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IR footage in a field, England

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posted on Aug, 6 2009 @ 06:56 PM

Originally posted by kongfuzi
IR film is very expensive and hard to maintain.

It's video, not film, the tapes are the same as normal video.

posted on Aug, 6 2009 @ 07:00 PM
the entity might be a fox or some other animal ?

that's what somebody said in my thread on this

posted on Aug, 6 2009 @ 07:03 PM
reply to post by stereovoyaged

I think Winston Keech is presenting his accumulated footage at the 'Flying
Saucers Have Landed' UFO Conference at Scarborough 29th /30th OCTOBER 2009 at the Spa Complex with a list of UFO related speakers.

posted on Aug, 6 2009 @ 07:56 PM
It's a Hobbit

No seriously, this is interesting to say the least. The only problem with video evidences nowadays is that anyone with basic video skills and a computer can do things like that without a problem.

But it looks interesting nonetheless.

posted on Aug, 6 2009 @ 08:15 PM
All I can say is I don't think that the weaving is possible for humans to do in the dark in ANY length of time. I don't feel like the CC designs are of human origin for the most part. Some are just too beautiful. IF I were an alien race I think CC's would be a great way to let those humans know that they were not alone without freaking them out. It's a calling card

posted on Aug, 6 2009 @ 08:17 PM

Originally posted by easynow
the entity might be a fox or some other animal ?

that's what somebody said in my thread on this

Does a fox emit light?

posted on Aug, 6 2009 @ 08:23 PM
reply to post by ArMaP


I count seven people in that footage. One with a flashlight that knows where the camera is.


Congrats on unknowingly proving the circle is a fake.

Everyone needs to put your thinking caps on and watch the film again. Remember in that kind of footage the dark shapes are just people in the field.

In the one at the side of the field the person with the flashlight even shows us the light trail from the flashlight as they purposefully point it at the camera.

I'm betting the hoaxers are represented on this thread

posted on Aug, 6 2009 @ 08:36 PM
Copyright © 1999 - 2009 by Linda Moulton Howe.

I should have known
Go figure

posted on Aug, 6 2009 @ 08:46 PM

One of many possible theories out there, this is mine, that could crop formations be "Tests" of a orbital weapons platform/satellite or something similar. Maybe a low power laser or microwave beam being used to make these crop formations? Some high technology that we know nothing about being tested in a benign area? Sounds a bit more plausible than aliens.

reply to post by Springheel Jack

I don't buy that theory. It seems to me that if that were the case, the operators wouldn't be putting such a large concentration of their 'designs' in England. During the winter months they are rarely, if ever, found.
So, I would wager that if this were the Government, they would switch locations and in January they would be making these designs in masse in Australia. If that were the case it appears that they only run tests during a specific time of the year? No way. Not the Government.

Now that isn't to say that all circles are found in England, mind you (something I see tossed around here a lot by skeptics).
Earlier when I was looking for other examples of woven crop circles, I found two that were woven in a pattern that looked identical to this one. One was found in Ohio, and the other in Georgia.

The link was too big to put in here. You can find them on though.

[edit on 6-8-2009 by JayinAR]

posted on Aug, 6 2009 @ 08:56 PM
Just making an off the cuff translation of the crop circle. If you look at the circle as the earth and the arms as arrows, could it be representing pole shift? Like I said, it's just a quick guess.

posted on Aug, 6 2009 @ 09:45 PM
The weaving stuff is cool and such.

But in the videos, all I saw was the wheat waving in the wind. It's nothing you don't see all the time in the midwest. Thats why they say "amber waves of grain". Because it waves and does like that in the wind.

The many short videos and such makes me skeptical, plus the source as well.

A single long film that showed something like the video below would be better, and the video below is not real.

posted on Aug, 6 2009 @ 10:24 PM

Originally posted by essj420
one blinking light does not mean ufo

It's posts like this that I can't stand.

Nobody even mentioned a UFO at any time before you posted that. You tried to de-rail the thread by taking it off-topic and failed. Nice try. The thread was about IR cameras picking up a light source in an area where a CC was found. Nothing at all about UFO's was ever mentioned. You didn't even bother to fully read the thread or watch the videos before you posted or you would have seen that UFO was never mentioned.

People need to start reading the threads before posting BS trying to de-rail the topic.

[edit on 6-8-2009 by nightmare_david]

posted on Aug, 6 2009 @ 11:21 PM

Originally posted by ahamarlin
The fact that people in England make a living of the crop circle phenomena keeps me sceptic.

Organisations like Sacred Britain Tours are offering group tours including helicopter flights over the fields during summertime. Looking at the prices they ask, its big business. Same for books and DVDs.
Want the truth? Follow the money....

On the other hand, strange phenomena happen everywhere, why not in Englands wheat fields!

People pay to see stonehenge but that doesn't take away from the significance of the site.

If something odd was happening on a plot I owned, Id probably have to set up a fee to prevent hoards of people trampling over my private property.

The rest might just be opportunistic profiteering - but then, people are devious also so there is always cause to keep your mind open and not accept everything at face value.

