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The SHTF Turning Point Quietly Happened, Last Week – Have you been Paying Attention?

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posted on Aug, 2 2009 @ 11:15 PM
I work in the restaurant industry. I've worked for the same company for 3 years now - a corporate chain. I can emphatically tell you that people definitely believe that the economy is doing better - a year ago, our restaurant was empty, people weren't going out to eat for lunch. If they went out, they went out once a week, instead of multiple times. Friends in other restaurants basically said the same thing. Sure, a couple places in our area closed, but not many. Most struggled through. Now? We're busy again, I'm selling amounts that are similar to two years ago, and my friends are too.

Admittedly, there have been company changes, special cheaper things introduced.. But I'm still seeing a lot of $50-100 checks I wasn't seeing a year ago, and a *lot* more people..

It's sort of a unique perspective, but restaurants are really a better indicator that the stock market of how people feel about money, because it's the first thing people cut out when they're feeling the pinch.. They stay home, make their own food and drinks.. When they're feeling rich? they go back to the movies, to eating out, etc. So people are definitely not paying attention to anything but the mainstream media.

Great thread, OP, very informative.

posted on Aug, 2 2009 @ 11:21 PM
If you people don't believe that the NWO is pulling the strings behind all this then you all are blind. For a long time now everyone on ATS has been saying that a New Global Currency will soon appear, well take a look at whats happening. It won't be long before we hear the news of a new Global Currency taking affect.

Alien Mind

posted on Aug, 2 2009 @ 11:22 PM

Originally posted by RankRancid
Now my tips for you as a 3rd worlder is plant carrots,tomato's and po-ta-toes. Make a chicken pen and start fending for yourselves. It's a simple life but a nice one.

I already have! I also have some of your African Guinea fowl and some of your Krugerrands! My food is stockpiled, mortgage is paid up for several months, backup water supply is in place.... Look at the Survival Forum. I am not alone!

posted on Aug, 2 2009 @ 11:29 PM

Originally posted by questioningall
Very interesting Video - seems China is encouraging their people to purchase silver for investments!!!

Wow - imagine what that could do to the prices - if they listen!

Good post OP - there are a few of us who are concertedly following these isues.

One thing I would like to bring to your attention that you didn't mention.

THere is a recent youtube clip of Alan Grayson grilling Ben Bernanke regarding $500 billion sent to foreign central Banks.

Bernanke has a 'deer in the headlamps' manner throughout Graysons well thought out questioning. While I would say nothing that Bernanke says is true - there are two key lies.

Firstly he says the $500 billion is a curency swap - it appears that this is false, and the $500 billion was supplied to foreign central banks so they could act as proxies for the Fed and purchase treasuries.

The fact that the central banks knew this is reflected in the instant impact on the US dollar index. The Fed buying treasuries is pure inflation - and the dollar index responded immediately. To me, these two events prove fairly convincingly that the $500 bil WAS in fact for that purposse.

Regarding SILVER.

China has a long history with silver - being the basis of its ancient curency (not gold) - people should also become aware of as couple of things regarding silver.

1) There is les bullion silver available than gold. Historically silver was 20 times or more plentiful than gold - industrial consuption has made silver rarer than gold.

2) The current silver price is 1/70th of gold - compare this to 5,000 yrs or more of a historical ratio of about 1/20th.

3) The investment banks are REDUCING their overall short position on silver compared to gold - even though they have way more silver shorts than gold. This indicates NO METAL!!!

4) Excpect silver to default on COMEX within 1 or 2 years - and the price to multiply by at least 10 times. Of course - it could default next month ..

CHina is giving excellent advice to its citizens.

[edit on 2-8-2009 by Amagnon]

posted on Aug, 2 2009 @ 11:31 PM
reply to post by Narciso

The coin is very real. It was struck and several were passed out as gifts at the last G8 meeting by Russia's President Dmitry Medvedev." target="_blank" class="postlink">Medvedev sees single currency dream in G8 coin gift

posted on Aug, 2 2009 @ 11:36 PM

Originally posted by Lookingup
reply to post by Narciso

The coin is very real. It was struck and several were passed out as gifts at the last G8 meeting by Russia's President Dmitry Medvedev." target="_blank" class="postlink">Medvedev sees single currency dream in G8 coin gift

Thats exactly what i have been trying to say to people. That this is the NWOs plan to create a Global Currency. Don't be stocked with you hear about it taking affect.

posted on Aug, 2 2009 @ 11:43 PM
I just wanted to say I agree with others who say,
where have you been?

I'm kidding with ya, please dont hate me!

No seriously, thanks gobs for this info!
Its like you watch out for us 24/7 on here and I
appreciate it very much, questioningall!
I have enjoyed and valued your participation all
the way back to the good ol' YS days!

