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Barry Jennings Interview - Uncut

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posted on Aug, 19 2009 @ 01:38 PM

posted by GoodOlDave

As for Barry Jennings, are you honestly saying that overweight people in their fifties never die from heart attacks...?

Not usually when their deaths would be convenient for a totally corrupt government.

Or are you going to NeoCON us and try to claim that the Bush Regime starring Dubya and Tricky Dick and Rummy and CondiLiar and the large cast of Zionist dual-citizens were not the most corrupt government in US History? Of course I would not overlook the Corrupt Den of DemoPublicans which infests OUR Congress. Maybe Obama will set a record new level of corruption and thievery of the citizens' rights and wealth.

posted on Aug, 19 2009 @ 11:44 PM

Originally posted by SPreston
Are there any of these words which are too big for you Dave? Do I need to hunt for simpler versions of these words so you can understand plain English?

Sorry, but childish name calling won't get you out of your predicament, either. Jennings himself said all he saw in the lobby when he arrived were police, meaning that the building had already evacuated by the time he got there, and THAT means he arrived around 9:45. Oh, and I just looked this up, just to illustrate you'll believe any damned fool thing you read on those conspiracy sites- the command center on the 23th floor got the word to evacuate sometime around 9:30! There is no way, shape, or form that Jennings could have gotten there before 9:30 becuase he said the command center was completely empty when he arrived.

The explosion Jennings heard is irrefutably from WTC 1 wreckage falling on WTC 7 as it collapsed, at 10:28, becuase everything he said he did after he got there would have taken at least 45 minutes. If you want to wallow in all those secret conspiracies those damned fool websites are spoon feeding you, go right ahead, but this particular secret conspiracy is a dead end for you. Get on with your life, already.

Barry Jennings was very specific that the explosion damaged the staircase he was on, and then later the firemen retreated twice as the two towers fell. I prefer to believe Barry Jennings over your specious nonsense. You were not there and he was.

This is a pretty ridiculous statement. Of *course* I wasn't there, and guess what- NEITHER WERE YOU! This is why I'm taking his testimony and am trying to fit it in according to all the other facts as we know them (I.E. the known times when the towers fell) becuase he never said what time he did each activity, and the only scenario that makes any logical sense that allows everythign to come together is that the explosion he heard was from WTC 1 wreckage falling on WTC 7.

You're the one who's trying to pervert everything to make it appear the way you yourself want it to appear, not me. Case in point...

05:20 video 2 "the fire department came and went. They came twice. Why? Because building tower 1 fell, then tower 2 fell."

I don't know how many times I have to say this...TOWER 2 FELL BEFORE TOWER 1 DID! I don't give a flip what Jennings says, it's still an unimpeachable fact that tower 2 fell before tower 1 did, and no amount of repeating this will ever change the fact that tower 2 fell before tower 1 did.

Jennings has an excuse for not knowing this, since he was inside WTC 7 when it all happens and he himself admits all the monitors were out. *YOU* have no such excuse for being ignorant, particularly after you've been told twice already that tower 2 fell before tower 1 did.

Does anybody else out there have trouble understanding this simple testimony by Barry Jennings? How simple can it get? They heard explosions. The stairway fell with Barry Jennings on it. The firemen ran up under the window Jennings broke out and warned him not to climb out on a fire hose. The firemen ran away. The 1st tower fell. Later the firemen ran back under his window again. The firemen ran away again. The 2nd tower fell. Later the firemen returned with extra bodies and rescued Jennings. How much simpler can it get? A 1st grader could understand it.

I don't know where YOU live, but all the first graders where I live understand that when a gigantic building falls on a smaller building, people are going to see and hear things they normally wouldn't see and hear. Claiming OOOOH THEY HEARD EXPLOSIONS IT MUST BE A SECRET PLOT when tons of debris were crashing down on their heads is about as ridiculously idiotic as ridiculously idiotic gets. It's like claiming that people who get shot are really dying from lead poisoning.

