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Opponents of ObamaCare Shut Out in Tampa Townhall

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posted on Aug, 7 2009 @ 03:19 PM
The way things are now, Dad gets cancer and his family ends up losing everything because of pre-existing conditions, deductibles, denied claims etc. Then they lose Dad. I for one am sick of fat cat insurance execs getting fatter off the several thousand I give them a year for health insurance and the only thing they give me back is a bill to pay for the 2-3 dr/dentist visits I have. Not to mention the very small amount of Dr's they make me choose from to be my primary care physician. The insurance companies along with a few other big industries (banking, energy, etc) have made it more than clear that they don't give a damn about us. Ad now we are supposed to be all in an uproar because this President is going to do something about it. I am a healthcare worker and I know I, along with a majority of emergency health personel are burnt out on people using EMS and Emergency Rooms as their clinics because they don't have insurance or because they do but can't get in to see the doc when they need to. Is it really so bad that someone actually has a plan to maybe make life a little easier, easpecially for those less fortunate? Isn't the Republican party supposed to have all these Christian values? I'd like to think that bearded, long haired, sandal wearing, wine drinking, guy, you know- JESUS, would want us to help out those less fortunate. Instead, all we get is vitriol, rhetoric, fear mongering, and pure hatred from them. As far as these unruly mobs at the town halls. Alot of these people a few weeks ago were cheering on police for arresting Gatess when he was "disturbing the peace" in his own yard. I think the police could use this as an opportunity to shut their critics up and start arresting some of these disruptive, treatening people. The same way they did for Gates, Code Pink, Don't tase me bro guy, Anti-War, 9-11 Truth, and on. I find it laughable that after 8 years of hearing the repubs going on about how unpatriotic these kinds of people are and how they should all be locked up for their behaviour, now acting even worse. It seems as though they will always be the party of hypocrisy. They don't even have solutions any more. They haven't for awhile. All they seem to be able to do, is scare the hell out of people and get everyone worked up about any idea the other side gets. They need to remember. Their side lost this past election. The guys that win get to make policy. They are like a broken record aymore with the constant phony outrage and incredulous disbelief. Outrage over teleprompters, outrage over picking dogs for their daughters, outrage over planting gardens, outrage over birth certificates, and birthday cakes, and a dinner out with the wife. Oh the horror! And they wonder why so many people walked away from their party. Me included. I voted for Bush Sr. The republican party seemed to at least have some intregity back then. They didn't have to constantly rely on disonfo, fear tactics, strong arming, mocking, labeling, and dismissing oppenents. Now they are like the short fellow with Little Big Man Syndrome. And what appears to be an enormous inferiority complex. Maybe the fact that they are now the minorities is what has them so rabid. Btw, I didn't vote for Obama. But he is our President now. I accept that and will continue to spread the word and use my vote as my voice, and try to engage in civil debates and political discussions. Maybe one day people will wake up to this whole Right-vs-Left thing. Maybe someday they will vote based on something other than fear and party loyalty. You people were too busy mocking people like me when we were talking about Ron Paul and other 3rd party options. Now look what you have.

posted on Aug, 7 2009 @ 03:21 PM
reply to post by HunkaHunka

Then since you state you agree suppression tactics are wrong, maybe you are arguing from the wrong side of the fence.

Lets face it: No responsible American can agree with these tactics. And regardless of whom the orders originate from, it is still wrong. You are easily sensible enough to know that, just as most reading this can recognize simple diversionary arguments from those debating from a knee-jerk emotional position.

This really is not a question of 'its right if my side does it but wrong if yours does'. It is incredibly clear that this is simply wrong regardless of political viewpoints. It is not about anything else whatsoever.

The truth is sometimes a difficult thing to face, but let's all step outside of polarizing ego and call this what it is:


No further argument is really needed once that is realized.

posted on Aug, 7 2009 @ 03:22 PM

Originally posted by WhatTheory

Originally posted by earlywatcher
isn't that what you are trying to do right now? derail this thread by trying to enrage everyone?

