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ATS has been invaded

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posted on Aug, 10 2009 @ 02:21 AM

Originally posted by ProtoplasmicTraveler
Just a thought but perhaps this invasion of ATS by the political right and the political left is a good thing if…

Those of us who know better and aren’t trapped by the left/right paradigm and propaganda brainwashing machine keep on keeping on by trying to wake these people up and lift them out of the trap.

They came here for a reason to argue politics in one of the most carefully watched elections with one of the largest turnouts in a long time.

They came here because they are scared, the came here because they wanted to fight for something, but most of all they came here wanting to be heard thinking that what they have to say should be heard, because it could make a difference and the world a better place.

Well said, Protoplasmic. You have alot of food for thought. I agree with your post. You seem to have reached a level of lucidity unmatched by most around here. Very refreshing.

posted on Aug, 10 2009 @ 02:25 AM
This is the price we pay for fame.Sadly the more well known ATS becomes the more left/right idealists and bible thumpers come since we are known as the biggest conspiracy theory site on the web where else will these self-pointed apostles go to "save souls"?

posted on Aug, 10 2009 @ 02:25 AM
reply to post by Yummy Freelunch

I'm glad I'm not the only one that has notice this too. There has always been murder and suicides, but when everything is going good we don't pay attention.

I like to think of the saying, "Misery loves company". It seems a lot of people are not even thinking about what is going on around them, they like to say they do, but in reality they are too eager to point a finger instead of taking a step back and looking objectively of the whole situation.

We are in a pivotal moment in history and I still see threads that pop up all the time that people would consider true to ATS, but it seems like people don't want to look for those posts.

I might not be that old, but I have figured out we do shape our own reality it is what you chose to see, for the most part, but in these times we are in there is not really much good to see, people are losing their jobs, unemployment benefits, homes, families, etc.

As you said, the tension is tight, tempers are short, something is going to break eventually.

posted on Aug, 10 2009 @ 02:27 AM


posted on Aug, 10 2009 @ 02:27 AM
[edit on 10-8-2009 by alien]

posted on Aug, 10 2009 @ 02:30 AM
So you're saying that now that some people disagree with you, you're not happy with ATS?

"Like-minded people" are highly overrated. All they do is to confirm your own prejudices and opinions, without challenging you. Those who disagree are actually doing you a huge favor. They are questioning your beliefs, forcing you to rethink them and, perhaps, change them. Well, not *forcing* you to do that. No one can force you to think. So let's just say that people who disagree with you are giving you the *opportunity* to think about your assumptions and beliefs. Or, if you don't want to think, you can just dismiss people as "mindless media drones/zombies".

People who believe in MSM might do so because they know something you don't know. Or, more likely, they may not know what you know. Instead of insulting them, perhaps you could explain to them why MSM isn't as reliable and truthful as they believe. Or, perhaps they could explain to you why they *are* reliable. Even if they wind up not changing their views, you've presented yours logically. Others may benefit; and you are able to summarize, once more, what information led you to your conclusions. Everyone wins.

If people just insult one another, no useful information is shared, and everyone loses.

posted on Aug, 10 2009 @ 02:31 AM
You're kidding right? It really is pretty immature to call Christian people, or right wing people - ZOMBIES. Why on Earth would you object to a persons right to have an opinion on a matter. We can't all agree on everything but in the differing opinions and discourse we absolutely have a better chance of discovering the truth then a group of people who all agree with each other from the word go.

Your tone disturbs me. Within it there seems to be an implication that anyone who does not share your opinion should be lined up against the wall and shot. I'm sorry for you if this is how you feel, but the thing most odd about this is that you have stated that you have literally participated in ATS for over four years... It seems to me that somehow in someway you have, for over four years, missed the point. ATS is about giving people the opportunity to freely voice their opinion within the scope of subtle rules.

If you somehow feel slighted because your opinion is not shared all of the time by other members, then maybe you need to review the concept of free speech and take your little behind to some rag that only allows one opinion - like the Huffington Post.

Either way, if someone can spend four years in a free speech forum and not get that free speech allows different opinions, then I don't think we have lost much by your departure... Please don't leave the door open when you go, we're not here to cool the whole neighborhood.

posted on Aug, 10 2009 @ 02:34 AM
reply to post by fraterormus

I absolutely agree with you. I myself have only been on here for a short amount of time but have witnessed the sudden shift from ATS being informative to just cheap propaganda.

ATS itself has seemed to come to cater to these mindless threads by releasing and thereby propagating their own "Bash Obama" videos and threads.