But as to the people who claim that using doodads and whatsits that can do this in 15 minutes... Put yer money where your mouth is, get a video setup and prove it. Words are meaningless as evidence.

posted on Aug, 6 2009 @ 11:47 PM
Contrived IR video is contrived in pursuit of profit.

Ho hum, yawn.....

Given the state of readily available digital technology nowadays, is it too much to expect to see at least one possible orb/ufo/dimensional portal/et video in HD?

I mean, you can get a Flip camera, that will record HD, at a very reasonable price. Small, good battery life, decent storage, built-in features like motion stability and optical zoom, all one needs to get some very decent shots that we can dissect.

Yet we still get grainy, compressed clips of a low frame rate that may or may not show something.

I know there is a major element of chance in catching these things in action, but the odds say we should be seeing high quality video by now. Where is it, I ask? Where?




The first thing I judge is quality of recording. When I see a low quality RECENT video, I can't be bothered to explore any further than a cursory viewing as the chances are it is ball lightning, static electricity, a weather balloon or some other reasonable explanation, such as a guy with a laser pointer, outstanding in his field.

Anyway, it'd be nice to see some high quality video for a change.

Just saying.....

posted on Aug, 7 2009 @ 12:27 AM
The wocen crop circle has already been discussed and debunked on this thread:

It shows signs of pivot points, track lines used as guides, and made of three similar sized circles made with the same length rope and string.

As for the grainly p.o.s. videos from EarthFiles.... THE ARE FAKE.

Earthfiles and Linda Howe is a fraud.

If you don't believe me, then go ahead and go give all your money to that nut case Linda Howe. I don't care.

posted on Aug, 7 2009 @ 12:29 AM

Originally posted by Blaine91555
reply to post by ArMaP


I count seven people in that footage. One with a flashlight that knows where the camera is.


Congrats on unknowingly proving the circle is a fake.

Everyone needs to put your thinking caps on and watch the film again. Remember in that kind of footage the dark shapes are just people in the field.

In the one at the side of the field the person with the flashlight even shows us the light trail from the flashlight as they purposefully point it at the camera.

I'm betting the hoaxers are represented on this thread

do you care to explain a bit better about unknowingly proving a fake ? None of your statements add up except to sound like a witch-hunt.

Also care to explain ground the shots as well? I'm not sure if you looked at them or not, but they are parted and over lapping like someone is going on out on a date. I'm pretty sure that the coordinated effort to part the wheat, make a time lapse video with a VERY expensive setup to make a hoax of immeasurable proportions in complexity just doesn't fit here.

What's your prob with someone copyrighting their own article?

Hoaxers in the thread? Where's the hoax first...


posted on Aug, 7 2009 @ 12:47 AM

Originally posted by ALLis0NE
The wocen crop circle has already been discussed and debunked on this thread:

Where in the thread?
Send someone on a whole thread read when it could be anywhere?

I know that yourself and others have issues with LMH. So do I. She has done purposefully false reporting, not responded to all sorts of inquiries about said issues but she has also done good work and reported on stories that have turned out to be very good.
Lumping everything she does into the FAKE category is wrong. I do agree with you that my money won't ever be going her way because of her actions.

I'll gladly admit this was a fake when it's pointed out rather than being sent on a wild goose chase or backing up random statements.


posted on Aug, 7 2009 @ 12:53 AM
reply to post by Satchmo Bevins

Actually we just bought the Flip (HD) and the quality is amazing, it doesn't have good zoom (just 2x digital) but the quality is really good esp. in low light.

Additionally you can be taping in 3-4 seconds... so if you are lucky enough to ever see anything interesting (usually people scoring goals, kids laughing at parties... but also unusual sightings LOL) you can actually have a chance of capturing it on video in HD.

And no - I've never ever seen a real high quality HD video despite the millions of HD cameras...

As for this - it's a nice set of IR shots, but realistically it is likely to be bunny rabbits, foxes or perhaps foxes chasing bunny rabbits... the video only serves to show that you can capture living objects at night and they show up because of their body heat. I cannot for the life of me understand what else the video shows or proves.

Go get your Flip HD Cameras please.

posted on Aug, 7 2009 @ 01:56 AM
reply to post by askbaby

Geez, I can't believe I didn't even think about IR. DUH. Yes, animals will show up as white dots, poles and such. A deer at about 200 yards away looks like 4 poles going across the field and they bounce in turns.

I use to watch them on my IR sight when I was on tanks in the army. And if they go behind an object, or where the grass doesn't come up, they disappear, because the heat doesn't go through them etc.

Anyone know the time between frames?

posted on Aug, 7 2009 @ 03:07 AM
reply to post by easynow

That entity looked like a badger to me and moved like one,the other clips here are interesting.

I do believe in some of these circles being made by either nature or alien,but that entity clip was clearly(imo)a black and white animal

Not too sure on the time lapse field shot,it looks promising

For the record Im not here to debunk,I have seen a few UFOs in the past and only last week I saw a chopper flying at low level at high speed chasing a bright white orb in front of it as it crossed in front of my line of vision as I was driving a mate home late at night

Having seen an orb with my own eyes I can now say there out there and not all vids are CGI hoaxes

Great thread OP

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