You're one of those characters who thinks it's an affront to his manhood to admit when he's wrong, aren't you?

posted on Aug, 20 2009 @ 12:19 AM

Originally posted by SPreston
Not usually when their deaths would be convenient for a totally corrupt government.

Now THIS is a prime example of why these conspiracy mongers disgust me to such an extent. They have zero...and let me repeat this so that the point sinks in...they have ZERO concrete proof of anything they're claiming, and becuase they have zero proof of anything they're claiming, they have to resort to manufacturing their own via innuendo, quoting people out of context, and deliberate misrepresentation.

Case in point- Barry Jennings. We can see with our own eyes that the guy was in his late 40's-early 50's, and we can see with our own eyes that the guy was overweight. He himself said in his interview said he had sore knees, so he didn't walk a whole lot, either. We also know that heart disease is one of the leading causes of death in the US. It wouldn't surprise me in the least if Jennings was a smoker, either. Oh, and the reason why his family didn't release the cause of death should be obvious- it's none of our frigging business.

...but NOOOO the conspiracy mongers can't accept the fact that Jennings might have died of heart disease becuase it isn't sexy sounding enough, so they manufacture all sorts of James Bond-esque innuendo like "Jennings died under mysterious circumstances (insert sinister sounding background music)" and "wasn't *that* convenient that Jennings died when he did (wink wink)". If there really was a hit squad going around popping people who were causing mischief for the conspirators they'd certainly take a silenced pistol to Dylan Avery, et al as well. As we all know, Dylan Avery Et Al are alive and well, selling their conspiracy stories in order to sell T-shirts and DVDs.

Every dicatorship in recorded history from Hitler to to Mussolini to Stalin to Pol Pot to Ceausescu to Kim Jong Il all prove the same thing, over and over- you don't have to go looking underneath every rock for evidence to prove dictatorship. Dictatorship is always blatant, and will always come looking for you.

posted on Aug, 20 2009 @ 12:28 AM

Originally posted by GoodOlDave

I don't know how many times I have to say this...TOWER 2 FELL BEFORE TOWER 1 DID! I don't give a flip what Jennings says, it's still an unimpeachable fact that tower 2 fell before tower 1 did, and no amount of repeating this will ever change the fact that tower 2 fell before tower 1 did.

I don't know how many times we have to repeat this:


Would you like more caps and bold to drive this point home, or should
I get a first grader to explain this to you?

posted on Aug, 20 2009 @ 01:36 AM
reply to post by turbofan

I don't know how many times I have to say this...TOWER 2 FELL BEFORE TOWER 1 DID! I don't give a flip what Jennings says, it's still an unimpeachable fact that tower 2 fell before tower 1 did, and no amount of repeating this will ever change the fact that tower 2 fell before tower 1 did.

This my friend, is what is called DENIL this is someone who is talking and will not acknowledge one single word you just type, it is called selective seeing, and selecting hearing.
Why waste your time arguing with a floor mat it’s not going to respond.

I don't know how many times we have to repeat this:

You can repeat it a million times he does not want to see it or hear it and you are not going to change his mind even if you had Dick Cheney telling him that he may have order all the world trade center destroyed for a false flag to wage a war, to his face, he still would not believe it.


You are one hundred percent correct in your statement and Berry Jennings is very creditable and his witness substantiates his story. Some people will not and cannot except there is a great possibility that there were explosives planted in ALL the WTC.
Demolition is the only thing that sciences can prove how the WTC came down in every other attempt of all other explanations fail when hard sciences is applied and that includes NIST ridiculous report. You are right Jenning said that the WTC were still standing after the floor exploded right out from under him and his friend.

posted on Aug, 20 2009 @ 12:18 PM

Originally posted by turbofan


Yes it DOES matter, becuase despite your mindless loyalty to his testimony it means Jennings has many of his details wrong, particularly with matters that were happening outside the building that he couldn't possibly know about. Barry *also* said when he got to the command center it was empty. This means he HAD to have been there after 9:30 becuase that's when the call to evacuate the center came in . He *also* said that the only people he saw were in the lobby were the cops, meanign the building had completed it's total evacuation of the tenents, which was around 9:45. There is no way he could have seen both towers standing at the time he said he saw them becuase the south tower fell at 10:05, and there's no flipping way he could have done all the things he said he did in less than 20 minutes. Sheesh, the guy even admitted he had bad knees and had difficulty walking.

