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Why I'm Tired of People Opposed to Health Care Reform

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posted on Aug, 8 2009 @ 07:35 PM

Originally posted by Xtinguish

Originally posted by ExPostFacto
reply to post by Xtinguish

Not Obama...that is congress. Congress makes the laws not the President.

Oh! Is that why the executive branch bullies Congress into certain decisions?

How true that is!!!

The prez says " this is the type of bill I want to see(wink wink)"

W Bush was a master of this (patriot act).

Obama is looking like a prodigy of this type activity already.

posted on Aug, 8 2009 @ 07:39 PM
I have said this in other places. You don't fix a broken leg by cutting off the foot. There are some great solutions out there, Obamas plan is not one of them. My local congressman has a very sound plan that revolves around reducing costs of healcare by eliminating things like frivilous lawsuits and other things that make healthcare so expensive.

posted on Aug, 8 2009 @ 07:42 PM

Originally posted by stevedel0
reply to post by mikerussellus

Listen dude, the 'punishment' the 300 million people is just money.and a small percent of their earnings at that OH NO, I DONT WANT THAT TO HAPPEN, BOOHOO. I WANT MONEY, IM GONNA HAVE A TANTRUM IF WE ALL HAVE TO PITCH IN EQUALLY FOR OUR HEALTH.

While the punishment that 5-10 million receive is what? Death?

sure sounds worth it to me.

My "money" feeds my children. If I chose to support additional efforts (it's called charity) I do so. Especially St. Judes, my personal favorite. But when the government mandates that I give more, it stops being charity and becomes something much darker.

Maybe you're just too young to understand yet. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt.

posted on Aug, 8 2009 @ 07:48 PM
During WTO in Seattle, the disruptors prevented any clear, intelligent discussion and possible understanding of the issues. What is worse, ordinary people began sympathized with the concept of banning free speech and arresting all the protesters. The purpose of these, so called protesters is to dirty the concept of free speech, thinking and independent thought. It encourages dependency in the so called authorities. In other words it makes the authorities look good and any opposition automatically look bad while making the real subject take second place. The same is happening here with the health care meetings and curiously enough it also takes some attention off of Obamas legitimacy and Sotomayor (sp) appointment to the Supreme Court and who knows what else.

posted on Aug, 8 2009 @ 07:51 PM
reply to post by mikerussellus

I really and truly hope that people who post like this get paid well. The only other reason to do so would be because they are sitting around thinking about how ignorant, ill-informed, and brainwashed they are and the only downside they can see is that they have not shown it off to enough people yet.

posted on Aug, 8 2009 @ 07:52 PM
I'll tell you what.

I'll gladly pay more for insurance, even eat extra taxation for the uninsured AMERICAN CITIZENS that go without. For me, it would take two conditions.

It won't be low-level, bottom of the barrel insurance - we can do better than barely there medical coverage. No waiting three months plus or minus for MRI scans, EEGs, or chemo / radiation, and a slew of other necessary treatments.

Secondly, good coverage could be had by all (I'm very confident) if illegal aliens weren't thrown into the mix. If the Govt wants to give free medical for people who don't pay into the system, then those Govt officials should figure a way to pay for it out of their own pockets. Maybe take a pay cut themselves to insure those they can't do enough for.

posted on Aug, 8 2009 @ 07:53 PM

Originally posted by ReelView
During WTO in Seattle, the disruptors prevented any clear, intelligent discussion and possible understanding of the issues. What is worse, ordinary people began sympathized with the concept of banning free speech and arresting all the protesters. The purpose of these, so called protesters is to dirty the concept of free speech, thinking and independent thought. It encourages dependency in the so called authorities. In other words it makes the authorities look good and any opposition automatically look bad while making the real subject take second place. The same is happening here with the health care meetings and curiously enough it also takes some attention off of Obamas legitimacy and Sotomayor (sp) appointment to the Supreme Court and who knows what else.

I agree.

Instead of rhetoric, just debate what is in the bill. The irony is that there appears to me more informed public and less informed politicians.
The press, POTUS, and others are using deflection by calling those angry people, names and creating issues. Anyone that is against the bill (that includes myself) needs to stay on topic, be rational, and refuse to join in the rhetoric.

Nice reminder. . . .

posted on Aug, 8 2009 @ 07:56 PM

Originally posted by evil incarnate
reply to post by mikerussellus

I really and truly hope that people who post like this get paid well. The only other reason to do so would be because they are sitting around thinking about how ignorant, ill-informed, and brainwashed they are and the only downside they can see is that they have not shown it off to enough people yet.

What specific provisions do you want with the bill? Why are you for it? As a matter of fact, I do get paid rather well, I have worked hard for it. I deserve it. I am not brain-washed, and do think for myself. Have you read the bill? Do you know what is in store for all Americans?

posted on Aug, 8 2009 @ 07:57 PM

Originally posted by mikerussellus
My "money" feeds my children. If I chose to support additional efforts (it's called charity) I do so. Especially St. Judes, my personal favorite. But when the government mandates that I give more, it stops being charity and becomes something much darker.

Maybe you're just too young to understand yet. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt.

..and when your children all develop brain tumors because you lived too close to Kodak and it costs tens of millions of dollars to keep them comfy and alive longer to die slower, who pays for that? When they develop diabetes because you let them have a little too much pop and they lose a foot and collect social security for life, who pays for that? No man is an island. This is a society.

posted on Aug, 8 2009 @ 07:58 PM

Originally posted by mikerussellus
What specific provisions do you want with the bill? Why are you for it? As a matter of fact, I do get paid rather well, I have worked hard for it. I deserve it. I am not brain-washed, and do think for myself. Have you read the bill? Do you know what is in store for all Americans?

Nope. I have not read the bill.

