posted on Aug, 17 2009 @ 11:37 AM
You've found out our dirty little secret.
the date is set, the world doesn't end in 2012, thats the date when we the British take back America.
You will be forced to wear bowler hats, drink English tea instead of coffee.
You will no longer be able to put anything sweet on bacon, which can only be cooked with sausage, eggs, tomatoes, beans, black pudding and fried
All American football will be banned, Your teams will remove all the girly safety equipment and be made to play rugby or football, not your mixed up
version of both.
All yellow cabs will be replaced by black London cabs, and all phone boxes will be painted red!!
Sorry I couldn't help myself, all done with tongue very much in cheek
[edit on 17-8-2009 by Kurokage]