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How about a new grass-roots movement, vote them ALL out!

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posted on Aug, 13 2009 @ 09:53 PM
My colleague, jam321 had an idea, and he has given me permission to expound on it. A grass roots campaign to vote out everyone.

Operation Clean Sweep.

I am tired of the same old rhetoric. You are tired, everyone who posts on this site is tired of the same old thing.

Forget political ideology for the moment. I'm a conservative but am registered independant. If you are a democrat, republican, independant, constitutionalist, libertarian, anarchist, or if you've never voted before in your life. . . .

Get up, register (as anything) and vote out every incumbent in DC. Send them a message that they will NEVER forget!

We are in charge.

posted on Aug, 13 2009 @ 10:00 PM
such a simple message.
somebody should get that on a commercial.
...would the new reps be able to run it better?
prolly not.
def. not.

Operation clean sweep is great, btw.

posted on Aug, 13 2009 @ 10:03 PM
reply to post by heyo

Thanks. And the great part? If we don't like the new bunch, we fire them as well and try again. I'm patient. We can do interviews for the job, make THEM sweat for a while.

posted on Aug, 13 2009 @ 10:03 PM
I, jam321, WILL vote out the representatives who are running for reelection in my area. I don't care what political party they are in. I am tired of all of them and want to send them a message.

I am tired of being ignored, stepped on, and insulted. Time to show them that Americans do have power.

Many members are always talking about how we need to do something. This is something IMO.

Imagine booting out 471/535 members. That is power.

The 2010 election will be held on Tuesday 2 November, with at least 36 of the 100 seats in the Senate being contested and all U.S. House seats coming up for election.

posted on Aug, 13 2009 @ 10:06 PM
reply to post by mikerussellus

I love it in theory but it's idealistic. People don't have the time anymore.
I'd volunteer, if I were american.
lol, what a cop out

good luck!!!

posted on Aug, 13 2009 @ 10:07 PM
Yes. It is time to exercise Americas true power of the people. The easiest form of protest; and the only one seemingly endorsed by the government.

I will be voting out all the incumbents I can come 11/2/10

posted on Aug, 13 2009 @ 10:08 PM
If we really want to get squirlly on this, DIGG it, see if it'll get reported.

Hell, lets make some noise and show them that we're pissed!

This is an UBER non-partisan thread by the way, no sniping. We want them all gone.

If we get all dems, fine. All republicans, fine. All buddists who play with their prayer beads all day, I'm also good with that.

The point is to send a message to these fossils in DC who think they can do what ever they want, whenever they want.


In the words of Trump, "You're fired."

posted on Aug, 13 2009 @ 10:10 PM
I'm pretty sure this will start happening slow at first but then it will pick up speed until Washington starts questioning what's going on assuming the votes are counted and our system still works. Which is just another whole can of worms in itself.

posted on Aug, 13 2009 @ 10:12 PM
reply to post by mikerussellus

I strongly considered doing this until giving it further thought. I'll bounce my idea off of you and you can tell me what you think.

In my honest opinion, voting out every incumbent would certainly send a message but I feel it is the lazy way. It's lazy because instead of researching the new candidates and incumbents in your districts, we'd simply be making an indiscriminate, uneducated vote.

There actually are some members of our congress that stand up and say, 'Heck no!' There were congress who refused to sign the stimulus and bailouts because they were not given enough time to read and consider them. There are those who are opposing the new health care proposal. There are members of the house who adamantly opposed cap and trade. There are congressmen who are supporting the audit of the federal reserve. Etc.

Do we really want them gone? Do we really want to elect an unknown in the place of the members of congress who have proven themselves responsible and for the people?

So instead of making a clean sweep to vote out all incumbents and run the risk of getting rid of one of the good ones and replacing them with a potential disaster, do some research.

It won't be that hard. Just research the representatives and senators in your district. All voting records are available online. Check them out and see how they voted in the past. It will be organized by your district and you can go right down the list to see how they vote.

Don't be lazy and simply say 'Everyone out.' That's about as bad as voting straight ticket. Yes, it would send a message but it's probably not the best idea.

posted on Aug, 13 2009 @ 10:12 PM
I for one am IN on this one! I will also be voting out all the incumbents I can come 11/2/10


posted on Aug, 13 2009 @ 10:14 PM
reply to post by Darthorious

Then we'll vote them out again. And if that doesn't work? We vote them out again. we could use muskets, we could revolt, but lets get them where it hurts. By the laws they made.

They are all gone.

No more shmooze. No more sunday talk-show blah blah blah. No more twenty minutes to answer a yes/no question.



posted on Aug, 13 2009 @ 10:19 PM

Originally posted by mikerussellus
If we really want to get squirlly on this, DIGG it, see if it'll get reported.

