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IR footage in a field, England

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posted on Aug, 8 2009 @ 01:28 AM
reply to post by Darth Logan

We have been over those guys already.Their little attempts are NOTHING like the circles in this discussion.Their claims are backed up by more claims.Along with pictures of circles of no known provenence,saying they 'appeared'.Their siren call is heard only by those who already want to believe what they say.Try again,but first,you may want to read the whole thread first so you don't sound so...ignorant.

posted on Aug, 8 2009 @ 01:29 AM
These people stomping crops are losers and need to get a life. Seriously.
Really, is this as good as they can do? SHeeesh.
Haven't they got anything at all better to do with themselves?
If they have so much free time, why don't they donate some of it?

Wow, what a concept. Calculate that!
They sure must have lotsa energy too!
Maybe they should donate some of that too?
I'm sure there are homeless shelters that could use all that energy!
They could mow lawns with that fancy weave, and make money on the side! It's a win win.

They would feel so much better about themselves, they obviously need a freakin' hobby thats fairly constructive for cripes sakes.
Not DE-structive!
To traipes around smashing crops meant to feed? Not cool.
Wonder what the farmer thinks about it.
Maybe he ought to go stomping stuff on their property some night.
Wonder how they'd like that? Maybe leave them some "art".
Lucky they dont get their hair parted with buckshot.
Wonder what type of mentality justifies this for any reason?
It better be aliens doin' it, cuz one day they just might make one in the wrong field and finally decide to grow up and find another game to play.
Children usually do at some point.

[edit on 8-8-2009 by dodadoom]

posted on Aug, 8 2009 @ 02:24 AM

Originally posted by askbaby
Memo to self: do not under any circumstances offend either: ALLis0NE or Bspiracy (noted).

I really don't think you could ever offend me by the way your message was composed.

It's only when people make absolute determinations and then sway a conversation from tense to outright disrespectful do I take offense and will not bend. Disagreeing is by no means disrespectful and I love a good debate in matters like this one.

People with humility decide not to put up a fight because of the energy it takes.
People with self importance denounce a subject at a certain point and from there if you challenge their belief then it becomes an argument. Oh well, I'm down with that.

Every aspect of crop circles, ufo's and other related subjects tend to polarize people. Just on this page you see comments of violence. On other pages you see comments of awe. The awe is innocent and curious but not silly or stoopid. Violence and anger IS silly AND stoopid.

I hope that one day there is a way to be sure that crop circles are 100% real or fake. 100% real is impossible of course but 100% fake feels just as impossible given all the data. Circles like this one and the events surrounding are fascinating and logistically challenge the typical argument.

Until that day, I play the devil's advocate until absolute truth is revealed. If spats like the one between ALLisONE and myself happen, it's because we love the same thing. Truth.

Our perspective is a little different though


[edit on 8-8-2009 by Bspiracy]

posted on Aug, 8 2009 @ 02:44 AM

Originally posted by fleabit
So... does this guy do this regularly, or did he just amazingly pick the exact field and spot on that field, where the CC would appear?

As interesting as I found the IR videos I had to wonder the same thing... How does he happen to be in JUST the right spot at the RIGHT time? Is he using multiple cameras?
That small fellow who suddenly appears and walks away was incredible... but as I watched all I could keep on thinking was 'look where the camera is.' It looked like a totally random spot... was he just lucky?
Sorry I'm so suspcious...

posted on Aug, 8 2009 @ 03:38 AM

Originally posted by dodadoom

To traipes around smashing crops meant to feed? Not cool.

[edit on 8-8-2009 by dodadoom]

The crop usually stand back up in 2 to 3 weeks and carry on growing as normal, even if the circles are done around harvest time (next couple of weeks) the wheat is still perfectly harvestable. Actually a lot of farmers tend to get more pissed at all the "croppies" tramping round thier fields than they do at the circlemakers.

posted on Aug, 8 2009 @ 03:49 AM

Originally posted by Mer Ka Bah
Here's an excellent video on the subject..

I don't know how many more 'flashing lights' and 'orb' sightings and recordings we need until people start accepting that many of these crop circles are a mystery and NOT made by man.

I have lived close to these circles, you can never get the sheer size of them in your mind via a picture. They are HUGE, they have astounding detail. You can spend five minutes with rope and stick, and believe me, you are totally worn out, with a small patch of flattened-ish crop by the end of it.

