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Letter from the Whitehouse (so it begins)

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posted on Aug, 10 2009 @ 05:32 PM
reply to post by maybereal11

ahh yeah i remember that.........and i remember that it was the media saying things like this.......

NOT advertisements presented and pushed BY the whitehouse! The whitehouse wasnt as blatant as this administration for marginalizing peoples concerns and condemning them for their view points.....

Its one thing for a news organization to say something biased, we expect that.....but when an administration is actively trying to silence the opposition through conferences and PAID advertisements BY the administration, thats a little far dont you think?

As far as "imbedding reporters" ahh the media chose to go do its war reporting over seas with troops , that is kind of their own choice.

And if you dont recall, a lot of those reports were against the war in Iraq, just as some were in favor of it.

We can sit here all day long and blame this on Bush or anyone else...But anyone with a thimble full of sense can see that this administration has done WAY more to silence, marginalize, and discredit anyone who does not agree with what the administration is doing......

I really dont know what else to say, if this isnt apparent to people then they are either completely brainwashed or arent paying attention.....

Im not saying the things Bush did was good, not by any means.....what i DO know is that the situation we are in right now is considerably escalated

posted on Aug, 10 2009 @ 05:35 PM

Originally posted by die_another_day
Americans deserved this. You guys chose your own form of government and who's in it....

See this is where the problem stems. The masses tried to elect a change to how messed up the former administration was. A change in another wrong direction is not what they wanted. The masses are lied to again and again, and this will not change. They elected someone an idea of change, to the corruption. But we are seeing equal amounts of corruption. But it's worse now.

The difference is now, you try and criticize the administration but you're labeled racist. Dangerous. Pelosi has said that the Healthcare protesters are


Where the hell is healthy debate? Why am I a un-american racist because I disagree? Seems rather pathetic that they are basically name calling all the opposition. Which is technically hate speech. odd.

White House fights back online against opponents of heath-care reform

The new White House website is aimed at shooing away all manner of bogeymen.

So I'm a bogeyman?

Seems like propaganda is in full effect. Talk about dividing and demonizing one side of a debate. Why?

So this is change.....

[edit on 10-8-2009 by squidboy]

posted on Aug, 10 2009 @ 05:41 PM
Actually, it seems that the government is trying to CALM citizens down.

They're right that we shouldn't buy into the hype. Too many Americans depend on the MSM for the "news"

posted on Aug, 10 2009 @ 05:44 PM
It's not just everyday American citizens who are getting pressured applied to them:

Stein wrote that he was informed that budgetary issues had forced the paper to cut his column to once every four weeks, but that he believes two other issues played prominently in his dismissal:

But the two main things, as I see them, were that I started criticizing Mr. Obama quite sharply over his policies and practices. I had tried to do this before over the firing of Rick Wagoner from the Chairmanship of GM. My column had questioned whether there was a legal basis for the firing by the government, what law allowed or authorized the federal government to fire the head of what was then a private company, and just where the Obama administration thought their limits were, if anywhere. This column was flat out nixed by my editors at the Times because in their opinion Mr. Obama inherently had such powers.

There seems to be an overall picture being painted here that if you're critical of Obama, watch out.

posted on Aug, 10 2009 @ 05:47 PM
reply to post by squidboy

A lot of people said the same thing to the war protesters in the last administration.......which I think was wrong also......

However I dont think the administration should be making these kind of comments and advocating "quieting the mob"

Most peopel that voted for Obama did so because they DID want change, they had faith in him, they thought he was a good person, with strong morals, and would do what he said he would. He was an unknown, an underdog, one of "us"

That all turned into Change......but a change no one wanted.....

I think that if the huge Obama supporters really knew what could happen with everything hes doing, they wouldnt support him anymore..

They arent bad people, i just dont think they know, they still think he has their interests at heart, but he doesnt, its all power and money to these people.....

His supporters(besides the politicians)dont want America to be destroyed, and our liberties taken away, anymore then we do, they just havent been made aware yet, and i hope that they see the light before its too late....

posted on Aug, 10 2009 @ 06:06 PM
reply to post by ManBehindTheMask

People need to wake up. The REPUBLIC is in danger of being lost to people who believe that Government should take care of everyone, everything.

Barack Hussein Obama, by a psychic feeling I had during the campaign while watching him during one of the debates, has finally been identified. A video has emerged on YouTube and elsewhere that pointed gets into Scripture and specifically quoted by something Christ himself said, that when taken into context and used with Strongs Concordance and Hebrew word lexicons, identifies the Anti-Christ as "Baraq Bamah" (Barack Obama). I have known this man is the Anti-Messiah. His mission and message is crystal clear. Tear down world governments and install his version of world domination and control everything you do, including buying and selling of food and goods, your healthcare and everything else.

Anti-Christ / Anti-Messiah means copy cat, doppleganger, deceiver. He cannot tell you the truth and wont ever tell you the truth. Only Lies !!!

posted on Aug, 10 2009 @ 06:20 PM
reply to post by Evisscerator

You are entitled to your beliefs, but i dont advocate anyone saying hes the antichrist...