No, this entire tactic by the dem's and liberals regarding calling protesters mob's and nazi's is nothing but a scheme to divert attention from what is actually in the bill because there is no way to defend the contents.

Support for the bill was dropping fast because the content of the bill was being discussed so they decided to change the subject as to not actually discuss the bill itself.

It looks as though our legislators don't know exactly how to handle the attention they have drawn on themselves. By painting attendees with such a broad brush,they are making a terrible mistake. For the most part(at least at the meetings I have attended) the people are Independent voters.
Independent voters are what have been refered to as the "Silent Majority". Well it seems that they are silent no longer. With a 60% plus voting block,they can't be ignored for long.
I fully expect the battles in Congress to become bitter.These parasites depend on votes to keep them in office.They have to bend to the will of the people,or lose their jobs!

posted on Aug, 7 2009 @ 03:24 PM
reply to post by HunkaHunka

I'm not blaming Bush for anything... I'm simply saying that the folks on the right have no authority to blame anyone for using any kind of tactics given the wide use of suppression tactics displayed during the bush admin. NOT TO MENTION THE LAST CAMPAIGN!

Your logic makes absolutely no sense. Let me see if I've got this right...

Your saying that the "right" has no authority to be mad because they suppressed these types of protests during Bush. ok

But the "left" can organize these types of protests when Bush is in office and then when "their" guy is in "charge", they can also suppress these types of protests?


Does this make sense to you?

The right can't protest because they suppressed the left from doing it.
So that means...
The left can't suppress the protests because they protested.

So I guess the only thing left is to just sit at home and do nothing.

posted on Aug, 7 2009 @ 03:24 PM
All i can say is this. After all of the pompous liberals running around on TV talking about how they were going to rule for 40 years and the Republican party was dead, I am going to get to watch them eat crow as the Democratic party implodes right before the countries eyes.

Not that's funny, I dont care who you are!

[edit on 8/7/2009 by grapesofraft]

posted on Aug, 7 2009 @ 03:31 PM

Originally posted by wantsome

I've incured $3000 in hospital bills I can't pay because of lack of insurance. I've payed out thousands for medications over the past 12 years. Even when I had health insurance they still wouldn't cover my doctors bills. It's cheaper for me to be on wellfare. So the way I see it is they can't screw it up any worse.

I do understand that there are things that Health Insurance doesn't cover. When ever I start a new job I look through the book and findout what I need to know- if I dont know I ask; if i need to I buy a supplemental policy. Last year I had over $16k in medical bills from an Infection- my insurace paid all but $1000. I am still paying that off- but I am doing it-because that is responsable. Nearly ten years ago I was in the hospital for a leagthly time- I had over 3k in bills after that one- I too, paid it off over time. I personally do not want to pay anything additional for people that can not pay or people that are not willing to pay. I can understand if you had some kind of disability and could not work-thats diffrent.

The system needs to put limits on mal practice and hold Doctors and healthcare persons to a higher level. Illegals are sucking up these resources as well.

As for the Protesters- allow them to speak and ask questions. We are seeing a Double -Standard from when groups like "acorn" and "code pink" would show up and do the same things to be heard. It is only a matter of time before these things start to get out of hand. Change is in the Air-but Revoluntion is around the corner.

posted on Aug, 7 2009 @ 03:33 PM
reply to post by HunkaHunka

So you're upset over the "organized" protests, how they're being bussed everywhere, ok I think we get that. Were you just as outraged when Acorn was bussing people to AIG homes? Those protests weren't "spontaneous.

I tried to find a story on it from the Liberal media, but they wouldn't dare touch Acorn.

Will you denouce Acorn as eagerly as you are these right wing mobsters?

posted on Aug, 7 2009 @ 03:36 PM
reply to post by HunkaHunka

I'm guessing the same way the right demonized mothers against the war, or country music stars who speak their mind at their own concerts, or anyone who was against the Iraq war.

