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The faked Kenyan birth certificate

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posted on Aug, 3 2009 @ 07:59 PM
A poster named GLDNGUN may be on to something.

He posted THIS as the potential template used. Although it is from Australia, there are MANY similarities. ( names, numbers, dates.) It is from a family ancestry site.

Kudos to GLDNGUN if this cracks the case.

(This was on the other 'Birther' thread.)

Thanks Southern Guardian for a GREAT thread and your infinite insight. I am a huge fan.

[edit on 3-8-2009 by kinda kurious]

posted on Aug, 3 2009 @ 08:04 PM

Originally posted by kinda kurious
A poster named GLDNGUN may be on to something.

He posted THIS as the potential template used. Although it is from Australia, there are MANY similarities. ( names, numbers, dates.) It is from a family ancestry site.

Kudos to GLDNGUN if this cracks the case.

(This was on the other 'Birther' thread.)

Thanks Southern Guardian for a GREAT thread and your infinite insight. I am a huge fan.

[edit on 3-8-2009 by kinda kurious]

Excelent find.

This definately puts a new twist to things, is it common for the 2 countries to use almost identical BC's?


Kenyan BC:

Signature of Registrar: EF Lavender
District Registrar: M.H Miller

Austrailian BC:

Signature of Registrar: G.F Lavender
District Registrar: J.H Miller

That seems a little to coincidental to me.

Good job GLDNGUN

[edit on 8/3/2009 by Uniceft17]

[edit on 8/3/2009 by Uniceft17]

posted on Aug, 3 2009 @ 08:07 PM

Originally posted by Evisscerator

Originally posted by EYEOFEAGLE
reply to post by Southern Guardian


Prove that it is a fake!!!!!!!!!!! And prove that it is a LIE!


The truth has been set free and it is only a matter of time until he is removed from office and charged with treason, that is if any of this makes it to court before someone in support of Obama buys off who ever to make this hard core evidence go away.

Watching closely,

Eye of Eagle

I'm with ya on this one. The OP of this thread is a disinformation specialist. Yes, he gets his point across by using counter points to the other thread on the matter, however, he has no credibility with "his OPINION". He needs to remember that Opinions are like iceholes, everyone has one. His i no more or less important than anyone elses. And just because he thinks HE is right does not make it so.

Let the Powers that Be make the ultimate decision on this if they have the balls to do so. Otherwise, all the complaining about Obama's birth certificate won't resolve any issue on the matter. If WND has the balls to prove it, then we have something to hang Obama out to dry with if it gets into the mainstream press.

2ND line
Brother Evisscerator

posted on Aug, 3 2009 @ 08:09 PM
I feel like every time I come on to ATS I lose even more faith in humanity. The amount of ignorance, lies and stupidity is depressing. I just wish these birthers and neo-cons would start their own website so we can have the good old ATS back. If this movement keeps up ATS might as well change their name to, it's getting ridiculous. You guys are being played like a flute and aren't smart enough to realize it.

posted on Aug, 3 2009 @ 08:16 PM
reply to post by Southern Guardian

Looks like you're right, SG.


posted on Aug, 3 2009 @ 08:18 PM
It would be hard to prove a document is real or forgery even if all the information is correct. If the discrepancies you point out are correct, then someone created a fake document. It's to be expected, on one hand Obama spent $960,000 to prevent releasing his real birth certificate, and on the other hand I would expect the same amount of effort in the other direction.

posted on Aug, 3 2009 @ 08:31 PM

Originally posted by Dbriefed
It would be hard to prove a document is real or forgery even if all the information is correct. If the discrepancies you point out are correct, then someone created a fake document. It's to be expected, on one hand Obama spent $960,000 to prevent releasing his real birth certificate, and on the other hand I would expect the same amount of effort in the other direction.

If this makes it court and Obama is ordered by the courts to release his original long form vault copy birth certificate that will open the door right there and the judge will order him to release his college records as well. If he is lying, he will get caught! And he will go to jail!!!!!!!!!