Operation monetary meltdown proceeding as planned....
They are bound and determined to make the nwo a reality,
whether it takes war, disease and/or famine.
May take several more years though to play out.

Oh ya I think its all planned. We have lessons to learn.
The worst thing I see about all of it, is we should be contracting, saving
and consolidating our wealth instead of borrowing and expanding our debt.
We think continuing this pattern of excess is status quo!!!
Was going to start a thread called the United States of Contraction,
but whats the use.
People want their mortgaged mcmansions filled and surrounded with
junk bought on credit, and they want it all now because they deserve it!

Pure craziness and it doesnt take an economic guru to see that!
The awake already are and the unawake must not care to be.

posted on Aug, 3 2009 @ 12:20 AM
This might be why the fed does not want to be audited and explains Bernanke's explanation to the congress. If we find out the fed is the biggest buyer of U.S. debt then this could cause a problem with the bond market. Am I correct in saying this? I know very little about the bond and treasury markets.

posted on Aug, 3 2009 @ 12:25 AM

Originally posted by pavil
reply to post by questioningall

Oh, you're reading it correctly. 2+2 stills equals 4. Commodities can only drop when there is less demand. There can only be less demand if there are less people. The most effective method of genocide would be _________.

I never have seen the future quite so clearly. The real trick how to make us take those darn shots.......hmmmm......

[edit on 2-8-2009 by pavil]

[edit on 3-8-2009 by Asktheanimals]

[edit on 3-8-2009 by Asktheanimals]

[edit on 3-8-2009 by Asktheanimals]

posted on Aug, 3 2009 @ 12:27 AM

Originally posted by Asktheanimals

Originally posted by pavil
reply to post by questioningall

Oh, you're reading it correctly. 2+2 stills equals 4. Commodities can only drop when there is less demand. There can only be less demand if there are less people. The most effective method of genocide would be _________.

I never have seen the future quite so clearly. The real trick how to make us take those darn shots.......hmmmm......

[edit on 2-8-2009 by pavil]

[edit on 3-8-2009 by Asktheanimals]

[edit on 3-8-2009 by Asktheanimals]

[edit on 3-8-2009 by Asktheanimals]

posted on Aug, 3 2009 @ 12:29 AM

Originally posted by cloakndagger
This might be why the fed does not want to be audited and explains Bernanke's explanation to the congress. If we find out the fed is the biggest buyer of U.S. debt then this could cause a problem with the bond market. Am I correct in saying this? I know very little about the bond and treasury markets.

I think the fed shouldn't be audited by congress because congress obviously isn't the institution we need determining the right way out of this...

posted on Aug, 3 2009 @ 12:42 AM
reply to post by questioningall

The revenue is not comming in as expected due to the economic slowdown, which drags for much longer than anyone would like. So the Treasury will keep hustling the buck.

There were folks who got concerned about the subprime practices like in the end of 2006; they saw the sh-t 2 o'clock heading the direction where the fan was rumored to turn. So, there is a chance that things get upset by the large deficit, and with the right confluence, something not good at all can ambush us once again.

posted on Aug, 3 2009 @ 12:43 AM
Katherine Austin Fitts (ex HUD executive) is on C2C right now and she backs up the OP's opinion entirely. If I had anything in the dollar (401k) I would get it out asap.

I do believe the health care plan can be the final straw. A congressman was laughed off the podium when he said the plan could create a surplus.

One of Treasury's reps was laughed at by an audience in China when he stated that the dollar was strong.

I'm off to buy my prayer rug now while I can still afford one.

posted on Aug, 3 2009 @ 12:47 AM
reply to post by questioningall


Many countries are NO LONGER accepting the U.S. dollar in the countries - Now that is shocking - IMO - it also says A LOT!!

What countries no longer accept USD?


posted on Aug, 3 2009 @ 12:53 AM


posted on Aug, 3 2009 @ 01:00 AM
Possibly china didn't buy and someother group bought in. Possibly seeing the beginning of a more shadowy client. The true puppet masters pulling the strings behind the curtain? Interresting post OP.

posted on Aug, 3 2009 @ 01:13 AM
Great post OP! I pose a question,

1. Could this possibly be the reason that the FED forced the TARP money on some of the banks, ie Chase, Bank of America, etc? All these banks could act like shell corporations.

I apologize if this was previously asked but it is late. I pray you guys are wrong, but it doesn't appear that way through all the posts, charts, and explanations. I am not an economically savvy guy, so breaking it down with the big ol purple crayon has helped in a lot of ways.

