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Rachel Maddow Exposes Phony Town Hall Mobs...

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posted on Aug, 8 2009 @ 12:00 PM
( Why is anyone discussing race or sexual orientation in this thread? Grow up people.

reply to post by JohnnyCanuck

Originally posted by JohnnyCanuck
...the Republicans lobbyists surreptitiously identifying themselves as average middle class Americans?

I'm not letting you get away with drinking your own cool-aid.

Where is your sound evidence of this?

Rachel Maddow points to conservative affiliated websites publishing the location and times for town hall health-care meetings, and she concludes political professionals are manipulating the appearance of sound opposition to Obama's plan...

I used to think this kind of kangaroo logic could only be produced from the backsides of Bush, Cheney and their administration. But apparently, I was wrong.

Show me real evidence of widescale misrepresentation, inappropriate manipulation and outright organized fraud. Then I might be interested.

The fact is many of you don't want to have the real debate on health-care. It's much more convenient to discredit the concerns and opposition to Obama's plan as fraudulent and meaningless.

Clearly, the fascist danger comes from both sides of the aisle. No?

It's remarkable to me how far some will go to make the Rachel Maddow point.

Take for example this ridiculous evidence of some grand scheme of organized manipulation described by a local news program:

Local reporter outs Republican astroturfer (video)

So a single woman engaged in Republican politics a year and a half ago, in a county of roughly 20,000 people, is evidence of "opponents being planted in the crowd"????

Get serious.

Use some brain cells people.

[edit on 8-8-2009 by loam]

posted on Aug, 8 2009 @ 12:08 PM

Originally posted by loam
( Why is anyone discussing race or sexual orientation in this thread? Grow up people.
reply to post by JohnnyCanuck

Originally posted by JohnnyCanuck
...the Republicans lobbyists surreptitiously identifying themselves as average middle class Americans?

I'm not letting you get away with drinking your own cool-aid.

You know what? I stand to gain or lose nothing in this debate. My health care isn't perfect, but by and large I'm just freakin' chuffed. Where I have chimed in is when the Canadian system is being misrepresented in order to continue screwing x number of my American cousins out of coverage.

And when I see discourse being hijacked by irrelevant slurs and ignorant bluster. 'Cuz we're supposed to deny ignorance on this site, right?

So you folks just work it out on your own then, eh?

posted on Aug, 8 2009 @ 01:31 PM
Rachel maddow, lol, nobody is watching him anyways…..this kind or reporting is why msmnc is going down the drain into the sewer where it belongs!

[edit on 8-8-2009 by 2012DragonSlayer]

posted on Aug, 8 2009 @ 02:04 PM
Here's another example of Rachel Maddow's deceptions, as she spoon feeds the apparently mindless and willing masses hungry for such dribble...

"...Now I raised the specter of the Brooks Brothers riot a historical analogy, as a reminder, that this type of tactic has been used before to great effect. What I didn't realize at the time is that the Brooks Brothers rioters are more than just an analogy here. The Brooks Brothers rioters and the professionals orchestrating the recess rallies now are connected. Here's how...."

Rachel Maddow then painstaking covers a photo from the 2000 recount (but really doesn't make that EXPLICITLY clear) numbering multiple faces with a representation of how they were Bush/Republican operatives who staged their opposition to the recount.

Rachel Maddow continues to make the point that SOME of those people moved on to other Republican or private sector "conservative" roles who now oppose Obama health-care.

And that's it. That's her proof that the protesters at these town-hall health care meetings are "plants."

Of course, what she REALLY wants is for you to believe the picture is a recent one at a health care rally with these same "recount" people. That's why she EXPLICITY misrepresents:

"Who knew the organized efforts to take over town halls and chase congressmen through parking lots would also serve as a 'Brooks Brothers riot alumni' meet-and-greet?"

Any doubt you are being manipulated?

RAW STORY, repeats the lies with:

MSNBC's Rachel Maddow revealed last night that her recent comparisons of the anti-health mobs and the 2000 'Brooks Brothers riot' were just in theme and spirit. "A historical analogy," she said.

"But -- Lo, and behold -- video has now surfaced showing some of the same operatives that helped secure the George W. Bush presidency, marching with a different angry mob from earlier this week."

No such video exists.

Incidentally, I wonder why Rachel Maddow didn't credit Al Kamen for the real leg work in his 2005 Washington Post article:

Miami 'Riot' Squad: Where Are They Now?

Oh, look! There's an interesting image....

posted on Aug, 8 2009 @ 02:50 PM
reply to post by loam

Nicely done, Loam.

Star for you!

posted on Aug, 8 2009 @ 03:09 PM
reply to post by Lemon.Fresh

Thank you.

It's amazing how easily fooled some people get.

In my estimation, this country's biggest problems are a lack of critical thinking and intellectual honesty.

Too bad, because without either, not much is going to improve...

posted on Aug, 8 2009 @ 03:14 PM
reply to post by Hazelnut

Yeah, she irks me too. She looks and sounds like a dude. Or maybe a brokearse Jamie Lee Curtis

posted on Aug, 8 2009 @ 03:50 PM
reply to post by Marrr

I hadn't realized this thread was about how Maddow "looks and sounds like a dude".



posted on Aug, 8 2009 @ 05:56 PM
reply to post by Neo-V™

Where in the bill does it say what she does? How is her word trustworthy?

I've seen nothing about mandates sex changes. I have seen the advocates of the bill write about forcing abortions.

Also, sponsors mean nothing. It's still your right to do it. Companies fund TV shows, but you still have to watch it to make it profitable.

If companies want to make money on free will... well that's business.

Again, I'm waiting for her sources. I got mine.

She's totally wrong.

