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Missing ship may have secret cargo

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posted on Aug, 17 2009 @ 07:00 PM
reply to post by RoofMonkey

Everyone "FEELS" the ptb are gonna do something. Russia has not only STRONG financial interests in Iran, but also Defense Treaties.

****Solely hypothetical*****

I'm suggesting a ship=Russian Arctic Sea, to another ship=possibly Iranian of origin, transfer. Using a gantry crane, or large deck crane.

I don't think Russia, or Iran are necessarily involved, but let's say a bomb goes off in Chicago(via the mississippi)......... The paper trail would lead back to both countries.

This would spur all Americans into the fight.... Hill billy accent,"They drew first blood"

posted on Aug, 17 2009 @ 07:32 PM

Originally posted by da pickles
the truth will come out eventually. look what happened to the kursk . i for one will be following this thread as i believe the story has not yet been told. there will be a press release in a day or 2 . then more evidence, disinformation and fact. hold tight it could be a bumpy ride

The truth will come out ,you say. What planet do they grow da pickles on?
just kidding. Show me the truth on JFK, SS Liberty, Iran Contra
911 yda yda . What countries spin will be the truth in this matter?
I honestly think you should have said" the individuals accepted truth."
I am 63 years old . I think my mom told me the truth a couple times.
No maybe that was my dad that told me about Santa.

posted on Aug, 17 2009 @ 07:42 PM

Originally posted by da pickles
so whats happened to the pirates/kidnappers??????????????????

Can you handle the TRUTH? lol
Do you remember that helocopter off the coast of Englland?
Professor Plum?
No worries in a couple a days the truth will be on page 9.

posted on Aug, 17 2009 @ 09:14 PM

Originally posted by sanchoearlyjones
reply to post by RoofMonkey


I don't think Russia, or Iran are necessarily involved, but let's say a bomb goes off in Chicago(via the mississippi)......... The paper trail would lead back to both countries.

Oh... that's your theory?

Not gonna happen.

The Mississippi only gets within about 90 miles of the extreme western cities surrounding Chigago. 120 miles of Chicago proper. And that far North, you may be restricted to barge traffic at best in order to clear all the locks along the way. (Lock 19 is at Keokuk Iowa) The Illinois River heads off that way, but I don't even know if it's navigable that far East.

Not to mention, the sheer number of individual pilots you will have to transfer on and off the ship in order to travel the river. You don't just motor up through restricted waters like that. No pilot, no go. And if the USCG don't get yah, a sandbar will.

[edit on 17-8-2009 by RoofMonkey]

posted on Aug, 17 2009 @ 09:50 PM
reply to post by RoofMonkey

Um, I wasn't sure. In the OP I left it open to just a false flag.... In the post I also mentioned St.Louis as well.

I am no expert, but no ships make it into the Great Lakes.

I was only trying to expand the possible threat into the heartland; as that's where I see something possibly happening.

posted on Aug, 17 2009 @ 11:04 PM
reply to post by smurfy

Source for that attempted checking of radioactivity? I hope you're not mistaken the checking that happened after the ship was hijacked in Pietarsaari.

posted on Aug, 18 2009 @ 01:04 AM
The cognoscenti agree the assumption that Arctic Sea did contain some very classified cargo.

Lack of information indicates that ordinary organized crime is not involved in case. There is a high potential of very complex situation even nothing yet indicates to international terrorism or strong political dimensions. There is always possibility that with Arctic Sea Operation some authorities got everybody's attention away from something else. So we can ask now: What we have missed?

Investigating journalist Wayne Madsen from Washington D.C suggests that NATO Secretary General Rasmussen wants to bring Finland and Sweden into the organization, and the “Arctic Sea” scandal may be a way of achieving this.

“Russian have this jurisdictional battle now between the Finnish police and the Swedish police, and we have NATO getting involved, And maybe this is a way to embarrass these two nations because we are being told that they’ve dropped the ball.”
Listen Wayne Madsen's interview:

[edit on 18-8-2009 by northwoods]

posted on Aug, 18 2009 @ 01:32 AM
reply to post by northwoods

I will not back down from potentially atom smashing cargo aboard that ship, and was passed off at sea, but Your theory holds water!