Its off topic, but i appreciate your input

posted on Aug, 10 2009 @ 06:25 PM
I've been reading numerous posts about how terrible Bush was, etc.

So what?

Since when do we judge a President and his agenda on how terrible his predecessor was? So on a scale of 1 to 10, if Bush was a 1...then Obama only has to be a 2?

C'mon, people. BECAUSE Bush was so bad, we should expect, and demand, that Obama be THAT MUCH BETTER.

Further, one of the worst things Bush did was send us to war in Iraq. Not only was it an unnecessary loss of a great number of peoples' lives, it was financially devastating. So ask yourself this: If Obama really wanted to right the wrongs of Bush, perhaps he should have started with NOT INVADING AFGANISTAN. We could have saved the money AND saved the lives that are continuing to be lost. Instead, we are AGAIN wrapped up in a war we have no business being in, that will drag on and on. And, the bombs continue to explode in really, what was the point?

And let's not even begin to talk about the double-speak that runs rampant in this current administration. Last time I checked, WE STILL HAVE TROOPS IN IRAQ.

If this healthcare reform goes through, you are dragging MORE PEOPLE DOWN than you are actually helping. And what the heck happened to healthcare for 100% of it's OK to only help 97%? How, with a budget well into the TRILLIONS, do you still manage to leave out 3%? At the very least, NO PLAN SHOULD EVEN BE CONSIDERED unless it addresses the needs of 100% of ALL Americans. Period.

posted on Aug, 10 2009 @ 06:42 PM
This administration takes the position that since they were "voted in", that means everything they want to do has been pre-approved by "we the people". NOT THE CASE. This, to me, is just another example. They want approval on "health care" but don't even want to give you the details (which they don't even know yet). Much like the stimulus. Who in their right minds would give billions to a bank without any restrictions on what they do with it??? Hell...I wouldn't give a huge amount of money to my own Father without some rules and understandings (yes...that actually happened).

Forgetting that I didn't vote for the guy, nor his administration, this has to stop. We are the people that pay them and we are their bosses. Forget who is in office...fight for the get the power back to nail or fire these idiots when they try to force things on us. That can't be allowed for any administration. If it becomes a dictatorship.

They will take the position that since they were "voted in", they have the approval to do whatever, spend whatever, pass whatever laws, etc. to stay there. That isn't how America is supposed to work! At least not the America I remember.

posted on Aug, 10 2009 @ 06:50 PM
Ask the question: "Who has the most to lose?"

It seems insurance companies will be hurting big time.

posted on Aug, 10 2009 @ 06:52 PM

Originally posted by ManBehindTheMask

Well , looks like it has begun people....

Whats is that? You seem to be freaking out over a rather, in your words, innocent, letter.

I just got my first email from the white house today. Telling me not to believe in the hype, not to buy in to the disinfo.

They are not suppose to try to clarify the legislation they are proposing and point out any erroneous information that is being circulated in opposition to it?

Even if there is honest information going around, they are not entitled to try to counter it and show why their 'ideas' are still sound?

Why the heck not?

People need to wake up and realize what exactly is going on here. NEVER in recent history has an administration actively sent out emails to try and dissuade people from listening to an opposing side of an issue, this is unprecedented!

Dissuade? It didn't seem like they were telling you where to go for information it looked like they were offering up information that clarified or countered other sources of information. Rather harmless IMHO.

The use of web based technology is only gong to become more and more prevalent as the internet continues to grow in its scope and usage. This should not be alarming or shocking.

Since when do we try to actively shut down an opposing view DIRECTLY from the white house?

All the time mate. you don't think the White House has ever been engaged in politics? Really?

What happen to this administrations policy of TRANSPARENCY and OPEN TALKS, about issues that we dont agree on? Why instead of having these issues talked over, are they instead trying to assassinate the integrity of people who have opposing views?

How is this NOT 'open' and 'transparent'. You know who it is coming from, what it's intention is, and the like. What in this is secretive and opaque?

So instead of the regular debates that we use to have......the White House is actually ACTIVELY spreading propaganda through mass emails and the MSM? I can think of one time in history this happened.......and it didnt turn out well........

I am sorry but at this point you are simply being intentionally alarmist and trying to sew outrage and distrust. Our government has ALWAYS been in the business of spreading PROPAGANDA. That is how it operates. Perhaps you fear this propaganda because it is for an issue you are against, fine, but from what I have seen it is simply a honest representation of the facts and in that case really even hardly propaganda.

Wake up people, this is getting way to damn scary, and we are walking a thin line......we have to stop this, we have to get a hold of our local politicians and work our way up, this cannot go on any longer.........

Or what? Come on mate. What is really rather disturbing is that you see this as such a threat. If you are that scared of the government perhaps a move to a less government controlled country such as Somalia would be of benefit to your psyche.

This may look innocent, but the undertone of this email to ME is clear. Its not so much the "innocent" nature of this email that bugs me, but what it signifies.....we have to have some foresight when we look at things like this, and see the bigger picture......

What is clear to you? What does it signify? What IS the bigger picture?

Make no mistake, this isnt just a friendly email from your "neighborhood" White House, just trying to get out the "good word". This is proof of an active internet and media campaign to try and undermine anyone trying to get the word out on what is exactly in this health care bill!

