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The story of Sanni Ceto (A Zeta-Human Hybrid) - Must watch!

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posted on Sep, 11 2009 @ 06:02 PM
Not what I expected to see when I read Hybrid in the post...but nevertheless always interesting to think outside of the box.

posted on Sep, 11 2009 @ 06:39 PM
reply to post by watchZEITGEISTnow

i clicked on this thread late, and it really irratates the hell out of me how long, i have been skimming right over it. to 1st reponders i suggest my signature. how could anyone think she is retarded. that was just mean.
i really don't like mean people. she isn't easily distracted and if she's lying that only makes her more inteligent. her voice and speech may sound, for the lack of a better word, ignorant. but her memory, and her
vocabulary, make up for the things she can't help in a big way.this is
my deduction at 1/4 of the way i will return and be back here in a bit.

ok i'm convinced she is telling the truth of what is either a massive hallucination,that some how "burned"(like a computer burns) on to her
memory. or this is the gospel as she knows it. my choice? flip a coin.
i found this very interesting to analyze. that's one of my things, finding
people w/ stories like this.
just by watching them tell their far out story, determining their credibility
by the feeling you get from all that is the person. this ranks w/ the best i've seen.
awesome: you get a star ,a flag and a cookie.

[edit on 11-9-2009 by randyvs]

posted on Sep, 12 2009 @ 03:35 AM

Originally posted by AceOfAces
Not what I expected to see when I read Hybrid in the post...but nevertheless always interesting to think outside of the box.

But how exactly did you expect a hybrid to mean?

What exactly does the human race think a hybrid is going to look/be like? They are not going to be straight out of a Star Trek movie, they are going to have immense issues associated with higher and lower frequencies. Their time on Earth is not easy, they just dont have the same energy and frequency we have. Sanni does have a higher awarness, some may think this so or some may think it just madness.

What are we actually expecting hybrids to be like? Think about it, absolutely anybody in todays society that showed higher awarness and said they were a hybrid will always be questioned and eventually rejected or destroyed. Even if they showed us things only a hybrid could do we'd still think it a what exactly ARE we expecting from a hybrid?

Sanni is the reason so many off them suffer and hide away. Even if she is just receiving this information from channelling or some connection, it shows other hybrids how planet Earth would treat them.

[edit on 12-9-2009 by Mr Green]

posted on Sep, 13 2009 @ 12:40 AM

Originally posted by Unity_99
reply to post by atlasastro

Because some of us have not only sitings of crafts,
You mean that when people see an unidentified flying object they assume or identify it as being ET in origin.

often shared with other
The overwhelming evidence in the UFO field is that they are not often shared with others. There are cases but they are rare.

, but also contact with this, some of us, actually have some unusual awareness and the beginnings of emerging memories.
How is this any different to the plethora of religious people who claim they have heard the voice of god, been visited by angels, seen the virgin Mary, been the recipient of miraculous events. Why is it that the many psychics that are channeling ET's all tell different stories. Why do Raelism, Scientology, Urantians, Ashtar and GFL et al all tell different stories? Just like all the Religions on Earth do. Don't you find that interesting?

Actually, some are probably wide awake even now, though that is rare. And one thing about the entire experience is the group mind or team spirit, being a team player.
So awake is actually being the same as being not awake, you become controlled by a different entity, the hive mind so the sheeple mentality is transfered from being unaware that you are a sheep to becoming aware that you are a "team player", indoctrinated with a "spirit", not of independent mind but a group mindset.

Greys and annanukis are operating from a 4D perspective, therefore 4D/3D.
Others are operating from a 5D and higher perspective such as the groups connected to Anromeda that Anthra Andromeda is speaking of. He's talking about real outposts, stations. I dont know fully his story but certain aspects, tie into things I've experienced.
I guess you just have to take Anthras word for it. There are many tales of out posts - Leer and Co spring to mind readily.
I have come across the Dimensional analogies for ET's and this is what bugs me. When 3D beings look down on a 2D world( like that in Flatland by Edwinn Abbott Abbott) the 3D being has God like powers, able to interact in a 2D dimension that seems impossible to 2D beings, yet these Gray and annanuki 4D beings are acting as 3D restricted beings in our world. What For. They should be able to intersect our dimension with little or no problems yet they need to abduct people, their ships are sighted, they crash their vehicles, they mutilate things, they need to do 3D things. Being 4D they should merely be able to manipulate the lower dimensions from a higher realm, the same way a 3D being can to 2D. The application of 4D temporal logic is screaming at me that there is something not right about this belief that ET's are of a higher dimension. But that is just me.

