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"Damn The Country, Obama Must Fail"

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posted on Jul, 26 2011 @ 01:10 PM
Isn't this exactly how Clinton was treated?
The Republicans have been led by the neo-con faction for well over a decade, supplanting the old true Conservatives and sidelining them to virtual obscurity. True Conservatism went the way of the passenger pigeon years ago.

Bush 43 summed it up nicely when he said to the UN assembly " Either you are with us, or you are against us".
The New Republicans (my term) thrive on conflict and the rhetoric of war. Notice they have given us the wars on Drugs, Terrorism, etc. and freely create new governmental agencies to fight these supposed "wars". Which coincidentally we have yet to win any one of).
These wars were never meant to be won, they are simply tools for them in their struggle (mein kampf) for ascendancy in every area of life.

One could hardly expect the inheritors of philosophy from Nietzsche, Strauss and Schmitt to be anything else. They thrive on wars that they make others go fight. This makes picking the bones a much easier task since everyone else is preoccupied.

So we have the Republicans playing the warrior role while the Democrats have been cowed into taking the "victim" role. This creates a wonderful setting for theater but somewhere along the way they forgot the audience.

In turn I believe there is a higher power beyond the RNC and the DNC that controls both sides as the banker bailouts plainly demonstrated.

We can get new puppets all day long but the show will go on following the lines given by the script writers.
The only cure is to remove the puppeteer.

posted on Jul, 26 2011 @ 01:30 PM
Interesting. I'm pretty new here and I just saw this thread for the first time. it's 2 years old and it's probably more relevant today than it was 2 years ago. I'm going to do my best to bump it as much as possible. people really need to see this. my, my ATS, there is a hell of a lot more to you than I was aware of. I only wish I had more hours in the day. this place is addictive & unfortunately I still need to sleep on occasion (don't want those tea party peeps getting control of my mind if my defenses are down)............j / k......

posted on Jul, 26 2011 @ 03:48 PM

Originally posted by Eurisko2012
reply to post by SkepticOverlord

It's over. The Tea Party has won.
The problem is that if Obama caves to the Tea Party then he has - zero - chance of getting
re-elected. His political base will disappear.

In the end i see Obama flipping a coin in the oval office.

Heads: Cave in to the Tea Party. Do not raise taxes during a horrible economy with
a 9.2% unemployment rate.

Tails: Declare the GOP to be unbalanced and the Tea Party a bunch hostage takers.
Declare the democrats in the Senate to be a bunch of sanctimonious fools.
Sign the executive presidential order to raise the debt ceiling by $2.4 Trillion.

edit on 26-7-2011 by Eurisko2012 because: (no reason given)

I vote "tails". Obama is damned if he doesn't, and damned if he does anyway. Show some spine and assert the responsibility that's supposed to be incumbent with the office. Toss all the clowns out of this circus and lead. That's what you were elected to do.

posted on Jul, 26 2011 @ 04:37 PM
reply to post by Asktheanimals

.....In turn I believe there is a higher power beyond the RNC and the DNC that controls both sides as the banker bailouts plainly demonstrated.

We can get new puppets all day long but the show will go on following the lines given by the script writers.
The only cure is to remove the puppeteer.

The voice of REASON.

If the conservatives and liberals can at least agree on this one item, then maybe we can take our country back from those intent on raping it. - The Banksters

How about a Proposition place on the ballot of ALL fifty states ending the Federal Reserve and making banks libel for ALL the debts they have incurred and UNCONSTITUTIONALLY dumped on the American tax payer. Call it the No More Free Lunch Referendum.

"Daniel Davison, head of London’s Morgan Grenfell, said, ‘The American banks have brought the necessary money, customers, capital and skills which have established London in its present preeminence . . . .

only the American banks have a lender of last resort. The Federal Reserve Board of the United States can, and does, create dollars when necessary. Without the Americans, the big dollar deals cannot be put together. Without them, London would not be credible as an international financial centre.’"

Thus London is the world’s financial center, because it can command enormous sums of capital, created at its command by the Federal Reserve Board of the United States.

What does it mean by "lender of last resort"???