It has a DIGG.

The rest is up to everyone else.

posted on Aug, 13 2009 @ 10:22 PM

I strongly considered doing this until giving it further thought. I'll bounce my idea off of you and you can tell me what you think.

In my honest opinion, voting out every incumbent would certainly send a message but I feel it is the lazy way. It's lazy because instead of researching the new candidates and incumbents in your districts, we'd simply be making an indiscriminate, uneducated vote.

We have been making those same votes based on hair, style, flash, since Kennedy. Anyone who runs, should be able to do the job. Who knows, maybe we'll get a "gentleman farmer" and our founding fathers might smile on us.

There actually are some members of our congress that stand up and say, 'Heck no!' There were congress who refused to sign the stimulus and bailouts because they were not given enough time to read and consider them. There are those who are opposing the new health care proposal. There are members of the house who adamantly opposed cap and trade. There are congressmen who are supporting the audit of the federal reserve. Etc.

Do we really want them gone? Do we really want to elect an unknown in the place of the members of congress who have proven themselves responsible and for the people?

Where were they when we needed them? I don't care what side of the aisle you're on, where were these people who are actually supposed to represent us? I don't want platitudes, I want screaming from the top of the steps in the Senate. I want noise.

All we get is whispers.

So instead of making a clean sweep to vote out all incumbents and run the risk of getting rid of one of the good ones and replacing them with a potential disaster, do some research.

It won't be that hard. Just research the representatives and senators in your district. All voting records are available online. Check them out and see how they voted in the past. It will be organized by your district and you can go right down the list to see how they vote.

I could just say, "been there done that" but it's not that simple. We are at a brink, right now, in this country. We either go one way, or another. Some good people may be lost in the voting. Ironically, in DC they would call it collateral damage.

Don't be lazy and simply say 'Everyone out.' That's about as bad as voting straight ticket. Yes, it would send a message but it's probably not the best idea.

It's not lazy. Lazy would be not voting. Lazy would be staying with the status quo.

Just my humble opinion of course. . .

posted on Aug, 13 2009 @ 10:23 PM
reply to post by Rams59lb

Rock on, Rams! Spread the noise!

posted on Aug, 13 2009 @ 10:24 PM

Originally posted by eNumbra
Yes. It is time to exercise Americas true power of the people. The easiest form of protest; and the only one seemingly endorsed by the government.

I will be voting out all the incumbents I can come 11/2/10

Amen. Lincoln, Washington, hell, Ghandi would be proud.

posted on Aug, 13 2009 @ 10:24 PM

Originally posted by eNumbra
Yes. It is time to exercise Americas true power of the people. The easiest form of protest; and the only one seemingly endorsed by the government.

I will be voting out all the incumbents I can come 11/2/10

Amen. Lincoln, Washington, hell, Ghandi would be proud.

posted on Aug, 13 2009 @ 10:26 PM
reply to post by eNumbra

Many thanks, sir.

posted on Aug, 13 2009 @ 10:28 PM
reply to post by mikerussellus

Create a vaccuum and something will fill it, so not sure about the practicalities of your proposal, considering the scum lurking on the fringes of US politics, just waiting it's chance to jump into dead-men's shoes

BUT -- I like the philosophy, for sure, so you're starred and flagged

and it would be beyond great if you could get rid of the stinkingly compromised scum you currently have for politicians

AND make sure you get rid of those foul, vile MIDDLE-MEN lobbyists, OK ?

THEY are the problem

and always have been, in one form or another

You HAVE to get rid of those rotten apples. And HAVE to start putting Americans before Israeli interests

posted on Aug, 13 2009 @ 10:30 PM

Originally posted by AshleyD
reply to post by mikerussellus

Do we really want them gone? Do we really want to elect an unknown in the place of the members of congress who have proven themselves responsible and for the people?

No we don't. But...

So instead of making a clean sweep to vote out all incumbents and run the risk of getting rid of one of the good ones and replacing them with a potential disaster, do some research.

The majority of American voters will not do this. They MIGHT just vote them out if things get really bad in the next year.

You have good points, it's just that Americans, in general, just won't do the research. They depend on what they hear on TV, read in the newspapers, and hear around the water cooler at work. Sadly, that is just the way it is, it seems.

posted on Aug, 13 2009 @ 10:31 PM
reply to post by St Vaast

Israeli interests? I'll leave that to the new politicians.

As for lobbyists? They won't know what to do. They won't know what butt to kiss.

They might just have to listen to the american people.


What a concept.

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