He's talking about the andross from a specific group, and I'm not sure therefore if thats all of them, but there are also andromedans connected to the federation, along with other races, for this is an intergalactic body.
There seems to be a whole world of people claiming there is a galaxy full of Races, yet we cannot pick up a single signal- Fermi Paradox.

I cant really share my experiences there, but, there is something I am encouraging everyone to do.
Well you want people to behave in a certain way I think you should be willing to prepare people for what they will encounter.

That is develop their insight, and question the marix they're in,
I am, that is why I am questioning you and the matrix belief you are advocating.

resist the programming and coding.
Yes, I agree, and that includes those that challenge you to question existence yet offer a highly questionable alternative.

Pray, meditate, hemisync, chakras, freeform, set intentions and look up alot.
Checked many of those already. I am also fitting in living my life, loving those in it, trying to help others, understanding existence, deriving meaning from direct action and interaction within the reality I find myself and not getting lost by emerging myself in an external unknowable abstract.

Most have star families.
Well maybe, but I am rather intent on my earth family as my Star family seems unwilling to lower itself from the 4D to introduce itself and be a real part of my family.

Ask to be a part of the work and send out love and light and willingness to help humanity and this planet be free, equal, positive, humane and healed/restored. Think it will make a difference in everyones attitude and their need for evidence will stop being so high as they will begin to experience an awarness in time themselves.

That sounds like so many other religions on earth. Ask God and you shall receive, so to speak. Just pray and everything will be all right, you will see the truth and you won't need evidence. Come on Unity, this is blind worship.

You seem to be peddling an ideal. But to me there is no utopia as you infer above. As a utopia itself needs an experience of dystopian existence to give it context. We are human, flawed, infallible, greedy and terrible. Yet we do the most wonderful things as well, these wonderful things are wonderful purely because the terrible as a reference on the spectrum of human behavior, make them so.

It is just as much fear based mongering of how bad things are with a solution based on your belief and that this belief will be a cure all.
Unfortunately, life is far more complex than that and how many solutions are there to finding peace and love and finding insight. Sanni has one, Buddha has one, Jesus has one, Mohammed has one, the Vedas have one, ET's have one.

Why is it that ET's channeled, or those abducted, or contacted only ever pass on the same contemporary fears, doom and gloom and issues that humanity itself are well aware of and focused on? Sanni delivers this in spades if you listen to the bulk of her message and not just filtering out what you like. And that these also run in conjunction with the many fears as presented by MSM. If you look at a History of messages given to contactees since Barney and Betty Hill to hybrids like Sanni, abductees, psychics and clairvoyants by ET's they flow from Nuclear war fears that dominated the the late 60's , 70's to the contemporary ecological, environmental and political worries etc we face now.

That is over 40 years of ET redundant statements of the obvious as messages from superior 4D beings that have changed nothing. At all. But apparently meditation can do wonders for the worlds woes?

Thank you for the reply.

posted on Sep, 13 2009 @ 05:54 AM

Originally posted by atlasastro
Pray, meditate, hemisync, chakras, freeform, set intentions and look up alot

Checked many of those already. I am also fitting in living my life, loving those in it, trying to help others, understanding existence, deriving meaning from direct action and interaction within the reality I find myself and not getting lost by emerging myself in an external unknowable abstract.

Oh atlasastro you've put into words just what this whole thing is about! Well done .

Yes this is the problem of life.

Pray, meditate, hemisync, chakras, freeform, set intentions and look up alot

Yes we do all that and then do exactly as you replied! We then try to...

understanding existence, deriving meaning from direct action and interaction within the reality I find myself and not getting lost by emerging myself in an external unknowable abstract.

