posted on Aug, 8 2009 @ 09:04 AM
the ability to pick up on others thoughts and pressence
This is a very interesting one because it's so easy to demonstrate. I suggest to anyone reading this thread to try this very simple experiment. Go to
a mall during off-peak hours when the flow of people is such that there's easily a good 20-30 feet between people. First...don't look at anyone.
Simply glance about and look for people who suddenly turn around and look at someone or something. Do this for several minutes. You'll probably see
that it doesn't happen very often. Then, pick individuals out of the crowd and follow them from 20-30 feet behind them. Stare at the back of their
head and think about them.
Watch how often they turn around suddenly and look at you.
I'm guessing a lot of people will know exactly what I'm talking about. This is essentially the same phenomenon demonstrated by the ninjutsu class I
described previously. And it's something that anyone can very easily do and see in action for themselves.
Time distortion
Yes, I've experienced this twice myself. Once after being thrown over the handlebars of my motorcycle, and once while avoiding being hit by a truck
while on inline skates.
The mind does have these capabilities. And, it seems basically resaonable to me to think that if anyone can have these experiences, someone who
deliberately trains abilities of this sort might become better able to use them. I may never have personally witnessed teleportation or flight, but
given the number of things I've seen that don't nicely fit into conventional explanation...I'm unwilling to dismiss these things as not
At the same time, however...I think it's of great benefit to pay close attention to try to avoid delusion. For example...I once attended a spoon
bending party. It was two hours of people lying to themselves. Were people bending spoons? Yes, of course. But anyone can bend a spoon. At the end of
the two hous I was the only person in the entire room who hadn't "succeeded" in breaking a spoon, and I was given some "personal coaching." The
final piece of advice I was given was "well, maybe you just need to push a little harder. It isn't done completely with your mind, there is phsyical
exertion involved too." To which I frowned and asked her what the point was...because yes, of
course I could bend the spoon if I was just
going to bend it. And then proceeded to effortlessly bend and twist the spoon into every little contortion anyone else had done. Any 12 year old can
bend a spoon. But "spoon bending" is only significant if it's not simply done by twisting the thing with your hands. And this requires some
intellectual honesty.
The stuff about not eating
a session can take me a full day almost
most I have done is a few day in a row...
...ok, but try it sometime without doing your sun gazing at all. I think you'll find that you can go a few days without eating anyway. I'm not
saying what you're doing doesn't work. Maybe it does. I've read about the sun-gazing technique before. But if you're to be honest with yourself,
you need to take care to insure that you're not simply "going a day or two without eating" and mis-attributing it to the sun-gazing.