I have long said as broken record that the powers that be, or just any power broker goes into a situation with multiple avenues in, and multiple avenues out. They don't need to simply have one single entry way, and most of the time have several achieved objectives coming out of said situation.

Think of it as a spider web..... Multiple lines going in from one side to the focal center, and multiple lines coming out as the outcome.


posted on Aug, 18 2009 @ 03:00 AM
Russia has arrested 8 men suspected about Arctic Sea hijacking. Men are from Russian, Latvia and Estonia.

Ria Novosti Headline:

What a propaganda! I have to say that this rhetoric is pretty naive.

So, when will Finnish National Bureau Of Investigation get those men to interrogation...

[edit on 18-8-2009 by northwoods]

posted on Aug, 18 2009 @ 04:24 AM
Today Finnish media:

Finnish police (Rabbe von Hertzen): there is no official information that hi-jackers are arrested.

Ship Baltic Sea is coming back to Finland.

There was no torture, some beating. Nothing serious.

Ship owner company (Victor Matveev): There was no ransom claims.

Interesting. Information is now still quite strange. .


[edit on 18-8-2009 by hande]

posted on Aug, 18 2009 @ 04:34 AM

Originally posted by hande
Today Finnish media:

Finnish police (Rabbe von Hertzen): there is no official information that hi-jackers are arrested.

Well, Local Police Authority KRP is very strict about what they are saying to public. So they are waiting Russian authorities confirm about arrested hijackers. I bet that KRP investigators can start their own interrogation pretty soon, maybe this year ;-)

But what is this "pirates gang" who is claimed to hijack the Arctic Sea. And why speculated ransoms were so tiny...strange...odd...weird.

[edit on 18-8-2009 by northwoods]

posted on Aug, 18 2009 @ 04:40 AM

Originally posted by northwoods

Investigating journalist Wayne Madsen from Washington D.C suggests that NATO Secretary General Rasmussen wants to bring Finland and Sweden into the organization, and the “Arctic Sea” scandal may be a way of achieving this.

This is very interesting! And Estonia became a member of the EU and NATO after the ferry Estonia disaster...

posted on Aug, 18 2009 @ 05:00 AM

Originally posted by Hellmutt

Originally posted by northwoods

Investigating journalist Wayne Madsen from Washington D.C suggests that NATO Secretary General Rasmussen wants to bring Finland and Sweden into the organization, and the “Arctic Sea” scandal may be a way of achieving this.

This is very interesting! And Estonia became a member of the EU and NATO after the ferry Estonia disaster...

I don't quite follow but that not a surprise :-). Estonia became member of EU and NATO in 2004. M/S Estonia disaster was ten years earlier, 1994. Later yes but I don't think those events has nothing to do each other.

What comes to Wayne Madsen's conspiracy theory I think that Finland and Sweden are not SO important to NATO that they plan something like this.
More likely, this looks like Russian chess move if there's any secrecy at all.

posted on Aug, 18 2009 @ 05:32 AM
reply to post by northwoods

Sweden and Finland became members of the EU in 1995. They were both members of the "Partnership for Peace nations", and they both participated in NATO's 10-day "Baltic Sea naval exercises" which started on the very day of the Estonia disaster.

Ok, enough of the ferry Estonia in this thread (the other thread is for that). Back to the "Arctic Sea"...

posted on Aug, 18 2009 @ 07:52 AM
link the fish story was outrageous. The ship reappeared & there’s no way you can turn a hefty cargo ship into a nifty trawler.

Never mind. All is for the best in this, the worst of all possible worlds. I mean, at least the Russian Illegal Fishing Matter was given the chance to resurface for a while. One of you hard-working amateur journalists might even feel encouraged to dig into it & give us a full report.

Somewhat more to the point, if Pompeius was able to rid the Med of pirates with his creaky triremes, why can’t the world powers do the same for our oceans with their subs, sats & whatnot? Because they’re too busy ridding them of fi$h & pretending they care about the environment.