I think there is only one way in all this. That is to look within for our own truth but never judge others for their truths. Find our truth but then be willing, open and accepting of others this way we can all coexist. Once we become confident in our own truth the truth of others should not matter.
I try not to judge others as I know they are just like me..on a constant road to seeking inner truth. One day we will all link up perfectly with the same truth, we will have all reached it by many different paths and routes but this does not matter. The journey is just a journey it is the end truth that matters to us all.

posted on Sep, 13 2009 @ 07:39 AM
As always, your words are a panacea.

I think there is only one way in all this. That is to look within for our own truth but never judge others for their truths.
I think this is impossible. What I think is possible though is accepting that people are free to believe what ever they want to believe, but that does not make it a truth. In this instance Sanni can be free to believe what she wants, but this extends in exactly the opposite direction where I can believe she is a human being who believes she is otherwise. So I judge her as surely as she would judge me for what I believe regarding her. Where I think we get into trouble is when we force a belief onto someone else or claim that what we believe is the only acceptable truth.

Find our truth but then be willing, open and accepting of others this way we can all coexist. Once we become confident in our own truth the truth of others should not matter.
Yes, I agree and these are beautiful sentiments. Unfortunately the OP has placed Sanni in a position in which he makes Sanni's truth all that matters by claiming she is Proof for his own beliefs.

I try not to judge others as I know they are just like me..on a constant road to seeking inner truth. One day we will all link up perfectly with the same truth, we will have all reached it by many different paths and routes but this does not matter. The journey is just a journey it is the end truth that matters to us all.

Yes, it is the journey that matters and how we conduct ourselves in that too. This is a hard road to travel by dismissing Judgement or even suspending it because people like Sanni and even Unity are Judging the reality we live in by relegating it to a lie by claim that what they believe is the truth. Listen to Sanni's interview with Mel. It is jam packed with judgements, assertions and claims. In order to understand all that we must question it and then, like meditating in a way, ponder within our own core, it make any sense. I have done this and in doing so I am free to share what I believe. Which in turn I fully accept is being judged and questioned too as to weather is makes any sense.

Great Post MG.

[edit on 13/9/09 by atlasastro]

posted on Sep, 13 2009 @ 10:35 AM
reply to post by atlasastro

You mean that when people see an unidentified flying object they assume or identify it as being ET in origin. ....

The overwhelming evidence in the UFO field is that they are not often shared with others. There are cases but they are rare.

Families often share sitings, strangely enough despite you saying otherwise, and coming to mind is another family close to us, a friend online who's children and neighbor witnessed some of what she is experiencing contact with as well, and those are just two families I know, one near us and online friend. Or do you mean the reported, inteviewed, studied cases? Big difference.

As to the crafts seen, we've seen many different types, one was incredible, and unlike anything I've ever seen online. Not going to discuss that one here though. We've seen what think of as Vrill traingles, TR-3B's, they arent covered with lights and fly straigh, like a jet, soundless, with lights. We see them low, low-medium, medium-low, and medium heights. And compare them with other crafts constantly. We've seen saucers, and different types altogether. I have had a greeting as I'm turning to go in, and then one appears suddenly low-medium height and soundlessly flies over our house. I also pick up their energy and postcards. So, it depends indeed on what you are observing.

How is this any different to the plethora of religious people who claim they have heard the voice of god, been visited by angels, seen the virgin Mary, been the recipient of miraculous events. Why is it that the many psychics that are channeling ET's all tell different stories. Why do Raelism, Scientology, Urantians, Ashtar and GFL et al all tell different stories? Just like all the Religions on Earth do. Don't you find that interesting?

How does anything that is outside the paradigm for people, or especially related to ufology which is highly suppressed and only now is it being trickled out in the media more, escape that kind of blanket thought you just put out there? Its not however. Ets, higher dimensional beings are spiritual, not religious. Once you are in a higher density with expanded psi, you see angels even. Arch angels meet with high councils. By the way to address another point in the end of your statement, love,light and truth even all have frequencies. Actually words have harmonics and frequencies too.

So awake is actually being the same as being not awake, you become controlled by a different entity, the hive mind so the sheeple mentality is transfered from being unaware that you are a sheep to becoming aware that you are a "team player", indoctrinated with a "spirit", not of independent mind but a group mindset.

