reply to post by LoneGunMan
This is something I don't understand from some people such as yourself.
Did you actually know that this nation was founded by Christians who saw themselves as Republicans?
Do people like you have any idea of what being a Republican really means?
It doesn't mean being a Christian, I am not a Christian.
It doesn't mean being pro-corporate. Corporations should not be above the law, and they certainly should not be in power.
Being a Republican means being an advocate of the Republic, which is what the United States of America is.
Being a Republican is being against all forms of dictatorships.
Being a Republican is believing in defending, and upholding the Constitution of the United States, the Bill of Rights within it and understanding what
the forefathers of this nation meant when they wrote the Declaration of independence.
I wonder why there are some people, including Americans who faint at the mention of the word "GUN", or the fact that the forefathers of this nation
saw it wise to give as a right to all future generations of Americans " the right to own and bear arms" among others.
I'll continue being a Republican until the day I die even if the Republican party ceases to exist, and you know why? because being a Republican
doesn't depend on a party which for the most part has succumbed to greed just like all Democrats in power have.
Even if there was just one party called "the Demoliberals" i will still see myself as a Republican because i believe in the principles which the
forefathers of this nation believed in, and I believe that the best way of government is a Republican form of government, and not a Socialist
dictatorship, nor even a Corpocracy.
Not all Republicans are Christians, nor even "bible thumpers" like some people like to claim.
Being a Republican doesn't mean i agree with everything every Republican does, or say and certainly it doens't mean I will follow the Republican
party into a well if they all line up and jumped in, but i will continue being a Republican.
Are there bad Republicans? sure, just like there are bad Liberals, and bad Democrats.
You say you don't like Republicans, or the "right" because you claim "they just regurgitate the MSM", but how many Liberals keep cheering for
president Obama and the current administration even thou in 8 months the current administration has shown itself to be worse than any other?
The current administration has screwed up everything they stucked their nose in, you think they will do better in healthcare?...
As to "these new regulations" that the mod who responded to your post was mentioning. I hope this is not the same thing that happened last time
when "the right" was demonized and at least some fo the staff members agreed on allowing this to happen. You know why? because you will be simply
demonizing a group of people who don't all fall into one label, and this will only be a form of supression against a group of people for their
belief. Do you really want to do that?