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Government Prepares for “unwillingness to follow government orders”

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posted on Aug, 12 2009 @ 09:17 PM

I have for the last year or so found it interesting that no one seemed to take not of bho talking about builiding 5 or 6 interment camps. He spoke of it during the primaries, during the presidential election and also after he was elected. Holder, his AG also spoke of it shortly after the election, making an effort to defend it.

Good part, had Bush tried this, he would of had the press astride his aft section in a big way. bho does it and it is ignored. They are already posting job openings to work in these camps. Check WND for the articles on it. They tell of the job posting areas,, a guard related site and such.

Life is getting way to exciting, I am not having fun.

Ole Sarge

posted on Aug, 12 2009 @ 09:49 PM
WB has done a wonderful job on notifying all on this issue, but I encourage everyone to investigate the following as their own sources of info:

Why? Because BARDA and other US govt entities implementing bio-warfare entities are involved... Notice that "new-fields" usually covers War Conferences and Safety Conferences

Please look at *all* of the resources involved in this undertaking and see how it effects *your* perceptions...then post here; I have an idea that this is more than the OP even thinks it is...but we need to hear what ya think
Thank you!!

posted on Aug, 12 2009 @ 09:52 PM
reply to post by sonjah1

share your thoughts

posted on Aug, 12 2009 @ 10:10 PM
reply to post by warrenb

What got my "movement' thinking going was that certain people were concerned about this conference making references to "Bird Flu," and are the PTB not telling us

I don't want to de-emphasize what you OP'ed but rather support ya...for instance the same war conferences delivered by this same darn group...perhaps it's because BHO funded swine flu under a wars bill??

In other words, warrenb, have you looked at those conferences, and what do you think? Most Definitely Favor your OP but want to hear from you and others b/c I think there is much more there

[edit on 12-8-2009 by sonjah1]

posted on Aug, 12 2009 @ 11:59 PM

Originally posted by jtma508
Yea I get it... the swine flu is a hyped-up cold, the gov't is going to use it as an excuse to enslave the country and big Pharma needs a new pair of shoes so they're going to cash-in on this fabricated sneeze-fest. All could be true.

Imagine a situation where all of a sudden people start falling ill at rates even higher than what we've been seeing in the UK and elsewhere --- not even a modest stretch. Imagine also that we suddenly see a significant increase in the severity of the disease and people start dying at an alarming rate. The 1918 Spanish Flu infected some 500 million people and resulted in between 50 and 100 million deaths. Roughly one-in-five died. Imagine coming to realize that we were suddenly in that kind of scenario.

Have you seen or do you personally know of anyone in Europe that has died from this "swine flu" or has become ill WITHOUT being vaccinated with it? Or are you refering to MSM reports that are all lies and propoganda?

Where do you get your numbers? ONLY 20 million were infected and died. And it was ALL THOSE VACCINATED people. You have to remember that the virus is a MAN MADE virus. It does not appear naturally in nature. This again is something that just blows my mind about people.

Like Jack LaLane once stated so clearly, "ALL disease is man made." Thats a fact Jack.

Georgia Guidestones, global depopulation, whatever you want to call it, they are caught with their hands in their pants and THEY are the ones in a corner. The Elite have been outed and the patsies have been busted. We know what they want and we know what they are up to. The only thing they can do now is get rid of most of us who know and will fight.

What is so hard to understand about that? Of course they will hold this conference. I would certainly hope that there are some intelligent police officers and military officials out there that say "No Way" are WE going through with this. Use of the UN forces would then be necessary and obvious that this altogether something else. Depopulation.

posted on Aug, 13 2009 @ 02:07 AM

Originally posted by TreadUpon

Everyplace from townhalls to ATS "have been infiltrated by right wing extremists" who are all racist, fascist, bigot, homophobes...

Heh, almost had me jumpin the gun there with all that stuff, until I read the rest of it did it make perfect sense.

posted on Aug, 13 2009 @ 06:45 AM
“Isolate prisons and other facilities.”

first 3 inmates should be George W, Cheney, and Rummy

followed by the remaining republicans

posted on Aug, 13 2009 @ 06:59 AM
reply to post by exile1981

She also said that her principal told her that the student shots would be done one day at school and parents would get a notice sent home with the kids saying they had been vaccinated. This last bit I suspect may be the principal's interpretation of the way it is going to be done and I don't think he has any real knowledge about it. If he isn't talking out of his a*s then we have a serious problem here in Alberta.

This is based on pass experience I think.

I can remember all the kids going to the gym and filing past the doctor to get the Salk Vaccine. My childhood memory is the doctor screwing up and putting the needle completely through the arm of the kid in front of me, but that is probably the memory of nightmares about a tramatic day. However it could be true. I weighed 30 pounds at the time, she was smaller than I was and VERY thin (malnutrition I think)

posted on Aug, 13 2009 @ 07:58 AM
reply to post by badmedia

.... it's going to be the people who trust them and such that get it. And the ones who don't who do not get it. So, if you killed/hurt the ones who obey, then all you are left with is a bunch of people who do not obey. And that seems to be a bit counter productive is it not?