From what I can gather the USA is the ONLY country where US citizens and their government are forced to pay the bad debts of the bankers (2008 bailouts & Roosevelt's gold confiscation) Iceland was able to tell the Bankers to take a flying leap, the people of Iceland WOULD NOT bail them out. This despite efforts to get Iceland into a IMF SAP 'Iceland is bankrupt'; IMF rescue seen as only hope followed by Iceland determined that it was under no legal or moral obligation to underwrite the reckless behaviour of its commercial banks...

Isn't It time we FINALLY make the Banksters liable for their debts instead of the US tax payer??? If Iceland can grow a pair isn't it time we did???

"The Fed Note is essentially unsound. It is the worst currency and the most dangerous that this Country has ever known....: 'The Fed Notes, therefore, in form, have some of the qualities of Government paper money, but in substance, are almost a pure asset currency possessing a Government guarantee against which contingency the Government has made no provision whatever.'

"Hon. L.J.Hill, a former member of the House, said, and truly: "They are obligations of the Government for which the United States received nothing and for the payment of which at any time, it assumes the responsibility: looking to the Fed to recoup itself.'

Gambling debts [of the FED cv]...."The U.S. Treasury cannot be made liable for them. The Fed currency must be redeemed by the Fed banks or else these Fed banks must be liquidated....

Congress McFadden 1934 Speech before Congress

posted on Jul, 26 2011 @ 10:17 PM
there are a large minority of republicans that want democrats out of power, and the way to do that is bring down our present government, no matter how many millions of citizens get hurt by it. they want this country to fail, because they honestly believe government doesn't work.
in the coming years or sooner, i believe we will have marshal law, and this country will dissolve in a puedo-wiemar pre-nazi style of governance.
my wife and i are seriously thinking of leaving this country and renouncing our citizenship, i am too old to go through a civil war or be placed under arrest and imprisoned for some type of made-up "resistance".
it's looking like liberals are going to be the next "jews" and i'm not going to be forced to wear some big "L" on my clothing.

posted on Jul, 26 2011 @ 10:47 PM
Wow, I have never seen this thread before. How did I miss it.

That repubs are so entrenched in bringing down Obama, it should at least make people realize that demos and the repubs are not the same, that they are very different. Neither party represents main stream America right now, but they are very different.

Obama's biggest problem is that he doesn't stand up to the right wing nut cases. And the Democrats in congress have an even bigger problem. They need to learn to get down and dirty, and put on the brass knuckles.

The demos have handcuffed themselves with political correctness, and pushed out the part of the party that had some balls, and so they have become complete wimps.

Obama needs to stop trying to compromise with the repubs who control the house and go full Roosevelt on em. Go on full political attack, pointing out every wrong turn the republicans have made that put us into this position, that is the only way he is going to get any respect from the U.S. working class, and that is the group he needs to discover.

Get tough on illegal immigration, and immigration as a whole.

Time to get hardcore about going after white collar criminals of all kinds, especially those who hire illegals.

Start screaming for the funds to make these things happen.

Point out that the last time Joe sixpack seen an actual raise was under Clinton with high taxes on the super rich, and call for a return to what worked last time things were working.

If Obama start demonstrating that he has a pair, he could still win this thing. The repub party is far more disliked than Obama. The only way forward for Obama is to start standing up to these wackos. He will win a lot more support that way.

posted on Jul, 29 2011 @ 12:24 PM

Originally posted by Asktheanimals
Isn't this exactly how Clinton was treated?
The Republicans have been led by the neo-con faction for well over a decade, supplanting the old true Conservatives and sidelining them to virtual obscurity. True Conservatism went the way of the passenger pigeon years ago.

Bush 43 summed it up nicely when he said to the UN assembly " Either you are with us, or you are against us".
The New Republicans (my term) thrive on conflict and the rhetoric of war. Notice they have given us the wars on Drugs, Terrorism, etc. and freely create new governmental agencies to fight these supposed "wars". Which coincidentally we have yet to win any one of).