I'll repeat this, just so that I can watch you try to weasel your way out of it- It took Jennings probably thirty minutes to get up to the 23rd floor, find it locked, come back down, find someone to let him in, and then go back up. That would make it around 10:15. He probably spent five minutes in the command center using the equipment trying to find someone to talk to. That would make it 10:20 It probably took him eight minutes to go down the stairs to the sixth floor. This puts him at the sixth floor stairs around 10:28, and that's when WTC 1 fell on WTC 7. The explosions he heard was from the impact of the falling wreckage. Period.

If you want to claim that it would only take him twenty minutes to get into the command center, or that he wouldn't have stayed at the command center for that long, fine, but the fact of the matter is that you're bickering over seconds. There's no way, shape, or form you can deny WTC 1 fell on WTC 7 very very close to the same time that Jennings heard that explosion, and just about everyone else outside the convoluted world of you conspiracy people will logically conclude they'd have to be one and the same.

Sheesh, at this point, you have to really, really WANT to believe there are secret conspiracies afoot for you to keep defending them, in which case, searching for the truth is the last thing in the world that you'd ever be doing.

Would you like more caps and bold to drive this point home, or should I get a first grader to explain this to you?

It seems that at this point, first graders would be the only ones who'd still take your ridiculous conspiracy stories seriously...BUT if you insist, I'll give you the rope to hang yourself with- tell me, what time do YOU think these explosions that Jennings heard actually went off, if not at 10:28? You have the timeline, you have the facts, and you have Jenning's itinerary, so give me an estimate that doesn't make you have to change details around to your liking.

It's your obligation to make your conspiracy stories fit in with the known facts, you know. The known facts shouldn't have to conform to your conspiracy stories.

posted on Aug, 20 2009 @ 12:35 PM

Originally posted by impressme
You can repeat it a million times he does not want to see it or hear it and you are not going to change his mind even if you had Dick Cheney telling him that he may have order all the world trade center destroyed for a false flag to wage a war, to his face, he still would not believe it.

This is, by far, the most damned foolish thing I've ever heard anyone say here, and I've seen a lot of damned follish things being posted here. If Cheney admitted he blew up the WTC towers of *course* I would then believe it was a conspiracy. Come to think of it, if *anyone* involved in the conspiracy came forward and admitted there was a conspiracy to blow up the towers, I'd still believe it. This is how every OTHER conspiracy the gov't ever tried to pull was exposed- Watergate, Iran Contra, Bush outing that CIA agent, etc. As it stands, you people don't even have a drunk guy making us stories that he was involved from alchoholic hallucinosis.

No, rather, the opposite is correct- there is NO evidence, admissions, facts, or even crystal ball gazing that would ever convince you that YOUR conspiracy stories are rubbish. They fulfull some weird inner need to have an outlet for your anti-establishment angst, and I know it's an outlet for your anti-establishment angst becuase I have yet to meet any truther who didn't subscribe to a slew of *other* secret conspiracies- JFK assassination, UFOs in Area 51, FDR knew about Pearl Harbor before the attack, AIDS was invented by the CIA to kill off all the black people in Africa, and what have you.

I invite you to prove me wrong- is the 9/11 conspiracy the only conspiracy you believe in?

posted on Aug, 20 2009 @ 01:55 PM

Originally posted by GoodOlDave[/i

This is how every OTHER conspiracy the gov't ever tried to pull was exposed- Watergate, Iran Contra, Bush outing that CIA agent, etc.