If he is not lying, the birthers will drop this argument and go to the SELECTIVE SERVICE REGISTRATION CARD that is suposedly fake as well.

Are you freakin Obama bots starting to see the pattern here. He has told so many lies and backpeddeled on so many promises I don't believe he is aware of true reality.

Imagine for a minute, any one of you were the POTUS. You had a few small children, and your fellow Americans were talking about you like this.


I especially want an answer from you Southern Guardian.


Eye of Eagle

posted on Aug, 3 2009 @ 08:38 PM
This thing is basically over, finished and done with now. Hasta la vista, sianara, see you later, good bye, stick a fork in it, have a nice day, don't let the door hit you on the way out.

Don't know how GLDNGN found this site but this is definitely not a counter attack to the Obama Kenya BC where birthers can call this one a fake. This is from an ancestory site which wasn't put up just to discredit the birther movement. It's been up for a number of years now.

[edit on 3-8-2009 by truthtothemasses]

posted on Aug, 3 2009 @ 08:48 PM
reply to post by Uniceft17

Also worthy of note, the Australian ancestry site was created in 2005
according to a WHO IS check:


Seems to discount a potential plant, distraction or red herring.

(I redacted address info as per T&C.)

[edit on 3-8-2009 by kinda kurious]

posted on Aug, 3 2009 @ 08:53 PM
Just in case the birthers are still clinging to this I will post this as if you haven't seen enough

Read it and weep birthers

Either this was a plant to discredit the whole movement as utterly foolish, as is it's leader what a nut job that need meds.
OR whoever did this doesn't think the people would investigate this and figure it out.

Either way the birthers lose huge.

The birthers have turned into the 9/11 truth people that think holograms crashed into WTC

posted on Aug, 3 2009 @ 09:08 PM
well its good ol' southern gguardian posting someone elses opinion. and it's completely wrong.
why dont you get a job,standing on a corner,handing out the (nyuk nyuk) daily (snicker) kos?

please refute this you maroon...

Well, it was very nice of you to ditifully copy the DailyKos talking points without question like a good and obedient Obamatron. Your master is pleased.

Originally posted by XyZeR
Haha these birthers are even more thick then i could imagine...

First, the hospital is Coast Provincial General Hospital (sometimes said to be Coast Province General Hospital), not Coast General Hospital.

So which is it? Oh, you mean it was known by more than 1 name? Just NOT the name you don't want it to be known by, right? Just how many "Coast General Hospitals" were there in Mombassa in the early 1960s? Is it so hard to believe that whoever typed the document simply typed in "Coast General Hospital"? Is that what it's know as? Evidently...

"These volunteers from Egypt, the Philippines, the United Kingdom, and the United States worked with a Kenyan medical team at Coast General Hospital."

Second, Kenya was a Dominion the date this certificate was allegedly issued and would not become a republic for 8 months.

Kenya declared its Independence from Great Britain in 1963 and evidently started to call itself "The Republic of Kenya"...unless the writer of this newspaper article from 1963 was a prophet and called it "Republic of Kenya" before Kenya came up with that.

Third, Mombasa belonged to Zanzibar when Obama was born, not Kenya.

Sorry, but this document was made in 1964 and Kenya was the controlling authority.

"Mombasa officially belonged to Zanzibar from 1895 to 1963 when it was ceded to the newly independent Kenya".

Fourth, Obama's father's village would be nearer to Nairobi, not Mombasa.

Uh, so??? Obama's father was Muslim and likely Arab as well as being African. Kenya is predominately Christian, but the Coast Province, where Mombasa is at, is majority Muslim. As a coastal trading center, Mombassa would have better facilities than Nairobi where Obama Sr. probably had little or no ties.

Fifth, the number 47O44-- 47 is Obama's age when he became president, followed by the letter O (not a zero) followed by 44--he is the 44th president.

Uh huh. Pick a number. Any number. And I'll tie it to Obama or anyone else you'd like. Go ahead. Make my day.

