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I Would Side With the Serpent

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posted on Sep, 11 2009 @ 07:35 PM
reply to post by Keeper of Kheb

I feel that you have been fed false logic by a dogmatic institution and can't see that the Serpent was actually the good guy.
I guess we'll just have to agree to disagree, eh?

posted on Sep, 11 2009 @ 08:03 PM

Originally posted by DaisyAnne
reply to post by CJaKfOrEsT

Don't worry about it.
It will all be clear soon enough.



Sorrowed stored.

posted on Sep, 12 2009 @ 08:59 PM

Originally posted by JayinAR
reply to post by Keeper of Kheb

I feel that you have been fed false logic by a dogmatic institution and can't see that the Serpent was actually the good guy.
I guess we'll just have to agree to disagree, eh?

I'll agree to disagree but, i wasn't fed false logic by a dogmatic institution. I know what i know because i know God himself personally. I know my savior and he loves me. He loves you and will forgive you of all your sins just ask him and believe in Jesus and it will be done.

Consider this, the universe in its infinite expanse, the earth in all its wonder and all creation you can't consider the possibility that there is a God? Why do we struggle with Good and Evil here on earth? Is it for a purpose? Why live our lives, marry have children, gain friendships and have it all be for nothing? there is a purpose for life and God wants to share all of it with you. He created all the universe and put Man here to share in all its wonder. Ever consider this? What if Satan's evil works presented God with an opportunity to create a race that could fall and gain righteousness again?(Note: only theory but it is possible.)

A being that has been in sin and knows its evil and restored to righteousnes believing in a God that they could not see on Faith. what kind of dedication would that make him worthy of? Worthy to share the universe and everything God has planned for eternity? God is looking for people who can use Faith, as the bible teaches "The just shall live by Faith" "Without Faith it is impossible to please God" he is looking for people of faith.

I'm asking you to consider this in your heart, sincerely search what I am saying push aside all the that you've read and heard and listen deep down in your heart on what is true. The most important things come from our hearts. The ability to Love, Forgive, Laugh, & have peace the most powerful things in our lives, search it and give God a chance he won't let you down. I tell you that the moment you confess and believe in Jesus your life will be forever changed it will be like you are a new being the power of God will come upon you and I pray that a move of God will being in your life like you have never known before.


posted on Sep, 13 2009 @ 12:35 AM

Originally posted by DaisyAnne
(e.g. Ezekiel 9:5, Exodus 12:29, Leviticus 26:21-22, Deuteronomy 2:34, 28:15 etc.)

I'd like to apologise for what would know doubt appear to be "stringing you along". After much consideration I am declining to answer these verses for a number of reasons.

1) My personal circumstances have become increasingly chaotic of late
2) What I post would likely either fall on deaf ears or be taken grossly out of context
3) According to 2 Corinthians 4:4 anything of anything of Divine origin would be indecipherable to any but those who are regenerated of the Holy Spirit, having repented of sin and place their trust in Christ's sacrifice for salvation

My sole motivation for posting here was that a Christian voice be heard, giving an answer to what is being put forward, in the event that a Christian, who is young in the faith, can see that such an answer doesn't require that we shut off our brain and pretend that the issues don't exist. Not that I'm the only one. I have enjoyed reading the contributions of people like Miriam, for example, who obviously have a grasp of the faith, beyond the mere "pulpit presentations" which are often void of Scriptural validity.

Christian, mark my words: The logic bring presented here forms the basis of the occult framework that will define the Antichrist's reign. The answers to DaisyAnne's accusations against Yahweh involve an understanding of the nature of Satan's eschatological role and identity, the Nephilim/Anakim, and the gradual watering down and redefining of morality, as described and warned against in Isaiah 5:20. These harsh prescriptions were contextual to the times and situations given. It can be of interest to look at the application of these directives in Scriptural accounts, and the instances where mercy was commended.