This is a media campaign alright, one aimed at spreading information on legislation being proposed. If it undermines anyone it is simply because it has an alternate view, and as this IS suppose to be the land of the free I thought we had no problems with that?

Honestly I think the reason your upset is that it dispels myths being perpetuated to try to smash the public option. For what other reason could such a transparent and open document have created such a tremendous response of anger and fear?

[edit on 10-8-2009 by Animal]

posted on Aug, 10 2009 @ 06:54 PM
Lets see...conspiracy here? nope.

perhaps you can find a better forum for crying about how you dont like Democracy.

posted on Aug, 10 2009 @ 07:03 PM
Well there is a good side to this. Hopefully the "Congress" will realize that such a weapon can be used to email the truth to their constituents. Those in congress who are being blackmailed or extorted etc., can counter anything in the Media that would be leveraged against them with letters and emails to their constituents. Not that they will but they could.

posted on Aug, 10 2009 @ 07:24 PM

Originally posted by GorehoundLarry
Actually, it seems that the government is trying to CALM citizens down.

They're right that we shouldn't buy into the hype. Too many Americans depend on the MSM for the "news"

I think there are some people that just can't be calmed down when they view their government as "hostile" to them.

No matter how much you try to patronize these people, they are going to be suspicious and paranoid because it's not "THEIR" government. Nevermind that the current government was elected, because Democracy only works for you when your guy wins.

I'm amazed at how easy it is for a few bad apples to spoil the bunch, but it's true in this case. It's harder to educate them, it's harder to sway them, and it's harder to talk to them. They don't want change you can't force it on them, but they're more than happy to block the change for everyone else.

I'm just glad that the crazies LOOK and act crazy. They're easier to identify as people to ignore.

posted on Aug, 10 2009 @ 07:24 PM
I would just like to see a copy of Obama's own health care plan for himself and his family. Even a congressman's health care plan. I would like to see what it is that Obama campaigned on and what he is actually offering us. Remember? Every American should have the same health care as congress. I want to see their health care plans. We should focus on what we were promised.

posted on Aug, 10 2009 @ 07:25 PM
I don't now why everyone is so hellbent on healthcare right now anyway. That in itslef seems to be a distraction. How about getting our jobs and economy fixed first. Who the hell is going to need healthcare anyway when even if we had it.......none of us could afford it anyway. If you want to go the medical route maybe they should spend more time on the issue of personal wills. Most of us will probably be dead in the grave before we will have to worry about healthcare. They never cared about it before, it was always just something to complain about between parties and sat on the back burner and war was important, business in other countries was important, taxes and fraud were important, healthcare (although talked about alot) was not really a staple concern. Now that we are broke and destitute as a nation and in the process of debt and more debt on it's way.........NOW HEALTHCARE IS THE MAJOR CONCERN? I know I have no money for healthcare even if it were reformed. As far as healthcare for the future? HA HA.....what future?

posted on Aug, 10 2009 @ 07:27 PM
arent there laws against spam ???

posted on Aug, 10 2009 @ 07:34 PM
reply to post by anonymouse11

arent there laws against spam ???

Even if there were, the government exempts themselves from all sorts of laws.

posted on Aug, 10 2009 @ 07:35 PM

Originally posted by Evisscerator
reply to post by ManBehindTheMask

People need to wake up. The REPUBLIC is in danger of being lost to people who believe that Government should take care of everyone, everything.

Barack Hussein Obama, by a psychic feeling I had during the campaign while watching him during one of the debates, has finally been identified. A video has emerged on YouTube and elsewhere that pointed gets into Scripture and specifically quoted by something Christ himself said, that when taken into context and used with Strongs Concordance and Hebrew word lexicons, identifies the Anti-Christ as "Baraq Bamah" (Barack Obama). I have known this man is the Anti-Messiah. His mission and message is crystal clear. Tear down world governments and install his version of world domination and control everything you do, including buying and selling of food and goods, your healthcare and everything else.

Anti-Christ / Anti-Messiah means copy cat, doppleganger, deceiver. He cannot tell you the truth and wont ever tell you the truth. Only Lies !!!

By all means, if it's a video on YouTube, then it MUST be true.

Too many people show they're like sheep and are just ready to follow anyone whose only qualification is that they have a channel on YouTube.

The true enlightened pick up books and do the research on their own. Otherwise, you're just another lemming heading over the cliff...

Great job on stirring up the religious folks though... They'll be in a frenzy, I'm sure...

posted on Aug, 10 2009 @ 07:39 PM

Originally posted by suigeneris
I would just like to see a copy of Obama's own health care plan for himself and his family. Even a congressman's health care plan. I would like to see what it is that Obama campaigned on and what he is actually offering us. Remember? Every American should have the same health care as congress. I want to see their health care plans. We should focus on what we were promised.

In the case where something is mandated, the people making the laws, need to use what they mandate and then stick with that for a certain number of years.

In the case where it is optional as this health care plan is, I don't think it makes a difference what plan they have. If I'm not required to have it, then to each his or her own.

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