reply to post by IDK88
Haha, now I really know you dont truely know the workings of this world. Shall I enlighten you?
It all begins a long time ago with the Genesis Story, The Fall of mankind, Adam & Eve and the Tree of Knowlege / Good and Evil.
Whilst in the Garden of Eden, we did not feel pain, did not die and so on. However, when we ate from the tree of G&E "their eyes were opened and they
knew they were naked." Ok?
Firstly, it is true God has given us free will. The ability to choose. We chose to eat the Apple.
To come to this reality of Good and Evil. "and knew they were naked" suggests we were not naked before, the term naked represents our involvement
with this new 3D reality of hot and cold, happiness and sadness. We chose to come here, to yes you guessed it, to gain KNOWLEDGE.
"and you will know what it is to be Gods". We, in this reality, chose what actions we take, good or bad. It is the perfect balance of Good and Evil
that allows us completely free choice, for example, we are not sure that God exists, nobody is. Whoever says they are, are lying. There is only
evidence for and against. For if God made it so that we knew he existed, we could not choose to not believe in Him.
So to say that maybe I am fallen and am in a my friend are o so wrong. I fell by choice, by desire. We were made in God's image yes, but we
are to grow to his likeness. "'Let us make man in our image, after our likeness" And to grow to his likeness means to experience life, learn, grow
and become the same as his nature, not just of the same appearance.
We all have lessons to learn, things to avoid, but here, we are Gods, we choose what we involve ourselves in.
However, keeping in with the theme of Balance. of Good and Evil etc. Our autonomy is also counter balanced by hard determinism. And it is that aspect
of our life that God has chosen for us "O Lord, You search me and You know me; you know when I sit and when I stand, you understand my thoughts from
afar….behind and before you encircle me and rest your hand upon me….You formed my inmost being, you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I
praise you that I wonderfully and fearfully made….even my bones were not hidden from you as I made and fashioned in secret….Your eyes foresaw all
my actions and all my days were written in your book before one of them ever came to be. "
So God provides the life lessons, we choose what to do with them.
Any questions?
And no, I am not a Christian, I use the Bible and many other world faiths as GUIDES. They are afterall, the ponderings of many many intelligent
people. Take from them the "kernel of truth" - Bertrand Russell and impress upon that what you will.