I have said countless times that I think the majority of the country just doesn't have the will, conviction, or patriotism to stand up and say/do anything about what the government is doing, but could a move toward one global currency do it? I think much of this country is getting ready to say enough is enough with this health care bill that is quickly making it's way through very quickly, and well over half the country does not want. Could the health care bill be the wolf in sheeps clothing we think it is and be the proverbial straw that breaks our backs and throws us into the worst depression we have ever seen?

posted on Aug, 3 2009 @ 01:38 AM

Originally posted by yellowcard
....the Fed does NOT auction Treasuries, the Treasury auctions Treasuries.

Right , the Fed buys 'em

With all eyes on the 7yr auction, Thursday's POMO disappeared under the radar.

Outright coupon pass , aka: monetization.

Fed Buys $6.496 Billion of Treasuries in Coupon Pass

FX sniffed-out the rat in the Thursday's 7yr...hauled Bucky to the woodshed on Friday.

Gold may surprise to the upside this month.

posted on Aug, 3 2009 @ 01:39 AM
I have to say that I have never paid attention to the markets and the news more than I have in the last 2 years. I don't invest in the market. I have never believed it was any better than taking your money to the casino and taking your chances there.

This situation has been brewing IMO for the last 28 years. I belived Ronald Reagan was a good President. I know many don't. I believe using the credit card at that time was necessary to defeat the USSR. But once that was done fiscal responsibility should have been returned. Bush Sr. started another war because Saddam got fed up with his Arab Neighbors and US backers who encouraged him to take on Iran and funded him and armed him while they sat back and took no risk. They then proceeded to back out on helping him repay his massive war debt as promised. Kuwait was heavily involved in this. Read a book called "Spider's Web" can't remember the author off hand.

War was big money for American companies who were using cutouts to make big profits. This led to economic growth and wealth explosion. However it also saddled the government with massive debt.

Clinton reigned in the spending and managed to turn surpluses but also needed a little skirmish to keep the masters happy.

Then Bush comes in and decides to start 2 wars(1 was deserved) and expand the government, massive tax cuts, huge health care spending and the list goes on. He piles on the debt and allows the banking industry to get totally out of control with outright fraud. If you or I tried to go out and sell pieces of paper saying we won't default on our credit cards or mortgages and accepted cash for those pieces of paper. We would be charged with fraud. But the saying "Too Big To Fail" is because the gov't wouldn't let them fail when they should have.

Obama really hasn't had any choice but to throw the entire kitchen sink at it as there is nothing left.

I know that I will at least be able to figure out the window for when the SHTF and it is near I'm afraid. The collapse to our friends to the South will have very severe consequences for us up here. I've started buying food that doesn't need water and has a long shelf life and water. I'm aiming for a 3-5 month supply while I have a job. I'm safe as I work for Transit. But in this day and age nothing is for sure.

To get a little off topic, to me this all seems to tie in to 2012 and a possible Cataclysm. Maybe they couldn't control the situation as long as they had hoped and are using this to hide trillions of dollars in preparedness spending. To me this crisis and everything since and including 911 just seem so orchestrated. I believe they are trying to keep us distracted and kill a few of us off in the world with wars and mystery viruses that just seem to pop up while a company applied for a similar virus vaccine as this mysterious one 2 years ago?

It's all too manipulated but the collapse is geared to keep us distracted and hide trillions in spending.

Another thing that should send shivers down most peoples spines is???? They haven't even started to address the slight problem of the QUADRILLION or so in complex securities and such still waiting to be assesed a value? Not to mention as another poster above did is that their creative "accounting" if you can call it that has hid that fact that bank safety nets can't bail out the banks if they actually sold off the foreclosed homes they owned as they would have to acknowledge the loss they took on the inflated mortgage they now own and the house would sell for considerable less considering the housing market.

I believe credit card companies are next then the commercial real estate market as businesses are closing all over the places and inflated prices to due the boom mean banks are also holding a lot of bad commercial real estate debt and the US gov't doesn't have that kind of money anymore. I don't think anyone else in the world would buy that debt.

I also think you could see trade move back 200 years if SHTF real bad. Countries that could manage would just start over wipe the slate clean issue a new currency and start to only produce and trade inside their borders until things can recover. Countries like mine might make it others might not. Wars could get global and that scares me too. Desperate people do desperate things.


posted on Aug, 3 2009 @ 01:46 AM

Originally posted by silo13
reply to post by questioningall


Many countries are NO LONGER accepting the U.S. dollar in the countries - Now that is shocking - IMO - it also says A LOT!!

What countries no longer accept USD?


Almost 18 months ago the swiss simply would not exchange it at exchange bureau's, this has spread right through Europe - they hate it and tell you to go and pull money out at the ATM -

Just to repeat - this entire thread has been discussed ad nauseum not sure why everyone is so interested in what has been on the front page of every newspaper for 8 months now - if the MSM has been talking about treasuries sales problems for so long and you guys are shocked to see it on ATS then you really need to get out more -

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