Being awake, means remembering who you are in source. This is actually starting to happen to people, though to truly be awake, the way a walk in is, is still rare. Becoming aware, is the process towards stepping out of the MC and paradigm our media paints of this world, and gradually, with the energies coming, for many it will mean becoming awake. Many people will have received some real changes in both their psi, their awareness, waking up from the way the world is, insight, just changes, in August, actually after the 15th. My head was burning from it, and hurt and I had to sleep lots.

I guess you just have to take Anthras word for it. There are many tales of out posts - Leer and Co spring to mind readily.

My memories of contact span a lifetime, even from childhood, and they are consistent with what appear to be the Federation which is an organization connected to both the Milky Way and Andromeda. He is talking about something a friend has shared very similar things from. Including what is being negotiated. Distribution of everything and and an end to wars, basic requirements for joining the cosmos.

posted on Sep, 13 2009 @ 10:48 AM

There seems to be a whole world of people claiming there is a galaxy full of Races, yet we cannot pick up a single signal- Fermi Paradox.

3D? 4D? 5D? There is a difference. When the ascension takes place we'll be very surprised to discover we never were alone. Do you think they would share anything with us? Have they shared the moon photos, the real ones? How about their image tampering on the mars ones? Is it just me but when I go to do I see standing forrests and lakes? Who is going to tell you, the SS at the top? We're still waiting for a big dose of truth, but there seems to be many saying that they're so worried about the religious fanatics being traumatized, and the anarchy that might follow when so many realize they've been lied to that they refuse to disclose. Thats the story they keep peddling about this anyway.

Well maybe, but I am rather intent on my earth family as my Star family seems unwilling to lower itself from the 4D to introduce itself and be a real part of my family.

This is the opposite to what is happening. Your star family is not going to lower itself into 3D, and become trapped and reprocessed by the recylcing technology used by the Annanuki. We need to be freed here. Its the opposite that our 5D families are attempting to do. 4D is where the greysand annanuki hang out. Some people have felt at odds with this world all their lives and are waiting to go home.

The last part about religions. I am very spiritual. I recognize First Cause, the Prime Creator as Mother. But there is no Church, religion or temple I will be attending. And the cults that are formed around false commander types are possibly there to exploit or even target and profile the starseeds. This is what I suspect.

posted on Sep, 15 2009 @ 12:28 PM

Originally posted by atlasastro
As always, your words are a panacea.

I had to look that word up lol but thanks for your kind words.

I think this is impossible. What I think is possible though is accepting that people are free to believe what ever they want to believe, but that does not make it a truth.

It can be no other way, everyone has to be allowed to believe their own truth. Whether this IS the truth or not is not our concern. Every soul MUST be allowed to walk its own path as this is the only way it will find its truth. Sanni has been led to believe this is her truth, we do not know the reason she chose this path and only she does. Even though her being a "Hybrid" is definatly not your truth or many others, her choice should not be judged .

Im not getting this across as well as I want so I will quote ND Walsh

"Judge not, and neither condemn, for you know not why I thing occurs, nor to what end.
Remember that what you condemn will condemn you, and that which you judge, you will one day become.
Rather, seek to change those things - or support others who are changing those things - which no longer reflect your highest sense of Who You are.
Bless all-for all is the creation of God, through life living, and that is the highest creation."

(live and let live I guess)

I used to judge people like Sanni heavily also New Age types peddling all sorts of info, but now I dont because it really didnt serve me well at all. The best thing I can do now when confronted with such extreme personalities is to just quietly check if it is also my truth, if it isnt then just walk away.

I know what your saying that Sanni may push her truth onto others, but somewhere within it MUST also be their truth too or they wouldnt follow hers.

posted on Sep, 15 2009 @ 12:33 PM
reply to post by Unity_99

Being awake, means remembering who you are in source

I like this description very much. Im suprised I have not come across it before. Is this something you have thought of? if so its an excellent piece of self awarness.

The last part about religions. I am very spiritual. I recognize First Cause, the Prime Creator as Mother. But there is no Church, religion or temple I will be attending. And the cults that are formed around false commander types are possibly there to exploit or even target and profile the starseeds. This is what I suspect.