The fakes are very easy to spot, and so are the real ones.

Ok, the man and woman in this video state that they came across this guy called "Win" making this film. The maker of the OP posters film is Win Keech so is it the same person?
Strange how both video's show a flash of light and a circle is magicaly there next morning.TBH both videos show nothing of any significance at all.

posted on Aug, 8 2009 @ 03:50 AM
reply to post by Alienmojo

But then again, if the guy takes his camera out often to film crop, then it is in the hope to be in the right place at the right time, happens quite often to be in the right place at the right time, it's called luck. But from what I have understood it's more or less this guys pass time.
As for catching two anomalies, well he caught it one night, any rational person would go back to the approximate same location to try and find something else.

As for the videos them selves, they are intriguing (mostly the 2nd one), but the fact that no more footage has been released is a bit fishy, and without the rest of the footage we will never have answers.

As for the black entities that disapear after the flash of light, couldn't that simply be à residue from the light it's self (especialy if it was hot) like you know when you turn of your cathodic tv set when it's pitch black, and you can still see it illuminate and then fade away (the light not the tv set

posted on Aug, 8 2009 @ 04:12 AM
Just a silly idea that just came to mind (probably not the first one to think this. Let's just imagine for a second the following :

- Non humain entities come down to that location in england, and make a CC that treats the subject of our universe, just trying to tell us something.

- Some guys from that town notice that it make people come and that there is money to be made. So they start making more CC, and to make it look real thay deal with the same subject.

- Non humains see this and not knowing any better think : "ohhh they have understood and they are answering ! keewwlll
!" so they reply with other CC as now they have found the communication channel.

So to resume : Non humains make CC, humains reply (unknowingly) with a CC that says almost the same thing (when you answer a fact by replying the same thing that could mean : "yes I understand") Then non humains reply with further information, and so on.

This could account for certain questions, such as : Why always in the same place ? Well they are getting a response from this location so you answer the guys who are speaking to you.
And this could also explain why CC makers see strang things, because the 2 conversations could be overlapping (like on MSN lol, often you haven't even got the reply and your already writting something else).

Anyway just a thought... We could actually be communicating and not even knowing it ...

[edit on 8-8-2009 by WeSbO]

posted on Aug, 8 2009 @ 04:35 AM

Originally posted by brodyism
look at that weave! have any other crop circles had woven circles?

their just tapping some earth energy, that's all. who are they is what I'd like to know.

That weave is indeed incredible 170 ft and within an half hour! I would need 2 days and it would not look that good.

You second remark is meant as a joke I guess " their just tapping some earth energy, that's all."

That's all

posted on Aug, 8 2009 @ 04:41 AM

Originally posted by Alienmojo

Originally posted by fleabit
So... does this guy do this regularly, or did he just amazingly pick the exact field and spot on that field, where the CC would appear?

As interesting as I found the IR videos I had to wonder the same thing... How does he happen to be in JUST the right spot at the RIGHT time? Is he using multiple cameras?
That small fellow who suddenly appears and walks away was incredible... but as I watched all I could keep on thinking was 'look where the camera is.' It looked like a totally random spot... was he just lucky?
Sorry I'm so suspcious...

There are a lot of people traveling around in that area in the UK this time of the year with camera's just waiting to film the creation of a crop circle. Every year there are cropcircles to be found there. It is logical to go there if you want to investigate this. He is just one of the serious ones with infrared camera's.

So it is no coincidence, just a very good idea. Maybe this guy has been doing this for a long time and this is his first hit.

posted on Aug, 8 2009 @ 05:05 AM
Maybe someone has said this, but I looked at the videos of the "entity", now and on the C2C site when Howe was on a few days back... to me it's clearly a rabbit. It "appears" and then "disappears" because it's poking up from it's burrow... as rabbits in rabbit holes tend to do. England's countryside is teaming with rabbits.

Look at the last two videos on the page Here

It pops up out of the ground and you can see it has huge ears.

I think it's telling of Howe's sensationalist, profit driven motives to tape something that's so obviously nothing paranormal and then promote it as an alien entity, give me a break.

