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Why I'm Tired of People Opposed to Health Care Reform

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posted on Aug, 10 2009 @ 08:28 PM
some points straight outta the bill, since most of you pro obamacare people are too lazy to read it and wonder why we are all up in arms.

PG 50 Line 152 HealthCare will be provided to ALL non US citizens, illegal or otherwise (people who dont pay into the system still get treated.)

PG 59 Line 21-24 Government will have direct access to your banks accounts for electronic funds transfer! (planning a vacation? oops, you are now overdrawn from your bloodwork)

PG 110 Line 7-12 Employment taxes on ALL employers NOT offering Government HealthCare. No choice.

PG 110 Line 13-18 An excise tax on ALL goods from companies not offering Government HealthCare. ALL Americans pay.

PG 126 Line 22-25 Employers MUST pay for HealthCare for part time employees AND their families. (how many small businesses will go under from this alone, meaning more american job losses, great idea!)

I could go on and on, but I think some very valid points were made with just a touch of the bill.

READ THE DAMNED THING. You have no leg to stand on if you are on this board and argueing about it when you have absolutely no frame of reference when speaking about it.

Do I have health insurance personally? NO. I'm a self employed Tattoo Artist. Would I like to be able to go to the doctor and get proceedures done? Of course I would. But this bill here, I wouldn't wipe my arse with it.

I agree the cost of healthcare is too high. I agree it should be regulated. I also agree there should be a better program that makes sure that every american can have access to quality medical care. I DO NOT agree with this bill and if you do, you are out of your freaking mind.

posted on Aug, 10 2009 @ 10:21 PM

Originally posted by hotrodturbo7
I understand what you are saying, and I would not deny care to someone in an emergency. It is a mandate ate every hospital that they provide lifesaving care regardless of ability to pay. Also it is mandated by federal medicaid guidelines that they cover pregnant women and children, at the bare minimum.

But if someone making 75,000 a year gets laid off from GM, and they can't afford a few days in the hospital because they spent every dime thgey ever earned and saved nothing, are we responsible for them?

I understand that people should not have to become completely indigent before they qualify for some help, but they also need to take some responsibility for their situations.

[edit on 10-8-2009 by hotrodturbo7]

Well - yes because even if by his own choices he needs care I still have a responsibility to help - that is the law of God - Christ said if your brother has need or asks you for help you are to give it -no exceptions - however there could be some mechanism in place whereby he would be responsible for a portion at least to be paid back when he has the means...this would be fair imo...

Even on a fixed income I still have to pay health insurance premiums for my medicare - the are programs in place to help with this payment but these depend on the state legislature and often they are suspended when the $ isn't available to fund the program...I am grateful for the help when it is there..when it isn't there my friends and I help each other with food - cook meals together and help each other as we can -

posted on Aug, 10 2009 @ 11:47 PM

Originally posted by eightonefive
reply to post by Alien Mind

I wasn't dogging the south, READ my post. I said it was hardly fair that the jap companies are allowed to pay their non unionized workers in the south a thrid of what the northern american auto workers are paid. learn to read bubba.

bubba? I believe you watch too much tv.
If you dislike it that much then keep the south out of your mouth.

posted on Aug, 11 2009 @ 08:42 AM
Listen dude, I lived in the south for ten years, I can generalize however I feel fit. focus on the issue and not the somantics of it ok? I'll not say anything else to offend you and your mobile home living family alright? I say it because I have an uncle we call bubba. lighten up francis.

posted on Aug, 11 2009 @ 08:42 AM
Just drop all the paranoia about YOUR businesses, YOUR problems, YOUR money and realise that YOUR COUNTRY will benefit as a whole when everyone in it are CARED FOR!

What might seem like a loss in the beginning will turn on you and make the US a stronger collective.

posted on Aug, 11 2009 @ 08:50 AM
take it back to the forums mr. troll. none of us here are buying your blatant bs.

[edit on 11-8-2009 by eightonefive]

posted on Aug, 11 2009 @ 09:14 AM
The only bs here is your failure to understand the importance of a good healthcare system for a nation.

Basically you're against everyones well beeing because you're gonna have to give a share and you give lame excuses by posting bits of the bill and giving a negative twist on it, making it look intrusive.

You're selfish and no society is ever gonna survive if the people in it can only think of me, me, me. Get it into your heads that your system is FAILING in so many areas and all you want is to continue like you used to because you can't grasp that it DOSN'T work.

And you made no valid points with your earlyer post from the bill. All you did was highlight FORCED, MUST etc etc. And that's the sad part about it, you guys have grown so selfish and dumb to understand your own system that someone will HAVE TO FORCE you to be good and selfless. You should be emberassed.

Oh but yeh people need tatoos right. What an awesome contribution to a country. That will save it.

[edit on 11-8-2009 by JustAThought]

posted on Aug, 11 2009 @ 09:21 AM

Originally posted by JustAThought
The only bs here is your failure to understand the importance of a good healthcare system for a nation.