Again also an excellent example of self awarness. These are conclusions you have come to by questioning your reality and by looking inwards, I have to agree with you that these Star Command Cults such as Ashtar are highly questionable and every time I have seeked awarness on these I always get a "do not follow" message from my higher self.

[edit on 15-9-2009 by Mr Green]

posted on Sep, 15 2009 @ 07:57 PM
The idea about who we are in source is from someone who has taken my psi past its boundaries, past the resistance I get when using my insight, to see who someone, say in a video, is in source. This occurred after an experience in which a long term friend of the family was a feline humanoid in source from one of the moons of Sirius A or B, and he became awake and aware himself, and we shared sitings and rather unusual events that week, which was a real paradigm shift for me. I was in total shock and my whole life was altered permanently. I cant really go further into that story. Next, I was challenged to recognize who someone I had liked and admired up until then, was in source as well. That one I had to push for. Again won't say who, though he is quite famous.

For some, possibly because they're very much awake and aware, and are activated to some degree, their energy leaps out. I can see their shape even in their aura.With others I have to push past the barrier it feels like, the place were no information is coming, to receive the information. Once I see, it doesnt go away, it leaps out at me.

This is part of our journey, and with the ascension many will be aware and awake, and activated. Some people we will recognize and realize we've journeyed with them before.

[edit on 15-9-2009 by Unity_99]

posted on Sep, 17 2009 @ 11:02 PM
Woah, hold up.
They have technology that lets them connect machines to your neurons, but they haven't discovered time?
How does that happen?

posted on Sep, 25 2009 @ 06:43 AM

Originally posted by EnhancedInterrogator
Wow, that video was the absolute best laugh I'd had all week! Thanks for posting!

ahahaahahha................ahahahaha..............ahahahahahaha.... lol... i... i ... i wish i could record my laughter right now instead of the I just came here after being referred from the other chap's "abduction" experience... had quite a laugh...then someone just posted that this lady was credible and it reminded her of him... and as soon as i saw your post... i just... hahahahahaha... man have you seen this other guy?

posted on Sep, 26 2009 @ 03:26 PM

Originally posted by MavRck

ahahaahahha................ahahahaha..............ahahahahahaha.... lol... i... ... hahahahahaha... man have you seen this other guy?

Maybe you can direct me to this other guy ? It would be more helpful than your insane laughter. What possible contribution do you think this brings?

Now who is this other guy please.

posted on Sep, 26 2009 @ 04:26 PM
every second of that video. her body language tells us she is lying.

Her vocabulary is too good. she is obviously pretending to act like someone with mental difficulties.

for someone with such good vocabulary, they would not talk that slow. as her brain function is obviously normal.

her motor function is also fine.

she sails there is no pigment in here skin. yet her face is tanned. she has whitened her hands. also it looks like she is wearing a wig.

i do thing this is a double act to rake in money. infarct i think it is worthy of investigation by the FBI, because it could be also be abuse and exploitation of someone who is mentally ill/retarded.

this doesn't add up at all. she obviously has done her research, and looks for reactions in the crowd when mentioning the airport. like it should ring a bell with a few people.

this is a scam. it just too obvious. cmon.

posted on Sep, 28 2009 @ 12:56 PM
Well I finally got to see it.
I find her credible and very sweet of spirit.
I thought my reaction would be that I did not believe her but I did.

posted on Sep, 28 2009 @ 06:36 PM
My heart goes out to this Lady.

Regardless if her story is true or a dissociated attempt to make sense of her abuse -I hope she finds peace - through whatever means at her disposal.

posted on Nov, 18 2009 @ 08:43 PM
reply to post by hikix

I watched for a few seconds. What a way to get noticed and sell your books. LOL!

posted on Nov, 19 2009 @ 05:20 PM
I have emailed Sanni Ceto and she is really a great person and I dont find her fake in the least sense? She has read this thread and has freinds on here so please be respectful.

posted on Nov, 19 2009 @ 05:34 PM
reply to post by watchZEITGEISTnow

Thankyou for posting this video.x

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