I also agree that it is up to us to change it. Lets force them out and reclaim what we all initially came here for. Lets make it a point to not patron any of these threads and give it no attention for this is the best way to eradicate this nonsense. Lets not give them any energy, any momentum, and they will disintegrate from within.

A Flower For YOU.

posted on Aug, 10 2009 @ 02:35 AM
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler
A good point ProtoplasmicTraveler but,I have come to the conclusion that since so many on the left and right are so willfully ignorant about the fact that the game is indeed fixed and it does not matter who is really in control of the White House,Congress,ect.that they immediately either attack you or call you a "conspiracy nut".We should leave them to their fates and try and wake up those are open minded enough to know or at least sense that something is truly rotten in the world.

posted on Aug, 10 2009 @ 02:36 AM
I am in total agreement with LoneGunMan. I come here to be educated and possibly enlightened. The name of the site is "Above Top Secret", so what is top secret about democrats hating republicans, jews hating abrabs, everyone going broke, and gun nuts love guns? These are things that are common knowledge and do not fall within the classification of being "Above Top Secret". This is not a political platform, I really don't care about anyone's political views, I come here to find out things that are not common knowledge or that can be obtained by turning on the TV. It's time to put things into perspective and get back to what this site is all about.

Originally posted by LoneGunMan
I have been on these boards for over four years now and I am getting so I cant stand to read anything here anymore.

This used to be the best site on the net for me. It had like minded people and enough skeptics to keep it all fun and interesting.

Since the last election though it has been simply invaded by the mindless mainsteam media drones/zombies and is not the same as it was.

It is not only not the same but every thread that has a slight political bend gets this flood of these mainstream zombies spewing the brainwashed crap the corporate think tanks want them to. I want my old ATS back. The place that I came to in order to get the information and balanced discussion of thinking people.

Most of these zombies seem to be the hard Christian right that have ruined almost everything in our country and let the corporations do what they want since the 80's. They are like a plague in our nation and now they are infecting ATS.

[edit on 9-8-2009 by LoneGunMan]

posted on Aug, 10 2009 @ 02:41 AM


posted on Aug, 10 2009 @ 02:49 AM
reply to post by JayinAR

Just because you say this thread is filth over and over again doesn't make it true. Instead of throwing in how much ATS has, in your opinion, sucked over the past while, you should either show the people you are arguing with some respect and put yourself on a higher level by not resorting to such "filthy" tactics or leave the thread entirely.

posted on Aug, 10 2009 @ 02:51 AM
reply to post by SonicInfinity

I've never said ATS sucks.

Try a little comprehension. I have praised this site throughout this thread.
In fact, from page one I have defended this forum.

[edit on 10-8-2009 by JayinAR]

[edit on 10-8-2009 by JayinAR]

posted on Aug, 10 2009 @ 03:01 AM
Alright, alright.
ATS is overrun by the CIA. There, everyone happy?
ATS is also the worst place on the internet. This is why I come here every day. What can I say, I'm a fool for punishment.

As long as nobody decides to slander me, I will bow out of participation here.

I'll leave you guys to your witch hunt.


posted on Aug, 10 2009 @ 03:02 AM
reply to post by LoneGunMan

This is the THIRD THREAD IN 48 HRS WITH THE EXACT SAME TOPIC. The only thing I am sick of is the self righteous members who believe they are above the rest.

Really getting old.

posted on Aug, 10 2009 @ 03:02 AM

Originally posted by mike dangerously
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler
A good point ProtoplasmicTraveler but,I have come to the conclusion that since so many on the left and right are so willfully ignorant about the fact that the game is indeed fixed and it does not matter who is really in control of the White House,Congress,ect.that they immediately either attack you or call you a "conspiracy nut".We should leave them to their fates and try and wake up those are open minded enough to know or at least sense that something is truly rotten in the world.

Alas my friend I am of the humble oppinion we are all bound by fate on one world as one people in one universe.

No one is beyond redemption, and the honest truth is that if we can't wake them up we will all ultimately suffer the same fate.

The world is at a tipping point, on a cusp of great change, on the cusp of a New Age, it will either slide into a deepening darkness and dispair and drag us all along with it (those of us who survive) or it will evolve into a more loving and wiser more hospitable and prosperous place.

We know our leaders and Masters do not want the latter. We know that they have trained the slaves to their systems and control very well.

No we won't convince a diehard republican or democrat stuck in the paradigm for 10, 20, 30, 40 or more years in 10 minutes, hours, days, months or even years to open their eyes and learn to think and look at things in broader and deeper and more perceptive terms.