Ok now lets add Northwood, the USS Liberty,
Why davey?
You probably have only one mouth but you have two feet.
So you might as well stick the other one in too.

I invite you to prove me wrong- is the 9/11 conspiracy the only conspiracy you believe in?

[edit on 20-8-2009 by Donny 4 million]

[edit on 20-8-2009 by Donny 4 million]

posted on Aug, 20 2009 @ 03:09 PM

Originally posted by Donny 4 million

Ok now lets add Northwood, the USS Liberty

All right, let's add them.

-Northwoods was rejected before it ever began, the guy who came up with it was sacked, and the plan was thrown into the trash. It was released to the public some forty years later where a writer found out about it, and by word of mouth you found out about it too.

-Tthe Israelis admitted they attacked the USS Liberty, apologized, and paid $$$ to the families of the crew members who were killed, as well as $$$ to the gov't for shooting up the ship itself. Moreover, you likewise know about the USS Liberty so noone is trying to keep anything a secret.

So where the heck is the conspiracy here?

So you might as well stick the other one in too. which I will reply, "buy yourself a dog and call it, "Clue", so you'll have one". All you've managed to do is PROVE everything I said about the inability of the gov't to keep real conspiracies under wraps. Thank you.

posted on Aug, 20 2009 @ 04:06 PM

Originally posted by GoodOlDave
Yes it DOES matter, becuase despite your mindless loyalty to his testimony it means Jennings has many of his details wrong, particularly with matters that were happening outside the building that he couldn't possibly know about.

You are a sick man for trying to twist his words. he was very clear about
both towers standing AFTER the expolision knocked him down in WTC7

He gave several examples of this including the firemen returning twice,
looking out the window and seeing the towers, as well as his version of
the timeline.

All you have done is inserted YOUR EXCUSES to twist his testimony just
like Silverstein.

Once again: it doesn't matter which building fell first. The point is they
fell AFTER the floors blew out in #7.

If you want to waste our time with your excuses please explain why the
fire department had to return twice to save him. That should open up
your eyes

posted on Aug, 21 2009 @ 09:53 AM

Originally posted by turbofan
You are a sick man for trying to twist his words. he was very clear about
both towers standing AFTER the expolision knocked him down in WTC7

HA HA HA your childish antics amuse me to no end. I am specifically QUOTING Jennings in every single post I make here. How the heck am I twisting his words when I'm trying to take his words and deduce what time he encountered this explosion? Now that I think of it, why aren't *you* trying to deduce at what time he encountered the explosion? How the heck can you call yourself a 9/11 researcher when you don't even have even a microbe of curiosity about when those bombs supposedly went off?

You know as well as I do why you don't want to- it requires you to think for yourself and employ critical analysis for a change instead of just mindlessly parroting crap, and thinking for yourself and using critical analysis will inevitably lead you to realize just how ridiculous these conspriacy stories are. You really don't get it how badly you're being taken in by those conspriacy sweb sites, do you?

He gave several examples of this including the firemen returning twice, looking out the window and seeing the towers, as well as his version of the timeline.

You're lying! He gave no such timeline. Not once did he ever say he did this at 9:35 and he did that at 10:45. I watched it again and again looking to find time references, and the only time reference he ever gave was the claim he was in the tower when the second plane hit (9:03). Okay, great, but he certainly wasn't in the control room before 9:30 becuase that's when the order for the command center to evacuate was given, and he himself says the command center was empty when he got there. Whether he was down in the parking garage at 9:03, I don't know and he doesn't say.

All you have done is inserted YOUR EXCUSES to twist his testimony just like Silverstein.

All right, my friend, it's "put up or shut up" time. Up until now, you've done nothing but whine like a little girl, while producing absolutely nothign of any tangible value. What say YOU answer the question that spreston keeps running away from- how is anything in the timeline that I posted incorrect? And while you're at it, what say you provide a better timeline that accounts for when the explosion occurred that better fits all the facts.

