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Barry Jennings Interview - Uncut

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posted on Aug, 13 2009 @ 06:08 AM
Watch both of these videos if you do no know about the entire Jennings interview:

This evidence is outstanding. I only previously seen bits and pieces of
Jennings' testimony and it appeared that he was inside WTC 1, or 2.

There is no excuse for WTC7 to explode before either tower fell.

Pass it along to friends and family.

Rest in peace Barry.

posted on Aug, 14 2009 @ 03:11 AM
This interview is gold. Barry Jennings tells of explosions tearing up the
interior of WTC 7 before any of the towers fell.

YOu can't debunk that GL's! Open your eyes!

Also check out the video posted by one of the members titled, "Fabled Enemies". It shows a live walk through of the WTC7 lobby by mid day
and guess what? NO RAGING FIRES in the lobby!

People who disregard this evidence and continue to cover up the truth
deserve to be punished just like those who murdered those innocent people.

posted on Aug, 14 2009 @ 02:11 PM

Originally posted by turbofan
There is no excuse for WTC7 to explode before either tower fell.

Pass it along to friends and family.

The timeline does not support your interpretation of this interview.

Irrefutable fact #1- The north tower was hit by an aircraft approx. 8:45

Irrefutable fact #2- WTC 7 begain evacuating almost immediately, and except for Jennings, was essentially empty by the time the north tower collapsed.

Irrefutable fact #3- the north tower collapsed approx. 10:28

This means there was an approx. hour and forty five minute window from start to finish. Jennings' movements (which you obviously agree are factual) were-

-He arrived at the building, went up to the 28th floor to the command center, but it was locked so he couldn't get it.

-He went back down to the lobby and got the police/security to bring him up via another elevator

-After he got in, saw that everyone was gone, he climbed down the stairs.

-He made it down to the sixth floor when the place went BOOM.

Now, it took about an hour for the building to evacuate, which means that Jennings would have had to have gotten there approx. 9:45 for the place to be empty as he said it was. Giving a half hour to try to get into the command center, fail becuase the doors were locked, return to the ground floor and then return (making it 10:15), while giving fifteen minutes to descend the stairs and make it down to the sixth floor, this would put him on the sixth floor at approx 10:28, when the explosion occurred and when the north tower fell.

We know WTC 7 was in range of falling debris becuase there was a gigantic hole in the roof of WTC 5 from falling wreckage, which was the same distance from the north tower as WTC 7 was. The only logical explanation is that the explosion Jennings experienced was from WTC 7 being hit by wreckage from the north tower as it collapsed. He survived becuase the stairs he was descending was on the north side of WTC 7, and the wreckage would have hit the south sideof WTC 7, facing WTC 1.

I invite you to examine this on your own and explain why anything I said here is incorrect.

[edit on 14-8-2009 by GoodOlDave]

posted on Aug, 15 2009 @ 06:56 AM
reply to post by GoodOlDave

FACT: Jennings saw both buildings standing as the floors blew out from beneath him.

The firefighters had to come back TWICE as each building fell.

Why would he need fire fighters to help him? Oh right....he was hanging
onto a pole after the EXPLOSIONS blew out the FLOORS!

Please watch the video again. You are sick for trying to twist his words
and covering the truth.

posted on Aug, 15 2009 @ 09:01 AM
reply to post by GoodOlDave

Maybe you should try actually watching the Barry Jennings interviews and try to pay attention. Obviously WTC 7 had not been completely evacuated because Barry Jennings was stepping over bodies in the lobby. And the stairwell was damaged long before either Tower collapsed. (02:00) (03:15) So what damaged the stairwell? Not the Towers.

(04:40) "This was the lobby. You've gotta be kidding me. It was total ruins . . . total ruins."" "Do not look down. And we were stepping over bodies."

Barry broke out a window on the 8th floor with a fire extinguisher. (02:27)

That broken window can be seen at the link below.

To see the stairwell and lift layouts, and how far inside WTC7 they actually are, only raises further questions, more at PROOF of Major WTC7 Internal Explosion

Barry Jennings was told that Mayor Giuliani was in WTC7 and evacuated before Jennings and Hess got there. Hess was there to meet with Giuliani.