I think there is one war they waged successfully and are apparently winning -- it's the war on the majority of the US population. This war is driven by the ideology of pure social darwinism. They labored for years to "bleed the beast" so that they can shut down most social programs and at the same time they have the nerve to fight claw and tooth, for continued tax breaks for top earners.

posted on Jul, 29 2011 @ 12:59 PM

Originally posted by Asktheanimals
Isn't this exactly how Clinton was treated?

This article from 1998 puts the impeachment event as a cultural battle, which to a great extent is the same as today's budget battle. IOW it's way more than money.

Replace the word "impeachment" with "default", and I hear default as a do-over, a chance to remake the nation anew "culturally, politically, morally".

"It would be an enormous emetic -- culturally, politically, morally -- for us to have an impeachment," says the Rev. John Neuhaus, who edits the conservative magazine First Things. "It would purge us."

Funny thing is, the purging this time is like a bulimic who purges. After overspending on war dollars while at the same time reducing income to pay for the wars, some want to spit out the debt incurred. Nonetheless, there is the budgetary/ideological purging/repudiation of "Communist/Marxist/Socialist" programs and underlying values.

Clinton and, going back further, LB Johnson were ultimately guilty of going against their Southern "good ole boys" values re relationship with "coloreds", Clinton having political and personal friends who were not white, and LBJ having signed both Civil and Voting Rights Acts. Just as with some who opposed LBJ's actions back then, some are touting "states rights" amidst federal budget concerns (let alone health care and immigration reform).

posted on Jul, 29 2011 @ 01:29 PM
Conspiratorially speaking, all this leads towards a simple end: the massive lowering of the living standards in the Western world. This is the goal of any behind-the-scenes elites.

They have garnered control of the systems apparatus to such an extent that they can manipulate it, control it, and destabilize it to their desires. And in this case they are succeeding through the Republican Tea party apparatus and philosophy to annihilate the middle class. This massive cutting of the budget and entitlements is the nail in the coffin of the lower and middle classes and the gateway to their total serfdom and permanent poverty.

By electing Obama or the elites bringing him into office . . . the “progressive, liberal big spender” becomes a symbol of all that the Republican Tea party fanatics have always hated: the smooth talking Negro there to take their money and give it to black welfare recipients and brown illegal aliens. Indeed, Obama is and has become the worst nightmare of this prototypical Tea party person who has been in the back door of the Republican Party seething for decades. This Obama figure is the last draw for these people even worst than Bill Clinton who at least bore a smiling white face behind his hated “liberalism” whereas Obama is the worst symbolic and real nightmare in the imagination of these folks psyche.

All this likely sinisterly designed by those hidden elites who had Obama and Hillary down there in Virginia at that Bilderberg conference after the 2008 democratic primary, when Obama got lost for hours and wouldn’t tell us where and what he was doing down there in and around that Bilderbergers conference at the same time he was supposed to be meeting Hillary.

Likely here is where they received their generalized overall orders that would guide them through what is happening today domestically and on foreign policy.

All this means is that Obama is a TOTAL puppet and the Tea party movement is a 100 percent manipulated group to move along the agenda of the NEW WORLD ORDER. . . . When they have fulfilled their purpose they will be dismissed and vanish into the fog of history.

edit on 29-7-2011 by inforeal because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 29 2011 @ 01:57 PM

Originally posted by inforeal
Conspiratorially speaking, all this leads towards a simple end: the massive lowering of the living standards in the Western world. This is the goal of any behind-the-scenes elites.

I think you are right and that the "collective subconscious" of the elites dictates bringing about a new era of slavery -- human nature, perhaps...

posted on Aug, 6 2011 @ 04:20 AM
reply to post by SkepticOverlord

you asked, "Is it too late?

Was there ever any hope? "

I think the answers are, respectively, yes and no.

I'm really sad to admit it, too. I once belived that the ideals of America could prevail, even over those who use them as a lie to grow a global nation under corporate rule. But this has been going on for centuries. Before the East India Company, perhaps all the way back to Egypt. In one form or another, human government has been about global conquest and I think we're simply seeing the end of the equation. You can overthrow a government here or there but the forces behind them skitter back into the dark and bide their time. We, the little people, have never succeeded in routing it from our societies. We have fallen under pharoahs, kings and presidents and I simply don't see that changing any time soon.

