posted on Aug, 16 2009 @ 02:15 PM
I suspect we are already seeing the beginning of effective change, in the form of pointed questions that are shown not to be answered on the MSM, such
as those made by that guy with his son in the wheel chair. The government I suspect first try to spin him and others as representatives of disliked
groups in disguise, that will fail, then they will try to spin some later actions of theirs as having addressed the issue in question without actually
fixing anything. The questions in the face of that, and thuggery will need to continue.
We don't vote these people out once, we make it a tradition that unless a candidate bends over backwards for his constituency and does not adhere to
some party line, he serves only one term(if that), until the manipulators find the sheer amount of work needed to continue their plans is beyond their
grasp. Congress and the Senate would eventually end up a mix of upstanding individuals like Ron Paul, issue fanatics, and the occasional loon.