Sixth, EF Lavender is a laundry detergent.

WRONG. "Earth Friendly Lavender" is a detergent, NOT "EF Lavender". If this document were as weak as you claim, you wouldn't have to stretch the truth would you?


Oh, dear, there's somebody in THIS document named EF Lavender. He's even a clerk! Boy, those detergent guys are such pranksters!

Seventh, would a nation with a large number of Muslims actually say "Christian name" (as opposed to name) on the birth certificate?

First, as it says here:

"The term Christian name is often used as a general synonym for given name".

Secondly, "According to the most recent Kenyan Demographic and Health Survey,1 which presents statistics for a nationally representative sample of women between the ages of 15 and 49 and men between 15 and 54, approximately 88.5% of the population is Christian." And it was even a HIGHER % of Christians (and fewer Muslims) the farther you back to 1963.

Eigth, his father (born in 1961) would have been 24 or 25 when he was born and not 26.

Fact is, the exact birth date isn't known for Obama Sr.

Ninth, it was called the "Central Nyanza District," not Nyanza Province. The regions were changed to provinces in 1970.

Really? Here's a little Kenyan education for you. Provinces and districts are 2 different things. Provinces in Kenya are made up of many districts. For you (or whoever you copied this from) to say something as stupid as this would be like to say "it was called Santa Clara County", not "State of California" on someone's birth certificate.

Fact is, they WERE called provinces in 1964.

"This is a scanned version of the paper map entitled: Kenya produced in 1964 by the Survey of Kenya. The map represents the boundaries of Kenya as well as provincial boundaries".

From Columbia U:

The BO BC from Kenya may well yet be proven a fake, but you haven't even come close to proving it. Everyone of your debunking efforts has gone down in flames.
THIS WAS POSTED BY GLDNGUN IN THE ORIGINAL THREAD. looks like he actually researched it. unlike the OP on this thread!!!!!!

[edit on 3-8-2009 by Spectre0o0]

posted on Aug, 3 2009 @ 09:51 PM
wrong thread.

[edit on 8/3/2009 by Uniceft17]

posted on Aug, 3 2009 @ 09:58 PM

Originally posted by DraconianKing
I feel like every time I come on to ATS I lose even more faith in humanity. The amount of ignorance, lies and stupidity is depressing. I just wish these birthers and neo-cons would start their own website so we can have the good old ATS back. If this movement keeps up ATS might as well change their name to, it's getting ridiculous. You guys are being played like a flute and aren't smart enough to realize it.

Very well said, I don't think I could have said it better myself.

To the birthers, I say, show me the birth certificate of a single ex-president. I doubt you could. Why has your movement set the bar so high for the half black, vaguely Muslim guy?

But - I can't ask that question! How dare I insinuate that their movement is fueled by either hate or ignorance, or perhaps a combination of both? Disregard that White Nationalist forums were the breeding grounds of this 'movement'.

You folks are sore losers. Face it, Obama is the President. And as much as I'm sure many of the birther types would like to see him impeached and tried for sedition, it's simply not going to happen. I'll bet my life on it.

The Secret Service has quite a job on it's hands protecting this president. There sure are a lot of nuts out there.

posted on Aug, 3 2009 @ 10:52 PM
I don’t know if this is true but supposedly Obama has spent near 1 million dollars in legal fees keeping his Hawaii Birth Certificate from being shown.

What is he hiding?

I wouldn’t spend 1 dollar of my money. I’m proud that I was born in the USA.

Pardon me while I whip this out…

posted on Aug, 3 2009 @ 11:47 PM

Originally posted by HunkaHunka

Originally posted by jd140
reply to post by HunkaHunka

Fox does have a point. As a matter of fact many on ATS including myself have said the same thing.

Hold a news conferance, take the original BC with him and present it to the public and this will all go away, except of course for a very small radical few who need their conspiracies.

I wouldn't necessarly say its like blaming a woman for being raped. It's more like a woman saying she was raped and refusing to show any evidence except for a picture of a man just standing there smiling for the camera.

