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Is there an ARCHAEOLOGICAL COVERUP going on in New Zealand?

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posted on Aug, 8 2009 @ 03:47 PM
We seem to have gone ff track.

Does anyone have any valid reason why evidence for the presence of humans in New Zealand before the Maoris would be supressed by archaeologists?

Of course, embarassing for the maoris if humans were co-existing with the mega fauna on New Zealand for thousands of years, and only when they arrived did they suddenly became all extinct .... Oops ....

posted on Aug, 8 2009 @ 03:58 PM
reply to post by Essan

Summary: Polynesian settlement of New Zealand (c. 1000 yr B.P.) led directly to the extinction or reduction of much of the vertebrate fauna, destruction of half of the lowland and montane forests, and widespread soil erosion. The climate and natural vegetation changed over the same time but had negligible effects on the fauna compared with the impact of settlement. The most severe modification occurred between 750 and 500 years ago, when a rapidly increasing human population, over-exploited animal populations and used fire to clear the land.
Source from above link.

posted on Aug, 8 2009 @ 04:08 PM
This is a "may have" information that has been presented, Just thought it may be interesting to share regarding this topic:

"WELLINGTON, New Zealand — Radiocarbon dating of rat bones and rat-gnawed seeds reinforces a theory that human settlers did not arrive in New Zealand until 1300 A.D. _ about 1,000 years later than some scientists believe, according to a study released Tuesday."


posted on Aug, 8 2009 @ 04:51 PM
I just feel like it would be next to impossible to keep a lid on these types of things. Since there is no national security involved, and those who discover it realize the huge implications I just cant imagine them staying quiet.

posted on Aug, 8 2009 @ 05:32 PM
I don't get it, why would they want to cover up cool things like this? I'm assuming it would be for religious means considering what the major religions believe. This would probably cause a lot of hell in their world. But still, it seems stupid to hide something this cool.

posted on Aug, 8 2009 @ 06:34 PM

Originally posted by Essan
We seem to have gone ff track.

Does anyone have any valid reason why evidence for the presence of humans in New Zealand before the Maoris would be supressed by archaeologists?

Originally posted by MoothyKnight
I don't get it, why would they want to cover up cool things like this? I'm assuming it would be for religious means considering what the major religions believe. This would probably cause a lot of hell in their world. But still, it seems stupid to hide something this cool.

I suspect it COULD be because of political issues regarding the Treaty of Waitangi, and the subsequent validity ofclaims.

Originally posted by Kandinsky
reply to post by Essan

Thanks for this, I sort of elluded to this in a earlier post. Matt McGlone is a very capable and highly thought of researcher in his field.

I apologise for these links, without much comment. There's a bit of information to work through, but many heads make light work (said the electrician):

Pre-Maori History

Lapita Pottery and Polynesians

The Ancient History of the Maori, His Mythology and Traditions: Horo-Uta or Taki-Tumu Migration. [Vol. III]

(The E-local links are also referenced in the first link and there are a few pages per issue which deal with this notion).

There used to be a great forum called NZHistory or something like that and there was a sub-section which dealt with the topic of this thread and was my introduction. Unfortunately, this forum is no longer around

I find this a fascinating subject and look forward to more posts about this.

Just because I, personally have seen no evidence, nor have been made aware of any tangible evidence surrounding this does not mean that there isn't,at least, a kernel of truth.However, I will state that the researchers and Academics I know would not stand for being told what they can and cannot research.

As an aside, during a Geology undergraduate Field trip to the Mandamus/Dove River area behind Culverden , in North Canterbury, one student came up to me with a rock saying she did not know what it was. As soon as I saw it I recognised it as a Pounamo (Greenstone/Jade) handaxe. She found it just sitting on top of an outcrop in an area that has been visited (and traipsed around and mapped) for more than forty years.
I went to the place where she found it and there was no evidence of disturbance which would deposit such an object. It is odd.
The area was a 'popular' trade route up to the top of the South Island.

I can readily buy into this theory, but I have nothing at this stage to go on beyond hearsay.

Edit:Formatting :/

[edit on 8-8-2009 by aorAki]

[edit on 8-8-2009 by aorAki]

[edit on 8-8-2009 by aorAki]

posted on Aug, 8 2009 @ 07:24 PM

Originally posted by chiron613
I don't think any of us would appreciate someone digging up our deceased ancestors in the name of "science", no matter how interesting those ancestors might be. Why should the Maori be any different? It's just a desecration to dig up their ancestors.

I'm not seeing any serious conspiracy here, other than a belated sensitivity to the customs and sensibilities of the Maori. If they revere their dead, who are we to dig them up?

As for the unusual sizes of these alleged bones - easy to say, when there's nothing to prove it wrong. You can say they had three heads and tentacles, or anything else you want. But, is it true? Or is it just an embellishment to a story of not allowing people to dig up other people's ancestors?

I'm sure the wouldn't mind if it meant that we would be revealed the truth about our history and earth's history and these people's existence....

I doubt they want to be forgotten or worse....Hidden from the world....

