Today I wrote some additional posts on a related thread,
which clarify my point of view.
You ought to read them,
if you want to get the full point here.
It'll take about one minute,
as they are a few short posts in sequence.
In addition,
As I wrote on the same thread:
To those who actually want to research this story,
what is important to realize here,
is that, as not everyone has noticed,
there are several groups and people
who tell different versions of the story of Maitreya.
Maitreya is known in Eastern religion.
We have Share International.
But you will be able to find a lot of additional sources.
A lot of attempts have been made,
to muddy the waters around the information
as presented by Share International.
So, you will find several versions of the story,
and they are NOT all the same, nor are they
actually referring to the same individual, Maitreya.
A lot of sources, mix up all the different versions,
and people who do not know the story, can not distinguish
the difference, thinking it is all one and the same thing.
So, before you set out to 'debunk' or 'support'
Maitreya, you will have to decide which of the existing
versions you want to 'debunk' or 'support'.
But do not ignorantly claim that Benjamin Creme is
responsible for each separate group's claims.
Of course anyone is free to believe
it is all one and the same thing,
without doing research.