Make no mistake, the friend of our enemy is our enemy, and there are those here who have shamelessly identified themselves as allied with the Serpent of the garden, described in Genesis. It sounds so pleasant calling him Enki, but he is in fact the enemy of our soul, Satan, the Devil, who wants us to have "freedom" in the way that NAMbLA wants young boys to be free to allow dirty old men to seduce them. Don't get me wrong I'm not implying any maliciousness, as they are the "children" in the above analogy. Neither is this to imply any kind of immaturity on their behalf, as I have found them to be intelligent and kind, once we got our misunderstandings out of the way. The only thing offensive about them is their beliefs (which I'm sure they'd also say about mine).

Christ exhorted his followers to love their enemies, rendering any "crusade-like" persecution of "heathens" to be blatant disobedience. I can remember having a Wiccan bring up the issue of Witches bring burnt at the stake by Christians. I told her that there were far more true Christians burnt at the stake, as heretics for not submitting themselves to the Pope and his religious system, than there were Wiccans. Simple logic would testify to this, in that a Wiccans' beliefs allow them to deceive others, especially in an act of self preservation. The Christian, one the other hand, who denies his Lord will be denied by Him.

This issue is a personal one for myself because I have people that I deeply love who are in hiding from servants of the Serpent. I won't go into detail, but I'm talking about a real intentions of bodily harm, and not just differences of religious opinion. I'm sure there will be retorts and backlash for such a post as this, but I won't respond. I've said what I've come here to say, and will now bid farewell. Thank you for giving me a peek of something that I always knew was out there, but had never heard articulated as well as you guys (particularly DaisyAnne) have in this thread. I only hope that my posts will help to prevent others from bring seduced from the faith as you have been.

posted on Sep, 13 2009 @ 10:53 AM

Make no mistake, the friend of our enemy is our enemy, and there are those here who have shamelessly identified themselves as allied with the Serpent of the garden, described in Genesis. It sounds so pleasant calling him Enki, but he is in fact the enemy of our soul, Satan, the Devil, who wants us to have "freedom" in the way that NAMbLA wants young boys to be free to allow dirty old men to seduce them.

This is nothing more than your opinion, based on what the bible tells you. I guess I'm one of the shameless, then, since I am a theistic satanist. By your standards, that makes me the enemy. But it is not me that is the enemy, it is you, who make an enemy of people like me. There seems to be a subtle difference there. Why do you have to blame someone else for all evil, why can't the majority of humans (or should I say christians?) acknowledge the fact that it is us humans who screw up? Take some responsibility instead of finding the boogieman to blame it all on, for crying out loud.

posted on Sep, 13 2009 @ 10:58 AM
reply to post by CJaKfOrEsT

If you want to call me an enemy so be it.
But you fail to see the logic of even THOSE statements.

Afterall, if it is this line of thinking that defines the anti-christ's reign, then why are you complaining?
The anti-christ's reign is critical to the plan, is it not?

Was it not foretold?

I am no enemy, brother. Just someone who questions what the Christian machine has spun into a mechanism for power and money.

posted on Sep, 13 2009 @ 11:55 AM

Originally posted by heyo
reply to post by JayinAR

well my standpoint on it is that just because i can't figure out why God created humanity, doesn't somehow mean he didn't exist. I don't really get that.
Also, the naming of animals constitutes knowledge, therefore i find the "tree of knowledge" to signify a higher knowledge
i.e. we were allowed to eat from the shrub of knowledge, because that was the limit of knowledge alloted to us.
Then there's the free will thing. For me it isn't wreckless to suppose that since scientists now believe time travel possible that it would also be possible for God. Therefor, I believe he has access to all potential futures that exist after every decision yet doesn't force us down one or the other.
Just my two cents.