Be warned- I will know when you're making stuff up.

posted on Aug, 21 2009 @ 10:55 AM
reply to post by GoodOlDave

synopsis of GoodOlDave mule-headedness

Denial denial denial

More Denial.

I made up this timeline out of thin air and you Troofers have to consider my timeline when considering Barry Jennings or I will deny some more.

Perhaps you have not reviewed the Barry Jennings interviews yet Dave.


Barry Jennings was very specific that the explosion damaged the staircase he was on near the middle area of WTC7, and then later the firemen ran up to him below the window he broke out up on the 8th floor, warned him not to climb down a firehose, ran away, the 1st tower fell, later the firemen returned, ran away again, the 2nd tower fell, and finally the firemen returned with extra people and rescued Jennings and Hess out of WTC7.

It is really simple to understand Dave. What is your problem? Do you have some kind of mental block?

The explosion damaged the staircase BEFORE the two towers fell.

It's not that difficult Dave. Now repeat after me. 'I can understand this simple matter'. Good boy Dave. You can do it. Give it the old college try Dave.

03:10 video 1 "and then they ran away. See, I didn't know what was going on. That's when the 1st tower fell. When they started running, that's when the 1st tower was coming down."

03:30 "Then they ran away again. The 2nd tower fell."

01:55 video 2 "I know what I heard. I heard explosions"

03:50 "I heard the explosions, and then the key thing was . . when the police officer came to me, he said we've got more reports of explosions and you have to run."

And later when he states 05:20 video 2 "the fire department came and went. They came twice. Why? Because building tower 1 fell, then tower 2 fell."

[edit on 8/21/09 by SPreston]

posted on Aug, 21 2009 @ 12:11 PM

Originally posted by SPreston

Perhaps you have not reviewed the Barry Jennings interviews yet Dave.

Good grief, you ought to know when to give up while you're behind. ONE MORE TIME, here are the irrefutable facts...

IRREFUTABLE FACT #1- the command center received the call to evacuate at around 9:30.

IRREFUTABLE FACT #2- Jennings said that when he got to the command center, it was empty. this means...

IRREFUTABLE FACT #3- Jennings had to have arrived there some time after 9:30. It would have been sometime around 9:45, actually, becuase

IRREFUTABLE FACT #4-Jennings reported seeing only police in the lobby, and becuase...

IRREFUTABLE FACT #5- the building began evacuating when WTC 1 was hit, and it took about an hour, it means...

IRREFUTABLE FACT #6- the tenents finished evacuating around 9:45, and the only people Jennings would have seen still in the building were the police

IRREFUTABLE FACT #7- Becuase WTC 2 collapsed at 10:05, and WTC 1 collapsed at 10:28, it IRREFUTABLY MEANS that

IRREFUTABLE FACT #8- Jennings had 20 minutes before WTC 2 fell, and 43 minutes before WTC 1 collapsed

SO, what you are insisting whether you fully understand you're doing it or not is that Jennings arrived at the lobby, went up to the 23th floor, found it locked, came back down to find someone to let him in, went back up, used the equipment to find someone to talk to, climbed down to the 6th floor, encountered the explosion, went back up to the 8th floor, looked out the window, waited for the fire department to rescue him, only to have them all run away when WTC 2 fell, ALL IN TWENTY MINUTES. No wonder why you refuse to give me an alternative timeline- even you understand the idea that he did all that in twenty minutes is idiotic. You just don't want to come out and admit it's idiotic.

Either show me how the timeline is wrong or shut the F**K up. I'm not going to ask again.

posted on Aug, 21 2009 @ 02:25 PM

posted by SPreston

Perhaps you have not reviewed the Barry Jennings interviews yet Dave.

posted by GoodOlDave

Either show me how the timeline is wrong or shut the F**K up. I'm not going to ask again.

Gee Dave, you've got to calm down.

I read a study just the other day that all this held-back rage and unnecessary stress can really shorten a person's lifespan. Good luck Dave.