Who are you talking about? We're talking about a massive media and the White house targeting everyday Americans. You're talking about backlash at a singer's record sales, because they choose to be anti-war. Its not the same thing.

posted on Aug, 7 2009 @ 03:42 PM
And, by coincidence, the founder of the SEIU, Wade Rathke, is also the founder of ACORN. For those that do not know, Wade Rathke and Bill Ayers were in the same collegiate social club during the same time period - the Weather Underground.

You of course are free to draw your own conclusions concerning relationships between the attacks and their coordination or affiliation with any political party.

posted on Aug, 7 2009 @ 03:45 PM

Originally posted by jerico65
And, by coincidence, the founder of the SEIU, Wade Rathke, is also the founder of ACORN. For those that do not know, Wade Rathke and Bill Ayers were in the same collegiate social club during the same time period - the Weather Underground.

Thanks, I did not know that.

The pieces of the puzzle keep falling into place.

posted on Aug, 7 2009 @ 03:48 PM
I accidentally posted this in the wrong thread, so here it is again.

This is basically what you hear from democrats when they want to protest something. They are absolute hypocrites.

posted on Aug, 7 2009 @ 03:58 PM

Originally posted by Uniceft17
reply to post by yellowcard

The angry mob thing isn't helping the protesters one bit. This is probably the reason they have been turned away, Has anyone been watching the news? All the videos i've seen of the town halls are protesters yelling and shouting non-stop, not even allowing a discussion to take place. This can all be done in a civilized manner. And maybe if these protesters allowed a atleast some questions to be answered they would get the politicians right where they want them.

Did you see the one video a few months back about the black gentleman speaking to the congressional panel? He was very civil, even when the government stooges were not. Civility and calmness have their place, but they aren't working. The people are not being heard. People have tried the calm and civil route, and been ignored. There comes a point after a person/group/organization closes it's ears for too long, that you have to start yelling to make yourself heard. I applaud what these people are doing. The story about that one government stooge that had to be escorted to his car was classic. The government should fear it's people, not the other way around.


posted on Aug, 7 2009 @ 04:00 PM

Originally posted by HunkaHunka

Originally posted by Clark Savage Jr.
reply to post by HunkaHunka

I think you argue from an emotional rather than a logical stance. Maybe last nights CNN reporting of a poor report card has you feeling down a bit.

On topic as much as possible, let me simply ask:

Do you personally feel that these 'suppression tactics'(your exact term) being used regarding this matter are wrong as an American citizen? Its a simple yes or no question.

I believe suppression tactics are wrong all around. I think busing people to town halls is unscrupulous, I think sending out memos specifically stating how to disrupt the town hall is unscrupulous as well.

And I also think calling people who do these unscrupulous things pejoratives such as nazi or brown shirt (those have been used by all sides recently), is unscrupulous as too.

It's one thing to organize people to go to campaign stops etc and ask questions from a perspective that you actually want an answer, it's a completely different thing to simply aim to disrupt the town halls.

It's no short of an attempt to wag the dog in my mind. If people are angry, what are they angry about? Something the media told them to be angry about? Or something they are actually angry about?

If you have something that you are actually angry about and was not something FOX told you to be angry about, then go to YOUR local town hall and voice YOUR opinion.

But to get on buses? My word .... And to the dems who are calling these unscrupulous people names... well that's pretty nasty as well...

Sorry to disappoint you, but people have been busing around to protests since the Vietnam era. How do you think all of those people were able to March on DC? Do a little research on the May 4 Kent State shootings and you'll find that the majority of the troublemakers bussed in days before the famous shooting incident. They burned the ROTC building and set fires in the streets of down town Kent.