The main reason being that there is no such bill. Currently there are five seperate proposals but no actual bill. Which one do you think you read?

posted on Aug, 8 2009 @ 08:00 PM
There is nothing wrong with the idea of health care reform.

HOWEVER, this particular health care reform being pushed by the president is not a very good plan. It is too expensive and will (eventually) put private health care out of business because they will not be able to compete with a federal government-run health insurance "company" that doesn't care about it's bottom line. And there's no way that private company can compete with a government-run company that doesn't care if they are not profitable...

...and before you say "good for them -- the private health insurance companies deserve to be put out of business!", just consider the alternative. Your new sole health insurance provider for the whole country will be the federal government. Now that's a scary thought. That's not just anecdotal rhetoric, either. Do you really believe in your heart that the federal government can provide better health care than a private company? Really?

Like I said, I think health care has problems that need to be addressed. There should be a health care plan that is financially available to all people. But this plan is not is not a wise way to achieve that goal.

posted on Aug, 8 2009 @ 08:00 PM

Originally posted by evil incarnate

Originally posted by mikerussellus
My "money" feeds my children. If I chose to support additional efforts (it's called charity) I do so. Especially St. Judes, my personal favorite. But when the government mandates that I give more, it stops being charity and becomes something much darker.

Maybe you're just too young to understand yet. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt.

..and when your children all develop brain tumors because you lived too close to Kodak and it costs tens of millions of dollars to keep them comfy and alive longer to die slower, who pays for that? When they develop diabetes because you let them have a little too much pop and they lose a foot and collect social security for life, who pays for that? No man is an island. This is a society.

nice. When you have no answer, change the topic. So, now how are we supposed to make sure our kids eat right and drink right unless MORE government is there to force them.

posted on Aug, 8 2009 @ 08:05 PM
reply to post by evil incarnate


But I'd like to think of it as personal responsibility. I have, claim, responsibility for my actions and those of my children. The problem is that not enough people will stand up and say that something is their fault.

I smoke. I drink. I eat red meat. But I will NOT cry foul if I get sick because of actions that I have taken. I wish more would do the same. . . .

posted on Aug, 8 2009 @ 08:09 PM


posted on Aug, 8 2009 @ 08:10 PM
reply to post by anela

Who is your crappy insurance company anyway? I work for a tiny business with 20 people and our BC/BS 510 plan covers mammograms and obgyn annuals as well as prostate screen for males with absolutely no cost or copay.

pregnancy care has standard copays per visit ($25) as well as $500 max for the actual birth.

I have had this same coverage at my last 3 jobs with varying copays (from 20 to 30$).

This is in Alabama, which is an "at will" state meaning your employer doesn't have to give you crap and can get rid of you at any time with no recourse other than unemployment payments, and only if they have absolutely no cause for letting you go. This state is not known for workers rights (hence all the foriegn auto companies here i.e. hyundai, mercedes, toyota).

Something stinks with either your insurance or your diatribe. If it is your coverage, you and your fellow employees should do something about it.
What is the name of the ins. company and plan, so I can make sure I never get on it.

[edit on 8-8-2009 by hotrodturbo7]

posted on Aug, 8 2009 @ 08:15 PM
reply to post by mikerussellus

Charity, what a beautiful word. It sounds so nice and pretty. oh, but if the government makes me do charity, it becomes something dark and scary and wrong. OH NO IM SCARED.

An innocent baby with a fright mask on is still a baby.

posted on Aug, 8 2009 @ 08:23 PM

Originally posted by mikerussellus

Originally posted by km1550
reply to post by Xtinguish

If you can't figure it out all on your own, then you're too far gone.

Capitalist have destroyed this country. Conservatives are too simple to have figured it out.

Capitalism destroyed this country? What would you suggest, comrade Xtinguish?

Whoa MikeR, xting didn't say that, the km1550 entity did.

Got your quotes mixed up there bro.

it happens

posted on Aug, 8 2009 @ 08:28 PM
To the OP,
The health care system needs reform, few can argue that. What us idiots are actually scared about is rolling that big health care reform Trojan horse into our system. If cost are to high, lets address the factors that are driving cost up. Oh but wait, the people who reap the benefits from driving up cost are the same people who want to push the reform. My interest have never been theirs and never will.
On the surface opposition to health care reform does seem idiotic in the same way opposition to the Patriot Act seemed idiotic, cause who doesn't want to be safe and protected?
So it's not that we are idiots, we just know that by socializing medicine, we will be accelerating the decay our freedom. I'm not ready to start sucking on the Lady Liberties tit, that's not what America is.

posted on Aug, 8 2009 @ 08:28 PM
I am so angry right now!!

I went to the town hall meeting with my rep to voice my "concerns" about Dear Leader's heath scare plan... and my check from the insurance companies and the Republican Party hasn't come yet!!!!!!

I was assured by CNN, MSNBC and Nancy Pelosi that I was getting paid to be there, me and the other couple of hundred people that were protesting against it.

I've spoken to others, and they haven't gotten their checks, either.

Maybe it's because we couldn't actually get inside, because they guys with the union and ACORN shirts told us there was no more room.

Must have been a mistake, though, because several guys with Union shirts on went through a side door, after we were told nobody else could come in.

And why haven't we received OUR nice t-shirts and professionally- printed signs, like the ACORN and union people? They look so much more organized than we did. Even had a bus. I thought we were gonna be bussed in? I had to drive my own car and find parking and walk.

Obviously, our "Masters" Rush, Fox News, The GOP and the drug companies are falling behind in their duty.

Guess I'll have to just show up and protest for free... You know, because I DON'T WANT IT, AND I'VE READ THE BILL.

posted on Aug, 8 2009 @ 08:32 PM
reply to post by hotrodturbo7

My bad.

Apologies. . . .

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