Basically you're against everyones well beeing because you're gonna have to give a share and you give lame excuses by posting bits of the bill and giving a negative twist on it, making it look intrusive.

You're selfish and no society is ever gonna survive if the people in it can only think of me, me, me. Get it into your heads that your system is FAILING in so many areas and all you want is to continue like you used to because you can't grasp that it DOSN'T work.

And you made no valid points with your earlyer post from the bill. All you did was highlight FORCED, MUST etc etc. And that's the sad part about it, you guys have grown so selfish and dumb to understand your own system that someone will HAVE TO FORCE you to be good and selfless. You should be emberassed.

Oh but yeh people need tatoos right. What an awesome contribution to a country. That will save it. Dumb*#¤"

[edit on 11-8-2009 by JustAThought]

[edit on 11-8-2009 by JustAThought]

wow man, stop taking it so personal when someone does not agree with you, and to attack them for what they do? you just look like a moron now and what ever point you had is invalidated by your comment.

Your point showing he is taking the negative out of the bill only? if it was all positive there would be no ISSUES.

posted on Aug, 11 2009 @ 09:30 AM

Originally posted by I think Im normal

Originally posted by JustAThought
The only bs here is your failure to understand the importance of a good healthcare system for a nation.

Basically you're against everyones well beeing because you're gonna have to give a share and you give lame excuses by posting bits of the bill and giving a negative twist on it, making it look intrusive.

You're selfish and no society is ever gonna survive if the people in it can only think of me, me, me. Get it into your heads that your system is FAILING in so many areas and all you want is to continue like you used to because you can't grasp that it DOSN'T work.

And you made no valid points with your earlyer post from the bill. All you did was highlight FORCED, MUST etc etc. And that's the sad part about it, you guys have grown so selfish and dumb to understand your own system that someone will HAVE TO FORCE you to be good and selfless. You should be emberassed.

Oh but yeh people need tatoos right. What an awesome contribution to a country. That will save it. Dumb*#¤"

wow man, stop taking it so personal when someone does not agree with you, and to attack them for what they do? you just look like a moron now and what ever point you had is invalidated by your comment.

Your point showing he is taking the negative out of the bill only? if it was all positive there would be no ISSUES.
Alright i guess it was uncalled for. I'll edit it. But i take it as a low form of disagreeing when people call me troll and tell me to leave the discussion. And i'm not saying it's negative what he showed from the bill. It's actually VERY POSITIVE but he is trying to make it look negative to people who will not understand the reasoning. It might be negative for the individual, but for your country it will be amazing and therefore positive to the individual in the end.

Yes you might lose your tatoo shop and make a problem there, but there's tons of other stuff to do that could contribute to your society in a much more helping and positive way and that's exactly why the system is failing. It's full of superficial junk that does nothing, but entertain those who can afford it.

[edit on 11-8-2009 by JustAThought]

posted on Aug, 11 2009 @ 03:19 PM
i think all those medicare-aged protesters (or those who have parents on medicare) agree on one thing: they want to have the freedom to die of old age in a gutter where the government can't make their healthcare decisions. what else would be a greater sign of personal freedoms and personal responsibility?

if only the govt could stay out of the medicare everything else would be great! i'm sure most of those protesters would give up medicare in an instant if it were to be taken over by the govt!

oh wait... nevermind

posted on Aug, 11 2009 @ 03:37 PM
reply to post by js331975

You can Not depend on the Media for information. If you want to know what is in the health care reform bill I encourage you to go read it and the amendments Before you decide that this is a good or bad bill.

Health Care Reform Information

Information on the original bill and the amendments put before the house, which ones passed and which ones didn’t.
Original Bill Healthcare reform HR3200

Referred to House Energy and Commerce
Amendments by the House catid=141:full-committee&Itemid=85
If above link does not work try this one H.R 3200, America’s Affordable Health Choices Act of 2009 Markup, Day 5 Or this one and click on the title above.

posted on Aug, 11 2009 @ 04:29 PM
reply to post by JustAThought

I hope I can convince you to Read the bill before you put all your hopes into it.
Original Bill Healthcare reform HR3200

House amendments:
Clink on title H.R 3200, America’s Affordable Health Choices Act of 2009 Markup, Day 5

posted on Aug, 11 2009 @ 04:56 PM
Wow. I don't know what to say about your complete and utter ignorance. You think the people yelling at the meetings are all right-wing 'plants' that are there merely to disrupt proceedings? How do you come to that conclusion? Because the MSM/whitehouse told you that's what they are? Come on!!! Those people are shouting/asking legitimate questions of their so-called representatives to get answers - real answers to questions they have about things they READ themselves that are in the bill. Did you watch the Arlen Spectre meeting? I did, and the people who were given a mike asked very thoughtful, pertinent questions that they had regarding ACTUAL language they READ in the healthcare bill. They were not being disruptive or trying to subvert the liberal agenda that is at play here.