Yet many of them are frustrated and truly scared and with good cause based on the current circumstances and reality on the ground. Many of them think that the right's way can turn that around, many of them think that the left's way can turn that around and that is why they battle each other so strenously and passionately even venomously. Each has been trained to see the other as the problem, each has been trained to see their sides way as the only solution.

Yet there is a problem in the fact that the right can not deny it left power under absymal circumstances. As time goes on the left will no longer be able to deny that it's solutions are not making things better but only making things worse.

The seeds of doubt are there, they still want to believe but for many its hope against hope for hopes sake and many suspect it and know it even as they cling to the illusion.

The ground is more fertile than you think because they could argue in forums on other sites absent those of us who wear tin foil hats, and talk about little heard government programs, and agencies, and scientific acheivements that are withheld and hidden from public knowledge and if acknowledge, disclosed and described falsely.

To get the bottom of the rabbit hole is a long and very frightening and disturbing trip that in the best of times most people would never venture into if they weren't a scholar, warrior, nomad.

Yet as life detoriates for them, and there are no real answers or solutions left or right, and reality as they begin to see it with their paychecks shrinking buying power, unemployment of their friends and loved ones, possibly even themselves, etc.,etc., with no hope on the horizon...

Looking down that rabbit hole becomes much more tempting, and the things they begin to discover much less frightening as it begins to provide better explanations for them as to just why their lives have detoriated to this point and seem to keep detoriating.

They are voluntarily exposing themselves to us, they want to be here, and in that process they are being exposed, and their eyes are opening at different speeds at different junctures in different ways.

We really do have to try to love them, and help them, and get them on that journey into wonderland, because they are wondering.

They have wandered because they are wondering.

Remember objections are just requests for more information no matter how the objections are made or raised or what verbage or emotion is put into them.

We must have faith in ourselves, and we must not waiver in our faith or all will be lost.

We never fail to fail because it's the easiest thing to do.

We all speak fondly and reminisently of what our nation and lives in it once were.

It was a nation born of men and women who rose to the occassion to the challenges and circumstances and the weight of those circumstances that saw in them the need to give every last measure of their devotion.

We can only prevail if we do the same.

The world is all bound together now through International Law and Corporations and Banks.

To save our nation, we have to save the world. The only thing that can save the world is our nation.

We must not fail, we must not give up, we must not doubt, and we must not give up on these lost and trapped souls stuck in the left/right trap.

If we can foolishly and wrongly travel around the globe to liberate other nations and peoples for all the wrong reasons.

We sure can liberate the people right here in our nation for all the right reasons.

Fight the good fight make it worth the price you pay, never give up, never surrender.

We can and will win, but that is the only path to victory, opening hearts and minds, freeing hearts and minds, elevating the collective consciousness and leaving no one behind.

I am dedicated to that propisition and shall be until my final breath.

posted on Aug, 10 2009 @ 03:02 AM

Originally posted by heyo
reply to post by carnival_of_souls2047

ats belongs to:

schroedinger's dog
.....and king9072 or whatever even tho he hates me kuz i luv jesus....Joking!!!!

Ahaha, there are definitely a few mods who have banned me in time passed that would disagree with my making of your list.

And there's no hate, I just don't agree with your religious views. I even expanded on something you said in a thread the other night, cause you were bang on the issue. Your a clever cat, just wish you would take more time to put your mind to work cause I know the results would be well worth sharing to this community. Additionally, if I recall correct your from BC and that always scores some points

But, as I scanned through these last few pages here, I notice that it has gone off track, and division has once against created squabbling. Now I just took the time to write a thread about this, but I see it demonstrated in this thread. And that's unfortunate. The longer we continue in this fashion, the slower we are to progress. Bottom line.

posted on Aug, 10 2009 @ 03:02 AM
I am quoting you...
"It is not only not the same but every thread that has a slight political bend gets this flood of these mainstream zombies"

"Most of these zombies seem to be the hard Christian right that have ruined almost everything in our country"

okay... im not christian... nor am i right-winged but doesn't your post have a slight political bend?!?! I totally see what your saying and agree... but from your post you seem no different than those your criticize... just a thought...

posted on Aug, 10 2009 @ 03:09 AM


posted on Aug, 10 2009 @ 03:15 AM
The best offense against all these sorts of posters and topics is simply to ignore them.

If you engage them, you make topics more active, and more likely to be read, etc.

Support and respond to the sorts of posts you want to see - intelligent, well thought out and researched opinions.. You'll find that the self defeating cycle will disappear if you just ignore it.

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