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Originally posted by AceOfAces
Not what I expected to see when I read Hybrid in the post...but nevertheless always interesting to think outside of the box.
You mean that when people see an unidentified flying object they assume or identify it as being ET in origin.
Originally posted by Unity_99
reply to post by atlasastro
Because some of us have not only sitings of crafts,
The overwhelming evidence in the UFO field is that they are not often shared with others. There are cases but they are rare.
often shared with other
How is this any different to the plethora of religious people who claim they have heard the voice of god, been visited by angels, seen the virgin Mary, been the recipient of miraculous events. Why is it that the many psychics that are channeling ET's all tell different stories. Why do Raelism, Scientology, Urantians, Ashtar and GFL et al all tell different stories? Just like all the Religions on Earth do. Don't you find that interesting?
, but also contact with this, some of us, actually have some unusual awareness and the beginnings of emerging memories.
So awake is actually being the same as being not awake, you become controlled by a different entity, the hive mind so the sheeple mentality is transfered from being unaware that you are a sheep to becoming aware that you are a "team player", indoctrinated with a "spirit", not of independent mind but a group mindset.
Actually, some are probably wide awake even now, though that is rare. And one thing about the entire experience is the group mind or team spirit, being a team player.
I guess you just have to take Anthras word for it. There are many tales of out posts - Leer and Co spring to mind readily.
Greys and annanukis are operating from a 4D perspective, therefore 4D/3D.
Others are operating from a 5D and higher perspective such as the groups connected to Anromeda that Anthra Andromeda is speaking of. He's talking about real outposts, stations. I dont know fully his story but certain aspects, tie into things I've experienced.
There seems to be a whole world of people claiming there is a galaxy full of Races, yet we cannot pick up a single signal- Fermi Paradox.
He's talking about the andross from a specific group, and I'm not sure therefore if thats all of them, but there are also andromedans connected to the federation, along with other races, for this is an intergalactic body.
Well you want people to behave in a certain way I think you should be willing to prepare people for what they will encounter.
I cant really share my experiences there, but, there is something I am encouraging everyone to do.
I am, that is why I am questioning you and the matrix belief you are advocating.
That is develop their insight, and question the marix they're in,
Yes, I agree, and that includes those that challenge you to question existence yet offer a highly questionable alternative.
resist the programming and coding.
Checked many of those already. I am also fitting in living my life, loving those in it, trying to help others, understanding existence, deriving meaning from direct action and interaction within the reality I find myself and not getting lost by emerging myself in an external unknowable abstract.
Pray, meditate, hemisync, chakras, freeform, set intentions and look up alot.
Well maybe, but I am rather intent on my earth family as my Star family seems unwilling to lower itself from the 4D to introduce itself and be a real part of my family.
Most have star families.
Ask to be a part of the work and send out love and light and willingness to help humanity and this planet be free, equal, positive, humane and healed/restored. Think it will make a difference in everyones attitude and their need for evidence will stop being so high as they will begin to experience an awarness in time themselves.
Originally posted by atlasastro
Pray, meditate, hemisync, chakras, freeform, set intentions and look up alot
Checked many of those already. I am also fitting in living my life, loving those in it, trying to help others, understanding existence, deriving meaning from direct action and interaction within the reality I find myself and not getting lost by emerging myself in an external unknowable abstract.
Pray, meditate, hemisync, chakras, freeform, set intentions and look up alot
understanding existence, deriving meaning from direct action and interaction within the reality I find myself and not getting lost by emerging myself in an external unknowable abstract.
I think this is impossible. What I think is possible though is accepting that people are free to believe what ever they want to believe, but that does not make it a truth. In this instance Sanni can be free to believe what she wants, but this extends in exactly the opposite direction where I can believe she is a human being who believes she is otherwise. So I judge her as surely as she would judge me for what I believe regarding her. Where I think we get into trouble is when we force a belief onto someone else or claim that what we believe is the only acceptable truth.
I think there is only one way in all this. That is to look within for our own truth but never judge others for their truths.
Yes, I agree and these are beautiful sentiments. Unfortunately the OP has placed Sanni in a position in which he makes Sanni's truth all that matters by claiming she is Proof for his own beliefs.
Find our truth but then be willing, open and accepting of others this way we can all coexist. Once we become confident in our own truth the truth of others should not matter.
I try not to judge others as I know they are just like me..on a constant road to seeking inner truth. One day we will all link up perfectly with the same truth, we will have all reached it by many different paths and routes but this does not matter. The journey is just a journey it is the end truth that matters to us all.
You mean that when people see an unidentified flying object they assume or identify it as being ET in origin. ....
The overwhelming evidence in the UFO field is that they are not often shared with others. There are cases but they are rare.
How is this any different to the plethora of religious people who claim they have heard the voice of god, been visited by angels, seen the virgin Mary, been the recipient of miraculous events. Why is it that the many psychics that are channeling ET's all tell different stories. Why do Raelism, Scientology, Urantians, Ashtar and GFL et al all tell different stories? Just like all the Religions on Earth do. Don't you find that interesting?
So awake is actually being the same as being not awake, you become controlled by a different entity, the hive mind so the sheeple mentality is transfered from being unaware that you are a sheep to becoming aware that you are a "team player", indoctrinated with a "spirit", not of independent mind but a group mindset.
I guess you just have to take Anthras word for it. There are many tales of out posts - Leer and Co spring to mind readily.
There seems to be a whole world of people claiming there is a galaxy full of Races, yet we cannot pick up a single signal- Fermi Paradox.
Well maybe, but I am rather intent on my earth family as my Star family seems unwilling to lower itself from the 4D to introduce itself and be a real part of my family.
Originally posted by atlasastro
As always, your words are a panacea.
I think this is impossible. What I think is possible though is accepting that people are free to believe what ever they want to believe, but that does not make it a truth.
Being awake, means remembering who you are in source
The last part about religions. I am very spiritual. I recognize First Cause, the Prime Creator as Mother. But there is no Church, religion or temple I will be attending. And the cults that are formed around false commander types are possibly there to exploit or even target and profile the starseeds. This is what I suspect.
Originally posted by EnhancedInterrogator
Wow, that video was the absolute best laugh I'd had all week! Thanks for posting!
Originally posted by MavRck
ahahaahahha................ahahahaha..............ahahahahahaha.... lol... i... ... hahahahahaha... man have you seen this other guy?