It doesn't make much sense to me.

That is real simple.

The Sheeple, (the children, college students, corporate workers) get the real working vaccination. The forced vaccinations and vaccinations for old folks homes and welfare is an entirely different beast: Bio-weapon to some and saline solution to others so it progresses naturally. (The vaccine has been tested, people are up on charges for unauthorized testing of a vaccine in Europe)

One issue that is overlooked in all this is Social Security and the first world replacement birth rate. The replacement birth rate for American citizens is very close to 2.1, ie no population growth so the USA will not have the money to pay the SS$ to the baby-boomers who will be retiring in a couple of years. The PTB HAVE to cull the old folks and the useless eaters on welfare or the whole Ponsi scheme called Social Security and welfare is going to collapse and take the republican and democratic parties with it. The same holds true in Europe.

By the way the falling birth rate and therefore the lack of "qualified" buyers explains why banks were making toxic loans. They needed to keep the demand up for new building and for loans. That is also why foreclosed houses, even new ones are being bulldozed. Bank loans are "fairy dust" just an accounting entry. Banks CREATE money, so they do not lose a thing when they bulldoze the house.

Today, about 13 percent of Americans are over age 65. By 2030, more than 20 percent of Americans will be in that group. By 2050, about 89 million Americans will be over age 65, more than double the number today. [about 25% ?] Source

All the "population explosion" tripe is just that, tripe. The population may grow in third world countries but famine and pandemics generally kick in to cull the excess. In first world countries with good health care the birthrate has fallen below replacement and that is why we see all the immigration from second and third world countries. The corporations need workers.

The side effect of the falling birth rate is the rise in the percentage of old folks. THAT is the problem the PTB want to take care of.

In the United States fertility has been falling for 200 years (except for the blip of the Baby Boom), but partly because of immigration it has stayed only slightly below replacement level for twenty-five years.

Obviously, if for many generations the birth rate averages fewer than 2.1 children per woman, population must eventually stop growing. Recently the United Nations Population Division estimated that 44 percent of the world's people live in countries where the fertility rate has already fallen below the replacement rate, and fertility is falling fast almost everywhere else Source

Here is the link to the site about the lawsuit. It is a real eyeopener Source

posted on Aug, 13 2009 @ 08:07 AM

Originally posted by mnemeth1
great find.

While I believe the swine flu itself to be a total crock of nonsense, I think they are going to use it as an excuse to lock this country down to keep the protests and food riots from getting out of hand as they further implode the economy.

I have no doubt they know what is coming and are looking for ways to deal with the civil unrest that is going to take place.

But be careful, my friend, it may not be nonsense.

posted on Aug, 13 2009 @ 08:09 AM

Originally posted by marg6043

Originally posted by Tentickles
If it gets out of control, there is no doubt in my mind that the governmnet will trample on a ton of peoples rights.

No telling what a government like this one is willing to do.

No telling also what a population in a situation like this will be willing to do to take their governemnt back,

At least I know that gun sales has gun up, that means that if government turns dictatorial people will have not problem showing no only their teeths but their guns.

For those who are 'christians", however, Jesus said to obey the government. He was opposed to civil disobedience.

posted on Aug, 13 2009 @ 08:33 AM
reply to post by hisshadow

“Isolate prisons and other facilities.” first 3 inmates should be George W, Cheney, and Rummy followed by the remaining republicans

You forgot
Followed by all the Democrat Politicians and lastly all the Lobbyists. Read what "Bill" has to say about his trip to DC to talk to Congress. It is a real eye opener ATS

posted on Aug, 13 2009 @ 08:34 AM
reply to post by aero56

Wasn't Jesus kicking the money changers out of the temple an act of civil disobedience?

Personally, I couldn't care less about WWJD. Even if Big J came down and said we all need to get jabbed, I'm still running from the vaccine.

All the evidence screams that the MSM, WHO, government and Baxter/Novartis are all lying through their asses. Did I forget anyone?

I can't convince anyone about this. It's your call. Do the research and make your call, it's your choice. I know what I will do when the time comes.