[edit on 8-8-2009 by Gorman91]

posted on Aug, 9 2009 @ 05:59 PM
I am going to continue reading all the threads in this important issue until I find one that does not either insult the messenger of the story or gives me a clue as to what this all really means. So far I have learned nothing but empty oppinions.

[edit on 9-8-2009 by antar]

posted on Aug, 9 2009 @ 06:14 PM
reply to post by antar

The people in these videos of "town halls gone wild" variety are generally angry people upset with what is going on in our country. They are upset about the politics being played with our rights, and blatant disregard for the people.

They are pissed off because the government wont listen, and as long as the liberal media keeps passing them off and trying to discredit them its going to get worse....

It should be noted that these people arent getting riled up by people on FOX news, unless you count the fact that the information being spread over said news organization and other forms of media including the internet, is making them more and more aware of what is going on, and the infringement on our rights.....

I do not doubt however that the GOP and republican party in general is playing the politics game with this, only getting involved to further their OWN agenda......which is the WORST thing they could have done

STAY OUT OF IT, keep your political party b.s away from these gatherings, we dont need anymore party lines being drawn and brought up in forums like these town halls that are CLEARLY devoid of party lines and are about regular people , dem , rep, libs , conservatives, and libertarians, all in one place crying out over the injustices our government has subjected us to...

The more the GOP and the republican party gets involved the more it down plays the genuine anger and discontent the people of the U.S are displaying.

Thats EXACTLY what the politicians want.....make it look like a movement by the far right, so they can successfully assassinate the character of the people involved......

WE DONT NEED YOUR TWO PARTY POLITICS TO BE HEARD........Listen up Washington and pay attention.........the more you down play us.......the worse its going to get

posted on Aug, 9 2009 @ 06:27 PM
There should be more reporting like this. If there was more like this I might consider cutting my cable back on.

posted on Aug, 9 2009 @ 10:14 PM
reply to post by cloakndagger

It's basically deception though. The above user also showed this.

And I say the same. You can put a billion dollars into an event. People still have to come to it to make it worth anything.

posted on Aug, 9 2009 @ 10:40 PM

Originally posted by antar
I am going to continue reading all the threads in this important issue until I find one that does not either insult the messenger of the story or gives me a clue as to what this all really means. So far I have learned nothing but empty oppinions.

[edit on 9-8-2009 by antar]

Here is one for you.

Here is the deal, If it isn't good enough for the lawmakers and they go out of their way to vote NO to being part of this healthcare plan then you and I should have all the information we need.

Once you start seeing ANY EXEMPTIONS for specific elite or favored groups you know that that a plan is BS. Point blank, if were going to have a "universal care" then it damn well better be "universal" because trying to ram a crap plan down the throats of the middle class while EXEMPTING yourselves is crap. Let's all bear the burden together if were going to do it at all! Anything less is another screwing to the middle class and we all know it. (see my post link for complete details)

posted on Aug, 10 2009 @ 08:34 PM
I just watched a little bit of the Maddow show.
That is one hideous creature. She has obviously failed at womanhood and needs to be stroked by her handlers.
And once again the Jewish person is on television telling Americans what to think by insulting them with humor.
This is the strategy they use.
They critique the Gentiles and make witty little sarcastic jokes to goad the Gentile youth into thinking their Gentile parents are idiots and need to be put out to pasture so the Gentile youth can change the world somehow, they don't know how, they only know that the Jewish woman told them so.
Have you ever searched Google with a question like... Is Rachel Maddow Jewish... and you get these webpages responding with something like ''no she is American and her parents were Russian''.
That is exactly like asking.... Is Reggie Jackson black?.... and getting the result ''No, he played for the Yankees and before that the A's so why you would even ask is beyond me and certainly anti-baseballitic''.

Maddow is definitely on the communist side of things. She would like to take her tribe to the top and leave you in the ghetto.

Is Rachel trying to steal the last piece of chicken?

posted on Aug, 10 2009 @ 08:37 PM
reply to post by Neo-V™

I like anger, I think we need to be angry, the problem is these phony groups sway that anger to make us turn against each other rather than against the crooks and puppet politicians who've taken us down this dark road we're on. Anger is a double-edged sword, it can unite us, but it can also divide us, I fear it is doing the latter in the case of these town halls...

posted on Aug, 10 2009 @ 09:00 PM

Originally posted by THX-1138
I just watched a little bit of the Maddow show.
That is one hideous creature. She has obviously failed at womanhood and needs to be stroked by her handlers....Is Rachel trying to steal the last piece of chicken?

IS this not a perfectly good example of the inane offensive trash-talking that Skeptical Overlord is trying to kill?

Maybe I can help that along with a protest

Self edit to cut the substance out of this quote...I'd like to see it killed dead. And as long as I'm that annoyed, I'll add this poster to my very short ignore list. Pity...I don't mind a spirited discourse...I just can't abide stoopid.

[edit on 10-8-2009 by JohnnyCanuck]

posted on Aug, 10 2009 @ 11:33 PM
reply to post by Neo-V™

Okay, she proves only that a website exists, funded by "right-wing" companies, which promotes to go to your town hall meeting if you are unhappy about this proposed healthcare plan. Correct me if Im wrong, did i not just see a video of SCIU shirt wearing "Americans" at the meetings too. But lets not criticize them for organizing. Please see the Hipocracy of the whole mess!!! and hope I dont start "Organizing" soon.

The Answer to 1984 is 1776! Liberty will Prevail!

posted on Aug, 10 2009 @ 11:46 PM
Distract and divide. Every time, without fail. Case closed.

posted on Sep, 2 2009 @ 08:10 AM
Rachel, me thinks thou doth protest too much.... ;

Community Organizer instructions: shut up ObamaCare opposition

Dollars to donuts, she has no intention of featuring this ACTUAL EVIDENCE of malfeasance by her own team.

Wake up people!

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