Hi heyo/

'Tree of Knowledge' was for our benefit...
Firstly all around was a number of trees with fruits to sustain man.
God gave man 'One' commandment ''do not eat, you will die''
It was a one law fast from that tree and it's fruit that it contained.
Man broke that 'ONE' rule of God...death occured as a result.
God also said that this was the ''Tree of knowledge of good and evil'' else did Adam and Eve know that they were naked?
Before the eating of that tree,man did not their see nakedness ''And the eyes of both were opened and they perceived that they were naked''(Gen 3,1-7)
Man was tempted by deception.
Why didnt Eve know that the serpant was deceiving her?
She knew no wrong or was naive.
I guess woman was the weaker vessel and this is why Satan chose her.
''The serpant beguiled Eve through his subtlity(Cor.11,3)
who is the Serpant?
''the great dragon was cast out,that old serpant called the Devil and Satan which deceived the whole world''(Revelation 12,9)
And ''through envy of the Devil came DEATH into the world''(Wisdom of Solomon 2,24)

to the......Original Post heading... ''I Would Side With the Serpent''


posted on Sep, 13 2009 @ 07:36 PM

Originally posted by CJaKfOrEsT

Make no mistake, the friend of our enemy is our enemy, and there are those here who have shamelessly identified themselves as allied with the Serpent of the garden, described in Genesis. It sounds so pleasant calling him Enki, but he is in fact the enemy of our soul, Satan, the Devil, who wants us to have "freedom" in the way that NAMbLA wants young boys to be free to allow dirty old men to seduce them.

Duuuuude. What's with the nambla analogy? It's not like Enki is a Catholic priest or anything.

On a serious note, freedom is not a bad thing. After all, people believe that Yahweh gave them free will. Free will without the ability to discern between right and wrong means nothing, it's like giving a free will to you VCR (remember those?) to play only the tape you put in.

I don't know what went on with Enki and Enlil or Satan and Yahweh if you prefer, but it seems to me that certain someone was afraid that the little robot humans may begin to realize what is going on and join the rebellion, if they had their awareness level raised.

Here are some quotes that didn't make it to Yahweh's bible:

"Blessed is the human who knows not he is a slave, for he laments not his

"But more blessed is the god that owns such a human for he serves him with fervor and will stone anyone who serves other gods. The cost of keeping such humans is minimal, especially when the healthcare is on the level of miracle workers."

Ok, so I made these up, but you get my drift. I hope.

One last thing. The enemy of your soul is the one who wants to take it not the one who wants to set it free. You decide who is who. *Sigh*... But let me guess, the church has already decided that for you. Pitty.

And now for the ending: I would side with the serpent.

(Maybe we got something going here.

[edit on 13-9-2009 by tungus]

posted on Sep, 14 2009 @ 02:17 AM

TextI guess woman was the weaker vessel and this is why Satan chose her.

I find it hard to believe a woman of all people would make such an assumption. The weaker vessel?

posted on Sep, 14 2009 @ 02:18 AM
To topic starter: As far as hardcore christianity goes, you are already sided with the Serpent, since you are no born again christian. How do you like that point of view?

posted on Sep, 14 2009 @ 08:16 AM

Originally posted by DarknessFollows
To topic starter: As far as hardcore christianity goes, you are already sided with the Serpent, since you are no born again christian. How do you like that point of view?

Yes, the woman is the weaker sex!
Women and men differ in the ways they think and's a fact!
The woman being the weaker sex meaning in the way she thinks in certain situations, differently to man's way of thinking ...I never said equality in fairness,don't get me wrong!
And you are correct that I am not a born again Christian!
I admit I am a ''sinner'' but I have Faith ,Hope and Love....the rest is up to the Lord!
We all have weaknesses and faults and if we do not strengthen ourselves,aknowledge our faults etc....then who will do this for us?
Don't most people learn from their faults?


EDIT to add....'hardcore Christian'...side with the serpant?
The WORD of the Lord has not changed and neither has His teachings...therefore man's idea of God should not change also!
If God has not changed, then also Satan(Serpant)has not changed....I choose to not follow the Serant as He is as He was 'Unchanged'!

[edit on 9/14/2009 by helen670]

posted on Sep, 14 2009 @ 09:12 AM

The woman being the weaker sex meaning in the way she thinks in certain situations, differently to man's way of thinking ...I never said equality in fairness,don't get me wrong!