But OBAMA didn't cause this. He didn't start the birthers movement. Provided exactly the same documents that every candidate must present.

Therefore, even though you feel he could stop the movement, he's hardly to BLAME for the movement.

Sure he didn't cause the small extremists at the beginning, but he has caused the the movement to grow larger and larger. Which in turn is making it more difficult to contain. News stations are having to cover it and soldiers are walking away because of it.

The more he ignores the subject the bigger it will get. This can easily be brought back down to the small group of crazies that started this whole mess if he would just take the advice of the ones in the middle and just show the damn thing at a news conferance.

Until then you will have three groups.

1. Birthers.

2 Condoms(someone suggested this be the name of those who accept what has been shown as his BC and I like it)

3. Commonsensers.- Those who say show the damn thing live and be done with it.

posted on Aug, 3 2009 @ 11:50 PM
Info on the Aussie BC used for the scam.
[QUOTE]It was a scanned image of a "Certified Copy of Registration of Birth" dated in 1964 for a David Jeffrey Bomford on a genealogy website for the Bomford family.[/QUOTE]

posted on Aug, 4 2009 @ 12:05 AM
Oh my god, Who the hell cares, "hes born in Kenya, or the USA!" Its like ATS is a broken record replaying the same old crap re-wrapped in a shiny package.

90 percent of the threads on here are made just so the people making them can feel like they have friends. Some of the threads on here have more spin than Bill O'Reilly. Most of the replies are simply idiotic. It is as if the posters do not fully read the articles, they just reply to stir up trouble or to feel important. As for the 10 percent of serious, investigative members, how and why do you put up with it?

By the way, Moderators is there anyway you can put a stupid filter on the forums, just to sift out the thoughtless idiots?

posted on Aug, 4 2009 @ 12:08 AM
reply to post by Monger
Yes I completely agree with everything you and Draconianking said, I just went berserk seeing another junk thread on this forum as you can see above

posted on Aug, 4 2009 @ 12:18 AM

Originally posted by Evisscerator
The OP of this thread is a disinformation specialist.

Oh stop it.... your making me blush...

It doesnt help your fight against "the powers to be" in disputing my case that the birth certificate was a fraud.

Defending the fake birth certificate while running your mouth off about "the powers to be". Right.... a real truth fighter over here.

posted on Aug, 4 2009 @ 12:32 AM

Originally posted by oneclickaway
Neither is anyone. You just don’t get it.
Ok you are bringing up totally different assertions now.

Assetions? right.... and I suppose his an Australian citizen as well?

This is an Australian birth certificate which appears to have been used to create the ‘Kenyan one. Note that both have Book 44B page 5733 as the location of the actual birth certificate. One has Lavender the other one Levender. 44047 which so many saw as a clever joke is number 2 on the other one. But the overlap is stunning. It is clear that this certificate served as the template for the Kenyan on. For those who want to argue otherwise, the same document was found on the server in 2006 and is archived by the Wayback Machine.

(better get to the drawing boards quick.... I'd say go with the story that Mrs Dunham was actually Australian herself, not an american citizen)

1) The kenyan BC has not been authenticated.

Absolutely correct. Nobody is saying it has been.

And yet you continue to defend the contents of the fake birth certificate. Interesting. If only you folks would have been half as critical as you were with Obamas verified Hawaiian short form.

I don’t suppose experts in Kenyan history have yet bothered to look at it.

Yes, Im sure if they had a look at the original unmodified version they would find it to be Australian.

Nobody at this stage knows whether this certificate is fake or real

And yet here you are, getting all defensive over the accusation that its a fake.... amazing aint it? Its like the Bush apologists you know? The ones who dont dispute he was a horrible president who waged his corporate war of oil... but yet they waste no time to express how "hard" he got it whenever they can, and thats all the say.

Right! move along now, dead fake Kenyan birth certificate.


[edit on 4-8-2009 by Southern Guardian]

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