Both Towers were still standing after the explosion which damaged the stairwell. (05:00)

[edit on 8/15/09 by SPreston]

posted on Aug, 15 2009 @ 01:39 PM
reply to post by turbofan

Star and flag!
Anyone attempting to discredit this information with out further investigation needs to have a good talk to themselves.
One somehow their dad failed to have with them.

posted on Aug, 15 2009 @ 11:14 PM

Originally posted by SPreston
Maybe you should try actually watching the Barry Jennings interviews and try to pay attention. Obviously WTC 7 had not been completely evacuated because Barry Jennings was stepping over bodies in the lobby. And the stairwell was damaged long before either Tower collapsed. (02:00) (03:15) So what damaged the stairwell? Not the Towers.

Well, if you're going to cop an attitude then I need to point out that maybe you should try getting your information from someplace other than these damned fool conspiracy websites. There were *no* fatalities among any of the tenants of wtc7, specifically because the building had been evacuated. It's in the public record and it's an undeniable fact. If he was stepping over bodies they would have had to be emergency personnel. Jennings himself said the place was loaded with police, security, etc, plus he said he saw burning police cars directly outside, proving the police were on site.

FYI Jennings' testimony cannot be taken entirely at face value. He says the firefighters showed up "first when tower one fell, and then when tower two fell." This is incorrect: tower two fell before tower one did. That is an undeniable fact, as well.

[edit on 15-8-2009 by GoodOlDave]

posted on Aug, 16 2009 @ 12:34 AM

Originally posted by turbofan

Please watch the video again. You are sick for trying to twist his words
and covering the truth.

Go ahead and call me sick, that I'm an idiot, that I kick pregnant dogs, or whatever. It obviously makes you feel better about yourself by making personal attacks against me, so hey, whatever floats your boat.

Nonetheless, It is still an irrefutable fact there was an hour and forty five minutes between the north tower being hit and the north tower collapsing. By Jennings own testimony the building was empty when he got there, meaning he had to have gotten there sometime around 9:45 because it took an hour to evacuate the building. That means everything he did was within a forty five minute window. If you can squeeze in your mystery explosion along with all the other things he said he did within that forty five minute time window, I'm all ears.

Unless Jennings was able to fly or stop time, the laws of physics necessarily has to apply to your conspiracy stories just as it does to the rest of us, my being sick notwithstanding.

posted on Aug, 16 2009 @ 02:32 AM

Originally posted by GoodOlDave
I invite you to examine this on your own and explain why anything I said here is incorrect.

Why certainly.

The only logical explanation is that the explosion Jennings experienced was from WTC 7 being hit by wreckage from the north tower as it collapsed.

Your insistence that your interpretation is the only logical explanation is incorrect. There are other alternatives, which include the idea of bombs in the building itself.

Selectiung your explanation over the alternative (and, indeed, vice versa) is an example of bias.

Many people that day heard explosions in WTC 1, 2 and 7.

Had you said "the most credible explanation" that would have been fine. But to say it's the only logical reason exhibits a rather narrowminded view of the possibilities and an exaggerated view of the power of logic.

posted on Aug, 16 2009 @ 02:40 AM
One thing is for certain. Jennings was mystified that Wtc-7 collapsed. He wanted to know why.

posted on Aug, 16 2009 @ 10:41 AM

posted by GoodOlDave

FYI Jennings' testimony cannot be taken entirely at face value. He says the firefighters showed up "first when tower one fell, and then when tower two fell." This is incorrect: tower two fell before tower one did. That is an undeniable fact, as well.

Why must you lie Dave? That is not what Jennings said is it? He said at:

03:10 video 1 "and then they ran away. See, I didn't know what was going on. That's when the 1st tower fell. When they started running, that's when the 1st tower was coming down."

03:30 "Then they ran away again. The 2nd tower fell."

So like other disinformation specialists, you have to change his wording to protect your precious status quo don't you? Twist the words to fit your preconceived beliefs. How do you face a mirror each morning Dave? Here we have 3000 murdered people, and you are twisting an eyewitness words to protect the perps. You should be ashamed of yourself.

Barry Jennings did not name the towers did he? No, he said the 1st tower and the 2nd tower, which is accurate, isn't it?

posted by SPreston
Maybe you should try actually watching the Barry Jennings interviews and try to pay attention. Obviously WTC 7 had not been completely evacuated because Barry Jennings was stepping over bodies in the lobby. And the stairwell was damaged long before either Tower collapsed. (02:00) (03:15) So what damaged the stairwell? Not the Towers.

posted by GoodOlDave

Well, if you're going to cop an attitude then I need to point out that maybe you should try getting your information from someplace other than these damned fool conspiracy websites. There were *no* fatalities among any of the tenants of wtc7, specifically because the building had been evacuated. It's in the public record and it's an undeniable fact. If he was stepping over bodies they would have had to be emergency personnel. Jennings himself said the place was loaded with police, security, etc, plus he said he saw burning police cars directly outside, proving the police were on site.