Fight like hell.

posted on Aug, 13 2009 @ 08:47 AM
reply to post by crimvelvet

Here's a few more to add to the list:

PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA*THE WHITE HOUSE *20500 Washington, D.C.**and*DAVID NABARRO*UNITED NATIONS*760 United Nations Plaza, *New York, NY 10017**and*DR. MARGARET CHAN*WORLD HEALTH ORGANISATION*Avenue Appia 20*1211 Geneva 27, Switzerland**and*KATHLEEN SIBELIUS*SECRETARY OF HEALTH AND *HUMAN SERVICES*200 Independence Avenue, S.W.*Washington, D.C. 20201,**and*JANET NAPOLITANO *DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY *1000 De fence Pentagon*Washington, D.C. 20301 DR. MARGARET HAMBURG *COMMISSIONER*FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION *5600 Fishers Lane*Rockville, Maryland 20857-0001**and*ROBERT PARKINSON*CEO, BAXTER INT.,Baxter International, head quartered in Deerfield, IL, USA**and*DANIEL VASSELLA*CEO, NOVARTIS INTERNATIONAL AG*CH-4002 Basel, Switzerland**and*CHRIS VIEHBACHER*CEO SANOFI AVENTIS *160-180, avenue de France, 75008 ParisFrance**and*ANDREW WITTY*CEO GSK PLC*One Franklin PlazaPhiladelphia PA 19101 RAHUL SINGHVI*CEO NOVAVAX*9920 Belward Campus Drive, Rockville, MD 20850**and*DAVID DE ROTHSCHILD *Managing Partner, Rothschild & Cie Banque*Rothschild Inc, 1251 Avenue of the Americas51st floor, NY 10020 **and*DAVID ROCKEFELLER*Honorary North American ChairmanTRILATERAL COMMISSION*1156 Fifteenth Street, NW, Washington, DC 20005**and*GEORGE W. BUSH *10141 Daria PlaceDallas, TX 75229**and*GEORGE SOROS*Chairman of Soros Fund Management, LLC*888 7th Ave., 33rd Fl. New York, NY 10106**and*WILLIAM HENRY GATES III*BILL AND MELINDA GATES FOUNDATION *PO Box 23350, Seattle, WA 9810

Jane's Lawsuit

Let's see all these guys take the same damned vaccination they want to give us. Let THEM be the guinea pigs. I'd personally like to jab that biotch Napolitano although I would be happy administering poison to anyone on said list. I would feel no remorse - these are crimes against humanity and they should pay.

Actually, it hasn't happened, yet, so it's conspiracy to commit crimes against humanity. So, jab them and if they die, they were guilty. If not, they live. Seems fair to me.

posted on Aug, 13 2009 @ 01:06 PM
reply to post by Dr.Venkman

umm, well..... mabey you aren't a parent, but I am not willing to take the risk that MY child ends up being one of the "few" mamed by a vaccine, or MYSELF, because my son needs me.

I was on babycenter for a few yaers during my pregnanyct and EVERY case of sids was the day of or just following vaccinations...

It was actually all the deaths of these babies and children that made me leave the was horrifying.

Also, when my son was born, I was already opposed to vaccinations. I loked my dostor in the eye and asked "honestly, would YOU get a vaccination these days, do you think we shouldn't?" she knodded at me with a VERY serious look on her face that said "DON'T do it", as she said aloud, that she wasn't aloud to make recomendations either way...

posted on Aug, 13 2009 @ 08:17 PM

posted on Aug, 13 2009 @ 10:32 PM
reply to post by Roadblockx

dang, the link is brokened......dern darnmit!

posted on Aug, 13 2009 @ 10:32 PM
reply to post by Roadblockx

dang, the link is brokened......dern darnmit!

posted on Aug, 13 2009 @ 11:05 PM

Originally posted by Ole Sarge


I have for the last year or so found it interesting that no one seemed to take not of bho talking about builiding 5 or 6 interment camps. He spoke of it during the primaries, during the presidential election and also after he was elected. Holder, his AG also spoke of it shortly after the election, making an effort to defend it.

Good part, had Bush tried this, he would of had the press astride his aft section in a big way. bho does it and it is ignored. They are already posting job openings to work in these camps. Check WND for the articles on it. They tell of the job posting areas,, a guard related site and such.

Life is getting way to exciting, I am not having fun.

Ole Sarge

Do you have links for that?

Token second line

[edit on 8/13/2009 by Lemon.Fresh]

posted on Aug, 14 2009 @ 10:54 AM
reply to post by sonjah1

I think there is much more to the whole swine flu than people are being told.
With the economic crisis, I believe that resources will shortly become scarce.
TPTB are preparing for discontent because it is coming but it will be over a plethora of issues including but not limited to: oil, gas, food and energy shortages. Populations are spread out over vast areas and getting supplies to places with low populations (compared to mega cities) will be put on the back burner as the gov tries to get supplies to the cities.

There is much we are not being told, the only way to ensure your personal continued existence is to be prepared for the worst. If the worst does not happen then at least you were ready but if it does happen you'll survive longer than others.

I find it amusing that people still believe the gov has their best interests in mind. One has only to look at the last 50-60 years to see that they have only their own interests in mind. From foreign coup d'etats, wars for resources, constitutional amendments and a host of others, prove beyond a doubt to me at least, that they don't give a rats ass about us.

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