I'm not going to waste any time chasing after your inventive strawman timespan Dave. Poor Barry Jennings is dead now and unable to explain his experiences inside WTC7 on 9-11 any further Dave. All we have is what he gave us Dave, and we don't need you adding to or subtracting from his narrative, do we Dave?

What Mr Jennings told us was:

03:10 video 1 "and then they ran away. See, I didn't know what was going on. That's when the 1st tower fell. When they started running, that's when the 1st tower was coming down."

03:30 "Then they ran away again. The 2nd tower fell."

01:55 video 2 "I know what I heard. I heard explosions"

03:50 "I heard the explosions, and then the key thing was . . when the police officer came to me, he said we've got more reports of explosions and you have to run."

And later when he states 05:20 video 2 "the fire department came and went. They came twice. Why? Because building tower 1 fell, then tower 2 fell."

See Dave that means that both towers fell AFTER the stairway Jennings was climbing down fell. It seems so simple and straightforward Dave. What is it you are missing?


See how deep inside the building the stairwells were Dave? I don't see how they could have been damaged by anything but an explosive when Jennings was hanging on for dear life.

WTC7 dimensions are 329' at the long side x 246' at the short side x 144' deep x 47 stories tall Dave. Those stairwells are protected by an awful lot of building Dave. I don't see how anything from Flight 175 could have flown in and blown up the stairway Dave, and of course both towers fell AFTER the stairway was damaged.

Of course when WTC7 was imploded by demolition, that really finished off the stairways. Kaplooey!! Good thing the firemen came back the 3rd time and rescued Jennings and Hess. Right Dave?

Does your copy of the Barry Jennings video-interview read any differently Dave?

posted on Aug, 21 2009 @ 04:16 PM
reply to post by GoodOlDave

I'm not a liar...but you're an idiot for not having the aptitude to figure
out the progression of events based on Jennings basic statements.

The floor exploded beneath him before EITHER TOWER FELL. That
is his testimony.

The firemen had to run twice...because one building fell...and then the

Sorry to break it to you Dave. Should I draw a picture to make it
easier for you to understand?

posted on Aug, 21 2009 @ 05:07 PM
reply to post by GoodOlDave

I think I've found a way to help you Dave. Interactive media can assist a person in visualizing a subject properly.

What Mr Jennings told us was:

03:10 video 1 "and then they ran away. See, I didn't know what was going on. That's when the 1st tower fell. When they started running, that's when the 1st tower was coming down."

See Dave that is the South Tower collapsing and those are people fleeing away. That is what Barry Jennings meant when he said the firemen ran away and the 1st tower fell. They ran away just like the people in that video. But Jennings's firemen were to the west and north of this location.

03:30 "Then they ran away again. The 2nd tower fell."

Yeah Dave you guessed right. This video shows people fleeing the North Tower demolition. Jennings called it the 2nd tower, and his firemen fled this collapse also, just like the people in the video.

But as you should know now Dave, both towers fell after the WTC7 stairway was damaged with Jennings on it.

Did this help Dave? Good.

posted on Aug, 22 2009 @ 09:17 AM
reply to post by SPreston


About the bodies Barry was talking about going up the stairway.
Since the building was supposedly evacuated before the explosion that took out the stairway. Do you think they were the bodies of first responders. Fireman? The guys coming and going?

Maybe the perps blew themselves up.
Not the fireman but bad guys with to short of a fuse.
The responders and or the perps could have been those victims.
Just askin

posted on Aug, 23 2009 @ 05:18 PM

Originally posted by SPreston
I'm not going to waste any time chasing after your inventive strawman timespan Dave. Poor Barry Jennings is dead now and unable to explain his experiences inside WTC7 on 9-11 any further Dave. All we have is what he gave us Dave, and we don't need you adding to or subtracting from his narrative, do we Dave?