And when I wrote evacuated, I did not specify tenants did I? I'm getting my information right from those video interviews of Barry Jennings posted above, which you insist on twisting the facts therein. You are most dishonest Dave.

01:55 video 2 "I know what I heard. I heard explosions"

03:50 "I heard the explosions, and then the key thing was . . when the police officer came to me, he said we've got more reports of explosions and you have to run."

And later when he states 05:20 "the fire department came and went. They came twice. Why? Because building tower 1 fell, then tower 2 fell."

Barry Jenngs did not say WTC 1 or WTC 2 or the North Tower or South Tower did he?

Jennings effectively said the same in both videos; the 1st tower, the 2nd tower

There is no need for you to twist his intentions.

[edit on 8/16/09 by SPreston]

posted on Aug, 17 2009 @ 03:31 AM
Right on SPreston, I was waiting to drill him with pretty much the same
reply you posted.

Furthermore, these pathetic claims and illogical points totally miss the
important factor: Jennings was inside the building when BOTH TOWERS

Even if the he did mix up the order ( which he didn't ), it totally doesn't
matter. The exploision happened while both towers were still standing.

This is critical evidence. It proves along with all other evidence that
explosives were planted in all three buildings.

posted on Aug, 17 2009 @ 12:24 PM

Originally posted by SPreston

And later when he states 05:20 "the fire department came and went. They came twice. Why? Because building tower 1 fell, then tower 2 fell."

Good grief, spreston, you are a real piece of work. You have the gall to accuse me of being a liar, and not two paragraphs later you post the very quote I was referring to, meaning that you just proved I was telling the truth after all. Do you even bother to look at what you post, before you post it???

It's not a trick question, dude. It's obvious he was referring to tower 1 and tower 2 as WTC 1 and 2 respectively becuase THAT'S WHAT THE BUILDINGS WERE CALLED. If he referred to them as the first tower and second tower, you might have had a point, but Jennings was an employee so he above everyone else would have known the proper names of the buildings. I'm not calling Jennings a liar, far from it. He comes out and admits he was sealed off from the rest of the world when the towers came down (I.E. the television monitors at the commannd center were down) so he has a perfectly legitimate reason for not knowing that building 2 fell before building 1 did.

Let's cut to the chase. I know exactly what the children's game is that you're attempting to play, here. I posted something that you cannot answer, so instead of admitting you can't provide an answer...becuase it's likewise admitting your conspiracy stories are're nitpicking over all these side stories as a distraction. Sorry, I'm not going to fall for it, so I'll ask this question a THIRD time- how is any of the following incorrect?

-WTC 1 was struck by the aircraft at 8:45, and fell at 10:28, meaning there was an hour and forty three minutes from start to end

-It took about an hour for the tenants to evacuate WTC 7. This figure comes from WTC 7 management itself.

-Jennings said WTC 7 was empty save for emergency personnel, meaning he had to have arrived an hour or so after WTC 1 was hit (9:45). This means WTC 1 was goign to collapse in 43 minutes.

-Jennings itinerary included going up to the 28th floor to find the doors locked, coming back down to find someone to let him in, going back up to the 28th floor, using the communications gear to contact someone who told him to get out of there, and climbing down the stairs to the 6th floor.

-When Jennings reached the 6th floor, the building went BOOM.

-When WTC 1 fell at 10:28, tons of wreckage hit WTC 7. We know this becuase there was a gigantic crater in teh roof of WTC 5 which was the same distance to WTC 1 as the south side of WTC 7 was.

I am saying that Jennings did all that in 45 minutes or so, and becuase of THAT, it necessarily means the building going BOOM and the wreckage from WTC 1 hitting WTC were one and the same. For the THIRD TIME: What do you have to provide that says this is incorrect?

Now, I don't particularly care if you think I'm some secret agent, or that I'm sick, or that I'm a space alien, or whatever. All I want to hear from you is why any of this is wrong. It's an honest question so it merits an honest answer, so if you can't (or won't), then anything else you could possibly say is nothing but piss in the wind.

posted on Aug, 17 2009 @ 12:30 PM

Originally posted by turbofan
Right on SPreston, I was waiting to drill him with pretty much the same
reply you posted.