Wake up and pay attention to the FACTS, not to what the talking heads tell you are their "facts." Remember, the news pukes just parrot the agenda.

posted on Aug, 11 2009 @ 05:11 PM
In Obama's own words today:

"They do it all the time," he said. "UPS and FedEx are doing just fine. ... It's the Post Office that's always having problems."

Which is exactly why government healthcare will be a complete disaster. The reason people even take government jobs is because they can't cut it in the private sector. Geniuses don't work for the government, only the weak of society does.. The government hires the misfits, not the cream of the crop. Obama knows it and his healthcare will help create more of a welfare state. Why not let the weak die off like God and natural selection would have it instead of dragging the entire world down.

[edit on 11-8-2009 by GrndLkNatv]

posted on Aug, 11 2009 @ 05:40 PM
I was wondering if someone could help me out with some questions about the uni-health care bill.

Would health care practitioner's incomes (salaries) be determined by the gov?

Would physicians, RN's, etc. make less under the plan? If there is no more free market I am guessing that they would make a lot less.

But would that apply to all hospitals and all Doctors/nurses/etc.?

posted on Aug, 11 2009 @ 07:38 PM
Obamas healthcare plan is about reperations..........

Higher Rates of Disease
Racial and ethnic minorities have high rates of debilitating disease such as obesity, cancer, diabetes, and AIDS. One of the most glaring disparities is apparent in the African American community, where 48% of adults suffer from a chronic disease compared to 39% of the general population.2

Obesity is debilitating and is often a catalyst to chronic disease. Seven out of 10 African Americans ages 18 to 64 are obese or overweight, and African Americans are 15% more likely to suffer from obesity than Whites. 3

African Americans are more likely to develop and die from cancer than any other racial or ethnic group.4

African American men are 50% more likely than Whites to have prostate cancer and are more likely than any other racial group to suffer from colorectal cancer.5 Hispanic6 and Vietnamese7 women have disproportionate rates of cervical cancer, which they contract at twice the rate of White women.

Fifteen percent of African Americans, 14% of Hispanics, and 18% of American Indians suffer from adult onset diabetes. American Indians suffer from diabetes at more than twice the rate of the White population, which develops the disease at a rate of only 8%.8

HIV bears witness to the most extreme disparity in chronic disease. African Americans experience new HIV infections at seven times the rate of whites, and Hispanics experience new HIV infections at two and a half times the rate of whites.9

Please note the source of the data........Obama is using healthcare to pay african-americans back for slavery............

posted on Aug, 12 2009 @ 07:42 AM

Originally posted by zarp3333

Finally, by the government's own bloated figures, of the 46 million people without health care, half are eligible for coverage through work or medicaid. Much of the balance of the other 23 million are the laziest, no account, high school drop out bums in the country. By giving them free health care for life and making hard working people like me pay for it, you are giving them another reason to keep their fat asses on their couches for good.

Then I guess you count me, a totally and permanently disabled veteran with a J.D., a PhD (Forensic Chemistry) and two M.S.s (Physics and Chemistry) as a high sfhool dropout. Something is horribly amiss with your counting system. And free health care for life was exactly what I was promised 40 years ago when I, being a lazy no account in your eyes, signed up to go fly close air support and SAR missions 8600 miles from home. My fat ass is not on a couch, though. It is in the same wheelchair I have been in since 1970. I must have gotten shot down (twice, by the way) because I was lazy and didn't want to fly the extra voluntary tour after the first 100 missions.
Your screed was a dishonorable insult to the 1.7 Million veterans who lack health insurance. (See, Report of the Harvard/Cambridge Hospital Study Group on Veterans Health Insurance at
I'm not going to speculate why you feel it necessary to belittle the efforts of these vets. If I were to speculate, it would be that you are probably a cowardly draft dodging, slack-jawed, mouth breather who hates himself, his life, his personal history and everything and everyone else who doesn't share your perverted view of your fellow man. To be worthy, you must scream the unworthiness of all others. You are a perfect example of the maxim, "Ignorance is a natural state for man; stupidity takes real commitment." If there is any true justice and karma in the world, you are going to be reincarnated as a perpetually pregnant welfare mom married to someone just like you.

posted on Aug, 12 2009 @ 08:08 AM
Wow this thread has turned very sad.

I am not in favor of THIS health care bill. I have a heart. My goal is not to keep poor people from getting health care. I believe there is a better solution available to aiding the poor in getting health care than this 1000+ page bill that congress openly admits they haven't read. There are way too many special clauses in this bill that have been posted all over these boards so I won't go into repeating them, but they are not necessary nor required in getting health care to the needy. Whomever wrote this bill (which by the way, who actually wrote it? Does anyone know?) needs to go back and rip out about 950 pages and try again.

posted on Aug, 12 2009 @ 11:30 AM

posted on Aug, 12 2009 @ 01:40 PM
I think doctors and/or Big Pharma paying protestors to opose national healthcare since their wages will go down big time to the level they always supposed to be in the first place; yes they are scared

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