I must say that I'm extremely disappointed in you, spreston. There's this glaring discrepency between what Jennings says and what the information from every other source says, and you're telling me you don't give a flip at trying to resolve it by finding out what time he heard that explosion?!? How in all conscience can you call yourself a "truther" when not only are you the most uninquisitive person I've met here, you're all but openly hostile to researching the events of the 9/11 conspiracy? After all, *I* certainly would like to know when Jennings heard that explosion, so why don't you?

All your insults and weaseling out of tough questions aside, let me ask you something-

-The mission of the truther is to find out all the facts he can about the conspiracy, so then he can turn around and show as much material as they can to others and say, "here's proof they're lying". Do you agree or disagree?

-One of the most critical pieces of information the truthers could possess to bring to others and say "here's proof they're lying" is the testimony that Jennings heard explosions *before* the towers collapsed, and it needs to be explored. Do you agree or disagree?

-Noone here on this board was there with Jennings, and the only hard facts we have to go on are what he tells us, and what we know that has to be true from other sources (I.E. when the planes impacted each tower and when each tower collapsed). Do you agree or disagree?

-From Jennings, we know he was inside WTC 7 when the second plane hit the south tower, and from what we know to be true from other sources, we know the second plane hit the tower at 9:03. so therefore we can put the two together and logically deduce that Jennings was inside WTC at 9:03. Do you agree or disagree?

-THEREFORE, presuming that you agreed that truthers ought to find out all they can about the conspiracy, AND presuming you agree Jennings hearing explosions before the towers collapsed is a critical piece of information that needs to be explored, AND presuming you agree that by using information from other sources we can logically deduce at least some of the timeine of when Jennings did what he did, it stands to reason we ought to at least try to deduce when the explosion Jennings' heard actually occurred, even if only to narrow the time down a little. It seem to me there are only two logical explanations for why you don't want to..

a) you're intellectually lazy, and are completely content with the information these conspiracy websites are giving you, and you neither want or need anythign more than that..


b) you know that if you do, it will lead you to the very ugly yet irrefutable conclusion that Jennings was wrong, for whatever reason, and there is no possible way he could have seen the towers still standing at the time he said he saw them. You don't want Jennings to be wrong so you invoke the "ignorance is bliss" principle and pretend it isn't important.

As always, I invite you to explain why anything I said here is incorrect...though from your past behavior, I'm not holding my breath that you'll even try.

posted on Aug, 23 2009 @ 05:28 PM

Originally posted by turbofan
I'm not a liar...but you're an idiot for not having the aptitude to figure
out the progression of events based on Jennings basic statements.

If you're trying to get a rise out of me and play these children's insult games then you'll have to go elsewhere, since I'm adult and I have better things to do. That said, I agree you're not a liar...becuase you're going to gigantic lengths to avoid saying anything! I asked you to show how what I'm posting here is incorrect, and from you, nothing. I even ask you to provide a better timeline that better fits the facts, and again, from you nothing. You're going out of the way to evade my posts so vehemently, you'd think you were a seal and my posts were a great white shark.

I don't know, perhape it's just me, but it seems so blatantly obvious that we can take some of the statements Jennings said and try to deduce when they occurred by matching them up with what we know. Jennings said he must have been in WTC 7 when the second plane hit, and since we know the second plane hit at 9:03, it therefore sounds logical to me to believe that Jennings was in the building at 9:03. Jennings likewise said that when he arrived at the command center, it was empty, and therefore, it sounds logical for me to assume he arrived *after* the order was given to evacuate the command center had been given, otherwise there'd still be people there.

Can you agree about THAT, at least, or are you goign to run around in circles evading that question, even? Work with me, guy, this ain't rocket science.

[edit on 23-8-2009 by GoodOlDave]

posted on Aug, 24 2009 @ 12:48 AM
reply to post by GoodOlDave

I don't need to give a better time line. Jenning is quite clear and it's
pathetic you can't put two and two together.

What does it mean to YOU when he says:


Do you think the firemen ran away because their mommies were calling?

Maybe they wanted to grab their iPods to chill with some tunes before
getting Barry out of WTC7?

COme Dave, why would the firemen run away twice?

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