Furthermore, these pathetic claims and illogical points totally miss the
important factor: Jennings was inside the building when BOTH TOWERS

Who the heck is saying that he *wasn't* inside the building when both towers fell? By Jennings' own testimony, he had to have been in WTC 7 from 9:45 to 10:28. Tower 2 fell at 10:05, and Tower 1 fell at 10:28. Therefore, Jennings WAS in WTC 7 when both towers fell.

So why are we arguing, then?

posted on Aug, 17 2009 @ 02:05 PM

Originally posted by rich23

Many people that day heard explosions in WTC 1, 2 and 7.

As I've said many times previously, noone is refuting there were explosions. The debate isn't over whether there were explosions, but rather, whether the explosiuons were actually explosives rather than a perfectly natural event stemming from the plane impact and the collapse I.E. flammable objects blowing up as the fires reached them in turn.

Had you said "the most credible explanation" that would have been fine. But to say it's the only logical reason exhibits a rather narrowminded view of the possibilities and an exaggerated view of the power of logic.

On the contrary, that is the very reason why I posted this explanation on this thread- to invite any and all comers to point out its flaws, becuase if it has flaws, I certainly don't want to rely on it anymore. Until such a time when someone can explain why it's incorrect, by definition it has to be the only logical explanation, becuase this explanation refutes all other explanations being presented here.

posted on Aug, 17 2009 @ 03:03 PM

posted by SPreston

03:10 video 1 "and then they ran away. See, I didn't know what was going on. That's when the 1st tower fell. When they started running, that's when the 1st tower was coming down."

03:30 "Then they ran away again. The 2nd tower fell."

And later when he states 05:20 "the fire department came and went. They came twice. Why? Because building tower 1 fell, then tower 2 fell."

posted by GoodOlDave

Good grief, spreston, you are a real piece of work. You have the gall to accuse me of being a liar, and not two paragraphs later you post the very quote I was referring to, meaning that you just proved I was telling the truth after all. Do you even bother to look at what you post, before you post it???

It's not a trick question, dude. It's obvious he was referring to tower 1 and tower 2 as WTC 1 and 2 respectively becuase THAT'S WHAT THE BUILDINGS WERE CALLED. If he referred to them as the first tower and second tower, you might have had a point, but Jennings was an employee so he above everyone else would have known the proper names of the buildings.

Why don't you go find a mirror Dave, and take a good long look, and decide if you are a patriotic American or not, or just what the heck you are. Barry Jennings did call them the 1st tower and the 2nd tower in the exact same interview. Regardless what he called them, he explicitly stated that they both fell AFTER the explosion which heavily damaged the stairway he was on inside WTC 7.

People like you pick apart an eyewitness account on trivial details just to defend the traitors who murdered 3000 innocent people. Do you know what that makes you?

posted by turbofan

Right on SPreston, I was waiting to drill him with pretty much the same
reply you posted.

Furthermore, these pathetic claims and illogical points totally miss the
important factor: Jennings was inside the building when BOTH TOWERS

Even if the he did mix up the order ( which he didn't ), it totally doesn't
matter. The exploision happened while both towers were still standing.

This is critical evidence. It proves along with all other evidence that
explosives were planted in all three buildings.

posted by GoodOlDave

As I've said many times previously, noone is refuting there were explosions. The debate isn't over whether there were explosions, but rather, whether the explosiuons were actually explosives rather than a perfectly natural event stemming from the plane impact and the collapse I.E. flammable objects blowing up as the fires reached them in turn.

Indeed. Why would there be an explosion inside WTC 7 before the towers fell? What perfectly natural event would create an explosion deep inside WTC 7 on the stairway Jennings was climbing down on the day of 9-11? Because there were explosives planted inside all three WTC buildings, prior to 9-11, and probably in several other WTC buildings also, by the 9-11 perps?


Before he was killed, Barry Jennings explicitly told the entire world that the towers fell after the explosion damaged his stairwell because the firemen ran away twice as the two towers fell after he managed to climb back up the damaged stairway.

03:10 video 1 "and then they ran away. See, I didn't know what was going on. That's when the 1st tower fell. When they started running, that's when the 1st tower was coming down."

03:30 "Then they ran away again. The 2nd tower fell."

01:55 video 2 "I know what I heard. I heard explosions"

03:50 "I heard the explosions, and then the key thing was . . when the police officer came to me, he said we've got more reports of explosions and you have to run."