Does it always have to be this way? No, I don't think it does. But I do think the earth-shattering change required to alter our destiny will be the purview of a far future generation. Keep the faith, spread the word and make sure your children know the truth so that they can continue to pass it on down the line. That's the only hope we've got.

posted on Aug, 6 2011 @ 05:05 AM
Reply to post by jimmyx

It's pretty stupid to make the assumption that liberals will be the "next jews". Really stupid.

And for the LAST time, it's MARTIAL law, not marshal law. Why can't people get this right?

We're all losers no matter who "wins".

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posted on Jul, 17 2013 @ 11:08 AM
reply to post by SkepticOverlord

I have been thinking about this thread lately and wonder how you feel today.

posted on Oct, 18 2013 @ 07:09 AM
It always amazes me in these silly he said/she said political discussions that anyone who uses a legal tax break is inherently evil. All the people who spout this stuff it's just sour grapes that they didn't get away from the booze, the dope or downright laziness and make something of themselves. Because if they had made something of themselves they would be looking for the same tax breaks because they see how unfair the current tax system is. If they had been born into wealthy families and see just how the 'death tax' is just an attempt to destroy families by making it impossible to pass on wealth without giving a third of it to the government after being taxed for the same wealth for your entire life.

Peoples political convictions seem to adjust to their personal wealth. The same people here that heave and hoe, cry and shout about the 'wealthy' would feel differently if they were told by their accountant that they must write a check to the government for $23,000 that will plunge into a vast bureaucracy of liberalism so some can enjoy the fruits of others without the toil and labor.

Admit it-as all of you would do the exact same thing.

posted on Nov, 1 2013 @ 11:22 PM

If they had been born into wealthy families and see just how the 'death tax' is just an attempt to destroy families by making it impossible to pass on wealth without giving a third of it to the government after being taxed for the same wealth for your entire life.

I get that the 'death tax' is different than Dead Peasants Insurance...but you're cool with the rich taking advantage of the poor ala ?

What about the billions of dollars being gathered by taxpayers and then allocated to intelligence agencies, who don't report to our political hierarchy, who spy on the people they were funded by...and then some?

You're quite narrow in your assertions...

I would say that given the opportunity, I would not look for the angles that you suggest are a 'natural progression of wealth acquisition'...

On Topic...Obamacare and its implementation is a perfect example of the thread topic. One could argue that the companies who profit the most from GOP controlled politics are inherently sabotaging the efforts..i.e. insurance projections of higher premiums being reported by insurance companies who diligently omit the individual subsidies available through the ACA which offset their projections...

There are many more examples which prove the accuracy of this thread...

posted on Nov, 29 2013 @ 01:54 PM
Now that Obama is in a second term, I sense a shift to "Damn Obama, The Country Must Fail".

Beyond birthers, there is the Scandal of The Month Club, with Darrell Issa as president and officers from Congress and the media, all cheering on the fans and titillating them with the latest bits of news of an Obama scandal.

The Damn the Country movement is flanked on one side by the secular Drown Govt in a Bathtub Club, Grover Norquist president, while the Tea Party favorite, Dominionist Ted Cruz, leads the Revolution to Remake America into God's Kingdom Club. In the middle are the John Birch Society, who send members to either flank, all the while continuing to make sure that no closet is left standing in which a Communist or Socialist can hide.

The John Birch Society was founded by and funded by Koch Bros senior, so there is still a lot of money to fan the flames of revolution; they replicate America's nemesis's fondness for Commie cells to grow their movement, however, and with proper funding has grown the movement from 1% in 1980 to what is leftover after decades of hunting RINOs.

Oh, the Impeach Obama people? That's where the fringe on the far Left (LaRouchies) sometimes gets tangled up in the far Right fringe of the political tapestry (as often happened at Tea Party events).