Then there’s the FINANCIAL pirates, who’re even more dangerous. They’re drowning the world economy in their floods of derivatives (unreal money, basically). It’s the end-all....

posted on Aug, 18 2009 @ 07:55 AM
Sho Mishterr Bhond...
You have shucceshfully recovered the shecret cargo, embarrasshed the russhians, decsheived the finnsh and shwedish and brought them closher to joining with our NATO alliesh, and we now have the... means to deploy operation "flag of falsity II" on the Good ol' U Sh of A?
Good, good. But tell me mishter Bond...
Did you get the girl?

posted on Aug, 18 2009 @ 09:09 AM

Originally posted by sanchoearlyjones
reply to post by RoofMonkey

I am no expert, but no ships make it into the Great Lakes.

Edmund Fitzgerald - 729 ft (222.2 m) freighter. Sank in Lake Superior in 1975. Even had a song written about her.

The St. Lawrence Seaway is the common name for a system of canals that permits ocean-going vessels to travel from the Atlantic Ocean to the North American Great Lakes, as far as Lake Superior.

Shallow draft ships can get into the Lakes Just fine, but you need pilots and have to pass through locks to get there.

he maximum allowed vessel size is slightly smaller: 740 ft (225.6 m) long, 78 ft (23.8 m) wide, and 26 ft (7.9 m) deep

Its interesting that you should pick Chicago. It is sort of the de-facto center of a lot of infrastructure systems.

As for St Louis, you still need river pilots to get there... and the further north you go, the less navigable it gets. As an example, at 195 miles up the river, there is a ~180 degree turn with a 1 mile radius, and right in the middle of the river as you come out of the turn, is an Island. You have about 1/4 mile on either side... and the navigable channel is no where near that wide. (Bayou Goula Towhead).

It not that Chicago or the heartland is immune to attack or something nefarious happening... it's just that most theories along that line don't take into account the simple logistics of it.

Everything I have posted is publicly available and only took a few minutes to dig up.

Here is the position of that turn: 30°11'10.53"N - 91° 9'20.80"W. Check it out in your favorite mapping program. Its just one of many.

Originally posted by Macrento the fish story was outrageous. The ship reappeared & there’s no way you can turn a hefty cargo ship into a nifty trawler.

I didnt say it was impossible, just not really that viable.

Originally posted by Macrento

Never mind. All is for the best in this, the worst of all possible worlds. I mean, at least the Russian Illegal Fishing Matter was given the chance to resurface for a while. One of you hard-working amateur journalists might even feel encouraged to dig into it & give us a full report.

Knock yourself out. All I do is look at stuff with a bent towards plausibility... and my B/S sensor is set on "Pragmatic".

Originally posted by Macrento

Somewhat more to the point, if Pompeius was able to rid the Med of pirates with his creaky triremes, why can’t the world powers do the same for our oceans with their subs, sats & whatnot? Because they’re too busy ridding them of fi$h & pretending they care about the environment.

You're probably right. It also has to do with that "killing cockroaches with a hammer" effect.

Originally posted by Macrento

Then there’s the FINANCIAL pirates, who’re even more dangerous. They’re drowning the world economy in their floods of derivatives (unreal money, basically). It’s the end-all....

Now you bring up an interesting but seldom looked at factoid.

1) A US dollar is 0.11 mm thick.
2) The US National debt is about 11.7 trillion dollars.

3) 11.7 trillion dollars, laid flat, on on top of the other, would be about 799,704 miles high. (496913 km)

The Moon is about 618,637 miles away. (384,403 km)

[edit on 18-8-2009 by RoofMonkey]

posted on Aug, 18 2009 @ 09:29 AM

Originally posted by ArMaP
Yes, many things yet to be explained.

Russia Today has a news piece about it, here, and another related article about "lack of maritime co-operation in the EU" here.

PS: I think that if my calculatons are right, Cameroon would be the farthest away this ship could go with a full tank.

Wow armap!
You have really dug your teeth into this story!
I read the news article in your post. Curiosity makes me question the writer.
I would think the opposite of his view that the EU was not helpful.
They would have had to all be in on it to let a ship be lost for so long this day and age.
If he knew that you did a better job tracking the ship than the EU US and Russia did I think his report would be different

posted on Aug, 18 2009 @ 09:37 AM
reply to post by hande

I will be looking foward to the S. P. version comming soon to my local tv.

posted on Aug, 18 2009 @ 10:16 AM
So they have caught the "pirates"

But still no answers about what the hell it is we have been following here. Still a total mystery.

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