And later when he states 05:20 "the fire department came and went. They came twice. Why? Because building tower 1 fell, then tower 2 fell."

posted on Aug, 17 2009 @ 04:14 PM

Originally posted by SPreston

Why don't you go find a mirror Dave, and take a good long look, and decide if you are a patriotic American or not, or just what the heck you are. Barry Jennings did call them the 1st tower and the 2nd tower in the exact same interview. Regardless what he called them, he explicitly stated that they both fell AFTER the explosion which heavily damaged the stairway he was on inside WTC 7.

Good grief, getting a straight answer out of you is like trying to nail jam to the wall. Since the obvious has escaped you, allow me to spell it out for you- the timeline as I posted it completely refutes your interpretation of his statement. If you can't show how what I said is incorrect then it necessarily means your claims of explosions before WTC 1 collapsed are WRONG, regardless of how hard you huff and puff, trying to blow my brick house down.

So how is what I said incorrect? This is the FOURTH time I'm asking you. If I'm supposedly lying then I shouldn't be the one begging you to show me how I'm lying, you know.

People like you pick apart an eyewitness account on trivial details just to defend the traitors who murdered 3000 innocent people. Do you know what that makes you?

It makes me someone who's immune to bullsh*t artists, actually, but that's besides the point. It's patently obvious that you're so madly in love with these conspiracy stories that you perceive an attack on them as an attack on you personally, and you instinctively respond in kind. You honestly think it's acceptable behavior to be rude to perfect strangers simply becuase they disagree with you.

I can't blame you for your bad manners, though- turning otherwise perfectly intelligent people into such fanatical zealots for anti-establishment dogma is yet another crime that these damned fool conspiracy websites are guilty of. You're simply the victim in all this.

Frankly, I'm amazed noone has been killed over this crap yet.

posted on Aug, 17 2009 @ 04:53 PM

Originally posted by GoodOlDave

Frankly, I'm amazed noone has been killed over this crap yet.

OMG davey are you implying Barry Jennings might have been KILLED
by the 911 perps! Kinda like Ruby shot Oswald?

posted on Aug, 17 2009 @ 05:54 PM

posted by SPreston

Why don't you go find a mirror Dave, and take a good long look, and decide if you are a patriotic American or not, or just what the heck you are. Barry Jennings did call them the 1st tower and the 2nd tower in the exact same interview. Regardless what he called them, he explicitly stated that they both fell AFTER the explosion which heavily damaged the stairway he was on inside WTC 7.

posted by GoodOlDave

Frankly, I'm amazed noone has been killed over this crap yet.

Is that a threat Dave?

Your timeline, as you call it, is just something you made up out of the blue. It has no foundation in reality. I would much rather go with the eyewitness account of Barry Jennings than your invented red herring.

The fact that Barry Jennings was suddenly dead and unable to be questioned further or called before a grand jury with witness protection, actually adds to his veracity and detracts from yours.

Barry Jennings was very specific that the explosion damaged the staircase he was on, and then later the firemen retreated twice as the two towers fell. I prefer to believe Barry Jennings over your specious nonsense. You were not there and he was.

03:10 video 1 "and then they ran away. See, I didn't know what was going on. That's when the 1st tower fell. When they started running, that's when the 1st tower was coming down."

03:30 "Then they ran away again. The 2nd tower fell."

01:55 video 2 "I know what I heard. I heard explosions"

03:50 "I heard the explosions, and then the key thing was . . when the police officer came to me, he said we've got more reports of explosions and you have to run."

And later when he states 05:20 video 2 "the fire department came and went. They came twice. Why? Because building tower 1 fell, then tower 2 fell."

I even believe Jennings when he relates how Giuliani was in WTC 7 and escaped from his bunker with his advanced notice. Do you see why the NYPD, FDNY, and the WTC 1st responders hated Rudolph Giuliani so much and actively worked against his political campaigns?

9-11 Insider and Perp Rudolph Giuliani?


posted on Aug, 17 2009 @ 07:03 PM
It seems someone is a little too 'thick' to understand:

Explosion happened.

Had to climb back up.

Couldn't go down to lower levels, had to move up to the 8th floor.

Broke windows. Looked outside...saw burning police cars, saw the towers, etc.

Firemen ran away as 1st tower fell

Firemen ran away as 2nd tower fell

Seems to me that EXPLOSION happened first...then all the rest.

Towers fell last.

No excuse for inner stairwells to collapse in WTC7 pre-demo of Twins.

Get it now?

[edit on 17-8-2009 by turbofan]

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