And the lobbyists? They keep throwing money in the troughs, so the political swine can keep coming back to fund their campaigns.

posted on Mar, 19 2014 @ 10:30 PM
I don't recall ever seeing the Democrats behaving like that - blindly opposing the other side automatically. If anything, the Democrats have a history of at least trying to get compromises on issues, to get something that neither side might necessarily be 100% in favor of, but which at least addresses the wishes of both sides.

posted on Nov, 4 2014 @ 11:25 AM
So… more than five years later… and great giant heaps of political madness all over the place… what do members think about the original message in the opening post of this thread?

Given the gridlock, failed policies, failed promises, and general mayhem that is Congress, is it at least partially the result of a single-minded focus of the conservatives on the POTUS?

Or, as seems likely, is the Obama administration weak and indecisive, making it incapable of mounting a counter to the inevitable focus of the republicans?

Or… what?

Despite your political affiliation (or in my case, lack of), I think everyone has to agree that Washington, DC is FUBAR in an epic way. Approval ratings of congress and the president are at an all-time low. Election fraud/tampering is rampant. And… there's no indication or hope for improvement.

I tend to think the Republicans jumped the shark with the relentless resistance of the POTUS. It made matters worse. Lowered the quality of political discourse even further. Increased dogmatic rancor. Introduced nation-stifling gridlock.


posted on Nov, 4 2014 @ 12:04 PM
The GOP doesn’t have any thoughts or focus but on preserving the perks, power, and privileges of the rich.

So their focus is one dimensional…any idiot and immoral savage can perpetuate that doctrine.

The democrats, including Obama, are in theory a little better, but in actuality they lay down for the GOP one-dimensional philosophy too often including the Zionist doctrine of Israel first of both parties.

The fact is that both are now fully corporate entities or as I like to say NASCAR politicians who SHOULD be labeled with products on their back sides to indentify who they actually work for...cause it sure aint the American people..

So the gridlock is one hand a result of the Koch types who order the GOP around like servants and who want to maintain the statues quo of idol worship of the rich to the detriment of the good of the whole country, and on the other hand a natural result of the scam of the left/right paradigm just in order to create gridlock in itself

So they have a double whammy on us

Believe me you upper middle classers who think you’re a part of the team are next in line to get it

posted on Nov, 4 2014 @ 12:17 PM
a reply to: SkepticOverlord

I am not going to blame the democrats or the republicans, although they suck, but the people he aligned himself with
Nice to see you resurrected this thread, I have tried to avoid the recent politics, though the past few years have been quite a learning experience, being that politics is something I never delved far into before.

I am going to stick with who I eventually started to blame, Valerie Jarrett

In an article titled “Obama’s strange dependence on Valerie Jarrett,” Karin McQuillan wrote: We need to understand the role Valerie Jarrett plays in Obama’s private and political life. “If it wasn’t for Valerie Jarrett, there’d be no Barack Obama to complain about,” starts Klein’s chapter on Jarrett. He quotes Michelle Obama on Jarrett’s influence over her husband: “She knows the buttons, the soft spots, the history, the context.” No one outside Michelle has the access or power over Obama’s decision-making like Jarrett does. Here’s an odd little fact that gives some insight into what kind of president Obama is: Michelle, Michelle’s mother, and Valerie, and only a few others in Washington, are allowed to call Barack by his first name. After work, Jarrett joins Obama at night in the Family Quarters, where she dines often with the First Family. She goes on vacation with them. Jarrett’s title is the weird mouthful “Assistant to the President for Public Engagement and Intergovernmental Affairs.” She is the gatekeeper, but she is also much more than that. She occupies Karl Rove’s and Hillary’s old office and has an all-access pass to meetings. She shows up at the National Security Council, at meetings on the economy and budget. She stays behind to advise Obama on what to think and do. Obama uses her as his left-wing conscience. Klein’s sources describe how at each pressing issue, Obama turns to ask her, “What do you think the right thing to do is?” As president, he likes to have her next to him “as the voice of authentic blackness in a White House that is staffed largely by whites.” Every insider in Chicago told Klein the same thing: Jarrett has no qualifications to be the principal advisor to the president of the United States. She doesn’t understand how Washington works, how relations with Congress work, how the federal process works. She doesn’t understand how the economy works, how the military works, how national security works. But she understands how Obama works.

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