I like how you speak for people who died thousands of years ago as if you know what they were thinking......

posted on Aug, 8 2009 @ 07:59 PM
I looked at the Original Posters link. I did a search for "caucasian Tall" at the OP's link and didn't find it.

At the OP's link I found no mention of censorship.

Perhaps someone can direct me to the OP's claims. TIA

posted on Aug, 8 2009 @ 08:02 PM

Originally posted by Desolate Cancer
I just feel like it would be next to impossible to keep a lid on these types of things. Since there is no national security involved, and those who discover it realize the huge implications I just cant imagine them staying quiet.

Ok, so lets say they tell all their friends and family. Does that necessarily mean people in general are going to hear about it and accept it as truth? If it isn't reported on TV or in the national newspaper will the lid come off?

posted on Aug, 9 2009 @ 12:00 AM
The coverup by archeologists makes me sick, just like most people.

A good article on this ( with pics) is here unplaatable truth

the interesting thing is that these people were refered to as ' te whanau a Rangi' (the children of the sky)

and with pics like this of the unfortunate ones that were eaten by the Polynesian Maoris, its a huge shame that theit history is suppressed

posted on Aug, 9 2009 @ 12:41 AM
Facinating thread! It is a shame that truths are often hidden from us. Starred and flagged. I look forward to reading more.

posted on Aug, 9 2009 @ 12:46 AM

Originally posted by careface
there is an archealogical coverup going on throughout the whole world.

frankly i'm sick and tired of it. i am ready for the veil to be removed from our faces.

one can only hope that on december 21st, 2012 is when the veil will be lifted.

While I have no opinion on OP's post, I have to ask you, what coverup?

Don't drink the kool-aid by the way.

posted on Aug, 9 2009 @ 01:54 AM

Originally posted by spellbound
reply to post by rapunzel222

In the huge echo of silence I am posting what I was taught.

That the Moriori was here first.

That the Maori decimated them, and they fled to the Chatham Islands.

Actually, the Maori ate them. Tell me I am wrong.

I have no idea what you mean by 'huge echo of silence'. Sure you're free to believe what you've been taught if you want. I dont care what anyone believes.

Yes, i do think you're wrong, if you're saying there was no caucasian races on new zealand.

posted on Aug, 9 2009 @ 02:01 AM

Originally posted by Recouper

Originally posted by Desolate Cancer
I just feel like it would be next to impossible to keep a lid on these types of things. Since there is no national security involved, and those who discover it realize the huge implications I just cant imagine them staying quiet.

Ok, so lets say they tell all their friends and family. Does that necessarily mean people in general are going to hear about it and accept it as truth? If it isn't reported on TV or in the national newspaper will the lid come off?

okay, well ill give you an example why its possible to keep a lid on it.

One: they restrict access to the sites; tell archaeology students and professionals its all a hoax and crazy delusions; they destroy/bulldoze the evidence. So a few photos is all thats left. So everyone anyone tells will go, where's your proof? why should i believe you when mainstream archaeologists say its rubbish?

Second: no one will believe it for the above reasons, unless it appears on the news. It isnt going to appear on the news, becuz obviously the govt doesnt want it to. Hence no one will believe it.

Just say people DID believe it, without seeing hte evidence or official support of the idea - HOW would those in the know spread the info around? The media wont touch it, if the govt doesnt want them to. If you dont believe that, then i dont think you know how the world works.

so hows it to be spread around?

I told a few people on this site - altho i have no first hand knowledge myself - and half probably dont believe it.

I told another mainstream megalithic site and i havent had any responses yet, so clearly they arent even interested in the topic itself enough to read it. Only 36 views so far. Archaeologists consider the idea of coverups as ridiculous. I know, i went to a first year archaeology course and am completely aware of the way these subjects - like the gympie pyramid- are ridiculed and supposedly 'disproven' to first year students - who havent researched the other side of the equation at all, and naturally believe their teachers. THe brainwashing begins at uni.

Third, many will see it as racist (even if we're talking about 'children of the sky' aka aliens here) and wont want to discuss the idea at all.

posted on Aug, 9 2009 @ 02:25 AM
reply to post by fever

i didnt know there was a problem with the link. here is the website:

Also i posted a couple more links further down the first page. One has photos of stone structures in waipou forest. (probably spelled taht name wrong).

posted on Aug, 9 2009 @ 03:03 AM
reply to post by rapunzel222
The Gympie Pyramid has caught the interest of a lot of people. A quick look online shows the usual suspects...secrets, conspiracies, Incan trans-oceanic voyages etc etc. A guy in Australia was asked about 'ol Gympie and actually went and investigated the claims, located the people and went to the 'pyramid.'

In Quest of
Australia's lost pyramids

I imagine you won't believe it because it's written by a qualified scientist. On the other hand, the article is an excellent example of how these myths grow in stature. His article is pretty rare online, yet Rex Gilroy and extraordinary claims for pyramids in Australia are by the hundred.

I mean this in a humorous way so don't take offense...your lecturers must be nervous around you. As they are lecturing there must be just one face scowling at them in distrust and disbelief from the back of the hall

posted on Aug, 9 2009 @ 03:15 AM
reply to post by djusdjus

well, people know their world could end tomorrow anyway. Everyone is gonna die aren't they? And no one knows when. Yet the world seems to go on.

