reply to post by xmotex
"a smidgen of believable evidence"
Well let's see here, the COLB has proven to be forgery already. Instead of rehashing details that have been thoroughly revealed, I'll just post a
link to the analysis itself.
This way you can't accuse me of cherry picking parts of the document to pick on as The whole document is a proven forgery. I believe this
qualifies as more than just " a smidgen of believable evidence". Unless you can show why the analysis is fraudulent or mistaken.
BTW, Hawaiian COLB's are also given for births ABROAD, Birth's OUTSIDE of hospitals, and Birth's with NO official witness's. Did you even know
that? So even if proven real, the COLB would still be useless since 3 of 4 ways to obtain one require no proof of birth within the state. BTW, this is
the very same reason it would not be accepted as proof of birth in any court.
So all you really have on your side is the word of a Hawaii state official, Obama's own word (LOL), and the word of his mother. All three of whom
have a compelling interest to lie about Obama's birthplace.
Hawaiian state officials have a compelling interest not to piss off a senator and possible future POTUS. They also have a compelling interest to lie
in order to hide the fact that they did indeed help doctor a COLB or assisted by claiming they saw the real certificate.
Obama's mother had a compelling interest to lie about Obama's birthplace in order to get him a US citizenship. Since she herself would not be able
to transfer her US citizenship to him, if he was born out of country.
Obama himself obviously has a compelling interest to lie about his place of birth. If he is indeed foreign born, he could not be President. Due to his
mother being unable to transfer her citizenship to him.
On my side, we have Mister Obamas refusal to reveal his Long-form Birth Certificate. Attainable in as quick as he can sign a form and return it to
Hawaii. And a thoroughly exhaustive analysis of the COLB, proving it a fake.
Words are words, and people with compelling reasons to lie cannot be trusted. The only real proof is an authentic long-form BC.
As much as you seem to enjoy Obama hiding a piece of his past, that very same action only reinforces that he was not born in America. It also
reinforces arguments and theories that he has illegally usurped the Office of the POTUS.
So you can go ahead and jaw on about him being a US citizen without any proof. It's all for naught until you can actually prove it.
P.S. You have no right or basis trying to tell me what I know. As you did in the quote below.
The COLB, as Hawaii's official birth record, would constitute "proof" of his birthplace in any court in the United States, and you know it.