reply to post by thoughtsfull
I was just wondering if anyone needs any Timber?
I picked up a few thousand tonnes of the stuff from my local MOD base last week.
As mentioned previously...
Someone (Russian), was trying to smuggle something, (probably nukes/missiles/warheads) out of Kaliningrad.
This "something" was installed/hidden during the "repairs" carried out in Kaliningrad, over the two weeks prior to the vessel being loaded with
it's genuine legal cargo of Timber.
Since the Timber was heading for Algeria, it makes sense to me that the destination for the hidden cargo would also be in that part of the world, (or
at least in that general direction?).
Algeria is approx 90% of the way from Finland to, what is referred to as, the Middle East. (I'd love to see what the next destination was going to
be, for the Arctic Sea, after Algeria!!) So, I'm guessing that the hidden cargo was most likely headed for that part of the world.
Now, if someone found out, that the Russians were maybe trying to smuggle this "something" to the middle east, they might understandably want to
take a look at it.
So they would have to get onto the vessel. But it might not be a good idea, politically speaking, to openly board a russian owned civilian vessel,
going about it's lawful business, so... a cover story is required!
The Arctic Sea is sailing down the Baltic Sea, off Sweden... so a check by Swedish aurthorities would seem to be a plausible story?
Board the vessel, take a look, and if all is well... leave again, and no one is any the wiser. So, the Arctic Sea was boarded in the early hours of
24th July. The boarders found the hidden cargo, and confirmed what it was. They immobilised to crew, and disabled all comms, and then had to somehow
make arrangements to remove the offending article(s).
They wouldn't want Russia to suspect anything, so they continue to sail down through the English Channel. They free the secret cargo from it's
hiding place, and arrange to have it removed. They also decide on creating a diversionary cover story of "piracy" to throw the Russians off the
trail for a few days.
The hidden cargo (or the "dangerous" part of the cargo) is airlifted to safety. The piracy story is leaked, and the AIS transponder is switched
Russia goes berserk! They immediately rush through legislation which allows Medvedev to send the Russian fleet into the Atlantic in pursuit of
They find the Arctic Sea, minus it's secret payload... but they can't publicly admit to what's happened. And the worlds media are now interested,
so they themselves have to come up with a cover story, that makes them look like the good guys in all this.
So the magnificent imperial Russian Navy finds the stolen vessel, and rescues the crew. (And secretly locks them up in jail for... de-briefing!) and
then conjures up a bunch of Pirates... known criminals no less! And mostly troublesome Estonians with a couple of Latvians thrown in for good
The ship is now safe, but rather than allow it to deliver it's cargo of Finnish timber... The Russians take it to a Russian Naval Base (with weapons
storage facility)? Perhaps to remove any and all traces of the hidden cargo, and it's secret compartment?
The crew are finally released, after a couple of weeks of gentle persuasion, to go along with the official Russian version of events.
The pirates are arrested and will be tried, convicted and forgotten about in due course.
The rest of the world never finds out that Russia (or a rogue russian group) was smuggling nukes or whatever, (unless they look at ATS:lol
and there
are pats on the back all round for the special forces who managed to stop the smuggling.
Russian made WMD's are now on hand, if they are needed for any future false flags, terror alerts... etc.
Anyone got a better idea for a book/film??