So these initiates, with teh burden of knowing, they wouldnt be building bunkers to save themselves if poss would they? Or are they going up with the aliens to their circling spaceships like during the flood (re: epic of gilgamesh)?

Forgive me if i am unimpressed with people in these secret societies, but you just hear so many rumours of satanic ritual abuse of children and human sacrifice by these types. And i happen to believe its going on. So im afraid i cant condone the way these people are behaving, or the way members of their societies are. (even if some arent doing it, it would seem that others are).

And thinking you have a right to know something others dont does rather imply that you think you are superior to those others, does it not? Well im afraid i dont think anyones superior to anyone else, except people who have suffered a lot are superior to others by virtue of their suffering maybe. Or those born with the burden of disability perhaps, or with other issues.

If everyone knew maybe the human race could find a solution or plan or something... i think right now we're living in real anarchy, where we're lied to about our history, about advances in science, and we're poisoned by our medicine, by drug companies that want to make a buck by keeping people sick, we're exploited by bankers who want a race of worker slaves, and i havent even mentioned politicians yet. something doesnt seem right to me... and yet you would be saying all this rubbish is necessary? All this rubbish is created by secret societies who do control the world, isnt it?
Not to mention wars.. famines...etc.... all about money? or eugenics or something unpleasant.

posted on Aug, 9 2009 @ 03:21 AM
reply to post by rapunzel222

rapunzel222, not sure if there was a misunderstanding. What I meant in my comment is pretty much what you re-iterated in your reply.
I could be wrong, but it seemed to me like you were schooling me, when we seem to have the same or simalar view about exposure of finds made by contractors.

posted on Aug, 9 2009 @ 03:30 AM

Originally posted by Recouper
reply to post by rapunzel222

rapunzel222, not sure if there was a misunderstanding. What I meant in my comment is pretty much what you re-iterated in your reply.
I could be wrong, but it seemed to me like you were schooling me, when we seem to have the same or simalar view about exposure of finds made by contractors.

Oh, sorry if it came across that way. Not intending to school anyone, just stating my opinion (sometimes i repeat it too often when im trying to convince people of something, but just becuz im trying to get a point across. Not directed at your or any offence intended.). I might have misunderstood your post, i'll have to re-read.

posted on Aug, 9 2009 @ 03:48 AM

Originally posted by Kandinsky
reply to post by rapunzel222
The Gympie Pyramid has caught the interest of a lot of people. A quick look online shows the usual suspects...secrets, conspiracies, Incan trans-oceanic voyages etc etc. A guy in Australia was asked about 'ol Gympie and actually went and investigated the claims, located the people and went to the 'pyramid.'

In Quest of
Australia's lost pyramids

I imagine you won't believe it because it's written by a qualified scientist. On the other hand, the article is an excellent example of how these myths grow in stature. His article is pretty rare online, yet Rex Gilroy and extraordinary claims for pyramids in Australia are by the hundred.

I mean this in a humorous way so don't take offense...your lecturers must be nervous around you. As they are lecturing there must be just one face scowling at them in distrust and disbelief from the back of the hall

Hmm, you may mean it humorously, but i think the implication is that i wouldnt understand science if i fell across it and that im a sullen malcontent or something. Just to inform you, im actually getting 7s in the course and am among the top students, have been invited by the uni to continue my studies, and i sit around the middle of the class usually. I dont often scowl either, becuz i do recognize that archaeologists do know a lot more about certain things than i do. I just feel that they misinterpret some of their findings and feel quite frustrated some of the time.

And i kind of wish they were nervous, but i dont think they are. In fact i was quite nervous at the tutorial i had when they ridiculed people who believe in alternataive theories so much that i was too afraid to point out some things that i disagreed with the tutor about. (i noticed a lot of the other students were very quiet as well at the start of her rant.) I do believe in science, but i also believe there is something going on in archaeology. And yes, i do think important SCIENTIFIC evidence IS being covered up. I also know that if i voiced any of my opinions id never get a job as an archaeologist. Currently im in another profession (quite a difficult one, most people seem to think) and im doing archaeology out of interest.

You can laugh all you like. Ive heard plenty about hte gympie pyramid, and my instincts tell me 'they doth protest too much'. They go to so much trouble to convince students its rubbish im starting to beleive its not. It isnt unheard of for qualified scientists to lie either. I know one who works at a uni in medical research and has told me she would consider faking her results to advance her career, and that she knows many others who feel the same way. I also just read about the head of department of a hospital overseas who faked the results of about 20 studies re drugs like vioxx which later killed people (and there was a huge lawsuit about). No doubt he did it at a drug companies bequest for money and his career advancement.

I dont really want to enter a debate with anyone about why i hold my opnions, its based on what ive read and deduced from that. Clearly my opinions conflict with yours and you're entitled to your beliefs.

To DAVINCI: Great post - thanks for the info! It filled in a few missing pieces re: spanish/vatican/mexican stuff for me.
[edit on 9-8-2009 by rapunzel222]

[edit on 9-8-2009 by rapunzel222]

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