I cannot believe what I'm reading here... are you trying to tell me that because a woman may think differently than a man, she is the weaker sex?? You have GOT to be kidding me. I suggest we stick to the serpent, because this is going to be a discussion I do not want to be tempted to, because it is too absurd to be true. Helen my dear, you need a reality check on gender equality.

posted on Sep, 14 2009 @ 09:47 AM
reply to post by DarknessFollows


A woman differs in many ways to that of a man!
How can you say that man and woman use the same logic?
A woman differs in many ways..
A woman's mind is not the same as a mans mind?
A woman may use different methods to act out a situation...she is regarded as the weaker sex because she is more trusting and can also use he power of pursuasion a little differently to that of man!
What is the big deal?
Equality is not the subject here...I am not talking about what a man and what a women can or cannot do!
Or what position they hold!
I am simply making a point that man and woman differ in their way of thinking,this is also proved by studies of both sexes!

I am not putting woman down,I am simply saying that women think not on the same terms as men do.


posted on Sep, 14 2009 @ 09:55 AM
reply to post by DarknessFollows

I'm not a woman, but still, I recognize how void life would be without them. Men and women think differently - that doesn't mean any of those two sides is better than the other.

People are conditioned to think less of women. It's been that way for ages. It has a purpose if you think about it. Since it's the woman that was strong enough to try to gain knowledge, that has been shut down from us, it is the woman that needs to be stopped. That's the way of thinking of the grand control scheme.

Too bad many people have problems with realizing that. The serpent chose a woman, because she was the stronger. And it's just just about gender, since anyone posesses the male and female traits. The serpent chose a discerning person. Discernment and empathy are closer to women or better put: discernment is a trait easier unlocked by a woman.

Apart from that - no. Man and woman think the same. Woman just don't think about sex all the time.

[edit on 2009/9/14 by krzyspmac]

posted on Sep, 14 2009 @ 10:02 AM
reply to post by CJaKfOrEsT

I'm sorry that you feel you cannot continue our conversation. I was looking forward to it. There is much that I wanted to share with you.

I work for the serpentine line of the pantheon, and one of the Gods in particular. If you felt threatened by my questions to the point that you call me your enemy, then so be it.

I only wish you would open your obviously intelligent mind just a little more. But, I respect you and your decision. It was nice talking to you.

posted on Sep, 14 2009 @ 01:04 PM
Eating the apple is metaphorical for having sex.

God doesn't care if you eat apples! Eve and Lucifer produced offspring - Kane the worlds first murder. Adam got involved later.

Thats where the Nephelium (Giants) came from, fallen angels Kanenite blood line.

If you break the Bible down to the original transcripts maybe you wouldn't be so confused.

The resources are out there, how about you use them?

posted on Sep, 14 2009 @ 01:08 PM
Oh yeah, Lucifer isn't the good guy, you should reconsider your stance. And if you do research outside of the traditions of man, it will open your eyes.

Maybe you will see God for what he is, our Father.

posted on Sep, 14 2009 @ 06:08 PM
reply to post by JayinAR

hello Jayin Ar, Hey if you had to MAKE someone love you, what would you have? Nothing. Only if someone choses you, does it matter. There has to be a negative for there to be a choice. Yes there are those who had to fall. This will not make sence to you now but listen, when you can look into a mirror and truely see nothing, you will then be able to see all.

posted on Sep, 14 2009 @ 08:25 PM
reply to post by DarknessFollows

Ah, BUT I AM a born again Christian.
This is something ELSE that the Christers fail to realize.

I both side with the Serpent AND Jesus.
Afterall, they are both the Morning Star.

They are one in the same. With the same plan. With the same outcome.

All of which denies me any free will.
I have given myself to the quest for THEIR knowledge.

posted on Sep, 14 2009 @ 08:33 PM
reply to post by Magantice

Why would you make someone with even the THOUGHT of them growing to love you?

A free life would be one where you could choose whatever you wanted without fear of damnation for choosing something that you had no real choice of anyhow.

It is an illusion. It is an illusion that grants you either abject obedience or eternal torment.
It is disgusting.

The entire thought of it is abrasive to my innocent mind.

It is wrong.

I have never bought into it, nor will I ever.

Edit to add - I like the last little bit of Harry Potter speak.

[edit on 14-9-2009 by JayinAR]

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