So, bussing is nothing new. They are just saving gas to reduce their carbon footprints.

posted on Aug, 7 2009 @ 04:00 PM

Originally posted by midnightbrigade
Wow...Just WOW...First the black panthers were used to keep people out of election booths, then protesters weren't allowed to assemble over the bailouts, and now Obamacare opponents are getting shut out of town hall meetings?

Jesus H. When will enough be enough? This is the VERY blatant behavior we were warned about in our Constitution. Wait....who knows the Constitution anymore.
Nah, thats just a piece of paper. It seems the Bush Whitehouse showed Obama how to pull some # and now its not fun because its the Dems doing it.

posted on Aug, 7 2009 @ 04:04 PM
Yah!! Those Leftist, commie FIRE MARSHALS who won't let thousands of rowdy people into a space designed for a couple hundred!!

Thursday's meeting, at the Children's Board of Hillsborough County in Ybor City, closed its doors under orders from the fire marshal, the board said today in a news release.

The meeting dissolved into shouting, shoving and fighting outside and inside as Castor's comments were drowned out by the crowd.

"Unfortunately, a series of unforeseen events led to a larger-than-expected crowd which became animated to the point where the safety of others in attendance became an issue," said a news release from the Children's Board. "The meeting space was at full capacity, and the fire marshal deemed that no one else – citizens or members of the media – would be allowed to enter the facility."

posted on Aug, 7 2009 @ 04:08 PM

Originally posted by maybereal11
Yah!! Those Leftist, commie FIRE MARSHALS who won't let thousands of rowdy people into a space designed for a couple hundred!!

Is that the best you got?

Yeah, I'm sure that was the case in all areas of the country today.

Nice try at deflection but no cigar. Move along.

The question should be who they allowed in before the room was full and the doors were ordered shut. Also, should we take the word of the board on what the fire marshals said. Why didn't the marshals step in?

[edit on 8/7/2009 by WhatTheory]

posted on Aug, 7 2009 @ 04:16 PM

Originally posted by wantsome
^^^ I think the adminstration has a right to be heard without the misinformed inturupting and causing a sceen as they are prone to do.

No they don't.

It's in the constitution (Bill of Rights) and is called FREEDOM OF SPEECH.

posted on Aug, 7 2009 @ 04:18 PM

Originally posted by WhatTheory

Originally posted by maybereal11
Yah!! Those Leftist, commie FIRE MARSHALS who won't let thousands of rowdy people into a space designed for a couple hundred!!

Is that the best you got?

............Also, should we take the word of the board on what the fire marshals said. Why didn't the marshals step in?
[edit on 8/7/2009 by WhatTheory]

Yah...and where was that Fire Marshal born anyways...I want to see his long-form!!

posted on Aug, 7 2009 @ 04:23 PM
Does anybody see the irony in this whole mess. On one side we have concerned citizens expressing their opinions and fears before the officials that they elected into office to represent them.

On the other side you have Obama and his lemmings. Obama is die hard COMMUNITY ORGANIZER. The man has based his whole presidency on this past experience. His only experience in fact. He rallied underrepresented populations to take action and speak up (ACORN), he rallied these same people to register to vote (more than once). His whole career is based on the same thing that he is now speaking out against.

This double standard is purely disgusting!!!!!!!!!
WTF... open your @#!#@ eyes people.

posted on Aug, 7 2009 @ 04:30 PM

Originally posted by WhatTheory

Originally posted by maybereal11
Yah!! Those Leftist, commie FIRE MARSHALS who won't let thousands of rowdy people into a space designed for a couple hundred!!

Is that the best you got?

Yeah, I'm sure that was the case in all areas of the country today.

Nice try at deflection but no cigar. Move along.

The question should be who they allowed in before the room was full and the doors were ordered shut. Also, should we take the word of the board on what the fire marshals said. Why didn't the marshals step in?
[edit on 8/7/2009 by WhatTheory]

Oh of course don't trust the sinister "Children's Board" that hosted the discussion!

Take a look for yourself...Plenty of folks opposed to Healthcare Reform were present...Class act..these folks.

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