Here's your alien, Linda

posted on Aug, 8 2009 @ 05:37 AM

[edit on 8-8-2009 by WeSbO]

posted on Aug, 8 2009 @ 09:06 AM
Before involving extraterrestials in these crop circle phenomena, consider that earth-bound technology is perhaps advanced enough to be responsible. It is very possible that some very smart biotech and electronic engineers have figured out how to cause rapid gravitropism in certain plants that have node structures in their stalks which are right above the ground.

The evidence of this mechanism of bending these plants is massive, especially in the analysis done by Freddy Silva from SygnalasisLaboratories, BLT Research in his book "Secrets in the Fields". (Excerps from this work can be found at:

This technology would have been developed in the US Military, and here is why:
Starting in the early 60's and up to the present time, Millions of dollars were spent on developing methods of defoliating plants and flattening tall grass fields to secure large areas and deny enemy troops for using such fields as cover. Many casualties were incurred because of ambush and the ability to move large troops through these fields un-noticed.

I hold that a method of flattening these large grass fields was developed that was most likely a directed energy emmiter that used a mircrowave or combination microwave/laser technology that was able to rapidly cause certain types of stalky plants to bend at this special node at the base of their stems. At first, it was crude, and could only do circular areas, but as technology improved, and the use of computers that can generate raster and vector graphics, could basically direct this emmitter like we can today in laser shows, presenting incredible graphics in planetariums and in low cloud patterns, we wind up with a real smoking gun that needs to be investigated.

Like all technology that starts in the military, it makes it way into the public sector because the engineers working on it leave and start developing variations on the same theme. I believe this is the basis for what we see. It makes sense in the gradual complexity and capability over time as the technology is further perfected. I believe it is being done from the air, in small craft, perhaps drones, that fly without lights and do not have to be present in the area for very long.

So - Thats my take. I think that persuing this line of reasoning will produce the solution that everyone wants. I am not saying that I do not believe that there are intellegent extraterrestrial that have perhaps visited this planet , or are doing so now. The question is, if this is so, why would they not use some of the many more effective means of communication if they really wanted to talk to us?


[edit on 8-8-2009 by charlyv]

[edit on 8-8-2009 by charlyv]

[edit on 8-8-2009 by charlyv]

[edit on 8-8-2009 by charlyv]

posted on Aug, 8 2009 @ 10:01 AM
reply to post by Wh00pS

Thanks for the comment and reply!
Still,....they are -apparently single- losers that need a (daytime) life.
Maybe they could help harvest those crops that are not damaged?
You know, since they have so much time on their hands and all...
Heck, maybe they'd grow up, get a hobby, and build model airplanes
or something halfway normal!

I'm still waiting for some pro-circle jerks to show up.....
just a general thought here, nothing personal to anyone.
Only when you start defending it, would it ever apply personally.
Have a great day(or night, as it were), regardless!
P.S. Stay outta my fields.

posted on Aug, 8 2009 @ 11:06 AM
reply to post by trueforger

You should practice what you preach. If you would have read my post you should have known it was a response to someone other than your holy self.
Forgive me for trying to shed a different perspective on the subject! If you want to beleive every CC out there is made by Aliens, then Im not the one thats ignorant. SShheesshhh!! Grow up!

posted on Aug, 8 2009 @ 12:14 PM

Originally posted by ZombieOctopus
Maybe someone has said this, but I looked at the videos of the "entity", now and on the C2C site when Howe was on a few days back... to me it's clearly a rabbit. It "appears" and then "disappears" because it's poking up from it's burrow... as rabbits in rabbit holes tend to do. England's countryside is teaming with rabbits.

Look at the last two videos on the page Here

It pops up out of the ground and you can see it has huge ears.

Do rabbits glow?

posted on Aug, 8 2009 @ 01:04 PM
Thus the fallability of our species. We allow ourselves to be insulted and then retaliate with the same mindset that the other side wanted to infect us with.

posted on Aug, 8 2009 @ 01:09 PM
That's a pretty wicked video, and that wave is crazy! For some reason it reminds me of ghost lights, earth lights, or earthquake lights.

posted on Aug, 8 2009 @ 01:22 PM
reply to post by charlyv

Got any writings about this technology, something to read, first time I have heard of this! Coz that is a really big coincidence, so a few write ups would be cool.

posted on Aug, 8 2009 @ 01:51 PM
This is some great stuff I'm following this quid a while now.. I dont know what to think about this. But I want to see more about this!

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