside the basement and slipped on the pool of blood, then walked up stairs wouldnt there have been more than just one foot print of blood and a little trail of footprints?

I'm not entirely sure, he slipt and stayed in the basement a LONG time russling with his wife and convincing her to go upstairs. However, their was blood on the stairs and on the base of the stairs, but no actual footprints.

what other psychological profile do you have on Lady Lucan, if any?

None, I just made that one.

why was he so all over the place with his words when writing his letters and on his phone call with his mother? This would lead one to believe that maybe he was preoccupied thinking of ways to get out of things but his story stayed true but that also could only mean that he thought it out very well and knew what exactly he wanted.

Again we are dealing with a gambler and a man with advantages. He was smart and knew what to do. What bothers me was that if someone was so occupied with themselves why ask for the children to be protected? Agian this is an area where things do not add up.

Talk about being at the wrong place at the wrong time.

Thats what I think.

And thank you for the kind words.

posted on Aug, 15 2009 @ 09:09 AM
reply to post by DeepCoverUK

Thank you my friend
And what another great addition definately something to look into.

reply to post by truth/seeker

Thank you, my good friend! I really do appreciate it

ATS appreciates such good posters like you my friend.

Thank you all....

posted on Aug, 15 2009 @ 09:10 AM
I have never even heard of Lord Lucan until now. Very interesting! I will have to check this out in more detail when I get out of work. Looks like another great case review!

posted on Aug, 15 2009 @ 09:14 AM
reply to post by mblahnikluver

Thank you for the kind words! I look forward to your thoughts as always my friend

posted on Aug, 15 2009 @ 10:19 AM
reply to post by TheMythLives

Great case review!

I reckon Veronica did it too because either like you say Lord Lucan was having an affair or she believed Susan to be Lord Lucan coming to kill her so she turned the ropes and once Susan was in the house Veronica bludgeoned her to death thinking it was her husband Lord Lucan... she may have heard from someone else that Lord Lucan was saying he was going to kill her (may have been overheard while in the pub). Lord Lucan probably is alive but is never going to say anything or he has died of natural causes.... in either case we'll never know......

Will you be doing an Aaliyah case review? I think this one was sort of over real quick explained away as a plane disaster but to me it seems there was perhaps more than meets the eye.....

posted on Aug, 15 2009 @ 10:26 AM
reply to post by TruthxIsxInxThexMist

Never heard of this, I will definately add it to the list
Wow, I have a great list forming here, looks like I am going to be busy. I also liked yoru thoughts as well
Makes me wonder if she went to the Pub regularly... Good thoughts and thank you for the kind words.

posted on Aug, 15 2009 @ 05:54 PM
reply to post by TheMythLives
Hurrm.Interesting case as always,myth.Did,Lady Lucan kill Sandra? who's to say really? you make a strong case for her being the killer and I don't buy the suicide story for Lord Lucan he's out there somewhere perhaps in London or one of the many suburbs or in the UK itself taking your "Hide in Plain Site." idea he could every well be hiding out in Scotland or even Ireland then you have Whales.All every good places to lose oneself...

[edit on 053131p://5526 by mike dangerously]

posted on Aug, 16 2009 @ 04:44 PM
reply to post by mike dangerously

Thank you my friend for the kind words
I think you maybe right on where he fled to. Maybe he went to Scotland, I am sure he had friends their and everyone for that matter, but I think he had more scotish blood than anything. I could be wrong however, but none the less thank you for the kind words my friend

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